Why is it easier to write a program in a high-level language than in machine language?

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    Both High level language and low level language are the programming languages’s types.

    The main difference between high level language and low level language is that, Programmers can easily understand or interpret or compile the high level language in comparison of machine. On the other hand, Machine can easily understand the low level language in comparison of human beings.

    Examples of high level languages are C, C++, Java, Python, etc.

    Let’s see the difference between high level and low level languages:

    S.NOHigh Level LanguageLow Level Language
    1. It is programmer friendly language. It is a machine friendly language.
    2. High level language is less memory efficient. Low level language is high memory efficient.
    3. It is easy to understand. It is tough to understand.
    4. It is simple to debug. It is complex to debug comparatively.
    5. It is simple to maintain. It is complex to maintain comparatively.
    6. It is portable. It is non-portable.
    7. It can run on any platform. It is machine-dependent.
    8. It needs compiler or interpreter for translation. It needs assembler for translation.
    9. It is used widely for programming. It is not commonly used now-a-days in programming.

    Computer Languages

    Over the years, computer languages have been evolved from Low-Level to High-Level Languages. In the earliest days of computers, only Binary Language was used to write programs. The computer languages are classified as follows:


    Low-Level language is the only language which can be understood by the computer. Low-level language is also known as Machine Language. The machine language contains only two symbols 1 & 0. All the instructions of machine language are written in the form of binary numbers 1's & 0's. A computer can directly understand the machine language.

    Assembly Language (middle level language)

    Middle-level language is a computer language in which the instructions are created using symbols such as letters, digits and special characters. Assembly language is an example of middle-level language. In assembly language, we use predefined words called mnemonics. Binary code instructions in low-level language are replaced with mnemonics and operands in middle-level language. But the computer cannot understand mnemonics, so we use a translator called Assembler to translate mnemonics into machine language.

    Assembler is a translator which takes assembly code as input and produces machine code as output. That means, the computer cannot understand middle-level language, so it needs to be translated into a low-level language to make it understandable by the computer. Assembler is used to translate middle-level language into low-level language.

    g++ -S main.cpp -o main.s

    High Level Language

    High-level language is a computer language which can be understood by the users. The high-level language is very similar to human languages and has a set of grammar rules that are used to make instructions more easily. Every high-level language has a set of predefined words known as Keywords and a set of rules known as Syntax to create instructions. The high-level language is easier to understand for the users but the computer can not understand it. High-level language needs to be converted into the low-level language to make it understandable by the computer. We use Compiler or interpreter to convert high-level language to low-level language.

    Languages like FORTRAN,C, C++, JAVA, Python, etc., are examples of high-level languages. All these programming languages use human-understandable language like English to write program instructions. These instructions are converted to low-level language by the compiler or interperter so that it can be understood by the computer.

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    What is a programming language?

    A programming language defines a set of instructions that are compiled together to perform a specific task by the CPU (Central Processing Unit). The programming language mainly refers to high-level languages such as C, C++, Pascal, Ada, COBOL, etc.

    Each programming language contains a unique set of keywords and syntax, which are used to create a set of instructions. Thousands of programming languages have been developed till now, but each language has its specific purpose. These languages vary in the level of abstraction they provide from the hardware. Some programming languages provide less or no abstraction while some provide higher abstraction. Based on the levels of abstraction, they can be classified into two categories:

    • Low-level language
    • High-level language

    The image which is given below describes the abstraction level from hardware. As we can observe from the below image that the machine language provides no abstraction, assembly language provides less abstraction whereas high-level language provides a higher level of abstraction.

    Low-level language

    The low-level language is a programming language that provides no abstraction from the hardware, and it is represented in 0 or 1 forms, which are the machine instructions. The languages that come under this category are the Machine level language and Assembly language.

    Machine-level language

    The machine-level language is a language that consists of a set of instructions that are in the binary form 0 or 1. As we know that computers can understand only machine instructions, which are in binary digits, i.e., 0 and 1, so the instructions given to the computer can be only in binary codes. Creating a program in a machine-level language is a very difficult task as it is not easy for the programmers to write the program in machine instructions. It is error-prone as it is not easy to understand, and its maintenance is also very high. A machine-level language is not portable as each computer has its machine instructions, so if we write a program in one computer will no longer be valid in another computer.

    The different processor architectures use different machine codes, for example, a PowerPC processor contains RISC architecture, which requires different code than intel x86 processor, which has a CISC architecture.

    Assembly Language

    The assembly language contains some human-readable commands such as mov, add, sub, etc. The problems which we were facing in machine-level language are reduced to some extent by using an extended form of machine-level language known as assembly language. Since assembly language instructions are written in English words like mov, add, sub, so it is easier to write and understand.

    As we know that computers can only understand the machine-level instructions, so we require a translator that converts the assembly code into machine code. The translator used for translating the code is known as an assembler.

    The assembly language code is not portable because the data is stored in computer registers, and the computer has to know the different sets of registers.

    The assembly code is not faster than machine code because the assembly language comes above the machine language in the hierarchy, so it means that assembly language has some abstraction from the hardware while machine language has zero abstraction.

    Differences between Machine-Level language and Assembly language

    The following are the differences between machine-level language and assembly language:

    Machine-level languageAssembly language
    The machine-level language comes at the lowest level in the hierarchy, so it has zero abstraction level from the hardware. The assembly language comes above the machine language means that it has less abstraction level from the hardware.
    It cannot be easily understood by humans. It is easy to read, write, and maintain.
    The machine-level language is written in binary digits, i.e., 0 and 1. The assembly language is written in simple English language, so it is easily understandable by the users.
    It does not require any translator as the machine code is directly executed by the computer. In assembly language, the assembler is used to convert the assembly code into machine code.
    It is a first-generation programming language. It is a second-generation programming language.

    High-Level Language

    The high-level language is a programming language that allows a programmer to write the programs which are independent of a particular type of computer. The high-level languages are considered as high-level because they are closer to human languages than machine-level languages.

    When writing a program in a high-level language, then the whole attention needs to be paid to the logic of the problem.

    A compiler is required to translate a high-level language into a low-level language.

    Advantages of a high-level language

    • The high-level language is easy to read, write, and maintain as it is written in English like words.
    • The high-level languages are designed to overcome the limitation of low-level language, i.e., portability. The high-level language is portable; i.e., these languages are machine-independent.

    Differences between Low-Level language and High-Level language

    The following are the differences between low-level language and high-level language:

    Low-level languageHigh-level language
    It is a machine-friendly language, i.e., the computer understands the machine language, which is represented in 0 or 1. It is a user-friendly language as this language is written in simple English words, which can be easily understood by humans.
    The low-level language takes more time to execute. It executes at a faster pace.
    It requires the assembler to convert the assembly code into machine code. It requires the compiler to convert the high-level language instructions into machine code.
    The machine code cannot run on all machines, so it is not a portable language. The high-level code can run all the platforms, so it is a portable language.
    It is memory efficient. It is less memory efficient.
    Debugging and maintenance are not easier in a low-level language. Debugging and maintenance are easier in a high-level language.

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    Why is programming easier in high

    Programmers write in high-level languages because they are easier to understand and are less complex than machine code. They allow the programmer to focus on what needs to be done, rather than on how the computer actually works.

    What are the advantages of high

    High level language provides higher level of abstraction from machine language. They do not interact directly with the hardware. Rather, they focus more on the complex arithmetic operations, optimal program efficiency and easiness in coding. Low level programming uses machine friendly language.

    Is high

    It is also known as machine level language. It can be understood easily by the machine. ... Low-level language..

    What is the advantage of programming in a high

    The high-level language uses English words that make it a friendly interface with users. Therefore language must be user-friendly for both programmer and computer. More than machine language it is problem-oriented: High-level language makes it easy to solve the problems coming as it may not happen in machine language.


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