The Supreme Court holds original jurisdiction in all of the following types of cases EXCEPT quizlet

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also need to study: article III of the constitution, Marbury vs Madison Judicial review, and Article III sections II

Terms in this set (52)

The federal courts can hear and decide cases on the basis of...

the subject matter or people affected by the case

federal courts have exclusive jurisdictions over all of the following types of cases EXCEPT cases involving

citizens of different states

The MOST accurate reason that the Court of Internal Trade is classified as the constitutional court rather than a special court is that

it exercises the broad "judicial power of the US"

The independence of the judicial branch is ensured by the

all of the above (on test) manner in which federal judges are chosen, terms federal judges serve, salaries of federal judges

Which of the following BEST describes the state of the judicial system under the Articles of Confederation

each state was a law unto itself

A living legacy left behind a former President is (are)

the judges whoms he has appointed and who continue to serve

If a Supreme Court judge has personal religious objections to military service, but rules in favor of the draft because it is a federal law, that judge is practicing

judicial restraint

The Framers provided for life tenure for federal judges

to protect them from being dismissed, to insulate them from the police

The appointment of which of the following does NOT require Senate approval

United States Magistrates

One reason that some court officers require appointment by the President and senate while others do not its that

the system of checks and balances need to come into play

The reason that some court officers require appeals are sometimes called "gatekeepers" is that

they allow only the most significant cases into the supreme court

The courts of appeals and the Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit are similar in all of the Following ways EXECPT

both have nationwide jurisdiction

In Marbury vs. Madison, the Supreme Court heald that william Marbury's case did not fall under as the supreme court goes about its work of interpreting and applying laws passed by Congress, it exeplifies

checks and balances

The supreme court adheares closely to the 20-minute oral argument rule mostly because Dissenting opinions accomplished all of the Following EXCEPT

time cannot be wasted, must give both sides equal time

In establishing the Court of Federal Claims, Congress

freed itself from reviewing the Particular of every case brought agains the US

Since the military tribunals ordered by President Bush are not part of the military's courts-martial system, it can be inferred that

can't be appealed

All of the following statements about the Unites States Tax Court are true EXCEPT

it hears both civil and criminal cases (not)

The court that first hears a case is said to have

original jurisdiction

the list of cases to be heard by a court is called a


Which of the following could be the subject of criminal case tried in federal court


Which of the following is a TRUE statement about a writ of certiorari

the supreme court grants cert in a limited number of instances

All of the following statements about the court of Federal Claims are true EXCEPT:

decisions from the Court

One weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that

it did not provide from a national judiciary

Which of the following federal courts exercises both original and appellate jurisdictions

Supreme court of Federal Claims

Whcih of the following statements about federal judges is TRUE

they are appointed by the President and confirmed by the senate

Which federal court has original jurisdiction over MOST cases heard in federal court

district court

Most importantly, the Supreme court is callec the High Court because it is the

last court in which federal questions can be decided

The Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit differs from the other 12 federal courts of appeals because it

hears cases from across the country

The purpose of the 12 federal courts of appeals include all fo the following EXCEPT:

to hear cases that have bypassed lower courts

The term of office for constitutional court judges is determined by

the constitutional

Which one of the following duties is NOT performed by a United States magistrate

recording court proceedings

The united States Tax Court hears

civil cases

The supreme Court's decision in Marbury vs. Madison

established the Court's power of Judicial review

Legal cases in the District of Columbia and the territories that belong to the United States are settled in

a separate system of courts for each territories and each district like those at the senate and federal levels

Which statements about the differences between constitutional courts and special courts is TRUE?

special courts hear a much narrower range of cases

A federal court has jurisdiction over a case if

all of the above (on test) Federal courts have jurisdiction over cases involving: the United States government, the Constitution or federal laws, or. controversies between states or between the U.S. government and foreign governments.

The MOST IMPORTANT reason why the United States needed a national court system was that

each state was interpreting laws for itself

Jurisdiction DIRECTLY limits

which court may decide a case

The federal officers who make arrests, secure jurors, and serve legal papers are


Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe federal district courts

like the supreme court, they have original jurisdiction

Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes once said the Constitution "means what the judges says it means." He was defining the Supreme Court's

power of judicial review

Which of the following are all special courts

Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces, Court of Federal Claims, U.S. Tax Court

Judges of the constitutional courts are appointed

for life

The courts of appeals hear cases that have been appealed from

all of the above (on test) the district courts located within their circuits, as well as appeals from decisions of federal administrative agencies and some original proceedings filed directly with the courts of appeals.

The power of judicial review is held

by most federal and State courts

Which of the following statements about the Supreme Court is FALSE

the supreme court only reads briefs, it does not hear oral arguments

Two ways cases get to the supreme court

certificate of certiorari and appeal from circuit court

How many court systems are in the United states

federal and state

What does the court of appeals for the armed forces does

worldwide appellate jurisdiction over members of the armed forces on active duty and other persons subject to the Uniform Code of Military Justice

What is a court article

a federal court organized under the Article one

The three kinds of opinions that the supreme court can render

majority opinion, dissenting opinion, concurring opinions.

What kinds of jurisdiction there are

Original Jurisdiction, Original Jurisdiction, and Exclusive Jurisdiction

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Which is not the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

The correct answer is option 4. i.e. Financial. The Supreme Court of India has Original, Appellate, writ and Advisory jurisdiction.

Which of the following is not part of the Supreme Court's original jurisdiction quizlet?

Which of the following is not included in the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court? cases involving challenges to the constitutionality of state laws.

What does the Supreme Court have original jurisdiction over a case quizlet?

The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction in cases which involves states and cases involving citizen and foreign people. It also has an original jurisdiction in cases where the United States is involved.

What includes the original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court?

Its exclusive original jurisdiction extends to any dispute between the Government of India and one or more States or between the Government of India and any State or States on one side and one or more States on the other or between two or more States, if and insofar as the dispute involves any question (whether of law ...


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