Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organisational structure?

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organisational structure?

(A) Open communication(B) High level of specialization(C) Low level of standardization(D) Cooperation(E) Unstable external environment

Which of the following is not a characteristic of an organisational structure?

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8.Which one of the following isnota characteristic of the simple structure?A.Close coordinationB.Unsophisticated information systemsC.Few rulesD.Limited task specialisation

9.Functional structures work best for firms with:

10.The functional structure allows for effective:

11.Which one of the following isnota benefit of the M-form structure?

which simplifies the problem of control.B.It allows for functional specialisation, thereby facilitating active sharing of knowledgewithin each functional area.C.It stimulates managers of poorly performing divisions to look for ways of improvingperformance.D.It facilitates comparisons between divisions, improving the resource allocation process.12.Regarding the lack of inherent superiority of one organisational structure over others, Peter Druckernoted that:A.a firm must select the simplest structureB.multi-divisional structures address the needs of diversificationC.functional line managers are placed in dominant organisational areas, which improvesorganisational performanceD.it is important to select the organisation for the particular task and mission at hand

13.The different forms of the functional organisational structure can be accounted for by threedimensions:

14.Firms implementing a low-cost strategy should use a ________ structure.

15.Successful implementation of the differentiation strategy requires that:

16.The integrated low-cost/differentiation strategy is difficult to implement mostly because:A.the strategic and tactical actions required to implement the low-cost and differentiationstrategies are not the sameB.this strategic approach demands more flexibility than most firms can manageC.it is difficult to balance the structural emphasis between the two strategiesD.the low-cost strategy requires less structured job roles than does the differentiationstrategy

Which of the following is not a characteristic of organizational?

The correct answer is A) attention to detail.

What are the characteristics of an organizational structure?

Basic Characteristics of Organizational Structure..
Hierarchy of Authority..
Span of Control..
Line vs Staff Positions..
Functional Structure..
Advantage: efficiency, communication..
Disadvantage: isolation of units..

Which of the following is not an organisational structure?

Expert-Verified Answer Line organization, Functional organization and Line and staff organization are all a type of organization structure. However, flexible organization is not a type of organization structure and hence is the correct option.

Which of the following is not a characteristic of flat organisational structure?

1. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of a flat organizational structure? Relatively few layers of management.