Which theory states that leaders act as change catalysts and innovators quizlet?

People are motivated by a hierarchy of human needs, beginning with physiologic needs and then progressing to safety, social, esteem, and self-actualizing needs. In this theory, when the need for food, water, air, and other life-sustaining elements is met, the human spirit reaches out to achieve affiliation with others, which promotes the development of self-esteem, competence, achievement, and creativity. Lower-level needs will always drive behavior before higher-level needs will be addressed.

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{"Ability to guide or influence others"}
- Attempt to influence the beliefs, opinions, and behaviors of a person or group
- Guide people and groups to accomplish common goals
-May not have formal authority but are still able to influence others ( can be formal or informal)

{" Coordination of resources, time, people, supplies to achieve desired outcomes in a defined area "}
- Have an appointed management position and a formal line of authority & accountability
- Managers focus on coordination of day to day resources.

- Leader: ability to guide & influence others (more based on patient care)
- Managers: have the responsibility of coordinating , time , people, resources. (more geared towards day to day tasks)

Similar: They both have an affect on the group, they both hold power, they can both motivate.

Reward power: Giving them something positive.
Praises, incentives......("comes from the ability to reward others for complying and may include such rewards as salary, desired assignments, and acknowledgment of accomplishments."

Coercive power: Using fear, aggression, or something negative. based on fear and punishment "termination"......("the opposite of reward power, is based on fear of punishment for failure to comply. Sources of coercive power include withholding of pay increases, undesired assignments, verbal and written warnings, and termination.")

Legitimate power: Having given authority........("based on an official position in the organization. Through legitimate power, the manager has the right to influence staff members, and staff members have an obligation to accept that influence.")

Referent power: Having strong personal skills......("comes from the followers' identification with the leader. The admired and respected nurse is able to influence other nurses because of their desire to emulate him or her.")

Expert power: Having experience......("based on knowledge, skills, and information. For example, nurses who have expertise in areas such as physical assessment or technical skills or who keep up with current information on important topics will gain respect from others.")

Informational power: Having information.....("based on a person's possession of information that is needed by others.")

Connection power: Having a relationship.....("based on a person's relationship or affiliation with other people who are perceived as being powerful.")

Authoritarian (Autocratic)
- Makes all decisions for the group
- Gives little feedback or recognitions for work
- Ignores subordinates ideas and suggestions
- Dictates the work with much control
- Makes Fast decisions
- Doesn't encourage individual initiative
- Believes individuals are externally motivated and are incapable of independent decision making
- **BENEFICIAL: during a code, emergency, code, OR, & with employees with little education or training

"The autocratic method results in rapid decision-making and is more appropriate in a crisis situation"- evolve

Democratic (Participative) [ allows each member to participate in the decision making process]
- Encourages group discussion and decision making
- Involves staff in planning and developing new ideas and programs
- Believes in the best in people
- Communicates effectively, and provides regular feedback
-Builds responsibility in people
- Leader acts as a catalyst or facilitator to keep everybody on track
- Actively guides a group toward achieving the group's goals
- Productivity and satisfaction are high
- Good broadly speaking; not for high or low stakes scenarios...just normal operations
- **BENEFICIAL: med surge, when a lot of direction is needed, Nursing home. Works well with competent, highly motivated people

Laissez-faire [ your on ur own, unit runs itself, hands off, team members make their own decisions]
- Recognizes the groups need for autonomy and self regulation
- Does not provide guidance or direction
- Unable or Unwilling to make decisions
- Does not provide feedback
-Initiates little change
- Communicates by memos or email
- "Hands off" approach
- Presupposes the group is internally motivated
- Group may act in opposition of one another

- **BENEFICIAL: clinical setting, ( not used with new grad students)- Best with groups who have professional/personal maturity and positive focus

"Laissez- Faire is a "hands off approach, which is taken by manager who chooses to do nothing when intervention is indicated." - evolve



Planning includes defining goals and objectives, developing policies and procedures determining resource allocation and developing evaluating methods

Organizing includes identifying the management structure to accomplish work, determining communication processes, and coordinating people, time and work

Staffing includes those activities required to have qualifies people accomplish work, such as recruiting, hiring, training, scheduling and ongoing staff development

Directing encourages employees to accomplish goals and objectives and involves communicating, delegating, motivating, and managing conflict.

Controlling processes include performance reviews, analyzing financial activities, and monitoring quality care.

3 major types of skills and practices are required for effective leadership ...THC


Technical: for nurses, this type includes clinical expertise and nursing knowledge
• Keep your own clinical skills and knowledge current.
• Act as a willing expert resource and teacher for clinical problems.
• Use sound clinical judgment and critical thinking.

Human Skills: Ability and judgement to work with and lead people in compassionate, caring way
• Maintain honesty and integrity in work and relationships—trust is essential for effective leadership.
• Create a teaching and learning environment—earn a reputation for exceptional teaching and mentoring.
• Develop and role model a commitment to excellence.
• Create an open, nonthreatening environment—share information, keep staff informed, and encourage them to discuss issues.
• Become a proactive problem solver—knowing how to solve problems is more important than knowing all the answers.
• Maintain a confident, positive outlook—identify areas in which you are weak, and seek help to learn and grow.

Conceptual skills: The ability to understand the complexities of the overall organization and to recognize how and where ones own area of managements fits into the overall organization
• Make a commitment to support the mission, vision, and goals of the organization.
• Accept the realities of complex health care systems, which are under pressure to improve patient safety and quality while reducing costs.
• Understand the needs of external customers (patients, families, physicians, referring facilities) and internal customers (staff, administrators, and other departments).

Leadership trait theory was based on the assumption that leaders were born with certain leadership characteristics.

Traits found to be associated with leadership include intelligence, alertness, dependability, energy, drive, enthusiasm, ambition, decisiveness, self-confidence, cooperativeness, and technical mastery

Trait Theory is a leadership theory in which leadership traits such as a certain set of physical and emotional characteristics are innate and cannot be learned.

Strategic planning is long-range planning, extending 2 to 5 years into the future. The strategic plan is a written document that details organizational goals, allocates resources, assigns responsibilities, and determines time frames.

It results from an in-depth analysis of
(1) the business, community, regulatory, and political environment outside the organization;
(2) customer and patient needs;
(3) technology changes; and
(4) strengths, problems, and weaknesses internal to the organization.

The purposes of strategic planning are to:
• Identify strategies to respond to changes in customer needs, technology, health care legislation, the business environment, and the community.
• Dedicate resources to important services and new programs.
• Eliminate duplication, waste, and underused services.

What is the two factor theory of leadership?

Two-factor theory focuses on motivation and job satisfaction based on hygiene factors and motivational factors. Situational-contingency theory focuses on the challenge of a situation and encourages an adaptive leadership style particular to that situation. A nurse leader has prepared an objective for strategic planning.

What is a leadership theory in management?

A leadership theory that states that leaders can increase subordinate satisfaction and performance by clarifying and clearing the paths to goals and by increasing the number and kinds of rewards available for goal attainment. that leaders can change and adapt their leadership styles.

How can leaders strengthen the mission of an organization?

Strengthening the mission of an organization purely depends on the leader himself or herself. Leadership is an earned honor, right, and privilege and an action-oriented responsibility that requires a time commitment.

Which theory indicates leaders should expand and respond to a dynamic change rather than prescribing and approaching change as a lock step pre prescribed method?

Complexity theory states that the leaders should expand and respond to engaging dynamic change and focus on relationships rather than on prescribing and approaching change as a lock-step, pre-prescribed method.

Which internal factors affect the decision

Values, interests, and knowledge are the internal factors that affect the decision-making process of a leader.

Which action of the nurse as a leader is supported by the style theories of leadership?

Which action of the nurse as a leader is supported by the Style theories of leadership? The nurse leader is teaching about the role of followers to the nursing staff.

Which motivating behaviors are important for nurse leaders quizlet?

Which motivating behaviors are important for nurse leaders to perform? Providing staff with guidance to ensure they achieve the desired patient outcome→ Supporting staff in achieving the goals and vision of the organization is a motivational skill for nurse leaders to inspire staff members.


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