Which of the following is true about articles on female politicians athletes and authors that prioritize womens appearances quizlet?

Can men be feminists?

Yes; profeminist men can value women, working to reduce sexism.

Which of the following is a possible bias in the choice of research participants?


Relying more on college student samples


Selecting on the basis of age, social class, and developmental stage


Tendency to study males and male issues more often than females and female issues


All of these answers are correct.

Research documenting ________ is often overlooked, while research documenting ________ is sought and publicized.

gender similarities; gender differences

Although experimentation is the most respected paradigm for psychological research, it may not always be ideal for research on gender because

the researcher creates an artificial environment to manipulate participant experiences.

A woman who is wealthy and privileged may actually have more in common with

wealthy and privileged men than with poor women.

Which of the following statements is true about liberal feminism?

It emphasizes the similarities between males and females, maintaining that given equal environments and opportunities, males and females will behave similarly.

Which of the following statements is true about quantitative methods of research in psychology?

They involve measuring behavior, averaging it over a group of people, and comparing groups with statistical tests.

Identify a true statement about qualitative methods of research in psychology.

They explore a topic in an open-ended way, without trying to systematically count or manipulate behaviors.

In a research process, a researcher should start by

generating a question to be answered by gathering information systematically.

With regard to the popular belief "men are from Mars and women are from Venus," feminists believe

women and men are not complete opposites of each other.

Which of the following phrases is true of the inequalities women face and/or have faced?


Denying women the right to vote, own property, or use public spaces


Denying women the right to make decisions about their own bodies


Sexist harassment and receiving less pay at work


All of these answers are correct.

When a little girl is born, she may be wrapped in a pink blanket. What does the color of the blanket represent?


Which of the following statements is true about distinguishing sex from gender?


It provided a means to the scientific study of topics like gender socialization of children.


It was an important step in recognizing that biology is not destiny.


It was an important step in recognizing that gender is learned.


All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following statements is true about the dominant group in a hierarchical society?

It has more power.

Adrienne sees the sales clerk in a store wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. She cannot decide whether the clerk is a man or a woman, so she searches for ________ such as makeup.

gender cues

In a study conducted by Grady (1977), people were asked to describe the person who had just sold them a subway token. Grady found that

people mentioned sex as the first or second characteristic 100 percent of the time.

In a study conducted by Zanna & Pack (1975), female college students were given a description of a male student who was either desirable or undesirable as a potential date and who was characterized as having traditional or more modern values. Which of the following statements is true about women's responses when the man was attractive?

They portrayed themselves as more traditional when they believed that the man was traditional and portrayed themselves as less traditional when they believed that the man was nontraditional.

When the Taliban governed in Afghanistan, it denied women and girls basic human rights such as health care, education, and freedom of movement. This systematic pattern of prejudice and discrimination is called ________.


Churiah goes into a store to buy a computer. The sales clerk who assists her does not talk down to the male customer he just finished helping but does talk down to Churiah. In this scenario, the sales clerk is demonstrating ________.

sex discrimination

When women dress up in short skirts, wear makeup, and do their hair before going out to a club, they are ________.

doing gender

Zimmerman & West (1975) found in male-female conversations that

over 95 percent of interruptions were by male speakers.

High-status individuals are more likely than low-status individuals to look away when the subordinate speaks. This tendency is called ________.

visual dominance

In the context of constructing gender in interaction, which of the following statements is true about nonverbal messages?

When talking with men, women are more likely to be the ones who smile.

Janelle is more interested in her career than having children. When her sister has a baby, everyone begins to ask Janelle when she will. She is aware of the fact that many people perceive her to be selfish and unfriendly for prioritizing her career over her personal life. In this scenario, Janelle is ________.

in a double bind

To avoid being called names by the men working for her, Mikhala goes out of her way to appear warm and friendly. She is utilizing ________.

a gender management strategy

The devaluation of the female gender can be seen in

the word pair "master and mistress."

An example of linguistic sexism in English is the

use of the term "man" to refer to humans in general.

In the largest study of face-ism to date, Konrath et al. (2012) used 6610 politicians' official website photographs from 25 countries to explore the relationship between face-ism and the level of gender equality in each country. They found that there was more face-ism

in the more gender-equal cultures.

Identify a true statement about body image.

Women are more strongly invested in their physical appearance than men are.

Numerous experiments that have exposed women to images of attractive models and then measured their self-esteem, perceptions of their own attractiveness, and mood have found significant negative effects. Which of the following factors is most likely to cause these effects?

the social comparison process

Which of the following is true about articles on female politicians, athletes, and authors that prioritize women's appearances?

The articles objectify these females.

Identify a true statement about images of women athletes.

They often deemphasize women's abilities.

In an analysis of sitcoms, the behavior of male characters toward heavy women showed that it is socially acceptable to ________ overweight women.


On afternoon talk shows, which of the following best describes working-class women?


out of control
Incorrect Response



victims of dysfunctional families
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Even when women have the authority to be heard, their

appearance is paramount.

According to the most recent studies conducted by Andreoletti et al. (2015) and Haines et al. (2016), which of the following personality traits is considered characteristic of men rather than women?

instrumental and agentic

Women who are particularly strong, either in personality or physical skills, are likely to be stereotyped as


Which of the following statements is true of the differences tradition?

It is used to argue that society should give more recognition to the activities, traits, and values of women.

The logic of experimental design and hypothesis testing leads psychologists to put more weight on findings of


If a researcher tested both men and women on reasoning ability such that the men had college degrees and the women were high school graduates, then the level of education would be a

confounding variable

Identify a true statement about meta-analysis.

It allows researchers to estimate the size of a gender-related difference.

Why is meta-analysis an improvement over simple reviews of studies?


It simplifies the study of other variables that interact with gender.


It allows researchers to assess the magnitude and consistency of difference effects statistically.


It allows researchers to estimate the size of a gender-related difference.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Meta-analysis is useful because it

statistically analyzes the results of many studies.

Which of the following situations does NOT indicate a sexist bias in classrooms?

Girls are more likely to be punished for wrong answers than are boys.

In the context of math performance, which of the following best illustrates stereotype threat?

The fear of confirming the stereotype that women are bad at math may negatively impact women's math performance.

According to Kenney-Benson et al. (2006), girls' high grades are linked to their ________.

drive for mastery

Compared with males, females usually receive

lower scores on the math portion of the SAT and better math grades in college.

Which of the following statements is suggested by the variability hypothesis?

Men are statistically more likely than women to be geniuses.

Our society relies on standardized tests (i.e., SAT, GRE) to predict college performance. Women score lower than men on these tests and get better grades in college. Women's educational achievement is misrepresented by the

female underprediction effect.

Every culture has certain rules that govern which emotions may be expressed, under what circumstances, and how, and these rules are called

display rules

During the first month or so after conception, ________.

the fetus has a structure that will become either a penis or a clitoris

Individuals whose genetic composition was XY but their bodies did not prompt the development of male reproductive structures during fetal differentiation are said to have

complete androgen insensitivity syndrome.

Which of the following statements is true of individuals with Turner syndrome?

They are born with an XO chromosomal composition.

A meta-analysis of math aptitude studies conducted by Baker and Reiss (2016) showed that girls with Turner syndrome ________.

had large deficits compared with other girls, especially under time pressure

Which of the following common conditions produces a sexually ambiguous body and is best described as a genetically inherited malfunction of one or more of the enzymes needed to make the steroid hormone cortisol?

congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH)

Which of the following problems is associated with Turner syndrome?

the short stature of girls

Which of the following is most likely a characteristic of CAH (congenital adrenal hyperplasia) girls?

As teenagers, they tend to be more interested in electronics, cars, and sports than cheerleading, fashion, and makeup.

Sexual orientation is a multidimensional concept involving

erotic attraction, affectional relationships, sexual behavior, erotic fantasies, and emotional attachments.

Around the world, ________.

many societies have a third-sex category

In constructing unambiguous genitals for intersex infants, the medical profession has enforced a standard that allows ________ between male and female genitals.

no overlap

In their respective cultures, third-sex people are

not considered to be gay

In cultures where homosexuality is strongly tabooed, third-sex people

may be accepted

Which of the following statements is true of the Intersex Society of North America?


It is a nonprofit organization.


It is dedicated to ending shame, secrecy, and unwanted genital surgeries on people born with an anatomy that someone decided is not standard for male or female.


It was founded by Cheryl Chase in 1993.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

According to social learning theory, people learn their characteristic behavior patterns mainly through the process of


Learning gender-typed behavior is particularly easy for children when

parents set up gender-differentiated environments (e.g., bedrooms).

A 2- or 3-year-old child can answer correctly when asked if he or she is a boy or a girl; however, the child may believe that

people can change sex by changing their hairstyles or clothing.

The understanding that gender is permanent is called

gender constancy

Once children know that they are, and always will be, one sex or the other, they try to ________ the societal expectations for people of their sex.


Martin and Halverson (1983) conducted an experiment in which 5- and 6-year-old children saw pictures of boys and girls doing stereotype-consistent activities and stereotype-inconsistent ones. Which of the following results was found when they tested the children's memory for the pictures a week later?

The children tended to misremember the stereotype-inconsistent pictures.

Unlike gender-aschematic individuals, gender-schematic individuals ________.

rely on a well-developed gender schema spontaneously in making sense of the world

Which of the following statements is true of cognitive theories?

They emphasize that a child's mind is actively trying to comprehend and categorize gender information.

In a three-generational study of college students, their mothers, and their grandmothers, Morgan (1998) found that a majority ________.

reported that they still liked active, adventurous play

In groups, girls tend to use ________, while boys rely more on ________.

cooperation and negotiation; competition and confrontation

In a study of 7- to 10-year-old children in China, Colombia, Italy, Jordan, Kenya, the Philippines, Sweden, Thailand, and the United States, which asked the kids themselves to report on their use of both kinds of aggression, Lansford et al. (2012) found that in all nine countries

boys were more physically aggressive than girls.

With undeniably gender-neutral toys, such as a bicycle, manufacturers

create two versions-a pink, flower-trimmed bike with a wicker basket for girls and a black, heavy-duty BMX version for boys.

Which of the following states the result of a study of 83 children's books published from 1995 to 1999?


Men were shown in a much greater variety of roles and occupations than women.


About half of the main characters were female.


No man was ever shown doing household chores.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

According to Opperman et al. (2014), both men and women experienced better orgasms when they

were comfortable with their partner

Identify a true statement about bisexual girls in high schools.

They have particularly high rates of early sex.

Which of the following statements is true about romance novels?


They help women gain information about sexuality.


They help women admire the spunky, feminine-but-strong heroines.


They help women explore alternative kinds of relationships with men.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Women with disabilities confront the following stereotypes EXCEPT

that they compensate for their limited sex lives by being devoted partners.

In the context of sex talk, which of the following is NOT an example of sexist language?

the use of the word "intercourse" to refer to sexual penetration

The belief that women and men should be judged differently for the same sexual behaviors is known as

the sexual double standard

Which of the following statements is true about abstinence-based sex education programs?

They reinforce harmful gender stereotypes for both boys and girls.

Identify the long-term health consequences of female genital mutilation, especially for infibulated women.


chronic pelvic and urinary tract infections


complications in childbirth


Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

For both boys and girls, one of the strongest predictors of sexual activity is the

perceived level of sexual activity of their best friends.

Though boys reach puberty later than girls, they still

have sex at an earlier age

The most effective means of preventing STIs during heterosexual contact is _____.


The main reason couples in the U.S. do NOT use condoms is because

they believe safe sex is not romantic or spontaneous.

In most of the world, which of the following is NOT true of marriage and love?

Romantic love is viewed as necessary to marriage.

Which of the following is a likely cause of American women's rising average age at first marriage?

advances in contraception

The biggest difference across cultures in mate selection was due to a cluster of characteristics reflecting

traditional values

In recent studies of power in dual-career marriages, ________.

there is a consistent pattern of inequality of power in favor of husbands

Which of the following is a way in which women justified marital inequality instead of challenging husbands or admitting the relationship was unequal?


They minimized conflict or blamed themselves when conflicts happened.


They used distancing and vague, hypothetical terms when talking about equality.


They made positive comparisons between their own husbands and other people's husbands.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

In the context of greater male power in marriage, which of the following statements is true of the social exchange theory?

It proposes that the partner who has less to offer in terms of status, money, or knowledge should take a back seat.

Which of the following is a reason many women feel more negative about their marriages after they have children?

They are disappointed that their husbands do less household work/child care than they expected.

Who do wives and husbands most often turn to when confiding their deepest secrets?

Wives turn to female relatives or friends; husbands turn to wives.

In contrast to heterosexual couples, lesbian and gay couples

tend to share more leisure activities

Identify a true statement about cohabiting couples.

They are more sexually active and sexually experienced than married couples.

Research on cohabitation and later marital satisfaction indicates that

people who cohabit and later marry are more likely to divorce.

Which of the following is a reason most likely to be given by men for the breakup of their marriages?

poor communication

Women seem to adjust better to divorce than men because

they focus on building and maintaining networks of supportive friends and family.

When women and men are in equivalent jobs, women are

expected to be more caring and supportive than men.

Overall, women earn ________ cents to each dollar earned by men.


Recent research investigating the influence ethnicity and gender have on earnings suggests that

women of color are catching up to the earnings of White women and the gender gap has slightly decreased over the past 40 years.

Which of the following is an example of tokenism?


a solo woman in an otherwise all-male group


a lone man in an otherwise all-female group


a single Black in an otherwise all-White group
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Gender as an influence on evaluation was studied, finding that

regardless of the occupation, men's articles were evaluated more positively.

Ashley is a token woman in her law firm. Her performance has been more impressive than many of her coworkers' performances. It is likely that

she will be perceived as "a workaholic" or "too aggressive."

In the context of workplaces, which of the following statements is true of mentoring?

Having a mentor increases job satisfaction and career advancement for both women and men.

In the context of sexual harassment, which of the following refers to unwanted sexual advances or behavior?

quid pro quo harassment

Maria holds a top position in a major architectural firm based in Boston. In her upbringing, she is likely to have

parents who encouraged her achievements.

Which of the following was revealed from a study of over 200 successful African American women attorneys?


Their families and teachers had encouraged them to work hard.


They had benefited from having access to Black women role models.


They had benefited from having access to equal opportunity programs.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following is a reason multiple roles usually benefit psychological well-being?


Paid work is generally a source of increased self-esteem.


Paid work is generally a source of more social involvement.


Paid work is generally a source of an independent identity.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

The pervasive phenomenon of women being blocked in career advancement by invisible barriers has been called the

glass ceiling

The belief that women are old at an earlier age than men is referred to as

the double standard of aging

Research on sexual attractiveness and aging suggests that

there is a double standard of aging

Researchers found that older women are upset about changes in their bodies' ________, while older men reported being more upset by changes in their bodies' ________.

appearance; function

Which of the following is true of how aging men and women view their bodies?

Men tend to talk about their bodies as if they were cars, while women speak of their bodies as if they were household appliances.

Identify a true statement about ageism.

Middle-aged people hold the most ageist attitudes.

In North American society, meaningful roles for elders are more apparent in

collectivist cultures, including many Native American, Asian, and African American communities.

Which of the following statements is true of the physical health of people in middle and later life?

Conditions that limit activity are two to three times more prevalent in women over the age of 75 than in men of the same age group.

Which of the following is true of gender differences and coronary heart disease?

Heart disease has decreased for men but is increasing for women.

Women over the age of 75 are two to three times more likely to have ________ than men in the same age group.

chronic illness

Physicians sometimes misdiagnose serious problems like hypertension and heart disease as

menopausal symptoms

Modern researchers believe that hot flashes are caused by a(n)

decline in estrogen production

Which of the following is true of the psychological experiences of menopause?

Most women cope with the signs of menopause with little fuss.

Older women having weakness, lack of energy, and poor stamina

can improve strength, bone density, balance, and energy levels through exercise.

In New Delhi, India, a young bride is beaten and sexually assaulted by the groom and his friends. In the United States, women workers in a Minnesota mine are groped, grabbed, pressured for sex, threatened, and harassed. Which of the following is most likely reflected by these examples?

violence against women is a global problem

The most common situation or context in which rape occurs is in societies

that approve or condone the use of violence.

Which of the following is a factor contributing to the trafficking of children?


extreme poverty


gender inequality


limited choices
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following is the most problematic aspect of violence in children's television and video games?


Violence is portrayed as trivial.


Violence is portrayed as justified.


Violence is portrayed as funny.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Media violence builds schemas of the world as

a dangerous and scary place

________ is sexually themed material including violence, dehumanization, degradation, or abuse toward women.


Some scholars believe the term ________ should be reserved for material combining sexual themes with violence, dehumanization, degradation, or abuse.


Sexually arousing material that does not contain themes of violence, degradation, abuse, or dehumanization is called


Children, especially girls, are most often sexually abused by

someone they know and trust

Which of the following is a characteristic of abusive families?


They are patriarchal.


They are emotionally distant and unaffectionate.


They are conflictual.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Violence is often used

as a means of control in sexual encounters and romantic relationships.

Partner violence is about

power and control

In the United States, the most common form of rape involves an assault by a

friend or former intimate partner.

In the context of violence against women, sexual assault by a dating partner or someone known to the victim is termed ________.

acquaintance rape

Which of the following statements is true of intimate terrorism?

Its motives are rooted in patriarchal tradition.

Which of the following is one of the widely held set of myths and misconceptions about rape and rape victims in North America?

Victims precipitate rape by dressing provocatively.

Which of the following statements is true of rape myths?

Men who endorse rape myths are more likely to endorse a proclivity to rape

The idea that men are unceasingly and unapologetically violent in abusive relationships

is belied by the cyclical pattern of most domestic violence.

Though people often ask why a battered woman doesn't just leave, research shows that a woman is more likely

to be injured or killed after she leaves her partner.

Some women become so disempowered by abuse that they feel trapped, worthless, depressed, and even develop a kind of post-traumatic stress disorder called

battered women's syndrome

Studies show most women in abusive relationships

do manage to leave them, but usually after returning to the abuser several times.

Which of the following statements is true of common couples violence?

Women and men both report inflicting violence on their partners about equally often.

Which of the following is true of elder abuse?


It reflects patriarchal power imbalances.


It takes place in private settings and is often a family secret.


It is fostered by the isolation of its victims and their fears of losing their homes.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

According to the movie, Pornography in Everyday Life,

marketing images of women are sexist and degrading.

The real problem with pornography is

the false sense of reality that it portrays.

Which of the following is responsible for gender-related difference in the rates of some mental health issues?


Women and men may differ in willingness to seek treatment.


Women and men may differ in willingness to admit they're struggling.


Some disorders may occur more frequently in women than in men.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

If a therapist has sexist assumptions about psychological symptoms, then

this will lead him or her to overdiagnose certain conditions and underdiagnose others.

Which of the following is true of defining mental disorders?

The decision on who is mentally ill and who is not is sometimes more dependent on society's response to a behavior rather than on the behavior itself.

Studies of the relationship between depression and gender reveal that

gender roles may be more important than biological sex in affecting women's behaviors associated with depression.

Rosenfield (2000) suggests that women's higher rates of ________ disorders and men's higher rates of ________ disorders are due to gender socialization.

internalizing; externalizing

Feminist criticisms of traditional psychotherapy include

its focus on the individual as the source of his or her psychological distress.

Which of the following is a characteristic of feminist therapists?


They strive for egalitarian relationships.


They strive to empower their clients.


They take into account gender roles and the effects of androcentric society while working with clients.
Correct Answer

All of these answers are correct.

Which of the following statements is true about Womanism quizlet?

Which of the following statements is true about womanism? It focuses on issues of importance to minority communities: poverty, racism, jobs, health care, and access to education.

When people present themselves in a way that confirms others beliefs about them they create a?

Confirmation bias is our tendency to cherry-pick information that confirms our existing beliefs or ideas. Confirmation bias explains why two people with opposing views on a topic can see the same evidence and come away feeling validated by it.

Which of the following terms refers to the physical traits of being male or female?

Sex: Refers to anatomical, physiological, genetic, or physical attributes that define if a person is male, female, or intersex. These include both primary and secondary sex characteristics, including genitalia, gonads, hormone levels, hormone receptors, chromosomes, and genes.

Which of the following statements best describes the reverse sexism that occurs in today's classrooms quizlet?

Which of the following statements best describes the "reverse sexism" that occurs in today's classrooms? Because teachers have been trained to make up for earlier gender bias, boys may be at a disadvantage in the classroom.


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