Consumerism consists of all activities undertaken to protect the rights of consumers

00.Funding for a program of social responsibility can come from

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00.A guide to acceptable and ethical behavior is known as

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0Quiz II0True-False QuestionsSelect the correct answer.00.TFA policy of considering only nonminority applicants for job openings is calledreverse discrimination.Today, few firms are either purely economic or purely socioeconomic in theiroutlook.

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00.TFWorking conditions in the early twentieth century were not much different from

those that exist today, except for the more advanced technology involved.Government intervention into business increased after the Great Depression of the1930s.

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An argument for increased social responsibility is the fact that, because business

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managers are primarily responsible to business owners, they must be concerned withproviding a return on the owners’ investments.Multiple-Choice QuestionsCircle the letter before the most accurate answer.

consumers that they do have rights and can expect businesses to meet environmental, safety, as wellas other expectations.15.Explain the six basic rights of consumers.

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16.What are the three major consumerism forces today?

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17.What is an affirmative action program? Be certain to detail the objectives of such programs inyour answer.

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18.Why did Congress create the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission?

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19.Why is pollution of concern to most citizens? Why are some businesspeople particularlyconcerned about pollution?

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TF Social responsibility is the recognition that business activities have an impact on society and the consideration of that impact in business decisions


TF the economic model of social responsibility places emphasis not only on profits but also on the impact of business decisions on society


TF consumerism consists of all those activities that are undertaken to protect the rights of consumers in their dealings with the business


TF six basic rights of consumers are the right to safety, the right to be informed, the right to choose, the right to be heard, the right to consumer education and the right to service


TF whistle-blowing is an attempt by business to stop employees from exposing their unethical business behavior


One factor that influences ethical decision making is the ____ factor






D. opportunity

A plan designed to increase the number of minority employees at all levels within an organization is called ________

an affirmative action program

Initiating a social responsibility program takes ____

the commitment of___

top executives

middle managers


no commitment


A. top executives

Funding for a program of social responsibility can come from ________

a. employees in the corporation

b. volunteer efforts of the American public

c. corporations that absorb the costs as a business expense

d. governmental sources

e. environmental groups


A guide to acceptable and ethical behavior is known as ___________

a. code of ethics

b. business ethics

c. social audit

d. consumerism

e. ethical behavior guide

A. code of ethics

TF A policy of considering only non-minority applicants for job openings is called reverse discrimination


TF Tiday, few firms are either purely economic or purely socioeconomic in their outlook


TF Working conditions in the early twentieth century were not much different from those that exist today, except for the more advanced technology involved


TF Government intervention into business increased after the Great Depression of the 1930s


TF An argument for increased social responsibility is the fact that, because business managers are primarily responsible to business owners, they must be concerned with providing a return on the owner's investments


A group of people who have been singles out for unfavorable treatment on the basis of race, religion, politics, or national origin is called___

a.affirmative action group

b.hard-core unemployed


d. economically disadvantaged



Pollution in our country is made up of _____




e.all the above


A governmental agency with the power to investigate complaints of disrcimination and to sue firms that practice discrimination is the _

a. National Alliance of business

b. Equal employment opportunity commission


d. Federal Trade Commission

e. interstate commerce commission


Acid rain causes___ pollution

a. air

b. noise

c. water

d. land

e. practically no


An employee's decision to inform the press or government officials of his or her firm's unethical practices is referred to as____

a. whistle-blowing

b. corporate code of ethics

c. business ethics

d. grapevine

e. tatling


What is consumerism quizlet?

consumerism. (disapproving) the belief that it is good for a society or an individual person to buy and use a large quantity of goods and services. consumption. the act of buying and using products. sophisticated consumer.

What is consumerism quizlet history?

Consumerism is an economic theory which states that a progressively greater level of consumption is beneficial to the consumers. You just studied 9 terms!

What are the three major consumerism forces today?

Four forces of consumerism.
Advertising. The first driving force of consumerism is advertising, a vast industry dedicated to the 'power of persuasion'. ... .
Debt. ... .
Obsolescence. ... .

Which president stated that consumers have the right to safety?

The concept of professional regulation serving the public interest is summarized in the "Consumer Bill of Rights," first introduced by President John F. Kennedy in 1962: The right to safety: to be protected against the marketing of products and services that are hazardous to health or to life.


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