Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?

Texture refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel if it were touched.  Texture is one of the seven elements of art.  Understanding it fully will lead to stronger drawings and paintings.  .

Texture - element of art that refers to the way an object feels to the touch or looks as it may feel.

3-D Texture - refers to the way an object feels to the touch 2-D Texture- refers to the way an object looks as it may feel

Visual texture - the illusion of a 3-D surface Simulated- imitate real textures

Invented - 2-D patterns created by the repetition of lines of shapes

Rough textures - reflect light unevenly

Smooth textures - reflect light evenly

Matte - surface that reflects a soft, dull light.  Shiny surfaces are the opposite of matte.

Impasto - a painting technique in which the paint is built up on the surface to create a texture

When drawing or painting texture, it is important to pay close attention to the values - they reveal the illusion of texture.


Line is the path of a point moving through space.

Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?

Shape / Form

Shape implies spatial form and is usually perceived as two-dimensional. Form has depth, length, and width and resides in space. It is perceived as three-dimensional.

Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?


Colors all come from the three primaries and black and white. They have three properties – hue, value, and intensity.

Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?


Value refers to relative lightness and darkness and is perceived in terms of varying levels of contrast.

Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?


Texture refers to the tactile qualities of a surface (actual) or to the visual representation of such surface qualities (implied).

Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?

Space / Perspective

Space refers to the area in which art is organized. Perspective is representing a volume of space or a 3-dimensional object on a flat surface.

Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?
Which art element pertains to the actual or simulated tactile qualities of a surface?

Just another EGUSD Blogging Central site

What technique did Italian Renaissance artists use to create light/dark Gradiations that form the illusion of objects in space?

chiaroscuro, (from Italian chiaro, “light,” and scuro, “dark”), technique employed in the visual arts to represent light and shadow as they define three-dimensional objects.

What formal elements are hue value and intensity properties of?

Color An element of art made up of three properties: hue, value, and intensity. Intensity: quality of brightness and purity (high intensity= color is strong and bright; low intensity= color is faint and dull) Texture An element of art that refers to the way things feel, or look as if they might feel if touched.

Which term refers to colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel such as orange yellowish orange and yellow?

An analogous color scheme is made up of colors next to each other on the wheel. For example, red, orange, and yellow are analogous colors. Monochromatic colors are different shades of the same color. For example, light blue, indigo, and cyan blue.

Which term refers to colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel such as orange?

Analogous colors are adjacent to or near each other on the color wheel. Together, they look aesthetically pleasing and produce a calming effect, as opposed to the intensity of complementary colors.