Who defined intelligence as the global capacity to think rationally act purposefully?

PSYC 102
May 8, 2008
I. Intelligence: Global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with the environment. It is a hypothetical, abstract construct.
a. Controversy: Defining it with a measure on a quantitative test is difficult. Can it be measured with a number? Are you measuring the totality of intelligence?
b. What this definition lacks is that there is a certain amount of knowledge that is accumulated over time (stored knowledge).
c. Researchers that are more committed to testing, look at intelligence as stored knowledge.
1. 1905: Beginning of testing. However the people involved didn�t realize they were actually measuring intelligence.
2. In France, something drastic was changing. Education was becoming compulsory. All children had to attend school until a certain age. Questions of what were the children bringing to this setting and were there going to be enough teachers etc.
3. Alfred Binet was hired to create a test for intellectual skills of children entering French public school systems. This helped place the children according to their current status so they could be challenged etc.
a. This test made its way to a man named Lewis Terman. He took Binet�s test, translated it to English so it could be used in the American situation. It then began to be referred to as an �Intelligence Test.� Began to be called the �Stanford-Binet Test of Intelligence.� It was really simple to interpret and understand.
b. Stanford-Binet and Wechsler: most widely used individual intelligence test. Both tests compute an intelligence quotient (IQ), which compares the deviation of a person�s test score to norms for that person�s age group.
c. �Original version of Stanford-Binet (IQ=MA/CA x 100) this is your Mental Age divided by your chronological Age times 100. A perfect score of 100 means that mental age matches his chronological age. If the mental age exceeds or falls below the mental age, it determines the IQ accordingly. It was an easy to use scale.
d. Another thing this test (and others like it) did and continues to do is to be a good predictor of academic success. Those with higher scores were more likely to get A�s and B�s and graduate. Those with lower scores were more likely to make poor grades and not graduate.
e. No test is perfect though. It doesn�t mean that someone that makes a 50 will not graduate or make good grades.
f. The normal distribution of IQ was standardized into a normal distribution. Most scores (70%) will fall either one standard deviation above or below the norm. People who take the test will usually fall between 85 and 115. (95%) will fall 2 standard deviations above or below the norm of 100.
a. Mainly for kids.
b. Very verbally dependant. It was criticized for looking at verbal intelligence. In 1939 David Wechsler created intelligence test for adults composed of 11 subscales measuring both verbal and non-verbal (or performance) IQ.
c. What Weschler has on his scales is two large sections that have subsections.
1. Verbal section
2. Performance section (non-verbal)
You end up with a verbal score , performance score, and a total score; a total of three scores. You can score higher on one or two subscales than on others.
-Most popular IQ tests today
-WAIS (Weschler Adult Intelligence scale) �Adults;  WISC (Weschler Intelligence scale for children) and WPPSI (Weschler Primary Preschool Scale of Intelligence)
3. The Weschler must be given on an individual basis. It cannot be given in a group setting. The administrator must be trained to give the test correctly.
 a. Many times these tests are given to kids. They get fidgety and distracted. You don�t want to measure this but the intelligence of the child.
 b. If the person gets tired, the test giver can stop and give them a break. All factors such as lack of motivation, tiredness etc. need to be eliminated so that only intelligence is measured.
 c. It is not uncommon for someone to have a total score that are broken up into sub-scores.
4. There are other tests that are given in a group setting. These may be called intelligence or aptitude tests. They are measuring something, but are not the best. �Quick and dirty� These come from WWII as it started to involve the U.S. Masses of people were brought into the military. The intellectual level varied quite a bit. It was important that the Army get some idea of where these people were at and what positions would be appropriate for each person. They didn�t have time or resources to give the Weschler test to all recruits. They needed a mass administered test.
 a. ARMY ALPHA AND BETA: It is basically a multiple choice test. You must be able to read. So this was the test for literate recruits. The Army BETA was completely Non-verbal and was for non-literate recruits. These tests proved to be reasonably successful for placement and prediction. Someone who scored well was more likely for officer material.
 b. It is from these beginnings, that you get the whole mass standardized testing industry.
*Ex. The ACT is very good at predicting and placement within Universities. (again, they can be wrong�they are not perfect)
A. People argue both ways
B. Historical views of intelligence:
1. SPEARMAN: argued there was a single ability or general factor called �g�.  He said there was a certain capacity or ability to allow you to learn. He argued FOR the idea of a general intelligence among individuals and it varies from one to another. He argued AGAINST specific types of intelligence. He says the general intelligence is applied to only one topic and it is not deficient.
2. THURSTONE and GUILFORD: Argued AGAINST the �g�. They thought of intelligence as separate and different entities.
3. CATTELL: Came along and argued that intelligence is both a fluid and a crystallized type of intelligence. The fluid is the �g� (working (processing of) intelligence) and the crystallized is the (stored intelligence) which are separate from each other.
a. These are still used in literature today and argued between.
4. GARDNER AND STERNBERG: Multiple abilities. They overact and interact. They are not completely isolated. These two researchers are well known.
1. Linguistic: language use and verbal intelligence. Speak well, write well. Teachers etc.
2. Spatial: Find your way around. Engineers etc.
3. Bodily/Kinesthetic: Movement with body. Dancers, athletes etc.
4. Intrapersonal/Interpersonal: Understanding yourself/Understand and relate to others. Intrapersonal good in any area, Interpersonal, sales etc.
5. Logical/Mathematical: problem solving, Mathmatical
B. Sternberg had THREE types of intelligence;
1. Analytical Intelligence: Good at analysis, evaluation, judgment and comparison skills. Good in scholastic systems
2. Creative Intelligence: Good at invention, imaginative skills, discovery. Open ended tasks, drawing and creating etc.
3. Practical Intelligence: Good at application, implementation, execution and utilization skills. Drug dealers? etc. may not do well in school, but can function and operate in their own environment and be successful.
1. Standardized-establishes norms and uniform procedures for giving and scoring tests.
2. Reliability-Measure of the consistency and stability of test scores over time. Refers to consistency. Must be consistent over time. We envision intelligence as relatively stable and not fluctuate much.
3. Validity-Ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure.  You are measuring what you say you are actually measuring. We say my test is measuring intelligence, but there is something else out there that is measuring intelligence and the two should correlate. Both tests should correspond. All of these �things� or tests are corresponding with performance in a school setting.

Who defined intelligence as the global capacity to think rationally?

It is the general mental adaptability to new problem and conditions of life.” David Wechsler defined intelligence as “The aggregate or global capacity of an individual to act purposefully to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment.” This means, intelligence includes 3 abilities namely, acting ...

Who defined intelligence as the global capacity to think rationally act purposefully and deal effectively with the environment?

“Intelligence is the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally and to deal effectively with his environment (Wechsler, 1944, p. 3).”

What term is used to describe the global capacity to think rationally act purposefully?

I. Intelligence: Global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, and deal effectively with the environment. It is a hypothetical, abstract construct.

Who first defined intelligence?

British psychologist Charles Spearman (1863–1945) described the concept of general intelligence, or the "g factor." After using factor analysis to examine mental aptitude tests, Spearman concluded that scores on these tests were remarkably similar.


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