Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Persuasion can be defined as
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a process aimed at changing a person's attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a change in behavior or belief as a result of real or imagined group pressure.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a process aimed at decreasing influence.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a change in behavior or belief as a result of a direct order from someone.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Persuasion research has shown that, due to similarity, a person will be more persuaded by
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
someone who is like them.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
someone who is dissimilar to them.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
someone who is taller than they are.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
someone who is shorter than they are.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

When people are presented with information and they are naturally analytical or the information is highly involving, they are likely to be persuaded via the ________________ route to persuasion. When people are not engaged with the information, or they tend to make snap judgments, they are more likely to be persuaded via the _______________ route.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
peripheral; central
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
elaborative; peripheral
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
central; peripheral
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
central; elaborative
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Which route to persuasion is more likely to produce lasting change?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
The elaborative route to persuasion.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
The peripheral route to persuasion.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
The implicit route to persuasion.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
The central route to persuasion.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Regarding one of the elements of persuasion, credibility pertains to
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the financial status of the message communicator.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
whether or not the message communicator is viewed as being an expert and someone who can be trusted.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
who will hear the message.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
how the message is communicated.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Which of the following is not one of the four elements of persuasion, originally described by Karl Hovland, and used today in persuasion research?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the sender of the communication.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the recipient of the communication.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the content of the communication.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the location of the communication.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

What are the "two steps" in the two-step flow of communication?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
First, persuade opinion leaders, who will then influence their friends, colleagues, and family members.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
First, persuade friends, colleagues, and family members, who will then influence opinion leaders.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
First, persuade grass-roots movements, who will then influence politicians.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
First, make information "flow downhill," and then make information "flow uphill."
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Persuasion research about the audience who receives the persuasive message has focused on what two aspects?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the weight of the person and minimizing the thought of the person.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the gullibility of the person and their level of intelligence.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the suggestibility of the person and their financial status.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the age of the person and stimulating the thoughts of the person.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Which of the following is more likely to be persuasive?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a positively framed message.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a happiness-producing message.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a fear-arousing message.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a message conveyed by an attractive communicator.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

The most effective fear-arousing message is one that
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
offers a solution to deal with the problem.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
bombards the person with fear.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
inoculates the person with fear.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
does not offer a solution to deal with the problem.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

What is one technique that can be used to resist persuasion by others?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
resistance cohesion.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
attitude inoculation.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
attitude infestation.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
resistance tolerance.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Who was a pioneer in the field of attitude inoculation research?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
William McGuire
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Stanley Milgram
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Solomon Ashe
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Robert Fuller
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

One criticism of the studies on why people join cults is that those studies are subject to
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
self-identity factors.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the overconfidence effect.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the self-fulfilling prophecy.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the hindsight bias.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Cults are also referred to as
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
new religious movements.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
alternative new outgrowth.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
factional truth believers.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
true-way organizations.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Regarding persuasion of children, advertisers
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
do not focus on children because children do not have money to buy products.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
do not focus on children because children are more savvy to advertising ploys compared to adults.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
focus on children because children are relatively easy to persuade and children can convince their parents to buy a product.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
focus on children as a challenge because they are difficult to persuade.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Initially, cults persuade prospective members to join the cult by inviting a person to dinner, then weekend retreats, and then use stronger methods of persuasion. This is similar to the
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
open-the-door technique.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the foot-in-the-door technique.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the low-ball technique.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
the low-high technique.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Persuasion by others seems to work best when a person's attitude about something is
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
fixed from the beginning.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
weak to begin with.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
firm to begin with.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
initially constant.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Analytical people who enjoy thinking carefully, show
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a high need to belong.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a low need for cognition.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a low need for object mastery.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
a high need for cognition.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Which of the following is most likely to be the least persuasive?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A message from someone attractive.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A message that appears to be designed to change our attitude.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A message that arouses strong emotions.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A message from a credible expert.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?

Which message is more likely to be persuasive?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A tape recorded message on an audiocassette, delivered by mail, and heard on a tape recorder.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A verbal message delivered directly from a person to another person in a face-to-face setting.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A videotaped message delivered in the mail, and viewed on TV.
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
Which of the following circumstances would most likely lead to the peripheral route to persuasion?
A hand-written message delivered by mail and read at home.

Which of the following is an example of the peripheral route to persuasion?

Instead of focusing on the facts and a product's quality, the peripheral route relies on association with positive characteristics such as positive emotions and celebrity endorsement. For example, having a popular athlete advertise athletic shoes is a common method used to encourage young adults to purchase the shoes.

What is the peripheral route to persuasion quizlet?

The peripheral route to persuasion occurs when the listener decides whether to agree with the message based on other cues besides the strength of the arguments or ideas in the message. For example, a listener may decide to agree with a message because the source appears to be an expert, or is attractive.

Under which condition are you likely to follow the peripheral route to persuasion quizlet?

The peripheral route is used when the attractiveness, prestige, length of argument of communication is important, though careful processing is not necessary, for it does not need effortful cognitive functioning. One's attitude will change during the process of peripheral route based on the persuasion cues.

Which of these is an example of the peripheral route to persuasion quizlet?

Example of Peripheral Route Persuasion? after reading a political debate you may decide to vote for a candidate because you like the sound of the person's voice, or the person went to the same university as you did.