Which psychologist proposed that people progress through a series of moral reasoning stages quizlet?



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  1. Social Science
  2. Psychology
  3. Developmental Psychology

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Terms in this set (50)

The term __________ refers to the automatic and sequential process of development that results from genetic signals.


Which of the following is examples would Lawrence Kohlberg most likely use in his study of moral reasoning?
A. A woman who kills a man because she has evidence he is a serial killer
B. A group of bandits that robs a train
C. A student who skips school to avoid taking a test
D. A man who slanders a neighbor he does not like


__________ development is concerned with how people's thought processes change and evolve over time.


Which of the following best illustrates ego-centrism?
A. A child sits in front of the television and blocks the view of other people.
B. A child believes that stars twinkle because they are happy.
C. A child thinks that a giant made the rocky mountains.
D. A child shares her dessert with a friend.


According to Kohlberg, at what level of moral reasoning does a person evaluate an action in terms of how it conforms to society's standards of right and wrong?


What marks the psychological end of adolescence?

adult responsibilities

Current research suggests that behavior of adolescents is most affected by __________ and __________ influences.

cultural and social

__________ differences in patterns of friendship that appear during adolescence continue into adulthood.


How does drinking negatively affect adolescents?

connected with poor grades and car accidents

Clear __________ and __________ goals seem to help adolescents steer away from delinquent behavior.

educational and vocational

Becoming independent from __________ authority is a key developmental goal of most adult young men.


Young adulthood covers a span of about twenty years between the ages of __________ and __________.

20 and 40

Women find themselves reassessing life in their 30s when they begin thinking about the __________ changes that lie ahead.


The development of an __________ is important because it brings the stability needed to form lasting relationships.


Psychologist Erik Erikson said that people who fail to develop intimate relationships are more likely to fall into a pattern of __________ and __________.

isolation and loneliness

Pain relief for terminally ill people is a controversial issue because the __________ nature of the drugs may have little meaning to someone who is going to die soon.


A __________ is a document instructing that artificial life-support systems not be used when there is no hope for recovery.

living will

A family can best support a terminally ill member by doing what is needed to make the family member feel __________ and __________.

cared for and supported

The fetal stage begins at __________ weeks.


During a child's development, some reflexes disappear, some reflexes remain, and others are brought under __________ control.


At birth, most infants' __________ is much better developed than their eyesight.


Menopause is caused by a decrease in the hormones __________ and __________.

estrogen and progesterone

Both men and women generally experience a __________ decline in their middle adulthood.


__________ psychologists study how people grow and change throughout the life span.


__________ causes an infant to cry if his or her mother or primary caregiver leaves.

separation anxiety

Adolescents value __________ as a key aspect of friendship, which is demonstrated through sticking up for one another.


A distorted __________ is common among people with anorexia nervosa.

body image

Alcohol, cigarettes, and marijuana are examples of __________ drugs.


Theories which suggest that aging results from internal body changes or environmental factors such as toxins and chemicals rather than genetics are called __________ theories.

cellular damage

__________, or senility, occurs after the age of 65.

senile dementia

Feelings of __________ describes the emotional ties that form between people.


In a __________ parenting style parents believe in obedience for its own sake.


__________ is the process by which some animals form immediate attachments during a critical period.


__________ is the instinctual need to touch and be touched by something soft.

contact comfort

According to behaviorists, the strongest influence on human development is the __________.


__________ is the period of developmental changes that lead to the ability to reproduce.


An adolescent __________ usually begins at about age 10 or 11 for girls and age 12 or 13 for boys.

growth spurt

An example of a secondary sex characteristic in __________ is the deepening of the voice.


__________ refers to the long period of transition between childhood and adulthood.


The hormone __________ causes boys voices to deepen.


Feeling resolved about occupational directions and major life questions is a result of __________.

identity achievements

Erik Erikson believed that the journey of life consists of __________ stages.


__________ adolescents often express concern over how to balance work and family life.


A delay in making commitments about important questions is a result of __________.

identity moratorium

Piaget believed the __________ stage involved the ability to think abstractly.


__________ dementia is often caused by the bursting of a blood vessel in the brain.


Ego integrity is the belief that life is meaningful and worthwhile even with __________ limitations.


Dementia is the serious loss of __________ functioning.


The midlife transition is a period in middle adulthood when people's __________ change in a major way.


__________ is the ability to create, originate, and produce.


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Match the term below with its correct definition. meditation A. breathing interruption that occurs during sleep B. the inability to sleep C. drug that increases the activity of the nervous system D. drug that slows the activity of the nervous system E. a system that provides information about something happening in the body F. sleep stage characterized by irregular breathing increased blood pressure, and faster heart rate G. method some people use to try to narrow their consciousness so that stresses of the outside world fade away H. a state of consciousness in which a person's sense of self or sense of the world changes I. awareness of things inside and outside ourselves J. the removal of a harmful substance from the body K. after a person takes a drug for a while, the body craves it to feel normal L. a feeling of great happiness or well-being

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Which psychologist proposed that people progress through a series of moral reasoning stages?

Kohlberg believed...and was able to demonstrate through studies...that people progressed in their moral reasoning (i.e., in their bases for ethical behavior) through a series of stages. He believed that there were six identifiable stages which could be more generally classified into three levels.

Which theorist proposed that people progress through a series of moral reasoning stages quizlet?

Lawrence Kohlberg proposed a stage theory of moral reasoning, from a preconventional morality of self-interest, to a conventional morality of universal ethical principles.

Who believed that moral development follows a series of stages?

Kohlberg believed that moral development, like cognitive development, follows a series of stages.

What is Piaget's theory of infant development?

Piaget believed that newborn babies have a small number of innate schemas - even before they have had many opportunities to experience the world. These neonatal schemas are the cognitive structures underlying innate reflexes. These reflexes are genetically programmed into us.