Which of the following is not true about indentured servitude in British North America

  • The Englishman John Smith is best described as

      a. an explorer
      b. a soldier of fortune
      c. an English nobleman
      d. a close friend of King James.
  • The early colonists of Jamestown included which of the following?

      a. Skilled tradesmen who helped the others the survive the rigors of colonization.
      b. Farmers who helped raise food for the others.
      c. A large number of peasants.
      d. Nobles who were charged with looking for gold.
  • The Anglo-Powhatan Wars, which occurred between 1610 and 1646, were caused by

      a. the colonists who refused to trade with the Indians.
      b. the Indians who refused to help the colonists.
      c. Powhatan's refusal to let John Rolfe marry Pocahontas.
      d. the British policy to subjugate the Indians to British authority.
  • Which of the following statements was NOT a consequence of the success of tobacco farming in Virginia?

      a. Land became easier to obtain in Virginia than in England.
      b. Martial law was extended until 1630.
      c. English common law replaced martial law.
      d. Virginia became an attractive location for many living in England.
  • Which of the following statements about the adoption of slavery in the Chesapeake Bay is NOT correct?

      a. Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619.
      b. Slaves had an indistinct status—they were neither indentured servants nor chattel slaves.
      c. Slaves faced the same problems as the English: short life spans, harsh environmental and working conditions, and little or no reward for their efforts.
      d. Slaves saw their lives in the Chesapeake Bay region as a distinct improvement over their lives in Africa.
  • Which was not a reason that English plantation owners in the Chesapeake Bay region adopted slavery so quickly?

      a. The need for laborers and the price of slaves.
      b. The disease rate of indentured servants.
      c. The lack of indentured servants and scarcity of women.
      d. The British already had trade relations with Spain to secure slaves from Africa.
  • About 90 percent of those who migrated to the Chesapeake in the 17 century came as

      a. soldiers
      b. explorers
      c. farmers
      d. servants
  • Which of the following statements characterizes the Puritans and Pilgrims?

      a. They emigrated to North America for both religious and economic reasons.
      b. They were predominantly middle class and they had self-funded their ventures so that they could control all aspects of their work and their profit.
      c. They believed they were on a mission to establish a new society based on God's word.
      d. They were fleeing justice in England.
  • Which of the following statements is a correct description of the Mayflower Compact?

      a. The men on board the Mayflower bound themselves into a “civic body politic.”
      b. The Pilgrims practiced an early and pure form of democracy.
      c. The Mayflower Compact applied just to the non-Pilgrims on board the Mayflower.
      d. None of the above.
  • The Puritans believed that land should be

      a. shared with Native Americans.
      b. Communally farmed.
      c. owned by the individual who developed his own privately owned parcels of land.
      d. used to provide produce and profits with all the members of the town.
  • Which statement best describes the raising of children in Puritan households?

      a. Children were sent off to boarding schools at an early age.
      b. Children were pampered by their mothers and ignored by their fathers.
      c. Since infant mortality was so high, surviving children were raised by overly protective mothers.
      d. Children were expected to strictly obey their elders and were raised to fear damnation.
  • The first New England towns reflected all of the following except:

      a. The colonists' first houses were very small and simple.
      b. The placement of houses was very standardized with streets and town centers.
      c. The colonists had to adapt their village settlement ideas to a new environment.
      d. Houses were placed closer to farmland than to neighbors.
  • Which of the following statements does NOT accurately describe the difficulty that Puritans had maintaining a harmonious way of life?

      a. It was difficult to maintain a balance between emotion and intellect.
      b. It was difficult to maintain a balance between the individual and community.
      c. It was difficult to maintain a balance between spiritual equality and social hierarchy.
      d. Men and women were held in strict equality with one another.
  • To the Puritan clergy, Anne Hutchinson's most dangerous belief was

      a. that men and women were equal in the eyes of God.
      b. that Roger Williams was innocent.
      c. that God had communicated directly to her.
      d. that the Puritan clergy had taught false scripture.
  • The Pequot War was caused by

      a. English desire for more land.
      b. conflicts among Europeans about who would govern the Connecticut River Valley.
      c. conflicts among Native Americans about who would trade with the Europeans.
      d. All of the above.
  • Who were indentured servants in America?

    Indentured servants were men and women who signed a contract (also known as an indenture or a covenant) by which they agreed to work for a certain number of years in exchange for transportation to Virginia and, once they arrived, food, clothing, and shelter.

    How was slavery different from indentured servitude in North American colonies?

    Indentured servitude differed from slavery in that it was a form of debt bondage, meaning it was an agreed upon term of unpaid labor that usually paid off the costs of the servant's immigration to America. Indentured servants were not paid wages but they were generally housed, clothed, and fed.

    What did indentured servants do?

    Duties. Some indentured servants served as cooks, gardeners, housekeepers, field workers, or general laborers while others learned specific trades such as blacksmithing, plastering, and bricklaying, which they often parlayed into future careers.

    Why did indentured servants come to America?

    Some people indentured themselves in order to gain passage to America or to escape debt and poverty. Others, including convicts, were sold into indenture upon arrival. Indentures are a type of contract that was torn in two, so each party could have a portion.