Which of the following is NOT suggest as a reason for globalizing operations?

1.Which of the following did the authors NOT suggest as a reason for globalizingoperations?A) reduce costsB) improve the supply chainC) pursue stockholder approval ratingsD) understand marketsE) attract and retain global talent

2.Multinational organizations can shop from country to country and cut costs through:

3.Which of the following statements about organizational missions is FALSE?

5.The ability of an organization to produce goods or services that have someuniqueness in their characteristics is:A) mass production.B) time-based competition.C) competing on productivity.D) competing on quality.E) competing on differentiation.

6.Key success factors and core competencies are synonyms.

7.SWOT analysis is a method of determining external strengths and weaknesses andinternal opportunities and threats.

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Introduction to Probability and Statistics


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8.Outsourcing is the practice of transferring a firm's activities that have traditionallybeen internal to external suppliers.

9.The acronymMNCstands forA) Mexican National Committee (for international trade)B) Maquiladora Negates CompetitionC) Maytag-Nestlé CorporationD) Multinational CorporationE) Maritime Navigation Company

10.The ________ strategy utilizes a standardized product across countries.

Chapter 3 - Project Management1.The phases of project management are:

2.A project organization:

3.Ethical issues that may arise in projects large and small include:A) gifts from contractors.B) exaggerated expense reports.C) compromised quality standards to meet bonuses or avoid penalties related toschedules.

D) attract and retain global talentE) understand markets20) The purpose of NAFTA is to:

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  • Which of the following does not represent a valid reason for globalizing operations? 
  • The Correct Answer Is:
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  • Which of the following is NOT suggest as a reason for globalizing operations?
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  • Which of the following represents a reason for globalizing operations quizlet?

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Section 2Developing Missions and Strategies4) The fundamental purpose of an organization's mission statement is to:

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5) Which of the following statements is true?

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7) Astrategyis a(n):A) set of opportunities in the marketplace.B) broad statement of purpose.C) simulation used to test various product line options.D) plan for cost reduction.E) action plan to achieve the mission.

Section 3Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Operations4) A firm can effectively use its operations function to yield competitive advantage through all ofthe following EXCEPT:

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5) The ability of an organization to produce goods or services that have some uniqueness in theircharacteristics is:

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8) The ability of an organization to produce services that, by utilizing the consumer's five senses,

40.Which of the following does not represent reasons for globalizing operations?a. reduce costsb.improve supply chainc. reduce responsivenessd.attract and retain global talente.All of the above are valid reasons for globalizing operations.c (A global view of operations, moderate) {AACSB: Multiculture and Diversity}

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42.With reference to cultural and ethical issues, the World Trade Organization has

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43.Which of the following is true about business strategies?

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September 5, 2022

Looking for the answer to the question below related to Management?

Which of the following does not represent a valid reason for globalizing operations? 


A. reduce costs
B. improve the supply chain
C. reduce responsiveness
D. attract and retain global talent
E. understand markets

The Correct Answer Is:

  • C. reduce responsiveness


I hope you got the answer to your question.

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Which of the following is NOT suggest as a reason for globalizing operations?

Pursuing stockholder approval ratings. Explanation for correct option: Pursuing stockholder approval ratings are not a reason for globalizing.

What are reasons for globalizing operations?

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Which of the following represent reasons for Globalisation?

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Which of the following represents a reason for globalizing operations quizlet?

To attract and retain global talent, and to expand a product's life cycle, are both reasons to globalize. A product will always be in the same stage of its product life cycle regardless of the country.

Which of the following is not a reason for globalizing operations?

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What are reasons for globalizing operations?

There are many reasons why companies go global in their operations: growth (finding new, untapped markets for the company existing products), efficiency (looking for economies of scale or economies of scope, using lower cost resources), knowledge (getting skilled labour and talent in other countries, acquiring ...

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