Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

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Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

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Principles in Selecting Instructional Materials Based on Appropriateness and Feasibility What are instructional materials? What are the Principles in selecting instructional materials? Principle of Appropriateness Principle of Authenticity Principle of Interest Principles in selecting instructional material based on Appropriateness and Feasibility • • • • • • Appropriateness (Target learners and instruction) Authenticity Interest Cost (Economy) Organization and Balance And other considerations: environmental fctors, Dynamic variables (e.g. size of class, attitudes, etc.) Principle of Cost Principle of Organization and Balance Other Considerations in selecting Instructional Materials Importance of Instructional Materials Prepared By: Agida, Nickson Belmin, Francis Kenn Cordez, Kim Angela Julianes, Ronalyn Morato, Sunshine Prima, Jeffrey Sayat, Althea May Name: Description: ...
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Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

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Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf

Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf



Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf



Principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility pdf



PrincipleDescription/MethodPurposeThey must be focused on helping learners to motivate them in thelearning process.AppropriatenessThey should be appropriate to the level intended in terms of:1. vocabulary level3. methods of development2. difficulty of concepts4. interestMeaningfulnessThey must contain purposive activities.They must contribute to the growth & development of learners.BreadthThey should encompass all round development of varying group oflearners.ResponsivenessThey must be responsive to the needs and demands of the society.AuthenticityThey must present accurate up to date dependable information.Spatial ContiguityCorresponding words and pictures must be presented near ratherthan far from each other.Split-AttentionPrincipleWords should be presented as auditory narration rather than asvisual on-screen text.Usefulness/UtilityAudio-visual aid must be useful to a particular teacher as s/he worksfor a particular group of learners. They must help the teacher todeliver the subject matter in a better way as well as helping the

What are the principles in selecting instructional materials based on their appropriateness and feasibility?

In principle of appropriateness, instructional media must promote the general and specific goals of the class. It must be appropriate to the intended level such as vocabulary capacity, the degree of the difficulty of concepts, the development of the methods, and the interest appeal.

What are the principles in selecting and using instructional materials?

Principles in Selecting Instructional Media.
Principle of Appropriateness. IM must be either basic or supplementary to the curriculum..
Principle of Authenticity. IM must present accurate, up-to-date and dependable information..
Principle of Cost. ... .
Principle of Interest. ... .
Principle of Organization and Balance..

What are the factors to consider when selecting instructional materials?

The following sections describe the four primary categories of criteria that teachers said they use when selecting instructional materials: accuracy and visual appeal, alignment to standards and depth of knowledge, ease of use and support, and engage- ment and ability to meet student needs (Figure 1).

What are the principles for selecting the right instructional technique?

Instructional Systems Design: Basic Principles.
Instructional Design Should Proceed At An Efficient Pace. ... .
Instructional Design Should Contextualise Information. ... .
Design Your Course To Be Learner Community-Based. ... .
Include Opportunities For Students To Produce Original Content..