What is the market situation exist when there are many buyers and many sellers?

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What is defined as an entity which makes product, good or services available to buyer or consumer in exchange of monetary consideration?

A. Seller

B. Manufacturer

C. Producer

D. Buyer or consumer


What is a market situation whereby there is only one buyer of an item for which there is no goods substitute?

A. Monopsony

B. Monopoly

C. Oligopoly

D. Oligopsony


What market situation exists where there are few sellers and few buyers?

A. Oligopoly

B. Oligopsony

C. Bilateral oligopoly

D. Bilateral Oligopsony


What market situation exists where there is only one buyer and only one seller?

A. Monopsony

B. Monopoly

C. Bilateral monopsony

D. Bilateral monopoly


What is the market situation exist when there are many buyers and many sellers?

A. Perfect competition

B. Oligopoly

C. Oligopsony

D. Monopoly


If there is only one seller and many buyers, the market situation is

A. Duopsony

B. Oligopoly

C. Oligopsony

D. Monopoly


If there are many sellers and few buyers, the market situation is

A. Duopsony

B. Oligopoly

C. Oligopsony

D. Monopoly


Oligopoly exists when there is/are:

A. Few sellers and few buyers

B. Few sellers and many buyers

C. Many sellers and few buyers

D. One seller and few buyers


Duopsony is a market situation where there is/are:

A. Few sellers and few buyers

B. Few sellers and many buyers

C. Many sellers and few buyers

D. One seller and few buyers


Duopoly is a market situation where there is/are:

A. Few sellers and few buyers

B. Few sellers and many buyers

C. Many sellers and few buyers

D. One seller and few buyers


What is another term for “perfect competition”?

A. Atomistic competition

B. No-limit competition

C. Free-for-all competition

D. Heterogeneous market


What refers to the market situation in which any given product is supplied by a very large number of vendors and there is no restriction against additional vendors from entering the market?

A. Perfect competition

B. Oligopoly

C. Oligopsony

D. Monopoly


Aside from many sellers and many buyers, which one is a characteristic of perfect competition?

A. Homogeneous product

B. Free market entry and exit

C. Perfect information and absence of all economic friction

D. All of the above


What is the opposite of perfect competition

A. Monopsony

B. Oligopoly

C. Oligopsony

D. Monopoly


Perfect monopoly exists only if

A. the single vendor can prevent the entry of all other vendors in the market

B. the single vendor gets the absolute franchise of the product

C. the single vendor is the only one who has the permit to sell

D. the single vendor is the only one who has the knowledge of the product


A ______ is a market situation where economies of scale are so significant that cost are only minimized when the entire output of an industry is supplied by a single producer so that the supply costs are lower under monopoly that under perfect competition.

A. Perfect monopoly

B. Bilateral monopoly

C. Natural monopoly

D. Ordinary monopoly


What market situation exists where there are few sellers?

Oligopoly. means few sellers. In an oligopolistic market, each seller supplies a large portion of all the products sold in the marketplace.

What market situation exists where there is one buyer and only one seller?

Detailed Solution. Bilateral monopoly is a market structure where there is only one buyer (monopsony) and one seller of a product (monopoly).

What are the market situations?

The Market Situation section of your plan includes research and analysis of your target market, competitors, business challenges, and your company's competitive differentiators. It should contain your best and most clear description of the current state of the marketplace.


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