How is public speaking like other forms of communication such as conversation?

Being a confident speaker is a skill many folks don't learn in school, yet it's one of the most important skills for career success. To begin to develop that confidence, we have to break down the types of presentations you may make because each one differs in its approach. 

In fact, according to Virtual Speech, being a clear and effective public speaker is important. They say it can help with:

  1. Career Advancement
  2. Confidence Boosting
  3. Critical Thinking
  4. Personal Development
  5. Elevated Communication Skills
  6. Networking
  7. Leadership Building
  8. Become a Better Listener

4 Types Of Public Speaking

1. Ceremonial Speaking

Ceremonial speaking is when you give a speech on a special occasion. For instance, a graduation speech or an office party. These types of speeches often involve a personal or emotional connection to the people you are speaking to.

Keys to a ceremonial speech include:

Personal Touch - When giving a ceremonial speech, you will want to give it a personal touch. This means including a story that goes along with what or whom you are talking about. 

Occasion focused - A ceremonial speech needs to stick to the occasion. This is not the time to bring up anything other than who or what is being celebrated.

Remember, part of delivering an effective message is knowing who your audience is and tailoring your message to them. 

Brevity - For those who don't love to get up in front of a crowd and speak, ceremonial speaking may be the best fit for you. That's because generally speaking, ceremonial speaking is often brief.

💡We recommend the e-course "Writing And Developing Speeches: Speaking At A Special Occasion" to help you learn how to effectively write a special occasion speech. 

2. Demonstrative Speaking

If you are in the technology field, or any field where processes are part of your work - demonstrative speaking is a skill you will want to cultivate. Demonstrative speaking is simply put - explaining how to do something. 

Strong communication skills are key to being able to explain how to do something to someone else. 

💡We recommend the e-course "Teaching Technical Skills" to help you learn how to effectively write a special occasion speech. 

3. Informative Speaking

If you've ever attended a Monday morning meeting, chances are you've heard an informative speech. Informative speeches are those that simply give vital company-wide or team information. An informative speech is the transferring of data and information from one person to a group.

Informative speaking is often in a meeting form and being able to lead it is important because:

  1. Facilitate Conversations - Being able to facilitate a productive conversation will set you apart and help build your authority.
  2. Build Credibility - For the most part, people don't enjoy being in meetings. They believe it is a waste of time. If you are able to hold a productive meeting, you will build your credibility.
  3. Cultivate Leadership Skills - Part of giving an informative speech is understanding how to keep the focus on the information at hand. Keeping everyone in the meeting on track, navigating side conversations, and knowing when to step in are all part of leadership.

💡We recommend the e-course "Leading Productive Meetings" to help you learn how to hold an effective meeting and elevate your informational speaking skills. 

4. Persuasive Speaking

Persuasive speaking is speaking with the goal in mind to convince your audience of your idea or point of view. Persuasive speaking usually includes emotional elements and strong language.

Persuasive speeches use many different communication skills to create the greatest impact. Implementing these communication skills will elevate your speech:

Tone of Voice - Your tone of voice will make a huge impact on your persuasive speech. It will also inform your audience on how they should feel while listening.

Body Language - Your hand gestures, eye contact, and posture are tools you can use to improve your persuasive speech. Your body language helps set the tone and can draw the listener in.

Crafting Your Message - When giving a persuasive speech, you'll want to make sure that you take time to craft your message.

  • Start off with the most interesting part.
  • Tailor your message to your audience. 
  • Think about what your audience wants to hear.

Whether you want to get that raise or you're lobbying for a promotion - knowing how to give an effective persuasive speech will give you an edge.

💡We recommend the e-course "Presentation Tips For Pitching To Investors" to help you improve your persuasive speech techniques.

To read the full article click here!

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How is public speaking like other forms of communication like conversation?

Public speaking, like other forms of communication, can be understood as a transactional process, in which a sender encodes a message, transmits it through a channel, and a receiver decodes the message.

How is public speaking similar to conversation and how does it differ?

Public speaking is defined as "the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners." Conversation, on the other hand, "is a form of interactive, spontaneous communication between two or more people who are following rules of etiquette ...

How does public speaking relate to communication?

Public speaking is a form of communication that seeks an outcome; public speakers seek not simply to express themselves but to have an effect on their listeners. Humans have long sought to understand more about the ways language can shape circumstances and help them accomplish their goals.

How does public speaking compare to having a conversation with one person?

Public Speaking Is a formal and deliberate method to inform, entertain or influence a group of people in a public gathering. Conversation Is an informal and spontaneous form of communication between two or more people who exchange information such as news, ideas and feelings usually in a private setting.