How does a well known brand help in marketing and profitability of the company?

Updated on September 20, 2022


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Decades ago, branding was defined as a name, slogan, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of these elements, that distinguish one company, product, or service from another. Today, branding is more complex and even more important. 

The Balance

What Should a Brand Do?

Branding is not just about getting your target market to select you over the competition. It's also about getting your prospects to see you as the sole provider of a solution to their problem or need. In its essence, branding is a problem-solver. A good brand will:  

  • Clearly deliver a message
  • Confirm the brand's credibility in the marketplace
  • Emotionally connect target prospects with a product or service
  • Motivate the buyer to make a purchase
  • Create user loyalty

Branding and Understanding Your Customer

To succeed in branding, you must understand the needs and wants of your customers and prospects. You can achieve this by integrating your brand strategies throughout your company at every point of public contact.

Think of branding as though your company or organization were a living, breathing person. Imagine this person explaining who they are, why they're valuable, and what they specifically have to offer.

As consumers begin to identify with you, your brand will live in the hearts and minds of customers, clients, and prospects, and they'll connect on an emotional level.  

The Importance of Branding and the Three Key Questions

Your brand is the source of a promise to your consumer. If you're billing yourself as the manufacturer of the longest-lasting light bulb, your brand has to live up to that.


It's important to spend time researching, defining, and building your brand.

In developing a strategic marketing plan, your brand serves as a guide to understanding the purpose of your key business objectives and enables you to align the plan with those objectives. Branding doesn't just count during the time before the purchase—the brand experience has to last to create customer loyalty. You can create that by answering these three questions:

  1. Did the product or service perform as expected?
  2. Was the quality as good as promised or better?
  3. Was the entire customer experience positive?

If you can get positive answers to these three questions, you've created a loyal customer.

Beyond Loyal Customers

Branding not only creates loyal customers, but it also creates loyal employees. A quality brand gives people something to believe in and something to stand behind. It helps employees understand the purpose of the organization they work for. They feel like they're a part of something significant and not just a cog in a wheel.  

A Basic Checklist to Evaluate Your Brand

How do you know if your brand is strong enough to give you the internal and external value that you need? Start by asking yourself the following:

  • Does the brand relate to my target audience? Will they instantly "get it" without too much thought? 
  • Does the brand share the uniqueness of what I am offering and why it's important?  
  • Does the brand reflect the promise made to my target audience and hold value for my internal audience?  
  • Does the brand reflect the values that I want to represent to my customers?  

Let these questions serve as a guideline in the development of your brand. If you're not sure about the answers then you may want to revamp your branding efforts.

With any sort of marketing strategy, brand recognition is typically the prime focus. Business proprietors use different techniques to raise comprehension on their brand wherein the ultimate focus is to raise knowledge of the availability of a certain product or service. This process will have an effect on a person’s belief in the product and their decision as to whether they want to purchase it or not.

Brand recognition can be reached by various means, which is a good thing for company proprietors as that means they do not have to allot large amounts of money to have their brand recognized in the market. All other steps that must be implemented following this must be looked at a different aspect, however, that one fulfills its own purpose.

The necessity of Brand Recognition

The reason might seem obvious but brand recognition supplies multiple upsides for a business and it is capable of impacting several other parts of the company. Therefore it is very crucial for success. Some authorities have stated that brand recognition is just about the most critical aspect that could spell a business’s success potential. The result of that is whenever your potential customers catch wind of your company or its name, they will be able to produce a general example of the merchandise and services the business enterprise promotes.

Benefits Of A Strong Brand

It encourages loyal customers.

When your customers see that your company has a strong brand they will associate your products with it. This will encourage them to buy your products rather than your competitors. You can then develop your product or service to exceed the expectations of your customers and further strengthen your brand. Viral marketing will increase your customer reach and lower your marketing customers. Satisfied customers will tell others about your products and services which will increase profits.

A strong brand will help your company to gain credibility.

Your customers and potential buyers will recognize your brand and have increased confidence in your company. The more trust potential customers and customers have in your company and its products the more they will buy and increase your business revenue. Credibility is very important to your customers and should be encouraged and enhanced.

It makes your brand memorable.

Customers and potential customers will remember your brand and will be more inclined to buy your products. The more your brand becomes well known in your market the better your sales will be. When customers associate your brand with a jingle they will just have to hear the tune and associate it with your products.

A good brand will boost the image of your products.

when you do this you will be able to use added value for your customers and charge the premium price for your product. An example of this can be found in the soda industry. Although generic brands cost less, people still buy the brand name because of the familiarity and added value of quality.

Viral marketing.

When customers get familiar with your brand they will tell others about your products and services. This will set off a viral or word of mouth marketing campaign and more people will get to know about your products and services with no cost to you.

Control over pricing.

The more unique your products are, the more you will have control over the price. Why? If you can make the product unique and desirable, the target customer is more likely to pay the price since he/she cannot get the same product anywhere else.

How To Use Good Branding To Increase Revenue For Your Business

1. Image Is Everything

A website design needs to look good, but it should also embody your website’s ethos. Product and company branding is about increasing brand awareness. In order to help facilitate this, it is important that the logo, website design, banner design, and other creative design aspects of your online venture match one another and embody the brand you are promoting.

A well-branded design needs to be memorable and it should represent the type of service or product you are selling. By essentially bombarding your visitors with your brand you can ensure that, over time, your brand is the one that they think of when looking for the product or service that you provide. Brand your emails, logo, website design and everything else towards this end.

2.Your Company’s Voice

A big part of your website brand is the voice that you use. You need to be able to encourage your visitors to purchase from you and to trust you. In order to do that, it is essential that you offer them a reason to trust you. The voice of the text on your website plays a major part in this trust building relationship. Be informative, and be knowledgeable – offer help where it’s appropriate and give visitors a reason to want to trust you.

3. Get Noticed

The best branding in the world is only effective when it’s seen. Once you have the elements of your brand completed, including design and voice, you need to get a good amount of brand exposure. Online advertising comes in many forms, and each has its advantages and disadvantages. When advertising for the sake of branding, it’s important to be seen by as many targeted leads as possible.

Viral marketing is far from being a new phenomenon but the improvement in streaming video technology and Internet speeds means that there are more ways to implement a viral marketing campaign. The popularity of sites like YouTube and Google Video has paved the way for web businesses to employ a cost-effective form of viral marketing.

4. Take It Offline

Most online businesses have some core areas of their work that are conducted offline. Invoices and shipping labels can all be branded to match your website, as well as any form of written communication. You might also consider taking part in trade fairs and local industry based exhibitions to increase brand awareness.

5. Be Consistent

Establishing credibility isn’t a one-time process. You must work on maintaining and enhancing it. One mistake could easily destroy the reputation that took years to build. Consistency becomes one of the most important things in your business. It must be aligned with the processes involved in your business operations, from advertising, marketing, and production.

With these points, you can understand the importance of creating a strong brand and how to use it to increase revenue for your company. There are many benefits to your business when you do this and it should be part of your campaign to grow your business. The more you work on strengthening your company brand the better your company will grow. You will increase your sales and profits as people get to know your company brand better. So think of all the things that you can do today to enhance your brand.

Thank you for reading!

Are you ready to make your brand awesome?

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How does a well known brand help in the marketing and profitability of the company?

A strong brand provides a competitive edge in the market — it means customers will be more likely to try your new products, buy something because it has your logo on it, or choose your product from a list of options. But a strong brand also means you can charge more.

How does branding impact the profitability of your product or service?

If your brand has positive brand equity, people are more likely to spend more money to purchase those products. This results in higher profit margins. It may cost companies the same amount as competitors to make a product.

Why is it important for a company to have a well defined brand strategy?

Your Brand Strategy sums up why your business exists beyond making money. It defines what it is that makes your brand what it is, what sets it apart from the competition and how you want your customers to perceive it.

How does a strong brand benefits to the business?

A strong brand with a loyal following is one that builds a consistently positive customer experience. Of the customers surveyed who had a “very good” experience with a brand, 94% are more likely to purchase again; and of the customers who had a “good” experience, 83% are more likely to purchase again.