Wie wird der winter 2022 2022


Winter 2022

Volume 20, Number 1

Read about how civil society offers an alternative to corporate models of data giving, how active listening techniques can improve relationships with stakeholders, why equity must be central to any collective impact effort, how science can become more democratic and equitable through community-driven initiatives, and other topics in the Winter 2022 issue of Stanford Social Innovation Review.

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Philanthropy & Funding

The Looming Fight Over How We Give Our Data

By & Brigitte Pawliw-Fry

We face a choice between two models for donating data: one governed by corporations and one determined by grassroots civic action. The winner will decide how much control we have over our digital information.


Deep Listening

By Emily Kasriel 2

Developing active listening techniques is essential to creating understanding and the authentic relationships necessary for social change.


Centering Equity in Collective Impact

By John Kania, Junious Williams, Paul Schmitz, Sheri Brady, Mark Kramer & Jennifer Splansky Juster 2

A decade of applying the collective impact approach to address social problems has taught us that equity is central to the work.


The Promise of Community-Driven Science

By Louise Lief

A new generation of scientists and community activists is committed to making science more democratic and equitable.

What’s Next


Cleaning Up the Nile

By Marianne Dhenin

With the dual goal of protecting the vital waterway and supporting communities that depend on it, the Cairo-based, youth-led organization VeryNile is partnering with local fishers and crafters to collect, recycle, and upcycle plastic waste.


She Should Run

By Priti Salian

Indian nonprofit Femme First Foundation aims to increase women’s political representation in the country.


Going to Church for Health Care

By Victoria A. Brownworth

A Philadelphia-based health initiative has delivered COVID-19 testing and vaccinations to hundreds of thousands of people in underserved communities.

Design Thinking

Fresh Water From Light

By Agostino Petroni 1

A young architect is tackling water scarcity with a household desalination device.

Field Report

Economic Development

Restoring Communal Lands

By Caira Conner

Sustainable pine resin producer Ejido Verde uses an adaptive reforestation model to replenish supply and meet demand.


Sharing to Save the Planet

By Julie Zeilinger

Civic science platform ISeeChange mobilizes communities to take action on climate change.

Case Study

Nonprofits & NGOs

National Geographic Reinvents Itself

By Amanda M. Fairbanks

The National Geographic Society began as a Victorian-era institution of white gentlemen explorers dedicated to understanding the globe. To better reflect the world and thrive in the 21st century, it has diversified its leadership, transformed its internal culture, and created a media juggernaut.



Preventing the Next Pandemic

By Mark Smolinski

Governments, academia, civil society, philanthropists, and the private sector must jointly take five priority actions to stop the global spread of disease.

Philanthropy & Funding

The Promise of Outcomes Funds

By Jared Lee

Efforts at improving global education too often fail to have the desired impact. Outcomes funds can help shift funders and policy makers toward the most effective approaches.

Philanthropy & Funding

Endow Black-Led Nonprofits

By William Foster & Darren Isom 3

Endowments are often lacking for social change nonprofits—even more so for Black-led organizations. By closing this gap, we could radically transform how we confront society’s most pressing issues.
Open-access to this article made possible by The Bridgespan Group.



Growing Locally and Deeply

By Daniela Blei

Social enterprises do more for communities by eschewing the Silicon Valley model.


The Great Disrupter of Disadvantage

By Daniela Blei 1

Education stops intergenerational transmission of disadvantages, Danish administrative data shows.


Punished for Pro-Social Work

By Chana R. Schoenberger

Employees who volunteer for social impact work may see careers harmed by sexist biases.


The Unintended Impact of Diversity Awards

By Chana R. Schoenberger

Targeted scholarships may draw underrepresented groups away from more lucrative funding.

Book Reviews



Justice Without Violence

Reviewed By Aida Mariam Davis

Arguing that police reform is impossible, Derecka Purnell charts an alternative path to building safer communities and a more just world.



Getting to Zero

Reviewed By Auden Schendler

Authors Michael Lenox and Rebecca Duff call for disruptive innovations and radical reconfiguration of industries to decarbonize the planet by 2050.



Embrace the Process

Reviewed By Alex Counts 3

Cynthia Rayner and François Bonnici recommend that organizations seeking systems change focus less on outcomes and more on principles and practice.

Editor’s Note


Collective Impact 2.0

By Eric Nee

Authors of a seminal article on collective impact explore what it means to put equity at the center of the practice and how that changes the collective impact process itself.

SSIR Online


SSIR Online, Winter 2022 Issue

By SSIR Editors

A collection of standout pieces published online about impact accounting, intersectional storytelling, NGO endgames, universal basic income in South Korea, and a social enterprise supporting coffee growers in Central America.

Last Look

Human Rights

A Perilous Crossing

By Marcie Bianco

The tens of thousands of Haitians who have migrated through Central and South America since 2010 have captured the attention of the media, immigration officials, and human rights advocates.


Centering Disability

There Is No Justice That Neglects Disability

By US Rep. Ayanna Pressley & Rebecca Cokley

Achieving diversity, equity, and inclusion means putting disability justice in every policy discussion and making it part of the continuing struggle for civil rights.

Time for Philanthropy to Confront Ableism

By Sandy Ho & Jen Bokoff 3

If philanthropy is to build a more just and equal society, it must combat ableism in its own institutions and practices.

Climate Change, Environmental Activism, and Disability

By Valerie Novack & Daphne Frias

People with disabilities are on the front lines of the climate crisis. Efforts to address the crisis must include them.

The COVID-19 Effect

By Richard E. Besser & Ryan Easterly

The pandemic has demonstrated that disability inclusion in philanthropy is more crucial than ever.

Advancing an Inclusive Workplace

By Jenny Lay-Flurrie 1

Empowering people with disabilities at work advances social inclusion and is good for business. Digital accessibility is essential to efforts at Microsoft to create opportunities for disabled talent.

Shrewd Awakening

By Avichai Scher

After many years of excluding the disability community, philanthropy is starting to make changes. The Ford Foundation’s awakening on disability inclusion offers a model for the rest of the sector.

Participatory Grantmaking Is Your Future

By Nikki Brown-Booker

Funders must abandon top-down, one-sided funding approaches in favor of partnerships with the disability community.

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Wie wird der nächste Winter 2022?

Der Winter 2022/23 soll nach dem aktuellen Langfristtrend der US-Wetterbehörde rund 1 bis 2 Grad wärmer ausfallen als das neue Klimamittel der Jahre 1991 bis 2020. Damit würde der kommende Winter im Bereich der wärmsten Winter seit Beginn der Wetteraufzeichnungen landen und das war immerhin schon im Jahr 1881.

Wie wird der Winter 2022 Deutschland?

Winterprognose 2022/23 Deutschland – Beginnen wir mit dem europäischen Wettermodell. Dieses sagt einen normalen Winter mit Temperaturen von null bis 1 Grad von November bis Januar voraus. Für den Februar berechnet es eine positive Abweichung zwischen 0,5 und 1 Grad.

Wie lange bleibt es warm 2022?

Nur an der Küste wird mit angenehmen Werten um maximal 25 Grad gerechnet. Hitzig und trocken könnte es sogar bis zur Mitte August in den meisten Teilen von Deutschland bleiben.

Wie wird Sommerwetter 2022?

Der Temperaturdurchschnitt lag im Sommer 2022 nach vorläufigen Berechnungen des DWD mit 19,2 Grad Celsius ( °C ) um 2,9 Grad über dem Wert der international gültigen Referenzperiode 1961 bis 1990. Im Vergleich zur aktuellen und wärmeren Vergleichsperiode 1991 bis 2020 betrug die Abweichung +1,6 Grad.


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