Which of the following is not a cultural value or assumption of western psychotherapies?

166.Most European and U.S. psychotherapies are based upon a(n) _____ cultural orientationrather than a(n) _____ cultural orientation.A)individualistic; collectivisticB)interdependent; independentC)collectivistic; individualisticD)family network; individual

167.Which of the following is NOT a cultural value or assumption of Westernpsychotherapies?

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168.Which of the following assumptions of Western psychotherapy might prove especiallyproblematic to a person with a collectivistic cultural background?

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169.Mrs. Diaz, whose family emigrated from Colombia when she was a teenager, hasrecently begun psychotherapy. Her therapist knows that including members of theextended family in family therapy may be particularly appropriate for Latino clients likeMrs. Diaz because:

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Terms in this set (56)

Currently in the United States, who may legally prescribe psychotropic medications to treat psychological disorders?

licensed physicians and specially trained licensed psychologists in the U.S. military, New Mexico, and Louisiana

Dr. Jenkins is a licensed clinical psychologist in Chicago who has an office next door to Dr. Zimmerman, who is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. Which of the following statements correctly describes the current rules under which Dr. Jenkins and Dr. Zimmerman practice?

Dr. Zimmerman can write prescriptions for psychoactive drugs and administer electroconvulsive therapy, but Dr. Jenkins cannot.

Which of the following mental health professionals holds a master's degree in social work and has had an internship at a social service agency or mental health center?

psychiatric social worker

Not all psychologists favor the idea of extending prescription privileges to qualified psychologists. These critics:

are concerned that the safety and well-being of patients could be at risk if psychologists receive inadequate training to prescribe psychotropic medications.

According to Freud, when early experiences result in unresolved conflicts and frustrated urges, these emotionally charged memories are _____ but can continue to influence a person's thoughts and behavior.


In psychoanalysis, the term resistance refers to the:

patient's unconscious attempts to block the process of revealing repressed memories and conflicts.

Who is most likely to have said: "The resistance accompanies the treatment step by step. Every single association, every act of the person under treatment must reckon with the resistance and represents a compromise between the forces that are striving towards recovery and opposing ones?"

Sigmund Freud

Compared to therapists who practice traditional psychoanalysis, therapists who practice one of the forms of short-term dynamic therapy tend to:

be more directive and actively engage the patient in a dialogue.

Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic ideas and techniques:

have had an enormous impact on psychotherapy and continue to be studied today.

Interpersonal therapy was originally developed to treat:

major depressive disorder.

Your textbook lists several psychological problems and disorders that have been successfully treated with interpersonal therapy. Which of the following was NOT listed as a psychological problem or disorder that can be successfully treated with interpersonal therapy?


Who is most likely to have claimed that "As the client becomes more self-aware, more self-acceptant, less defensive and more open, she finds at last some of the freedom to grow and change in directions natural to the human organism"?

Carl Rogers

Both psychoanalysis and client-centered therapy stress:

the importance of insight and increased self-understanding.

Believing that the term patient implied that people seeking therapy were sick and seeking treatment from an all-knowing authority figure who would heal them, Carl Rogers preferred the term _____ to describe people in therapy.


Free association, dream interpretation, and transference are to _____ as unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and empathic understanding are to _____.

psychoanalysis; client-centered therapy

In client-centered therapy, the therapist:

strives to be nondirective, genuine, and accepting.

Steve's therapist Dr. Royce is a client-centered therapist. During therapy sessions, he actively listens to Steve's words and often responds by reflecting back both the content and personal meaning of what Steve seems to be saying. Steve's therapist is:

communicating empathic understanding.

According to Carl Rogers, therapeutic change in client-centered therapy occurs:

as the client's views of himself and the world become less distorted.

A therapeutic approach that uses client-centered techniques to help clients overcome mixed feelings about committing to change is:

motivational interviewing (MI).

Usually lasting only a session or two, _____ is more directive than traditional client-centered therapy.

motivational interviewing (MI)

The basic assumption of behavior therapy is that:

adaptive and maladaptive behaviors are learned.

In the 1920s, the famous case of Little Albert demonstrated that:

strong negative emotional reactions, such as fear of a lab rat, could be classically conditioned.

The process of learning a new conditioned response that is incompatible with a previously learned response is called _____ and is based on the principles of _____.

counterconditioning; classical conditioning

Systematic desensitization is based on the same premise as:


When Gary found out that his new job required some air travel, he sought the help of a clinical psychologist to deal with his intense fear of flying. The clinical psychologist suggested using a procedure called systematic desensitization. As the first step in the process of systematic desensitization, the clinical psychologist:

trained Gary in a technique called progressive relaxation.

Which of the following techniques are often used in combination with the standard systematic desensitization procedures?

observational learning techniques involving watching others calmly cope with the feared situation

Virtual reality therapy is a form of computer-assisted _____ used to help people conquer phobias such as fear of heights.

systematic desensitization

Which of the following procedures is based on the principles of classical conditioning?

aversive conditioning

Which of the following is an important component of treatment programs based on operant conditioning?

identifying specific problem behaviors and determining their baseline rate

Dr. Whittaker is a psychotherapist who tells each of his patients the following: "You think that you're unhappy because of all the dreadful things that have happened to you. I'm here to show you that your unhappiness is really due to your thinking that all the things that have happened to you are dreadful!" Based on this statement, which type of psychotherapy does Dr. Whittaker practice?

cognitive therapy

Cognitive therapies are based upon the assumption that psychological problems are essentially caused by:

irrational and illogical patterns of thinking.

Which of the following represents an irrational belief?

"It is OK to become extremely upset by other people's problems."

Phil is a client in rational-emotive therapy. The first step of his therapy will probably focus on identifying:

core irrational beliefs.

According to Beck's cognitive therapy, psychological problems are caused by:

negative cognitive biases, distorted thinking, and unrealistic beliefs.

As part of her treatment for an eating disorder, Anne's psychologist designs a treatment program that involves monitoring Anne's thoughts about food and her weight and recording her eating behavior and weight-control techniques. In addition, her therapist develops a behavior modification program that is designed to reward appropriate eating behavior and discourage inappropriate behaviors. Which therapy is Anne's psychologist using?

cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)

_____ therapy refers to therapy that is provided by one or more therapists working with several people simultaneously.


The general goal of couple therapy is to:

increase intimacy and improve problem solving and communication skills of people in a committed relationship.

Which of the following statements about the effectiveness of psychotherapy is TRUE?

The gains that people make as a result of psychotherapy, including brief forms of psychotherapy, tend to be long lasting.

To say that a psychotherapy treatment is empirically supported means that it meets all of the following conditions EXCEPT that it:

incorporates psychoanalytic principles as outlined by Sigmund Freud.

Researchers on effective psychotherapy have identified several common factors that contribute to a positive therapy outcome. Which of the following is NOT one of those common factors?

a specific therapeutic approach or orientation

As a clinical psychologist in private practice, Dr. Drake uses a variety of psychotherapy techniques. As a rule, she selects the therapy approach based on the problem and the characteristics of the person seeking help. Dr. Drake would be best described as a(n):

eclectic psychotherapist.

Which of the following assumptions of Western psychotherapy might prove especially problematic to a person with a collectivistic cultural background?

the belief that people should be independent and self-sufficient

Jennie's husband was hospitalized and treated with antipsychotic medications for his symptoms of schizophrenia. Because she was worried about his symptoms, Jennie confronted the psychiatrist who was treating her husband. "This is completely unacceptable," she said. "My husband shuffles around this ward like he is a zombie. He jerks and twitches for no apparent reason, the expression on his face hardly ever changes, and he's becoming more withdrawn and apathetic." Which of the following medications was most likely being used to treat Jennie's husband?

chlorpromazine (Thorazine)

In comparison to the first (or typical) antipsychotic medications that were developed, which of the following is an advantage of the atypical antipsychotics?

They are much less likely to cause movement-related side effects.

Valium, Librium, Xanax, and other similar antianxiety medications:

act quickly and reduce the physical and emotional feelings of anxiety in about an hour.

The antianxiety medication with the trade name _____ is not a benzodiazepine.


Which of the following statements about lithium salt is FALSE?

Lithium salt is a benzodiazepine.

The so-called "first generation" of antidepressants:

include the tricyclics and MAO inhibitors and affect multiple neurotransmitter pathways in the brain.

Dr. Telford's research is concerned with how genes influence an individual's response to drugs. He works in a new field of study called:


As the new field of _____ advances, it may help overcome the trial-and-error nature of prescribing not only antidepressants, but other psychotropic medications as well.


Electroconvulsive therapy, abbreviated ECT, involves:

a brief burst of electricity to the brain that induces a seizure.

Which of the following statements about electroconvulsive therapy is FALSE?

Electroconvulsive therapy reduces symptoms of major depressive disorder by causing some brain damage and increasing the frequency of seizures.

Which of the following treatments for major depressive disorder does NOT involve applying an electrical current to the patient?


Regarding sexual interactions between client and therapist, which of the following statements is TRUE?

Sexual contact between a therapist and client is never ethical.

The term catharsis refers to:

the emotional relief that people experience from talking about their feelings and problems.

The textbook provides guidelines to help you understand the special nature of the therapy relationship and develop realistic expectations about the process of psychotherapy. Which of the following is NOT one of those guidelines?

Expect your therapist to make decisions for you; your therapist will often tell you what to do, reducing your stress when making important decisions.

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Stimulation of the amygdala is most likely to have which of the following effects? a. Happiness. b. Aggression. c. Hunger. d. Loss of balance. e. Dreaming.

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Which seems more sound to you, the psychological or biological theory about the origins of antisocial personality disorder? Explain your answer.

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A psychoanalytic psychologist might use the TAT and the Rorschach test in order to a. get a glimpse of a person's ideal self. b. determine if a person is an introvert. c. determine if a person is conscientious. d. gain insight about a person's unconscious mind. e. gain insight about where a person falls in Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

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What are the 4 major approaches to psychotherapy?

Approaches to psychotherapy fall into five broad categories:.
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Behavior therapy. ... .
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