Why did machine politics become common in big cities in the late 19th century quizlet?

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    Terms in this set (18)

    Ellis Island

    The main entry point for many immigrants entering the United States from Europe.

    Gentlemen's Agreement

    Agreement between US and Japan limiting number of Japanese immigrants.

    Americanization movement

    Movement promoting the assimilation of other cultures into American culture.

    Jane Adams

    Founded the Hull House in Chicago, 1889. It was a settlement house that helped take care of immigrants until they could find a job.

    Political Machine

    An organized effort by a political boss to ensure his remaining in power by providing services and favors in exchange for votes.


    Political corruption--using political position to gain money.

    Boss Tweed

    Head of Tammany Hall, the Democratic political machine in New York. Corrupt politician.


    Giving government jobs to people who supported a particular candidate.

    Rutherford B. Hayes

    Republican President who wanted reform; used his cabinet to stop corruption.

    Pendleton Civil Service Act of 1883

    A law requiring Federal jobs to be given based on merit and not on patronage.

    What trends or events in other countries prompted immigrants to come to America?

    Religious persecution (Jews in Russia), rising population (Europe population doubled), high unemployment (more jobs in America).

    What difficulties did new immigrants face in America?

    Immigrants had few jobs, terrible living conditions, poor working conditions, forced assimilation, nativism (discrimination), anti-Aisan sentiment.

    Why did cities in the United States grow rapidly in the decades following the civil war?

    More jobs in urban regions due to increased industry and factories. Many immigrants and freed blacks.

    What problems did rapid growth pose for cities?

    Cities did not have enough housing, inadequate water supplies, poor sanitation, poor transportation, increased chance of fire, increased crime.

    What solutions to urban problems did the settlement house movement provide?

    Settlement houses created places for poor people to live, get food, education, and medical assistance. Largely run by middle class, college educated women.

    Why did machine politics become common in big cities in the late 19th century?

    Cities were new entities and were receptive to new power structures. Large numbers of immigrants were readily targeted by the political machines.

    What government problems arose as a result of patronage?

    Patronage resulted in a large number of corrupt, incompetent people running government offices.

    Summarize the views of Grover Cleveland and Benjamin Harrison.

    Grover Cleveland wanted to decrease tariffs to lower prices. Benjamin Harrison wanted to increase tariffs to protect local businesses.

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