You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

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To display or hide formatting marks (e.g., spaces, tabs, and paragraph breaks) in a Microsoft Word document:

Word for Windows

  1. In Word 2010, on the tab, click . In Word 2007, from the Office Button menu, select near the bottom right corner of the menu.
  2. Select from the listing at the left.
  3. In the section titled "Always show these formatting marks on the screen", check or uncheck the appropriate boxes to view the marks of your choice. To show or hide them all, select .
  4. To save your changes, click .

Word for Mac OS X

  1. From the menu, select .
  2. Select .
  3. In the section titled "Nonprinting characters", check or uncheck the appropriate boxes to view the marks of your choice. Check to see all formatting marks.
  4. To save your changes, click .

You can also toggle between displaying and hiding formatting marks. To do so:

  • In Word for Windows, on the tab, in the group, click the paragraph icon.
  • In Word for Mac OS X, click the paragraph icon in the Standard toolbar. If you don't see the icon, from the menu, choose , and then check .

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Last modified on 2018-01-18 13:09:34.

If you are working on a Word document with complex formatting, sometimes you need to see the hidden characters and unseen workings.  It helps figure out Word’s secrets or what’s going on when the layout doesn’t behave. That’s where ‘Show All’ becomes essential.

Microsoft Word was designed to hide all the formatting and technicalities (WYSIWYG). Early versions of Word had a ‘Show All’ option but it was hidden away because Microsoft believed their software was so good, such a tool was not necessary. At some point commonsense prevailed and now ‘Show All’ is on the Home tab, Paragraph section.

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

Show all is the easy way to see all the underlying formatting to help you figure out what’s happening. Tabs, Section Breaks, Paragraph Marks even Spaces are all exposed by Show All.

See Understand the Show All markers in Word

As with most things in Word, you can use either a keyboard shortcut or the mouse to see the hidden formatting characters.

  • Keyboard, hit Control+Shift+8.
  • Mouse, simply click the Show/Hide button on the Home tab.

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

Formatting Magic with Word

See how experts make their Word documents look better and more professional. Word 365/2019/2016 edition

Font effects, paragraphs, tabs, borders,  lists, numbering, tables, text boxes, styles and many special formatting tricks for all occasions.

Show All at work

For example, in the document below, I have a few strange things happening – text in columns with strange gaps in the column, and the text has stopped halfway down the page, even though there is more following on the next page.

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

We can now see all the paragraph marks, indents, and several different section breaks that are making our text do strange things. The Section Break (Continuous) in the middle of the right-hand column make the two-column setting to become single column then back to two-column. The next page section break at the bottom, is what is pushing text to the next page.

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

Once we can see all these things, it becomes a lot easier to find the culprits causing problems, and remove them.

Here’s a document with an off-center heading and a paragraph with strange text wrapping..

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

Show All reveals the problems. The text isn’t centered, someone has used tabs instead, and there are unnecessary tabs after the text. The paragraph is broken with a Line Break

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

Hiding the Characters Again

Both the keyboard and mouse methods of showing hidden characters act as toggles. So to hide the characters again, just press Control+Shift+8 or click the Show/Hide button again.

If you find you are regularly needing to look at the hidden characters in your document, it is possible to make some or all display permanently. Doing this isn’t usually necessary and make Word very cluttered and difficult to work with, but ‘each to their own’.

Just go to File | Options, and click on the Display tab. Then under “Always show these formatting marks on the screen”, tick the items that you want to show permanently.

You can toggle the display of formatting marks off and on by clicking the show/hide button in the

“Show all formatting marks” box acts as a toggle switch for the Show/Hide button on the ribbon. If you tick this box, the Show/Hide button will be toggled on when you look at the document again. Turning this button off on the ribbon will also untick the “Show all formatting marks” in the Word Options dialog.

If you have characters such as paragraph marks, spaces, or tab marks ticked in the Word Options dialog, then switching off Show Hidden Characters will only switch off the items that are not ticked in Word Options. The paragraph marks, etc. will continue to display until you turn them off in Options.

Formatting Magic with Word

Four more vertical formatting tricks in Word
Word tables for formatting magic
All your Clear Formatting options for Microsoft Word

How do you toggle formatting marks?

Quickly toggle all formatting marks Keyboard shortcut CTRL+SHIFT+*.

How do I show formatting marks and then hide them?

Press Ctrl + * to display or hide the formatting symbols..
Click Home tab..
Click Show/Hide ¶ button. The hidden formatting symbols are now shown. These symbols represent spaces, new paragraphs, page breaks, and other bits of text and page formatting..
Click Show/Hide ¶ button again..

How do I turn off formatting marks in Outlook?

What to Know.
Open Outlook on your computer. Select New Email. ... .
In the top menu, choose Format Text. In the Paragraph section, select the paragraph symbol to turn off all formatting marks..
Reverse the process to turn formatting back on or toggle formatting off and on with Ctrl+Shift+*..

What are the hidden formatting symbols in Word?

The symbols that Microsoft now calls “formatting marks” were previously referred to as “nonprinting characters.” By either name, they are characters that take up space or have a formatting function but do not appear on the printed page: spaces, tab characters, paragraph breaks, and the like.