Which of the following is not a behavior that contributes to the task-related functions of a group?

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journal article

Groups in Context: A Model of Task Group Effectiveness

Administrative Science Quarterly

Vol. 29, No. 4 (Dec., 1984)

, pp. 499-517 (19 pages)

Published By: Sage Publications, Inc.



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This study tests a comprehensive model of group effectiveness with 100 sales teams in the communications industry. Results indicate that traditional theories of group effectiveness match the implicit theories of team members. These theories account for 90 percent of the variance in team satisfaction and self-reported effectiveness but none of the variance in the teams' sales performance. The findings suggest that theories of group effectiveness need to be revised to include the way in which teams manage interactions across their boundary and the impact of the organizational context.

Journal Information

Founded in 1956 by James Thompson, the Administrative Science Quarterly is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal publishing theoretical and empirical work that advances the study of organizational behavior and theory. ASQ publishes articles that contribute to organization theory from a number of disciplines, including organizational behavior and theory, sociology, psychology and social psychology, strategic management, economics, public administration, and industrial relations. ASQ publishes both qualitative and quantitative work, as well as purely theoretical papers. Theoretical perspectives and topics in ASQ range from micro to macro, from lab experiments in psychology to work on nation-states. An occasional feature is the "ASQ Forum," an essay on a special topic with invited commentaries. Thoughtful reviews of books relevant to organization studies and management theory are a regular feature. Special issues have explored qualitative methods, organizational culture, the utilization of organizational research, the distribution of rewards in organizations, and critical perspectives on organizational control.

Publisher Information

Sara Miller McCune founded SAGE Publishing in 1965 to support the dissemination of usable knowledge and educate a global community. SAGE is a leading international provider of innovative, high-quality content publishing more than 900 journals and over 800 new books each year, spanning a wide range of subject areas. A growing selection of library products includes archives, data, case studies and video. SAGE remains majority owned by our founder and after her lifetime will become owned by a charitable trust that secures the company’s continued independence. Principal offices are located in Los Angeles, London, New Delhi, Singapore, Washington DC and Melbourne. www.sagepublishing.com

1.                    An inclusion need represents our desire to belong, to be involved, and to be accepted.

1.                    When a group member exhibits a unique set of skills or behavior patterns that serve a specific function within the group, that member has assumed a role.

1.                    According to Benne and Sheats, members perform task roles, maintenance, roles, and self-centered roles.

1.                    Cognitive restructuring is one way to deal with members who engage in self-centered roles.

1.                    Assertiveness is expressed when group members lack confidence and/or are reluctant to express their opinions.

1.                    Which of following is NOT one of the needs identified in Schutz’s FIRO Theory:

1.                    Which of the following factors contribute to the level of communication apprehension someone might have

Personality of speaker, the nature of the listeners, and the characteristics of the occasion

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a group maintenance role

1.                    Characteristics of group members with LOW communication apprehension may

1.                    Identify the type of behavior that occurs when a group member gets their way by undermining behind their backs and appearing to agree while privately planning an opposite action

1.                    A leader and leadership are the same thing

1.                    A designated leader gradually achieves leadership by interacting with group members and contributing to the achievements of the group’s needs

1.                    Effective leaders welcome disagreements

1.                    Even though extensive research indicates that there are only slight differences between men and women leaders, stereotypical, negative expectations still persist

1.                    You cannot fully understand the dynamics of leadership unless you also understand the dynamic of power

1.                    Which of the following are strategies that can be used to help you become a leader

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a leadership theory

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a leadership theory:

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a leadership behavior associated with the 5M Model of Leadership

1.                    Which of the following is a behavior characterized by a leader who exhibits personal humility

Acts with calm determination

1.                    Teams typically have a group identity than standard groups

1.                    Team names, logos and uniforms are all examples of solidarity symbols

1.                    Quality Circles are worker who volunteer to work on a similar task and attempt to solve a particular problem

1.                    Empowerment is the process of enhancing the capabilities and influence of individuals and groups

1.                    Teams require leadership even if they are self-managing

1.                    All teams are groups but not all groups are teams

1.                    Micro-management is associated with self-managing work teams

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a principle describing how teams differ from groups

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a dimension of empowerment

1.                    Which of the following is NOT one of the four C’s to consider when developing team goals

1.                    Decision-making and problem solving are the same thing

1.                    Choosing a question of fact, conjecture, value, or policy can help your group clarify what your members need to know and do in order to make a good decision or solve a problem

1.                    The Standard Agenda and The Single Questions Format are two structured decision-making procedures.

1.                    Four strategies for enhancing group creativity are 1) controlling judgment, 2) encouraging innovation, 3) ask what-if questions, and 4) use metaphors.

1.                    Brainstorming is a technique for generating as many ideas as possible in a short period of time.

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a decision-making method

1.                    Which of the following are decision-making styles

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a step used in the standard agenda

create a collaborative setting

1.                    You should use the Decreasing Options Technique when:

1.                    When working in virtual teams, which of the following type of technology is the most effective if you are producing a product:

collaborating writing with audio and video

1.                    Conflict is the disagreement and disharmony that occurs in groups when members express differences regarding group goals, member ideas, behavior, and roles; or group procedures and norms.

1.                    All groups will experience conflicts

1.                    Attribution theory claims that we make judgments about people’s motives and characteristics that go beyond what we see and hear.

1.                    Too much group cohesiveness can result in groupthink.

1.                    Establishing a group identity, emphasizing teamwork, and respecting group members are several strategies to enhance constructive conflict

1.                    Which of the following is NOT a type of conflict

1.                    Which of the following is NOT considered a traditional conflict style

1.                    Which of the following conflict management strategies should be used when group members want to bargain to settle differences or solve a problem

1.                    Which of the following are symptoms of groupthink

1.                    Which of the following conflict management styles searches for new solutions to meet both individual and group goals

collaboration conflict style

Which of the following is a behavior that contributes to the relational functions of a group?

Leadership behaviors that contribute to a group's relational functions include creating a participative and inclusive climate, establishing norms of reflection and self-analysis, and managing conflict.

What are task roles in a group?

Task roles are those that help or hinder a group's ability to accomplish its goals. Social-emotional roles are those that focus on building and maintaining relationships among individuals in a group (the focus is on how people feel about being in the group).

Which of the following are common characteristics of problems that groups should consider when working to resolve a problem?

Five common and important characteristics to consider are task difficulty, number of possible solutions, group member interest in problem, group member familiarity with problem, and the need for solution acceptance (Adams & Galanes, 2009).

What are the types of roles in a group?

There are four fundamental roles to consider: leader/facilitator, arbitrator/monitor, notetaker/time keeper, and devil's advocate.

What is task related role?

Task-Related Roles and Behaviors Task roles and their related behaviors contribute directly to the group's completion of a task or achievement of its goal or purpose. Task-related roles typically serve leadership, informational, or procedural functions.


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