Which design principle refers to units that are opposite creates variety and stimulates interest a contrast B repetition C alternation D progression?

A continuous mark made on a surface by a moving point; it may be flat (pencil line) or three-dimensional (a rod, groove, ridge, etc.) Line may be explicit - a line painted along the edge of the road - or implied by the edge of a shape or form. Lines are used to outline (diagrammatic or contour lines), create shading and show form (structural lines, hatching and cross-hatching), decorate, express emotion, and direct the viewer's eye. Lines can be categorized as horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curved, and zigzag.

Lines can be hard, sharp, straight, geometric; they can be organic, smooth, soft, flowing, loopy, wavy.

Lines can remain a constant thickness (descriptive, analytical, objective, showing little of the action used to create them) or vary in thickness along their length (flowing, calligraphic, lyrical, showing emphasis and something of the gesture used to make them).

Expressive, gestural lines shout the force, speed and emotion put into their making. They swoop, slash, scar, skip, skid, stutter, sing, whisper, drip, bleed, splash across the surface. Lines that are sketchy and unsure express uncertainty and weakness, and are generally less pleasing. More confident lines left to build up as the artist attempts to capture her subject can display character, process of investigation, and interest.

Lines can loop closed around a shape and have no end-points (outline), or at the ends they can be flared, frayed, splayed, rounded, tapered, or cut off at any angle.

Lines divide the space and volume they are in. At the same time, they can unite and tie elements together.

See more.

Chose the letter of the correct answer. 1.this principle of design is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, texture and space. A. Movement B. Emphasis C. Pattern D.Balance
2.this principle of design cut system viewers attention usually the artist will make one area stand out by contrasting it with other areas. A. Movement B. Emphasis C.repetition D.Balance 3.this principle of design is the path the viewers eye takes through the work of art, often the focal areas. A. Movement B. Repetition C.unity D. Emphasis 4.this principle of design is the repeating of an object or symbol all over the work of art.
A.Balance B.Emphasis C.Repetition D.pattern 5.this principle of design make the work of art seem active. The replication of elements of design creates unity within the work of art. A.Repetition B.variety C.proportion 6.this principle of design is the feeling of harmony between all parts of the work of art which creates a sense of completeness. A. Balance B.repetition C.rhythm D.unity
7.this principle of design uses several elements of design to hold the viewer's attention and to guide the viewer's eye through and around work of art. A variety B.proportion C.movement D.unity 8.this principle of design is feeling of unity created when all parts [sizes, amounts, or number] relate well with each other. It can refer to the size of the head in relationship to the rest of the body. A.proportion B.emphasis C.rhythm D.variety.
9.the path of a moving point left by a tool. A.line B.color C.texture D.value​


sana makatulong











The arrangement of shapes, lines and ornamental effects to create an artistic whole is known as:

What are the 3 levels of observation ?

The 3 dimensional representation of shape is called:

The outline or silhouette of an object is known as:

When all units are identical except for position, the design principle is known as:

When 2 or more units are repeated in sequential repetition, this design principle is better known as:

Which design principle refers to units that are opposite, creates variety and stimulates interest?

A state of equilibrium between contrasting, opposite or interacting elements in the design

What type of balance is created when weight is positioned unequally from center axis?

What’s the standard proportion between the head and body of a woman , that just artist use?

3 sectioning is an effective way to measure the proportions of the:

What describes the term profile?

An outline of the face from the side

Straight, convex and concave are terms used in design that refer to which of the following?

Adding volume to the fringe area and forehead will visually shrink the length of the nose in which profile?

A dominant, protruding forehead and chin with a small nose are characteristics of a:

Which of the following is true regarding design decisions about clients who wear glasses ?

Select large glasses for a large face

Wearing a coordinated outfit would fall into which of the following style categories?

A casual and comfortable clothing style may also be described as:

Which design principle refers to units that are opposite creates variety and stimulates interest?

Chap 8.

Which design principle refers to units that are opposite creates variety and stimulates interest select one a contrast B repetition C alternation D progression?

Progression. Which design principle refers to units that are opposite , creates variety and stimulates interest. Contrast. Balance in a design is identified by. A state of equilibrium between contrasting , opposite or interacting elements in the design.

What type of balance is created when the way is positioned unequally from a center axis?

Asymmetrical balance. Asymmetrical balance results from unequal visual weight on each side of the composition. One side of the composition might contain a dominant element, which could be balanced by a couple or more lesser focal points on the other side.

What is elongated and angular face shape?

People with rectangular faces have elongated angular lines with equally wide cheekbones, forehead, and jawline.


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