When a patient has gastroenteritis what type of sound is heard during auscultation?

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Auscultation for the character of the bowel sounds may reveal evidence of hyperactive or underactive bowels.

Bowel Sounds

  • How to Assess

  • Auscultate the abdomen for bowel sounds. First listen in one quadrant and if an abnormality is discovered then listen in each of the three other quadrants.

In order to be sure that bowel sounds are absent, it is important to listen for at least five minutes.

  • Interpretation

  • Gurgling sounds: movement of gas and fluid via peristalsisNormal
  • Borborygmi: loud rumbling sounds due to movement of air within the gutNormal
  • Hypoactive: diminished or absent bowel soundsPeritonitis, proximal obstruction, ileus, ischaemia
  • Hyperactive: extremely increased bowel soundsGastroenteritis, laxatives, IBD, bowel obstruction
  • Hollow, high pitched tinkles: similar to rain on a tin roof, due to liquid and gas under pressure within dilated gutCharacteristic of small bowel obstruction

Succussion Splash

In patients with gastric outlet obstruction, a succussion splash will be heard on percussion of the abdomen due to excessive fluid in the stomach.

  • How to Elicit

  • Auscultate the abdomen while rapidly tapping over the epigastrium, listening for a splashing sound.

  • Causes of Succussion Splash

  • Peptic ulcer
  • Ingestion of caustic chemicals
  • Pancreatitis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Gastric polyp
  • Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
  • Bezoar
  • Cancer - gastric, pancreatic, bile duct
  • Hydropneumothorax

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Which type of sound will be heard during auscultation when a patient has gastroenteritis?

Bowel sounds may be increased in individuals with gastroenteritis and diarrhea. Tinkling bowel sounds may be heard in individuals with bowel obstruction. Decreased or absent bowel sounds may occur in individuals with peritonitis, internal organ injury, and paralytic ileus.

What is the rationale for performing auscultation of the abdomen prior to palpation?

Auscultating before the percussion and palpation of the abdomen ensures that the examiner is listening to undisturbed bowel sounds. In addition, if the patient is complaining of pain, leaving the palpation until last allows the examiner to gather other data before potentially causing the patient more discomfort.

Why does the nurse begin Auscultating the abdomen in the right lower quadrant?

Always begin in the right lower quadrant because this is the location of the ileocecal valve, which is a muscular sphincter that allows contents to move from the ileum of the small intestine to the cecum of the large intestine. Figure 5.4: Pattern of auscultation.

Which action would the nurse perform first when assessing a patient abdomen?

The physical examination of the patient begins with inspection. Unique to the sequence of the abdomen, the abdomen is then auscultated, percussed and finally, palpated.