Which principle of learning encourages trainees to engage with one another and exchange ideas?

Research has demonstrated that engaging students in the learning process increases their attention and focus and motivates them to engage in higher-level critical thinking. Instructors who adopt a student-centered approach to instruction increase opportunities for student engagement, which then helps everyone more successfully achieve the course’s learning objectives.

Promoting student engagement through active learning

Active learning is an instructional approach in which students actively participate in the learning process, as opposed to sitting quietly and listening. Strategies include, but are not limited to, question-and-answer sessions, discussion, interactive lecture (in which students respond to or ask questions), quick writing assignments, hands-on activities, and experiential learning. As you think of integrating active learning strategies into your course, consider ways to set clear expectations, design effective evaluation strategies, and provide helpful feedback.


Flipping the classroom

A pedagogy-first approach to teaching in which in-class time is re-purposed for inquiry, application and assessment in order to better meet the needs of the individual learners.


Leading dynamic discussions

While “good” discussions can be a powerful tool for encouraging student learning, successful discussions rarely happen spontaneously. Preparing ahead of time will help you delineate a clear focus for the discussion and set well-defined parameters. This will enable the class to address important topics from multiple perspectives, thus increasing students’ curiosity for, and engagement with, course content.


Responding to disruptions in the classroom

Passionate disagreement can become disrespectful. That’s when discussion sheds more heat than light, impairing the ability to make arguments based on fact or to listen past preconceptions.


Student Writing

As an instructor, you might work with student writing in a number of ways: short-answer exams, essays, journals, blog posts, research assignments and so on.  You may also take your students through the writing process by assigning drafts, encouraging peer response through structured or informal exercises, and using writing to facilitate active learning.

Large lecture instruction

Large classes (100+ students) should not be limited exclusively to lecture-based teaching. In a large class, participation can be designed to get students actively solving problems, interacting with one another and the instructor, and processing course material.


Office hours

Office hours give students the opportunity to ask in-depth questions and to explore points of confusion or interest that cannot be fully addressed in class.  It is important for UW instructors to encourage their students to come to office hours and to use that time effectively.  We have two guides to help you: Face-to-face office hours and Virtual office hours.


Service-learning refers to learning that actively involves students in a wide range of experiences, which often benefit others and the community, while also advancing the goals of a given curriculum.


Corporate training has changed a lot over the last several years. But perhaps the most significant change is a move away from the traditional employee-trainer model.

Instead of a single trainer in front of a room, lecturing employees and passing along a steady stream of facts and figures, most training programs have adapted to take advantage of something known as collaborative learning

While the employee-trainer dynamic can still be helpful in some situations, collaborative learning strategies offer advantages that other learning models can’t match.

But what exactly is collaborative learning, and how can you incorporate it into your professional development programs?

What is Collaborative Learning?

Collaborative learning is a general term that serves as a catch-all for a range of instructional approaches that include learners' or trainees' and instructors' shared intellectual work. Learners usually operate in groups of two or more, looking together for understanding, answers, or producing a product. While there are many different types of collaborative learning activities, the majority focus on learners' examination or implementation of the training materials rather than just the instructor's presentation or interpretation of it.

Collaborative learning in the organization

Collaborative learning can take many forms, including large groups, one-on-one peer learning experiences, and models that involve varying levels of trainer engagement. 

Trainers in collaborative learning are not so much sharing knowledge as they are acting as guides for learning, using their knowledge and expertise to help shepherd employees through the process of absorbing and using new skills.

Collaborative learning goals and evaluation

In traditional training methodologies, trainers would, for the most part, prepare training in the form of PowerPoints. Employees would take notes and ask questions to clarify specific concepts or discover how to deploy the information in particular situations. 

Learning collaboratively is still focused on transmitting information, but instead of treating knowledge as an end in itself, the goal is to learn how to use this training in a practical context.

While trainees will still likely take notes, the primary goal of collaborative learning is to work together to complete specific tasks, solve complex problems, or gain a practical grasp of an underlying concept.

While many collaborative learning sessions will still involve some form of testing, this evaluation is not the focal point of the training. Instead, the primary learning tool is communication within each group, resulting in more active learning than the “passive” learning associated with lectures.

Benefits of collaborative learning

Building collaborative learning into your workforce can bring many benefits to your organization and your employees. 

In contrast to the trainer-employee model, which focused primarily on training and instilling skills one subject at a time, collaborative learning strategies emphasize the process of learning, creating a long-term drive for self-improvement that also serves the best interests of the company.

1. Improves communication abilities

One of the key elements in collaborative learning is communicating, both in terms of speaking and listening. Employees can build their public speaking abilities within the group and while the group presents their ideas to an audience. 

But just as importantly, they develop their active listening skills. Rather than simply taking in information, learners start to synthesize that data to build and create new ideas and challenge viewpoints in a productive way.

2. Promotes critical thinking and creativity

Because collaborative learning relies so heavily on interpersonal communication, trainees quickly develop critical thinking skills. They not only need to understand the problem that has been laid out before them, but they also need to be able to evaluate the contributions made by everyone on the team.

This process also helps to build creativity. As employees learn from one another, new ideas can begin to spark, often springing from suggestions offered by others in the group. 

When you create a judgment-free environment that embraces these ideas, employee creativity will skyrocket.

3. Emphasizes a cooperative mindset

Not all team members are comfortable working in a collaborative environment. This can be true for any number of reasons. Shyness, a lack of confidence, or arrogance can all be impediments to establishing a cooperative mindset.

With collaborative learning, even the most reluctant team member can find themselves diving into the work, focused on finding a solution to the problem in front of them. 

No one is suggesting that collaborative learning can work miracles. Some employees may continue resisting a cooperative process. But even for these employees, collaborative learning can reveal shortcomings and help you make the right staffing decisions. 

4. Builds an open mindset

Perhaps best of all, collaborative learning encourages employees to open their minds to alternative points of view. Each team member brings their own worldview and their own experiences to the table. Through collaboration, learners get to know each other and better understand how different viewpoints can each be valid.

Collaborative learning also introduces a number of benefits for organizations.

5. Establishes stronger relationships between departments

Collaborative learning strategies can help to prevent organizations from siloing departments or individuals, especially when strategies involve mixing different teams. 

This intra-departmental communication can make your work much easier since everyone will be more familiar with each other and better able to communicate.

6. Builds stronger knowledge and skills

One of the key benefits of collaborative learning is its effectiveness in building your company’s skills and knowledge bases. 

By instilling a cooperative mindset, learning never really stops, and peers will continue to share their knowledge and ideas with each other over the course of their time with your company. That kind of collaboration can only make your organization stronger. 

7. Improves employee retention and engagement

Companies frequently cite a lack of employee engagement as a reason for turnover. With collaborative learning, employees are not just encouraged to be engaged—it’s a prime requirement. Active learning can draw the attention of even the most disengaged employees.

As employees become more actively engaged in their work and training, they’re much more likely to remain with the company. Not only do they feel more connected to their work, but these training efforts send the message that the company is committed to the employee’s future. That can go a long way toward raising your retention rates.

If you’re interested in learning more about collaborative learning, take a closer look at our online learning platform that can help you build a professional development program that will leverage collaborative learning strategies to enhance your company’s training outcomes.

8. Helps to develop leadership skills

The best companies are constantly looking for the next leaders to take over roles within their organizations. Collaborative learning provides an excellent way to develop executive presence skills. 

While learning groups are meant to be collaborative, each person takes on a shared leadership role. This experience can prove to be invaluable down the line, especially as individual employees grow as leaders.

Collaborative learning strategies for trainers

There are several ways to incorporate collaborative learning strategies into your workplace, from structured professional development to everyday experiences. 

There’s a good chance that you’re currently using some of these strategies already—but viewing them through the lens of collaborative learning can help you make these practices even more effective.

1. The buddy system

One of the easiest ways to build collaborative learning into your workplace is to pair up new employees with workers who have been with the company for a longer time. Often referred to as mentoring, this buddy system should be seen as more than a one-way street. 

While much of the value of pairing off employees flows from the more experienced partner, there’s a lot of value to be had from the other direction, as well. 

By mentoring a new employee, an established worker reinforces their knowledge in a given process. Even more valuable, when the trainee asks questions, it can lead to improvements in how work gets done, potentially identifying inefficiencies and redundancies in existing systems. 

2. Mix and match your teams

When it comes to training your employees, it’s easy for companies to keep the same teams together throughout the entire training process. While these teams may work well together, you will lose some of the benefits of collaborative learning if you don’t mix your teams up from time to time.

You can create specific training modules that are intended to bring groups from different teams and departments together, especially when those groups typically don’t work together. 

These exercises work best when you give the team a specific training goal or objective, like creating a new product or designing a strategy to reach a new market. Then, establish a plan, set clear parameters like a time limit, and let the team work together to find a solution.

After the teams have finished, each team presents its work, including an overview of the process they used to arrive at their final product. 

Evaluating these results should include discussions about the end result and the process of working together, what they discovered, and how they might approach a similar problem in the future.

3. Objective-oriented training

Any time you come across a specific need, whether it’s bringing a new product to consumers, entering a new market, or devising a more affordable mode of production, you can leverage collaborative learning to make the process more effective.

By creating a group that is focused on achieving a single objective, you can encourage team members to work collaboratively to solve the problem laid before them. In addition, these teams can marshal their relevant skills, using each contributor’s strengths, skills, and knowledge to ideally come to a solution that reflects the entire team’s best work.

You can then have the team present its results, allowing members to explain their product or process. Again, this is a great chance to offer constructive feedback that they can use to refine their ideas further. 

This process can continue as long as you feel it is necessary. The results you’re likely to see from this process are typically much stronger than those produced in isolation.

4. Teams training teams

Bringing collaborative learning strategies into your workplace practices can make ongoing learning a major focus of your organization. 

One simple yet effective way to help this process is to have different teams or departments within your company train other groups on what they do.

These sessions — which can range from formal presentations to brown bag lunches — allow teams to share their roles with the rest of the company. 

For many employees, their range of knowledge is focused on their own functions and responsibilities. By sharing their experience with other departments, each employee can help to present a deeper understanding of the way that all team members contribute to the company’s success.

These sessions should include a question-and-answer component, as well. This gives other departments the chance to gain clarity on each person’s role and allows the speakers to provide insight on ways to solve issues that may involve their area of expertise.

5. Collaborative learning communities

While mixing teams up from time to time is always a good idea, it can also be useful to establish learning communities within your company. 

It’s best to think of these communities as groups of employees that are all around the same level of experience. They should usually be comprised of around three to five people that will work together throughout their time at the company, training together and building bonds that will help to facilitate future communication and collaboration.

These collaborative learning communities may take many forms. Some groups may hit it off, carrying their relationships beyond the training room and into the social arena. 

Working together, these groups can develop a kind of shorthand, which can lead to especially effective peer training relationships, with each member actively contributing to the group.

Of course, you can also adjust groups as needed, based on what you’re observing over time. For example, some groups don’t click, while others may need extra members when employees leave for other opportunities. 

The goal for these groups is to enhance collaborative learning, so know that you can make whatever adjustments you need to in order to achieve that objective.

Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development

While several theories have led to the development of collaborative learning, Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development is probably the most important—and certainly the most applicable to corporate training.

According to Vygotsky’s theory, each person exists in two different zones, defined by what they can do and can’t. So, for instance, playing the piano might lie in something you can do, but winning a chess game against a grandmaster is something that you probably are not capable of. 

The critical part of Vygotsky’s theory is a third zone, which exists in between the two other zones. This third zone, known as the zone of proximal development, contains skills that you may be able to learn but that you can’t master on your own.

To learn these skills, you need guidance and encouragement from someone more knowledgeable, who can give the learner the help they need to master a skill. 

Bringing peers together to learn from each other can often be a much more effective way to train employees — especially when it comes to retention.

Every person on a team brings a unique, diverse set of skills, knowledge, and experiences, including skills and knowledge gaps that need to be filled. 

By bringing learners together, peers can learn from each other, sharing their knowledge and perspectives through open, respectful communication.

The role of the trainer in these situations is to be a facilitator. While they are available to provide their insights into a topic, their main goal is to help employees discover answers for themselves, usually in the context of an applied situation or problem. 

This allows trainees to build their knowledge organically, making them more likely to retain information long after the training program.

Choose a collaborative learning platform that works

The easiest way to incorporate collaborative learning in your organization is through a modern learning platform like Continu. Unlike legacy learning platforms, Continu provides admins or L&D professionals the solutions they need to connect learners together.


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