Which of the following represents the most important criticism of the humanistic approach to psychotherapy quizlet?

How does the holistic approach to psychopathology differ from the reductionist approach?

The holistic approach studies personal and structural causes of behavior, while the reductionist approach examines root elements.

The holistic approach chooses the most appropriate paradigm for diagnosis, while the reductionist approach uses multiple paradigms.

The holistic approach applies natural explanations of behavior, while the reductionist approach identifies biological mechanisms.

The holistic approach focuses on the widest lens of behavioral analysis, while the reductionist approach uses the narrowest lens.

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Csikszentmihalyi refers to these kinds of moments as optimal experience. Because people typically describe a feeling of being caught up in a natural, almost effortless movement from one step to the next, psychologists sometimes refers to the experience as flow. Optimal experiences are intensely enjoyable, but they usually are not restful, relaxing moments. On the contrary, most often flow experiences are quite demanding (Abuhamdeh & Csikszentmihalyi, 2012; de Manzano, Theorell, Harmat, & Ullen, 2010). "The best moments usually occur when a person's body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile," Csikszentmihalyi explained. "Optimal experience is thus something that we make happen" (1990, p. 3).

Loneliness is not the same as isolation. Some of the loneliest individuals are surrounded by people most of the day. Rather, loneliness concerns our perception of how much social interaction we have and the quality of that interaction. As one team of investigators explained, "Loneliness occurs when a person's network of social relationships is smaller or less satisfying than the person desires" (Peplau, Russell, & Heim, 1979, p. 55, italics added). You can have very little contact with people, but if you are satisfied with that contact, you won't feel lonely. On the other hand, you may have many friends, yet still feel a need for more or deeper friendships and thus become lonely.

Correlations between measures of loneliness and other personality variables paint a drab and sullen picture of chronically lonely people (Ernst & Cacioppo, 1999). High scores on loneliness scales are related to higher levels of social anxiety and self-consciousness and lower levels of self-esteem and assertiveness (Bruch, Kaflowitz, & Pearl, 1988; Jones, Freemon, & Goswick, 1981; Solano & Koester, 1989). Lonely people are more likely to be introverted, anxious, and sensitive to rejection (Russell et al., 1980) and more likely to suffer from depression (Vanhalst, Luyckx, Teppers, & Goossens, 2012; Wei, Russell, & Zakalik, 2005). High loneliness scores also are associated with pessimism and negative mood (Cacioppo et al., 2006).

It seems clear that spending time alone can have both positive and negative consequences. Solitude can be boring and lonely, or it can bring insight and a sense of restoration. Whether people dislike or enjoy their time alone may be a function of their preference for solitude. As with other personality variables, researchers find people exhibit relatively stable patterns in the extent to which they seek out and enjoy time by themselves (Burger, 1995; Cramer & Lake, 1998; Haans, Kaiser, & de Kort, 2007; Larson & Lee, 1996; Pedersen, 1999). On one end of this individual difference dimension, we have people who avoid solitude whenever possible and who are eaten up by loneliness and sadness when forced to spend even a few hours by themselves. People on the other end of this dimension are more likely to resemble the self-actualized individuals Maslow described. They appreciate the benefits that come from solitude and probably arrange their days so they have at least a little time to themselves to collect their thoughts and reflect on matters that concern them.

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Which of the following represents the most important criticism of the humanistic approach to psychotherapy group of answer choices?

Which of the following represents the most important criticism of the humanistic approach to psychotherapy? The effectiveness of treatment is difficult to empirically evaluate.

Which of the following is a criticism of the humanistic perspective?

One major criticism of humanistic psychology is that its concepts are too vague. Critics argue that subjective ideas such as authentic and real experiences are difficult to objectify; an experience that is real for one individual may not be real for another person.

Which of the following best characterizes the humanistic critique of other forms of psychotherapy quizlet?

Which of the following best characterizes the humanistic critique of other forms of psychotherapy? Humans are not locked into dysfunctional behavior as a result of past experience.

What is the weakness of the humanistic therapy technique in treating mental disorders?

Other criticisms of the approach include its lack of effectiveness in treating severe mental health issues and the generalizations made about human nature, as well as the complete rejection of some important behaviorist and psychoanalytic concepts.


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