Which of the following is EXCLUDED from the importance of qualitative research in daily life


Quarter 1- Module 2:

Qualitative Research and Its Importance

In Daily Life

Department of Education ● Republic of the Philippines


What I need to Know


What makes human race distinct from each other, specifically on its uniqueness of traits, similarities and differences? In a way, qualitative research can respond to such questions. According to Silverman (2013); Litchman (2013); Walliman (2014); and Suter (2012), qualitative research is an act of inquiry or investigation of real-life events. It is concerned with own experiences of a life event, and the aim is to interpret what has been said in order to explain why it is said. This is called natural setting. Qualitative research is important practically because most things cannot just be quantified: they need to be described. Appreciating the nature of life and experience is vital than simply counting things .We need to understand the quality of some things in order for them to have meaning.

This module will assist you in understanding....

Lesson 1 The Value of Qualitative Research Its Characteristics, Strengths, Weaknesses and Kinds Lesson 2 The Importance of Qualitative Research Across Fields of Inquiry

Learning Objectives

After going through this module, you are expected to:

  1. describe the characteristics, strengths and weaknesses and kinds of qualitative research; and

  2. Illustrate the importance of qualitative research across fields

  3. It is a qualitative research which analyzes the language “beyond the sentence”. It is the study of the ways in which language is used by the people, both written and spoken contexts. a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report.

  4. “A student really idolizes his English teacher who is expert in grammar and literature. The former wants to write a scholarly chronicle about the latter’s experiences including his family background, how he achieved his success in life, his likes and dislikes, his achievements and struggles in life.” What type of qualitative research should a student employ? a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report

  5. It is a qualitative research in which data related to the past events are systematically collected and evaluated to describe potential causes, effects, or trends related to those events. a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report

  6. All of the following are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT a. Explores sensitive issues b. Captures diversity of experiences and perceptions c. Allows participants to freely exchange ideas d. Proves a certain theory or principle

  7. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research? a. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions. b. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted. c. Data analysis involving numerical data is difficult. d. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

  8. Which of the following is EXCLUDED from the importance of qualitative research in daily life? a. Qualitative unveils individual’s perception, feelings and attitudes about a certain phenomenon. b. Qualitative research allows the researcher to immerse in the community where the participants live. c. Qualitative research stimulates people’s interdependence or interpersonal relationship. d. Qualitative research lets the researcher to validate the previously constructed theory or principle.



The Value of Qualitative Research

Its Characteristics, Strengths,

Weaknesses and Kinds

The general purpose of qualitative research is to develop concepts which help you to understand social phenomena in, wherever possible, natural rather than experimental settings, to gain an understanding of the experiences, perceptions and/or behaviours of individuals, and the meanings attached to them. The effective applications of qualitative methods to other disciplines, including health and education research have expanded. This module outlines the nature and potential value of qualitative research features its various parameters.

What’s in?


In the previous module, you learned the nature of inquiry and research.

Inquiry and research encourage high levels of critical thinking in order to attain appropriate methods and resources .As a researcher you have to follow the different processes in research equipped with the etiquettes in conducting your study. Those samples of research in areas of interest will help you guide to choose you topic or research problem.

IV of Qualitative Research

  1. It adopts a naturalistic approach to its subject matter.
  2. Promotes a full understanding of human behavior/personality traits in their natural setting.
  3. It is instrumental for positive societal changes.
  4. It engenders respect for people’s individuality.
  5. it’s a way of understanding & interpreting social interactions.
  6. Increases researcher’s interests in the study.
  7. Offers multiple ways of acquiring and examining knowledge about something.

V of Qualitative Research

  1. It involves a lot of researcher’s subjectivity in data analysis.
  2. It is hard to know the validity/reliability of the data.
  3. It is open-ended questions yield “data overload” that requires long-time analysis.
  4. It is time-consuming.
  5. It involves several processes, whose results greatly depend on the researcher’s views or interpretations.

VI. Kinds of Qualitative Research 2

  1. Case Study - Long time study of a person, group, organization or situation and an empirical inquiry that investigates current phenomenon. Example: “Teenage Pregnancy in the Public High Schools”

  2. Ethnography- a study of a particular cultural group. Example: “Cultural Awareness and Integration of Peace Education in the Indigenous Peoples (IP) Communities” .

  3. Phenomenology- “live-experienced” of a phenomenon. Example: “Life without Gadget”

  4. Content and Discourse Analysis-  Content Analysis- is a research technique that analyzes the modes of communication such as letters, e-mails etc.

 Discourse Analysis- is the study of social life, understood through analysis of language it includes face-to-face talk, non-verbal interaction, images and symbols.

Materials for Discourse Analysis include books, newspapers, periodicals, brochures and advertisements.

Example: “A Discourse Analysis on the Impact of Modern Technologies on Communication”

  1. Historical Analysis- is a qualitative method where there is an examining of past events to draw conclusions and make predictions about the future.

Example: “The Impact of Ferdinand Marcos’ Speech”

  1. Grounded Theory- takes place when there is a discovery of new theory which underlies your study at the time of data collection and analysis. Example: “The Story Behind the Migration of Christians from Visayas and Luzon to Mindanao”

  2. Narrative Report - designed to present things or events that have happened in the past through a logical progression of the relevant information. The main purpose of a narrative report is to present a factual depiction of what has occurred.

Example: “Vocabulary Building of Students through Proper Solid Waste Management”

  1. Biography- is the study of an individual’s life and struggles and how they reflect cultural themes of the society. It deals with an interesting story found in documents and archival materials. It is concerned with the reconstruction of life histories and the constitution of meaning based on biographical narratives and documents.

 Five common types of biography are (1) Scholarly Chronicles -focus on the historical portrayal of an individual life. e. “Biography of Gloria M. Arroyo, the First Woman President of the Philippines”

What is it?

Discussion of Activity 1

You just learned the valuable aspects of qualitative research.

  1. Can you recognize the nature of qualitative research; its kinds, characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses? Kindly provide your brief explanation.

  2. How do the strengths and weaknesses help us in writing the research proposal?

What’s more?

On the table below, draft your proposed topics for a research paper. The first column is for the topic, second for the purpose and third for the type of qualitative research to be used. Give five topics.

Topic Purpose Type of Qualitative Reserach Example: Post Traumatic Experiences of the COVID-19 Survivors






To determine the experiences of those survivors in the COVID- 19 phenomena.


What I have learned

Explain the concepts you have learned by answering the following


  1. What comes to your mind when you hear qualitative research? .
  2. Pretend you are the subject of a phenomenological study, how will the researcher obtain data from you?


  1. Name the type of qualitative research best suited for the following topics. a. Grade 11 Science Textbook_____________________________ b. Filipino COVID-19 Front liners in Europe____________________ c. Travails of SHS Graduates in Public Schools_________________ d. The Ifugao Wedding Practices____________________________ e. Relatives of COVID-19 Victims____________________________

What I can do

Contemplate on the matters you see in your surroundings, your house, appliances and gadgets, school, your friends, etc. Ponder over these things, think of a good topic you can research on qualitatively. Write a short descriptive paragraph on your chosen topic applying what you have learned about qualitative research. Write in a separate sheet of paper.


Direction: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

  1. “A student really idolizes his English teacher who is very expert in grammar and literature. The former wants to write a scholarly chronicle about the latter’s experiences including his family background, how he achieved his success in life, his likes and dislikes, his achievements and struggles in life.” What type of qualitative research should a student employ? a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report

  2. It is a qualitative research in which data related to the past events are systematically collected and evaluated to describe potential causes, effects, or trends related to those events. a. Historical Research b. Discourse Analysis c. Biography d. Narrative Report

  3. All of the following are strengths of qualitative research EXCEPT a. Explores sensitive issues b. Captures diversity of experiences and perceptions c. Allows participants to freely exchange ideas d. Proves a certain theory or principle

  4. Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research? a. Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions. b. Data created through qualitative research are always accepted. c. Data analysis involving numerical data is difficult. d. There is a limited review of related literature or in-depth information about the topic.

  5. Which of the following is EXCLUDED from the importance of qualitative research in daily life? a. Qualitative unveils individual’s perception, feelings and attitudes about a certain phenomenon. b. Qualitative research allows the researcher to immerse in the community where the participants live. c. Qualitative research stimulates people’s interdependence or interpersonal relationship. d. Qualitative research lets the researcher to validate the previously constructed theory or principle.

  6. It is the most familiar and applicable type of qualitative research which refers to the investigation of a culture through an in-depth study of the members of the cultural society a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study

  7. It is primarily used to generate theory through relevant information taken from very reliable sources and its focus is theory development. a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study

  8. Which of the following types of qualitative research is designed to focus on the commonality of a “lived experience” with a particular group and its aim is to determine what an experience means for the persons who have had the experience of living in a certain community which is the subject of the research? a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study

  9. It is an exploration of a “bounded system” over time through detailed, in- depth data collection involving multiple sources of information rich in interesting stories. a. Ethnography b. Phenomenology c. Grounded Theory d. Case Study



The Importance of Qualitative

Research Across Fields of Inquiry

Qualitative research is an emerging area of inquiry that graces through disciplines and subject matter. However it's also essential to recognize that qualitative research is a method generally used in the social sciences searching social interactions, schemes and processes. It delivers a detailed appreciation of the ways people come to understand and achieve their daily life in particular situations.

What’s in?


In the previous lesson, you learned to describe the nature and

characteristics of qualitative research with its kinds, strength and weaknesses. Qualitative research is capable to give rich information about the respondents, be it humans or animals. Despite having such strength, its weakness is perceived on its approach being not applicable to some research objectives. The kinds of qualitative research will help you discover facts and information about the object of your interest and working with others. The lessons you had learned will guide you to appreciate the importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry.

What’s New?

Research in Different Areas of Knowledge

Research studies happen in any field of knowledge: Anthropology, Business, Communication, Education, Engineering, Law and Nursing.

A. Basic Research Approaches in a Specific Area of Discipline

  1. Scientific or Positive Approach eals with empirical data instead of personal views, feelings or attitudes. control of variables or factors affecting the study (Laursen 2010). records findings quantitatively. resents structured interviews, questionnaires and observational checklists.

  2. Naturalistic Approach  A people-oriented approach focusing on discovering the real concept or meaning behind people’s lifestyles and social relations.  Present things qualitatively through verbal language. Using words as unit of analysis.  Bases determining universal social values to define ethical and unethical that society ought to know, not only for the benefit of individual and community but also for the satisfaction of man’s quest for knowledge.” (Sarandakos 2013; Ransome 2013)

Example: Talking to ethnic groups or people with other culture in a natural setting. In this case, the researcher uses unstructured interviews and the participants’ answer/response is not scripted.

  1. Triangulation/ Mixed Method  Allows a combination or a mixture of research designs, data collection and data analysis techniques.  Enhance the validity and reliability of qualitative research design.  Enhances accuracy of interpretation.  Has an opportunity to view every angle of the research from different perspectives.

 Qualitative and Quantitative Research can go together in a research approach.  There is a symbiotic relationship between these two research methods, in which they reinforce or strengthen each other.  Moreover, any form of knowledge, factual or opinionated and any statistical or verbal expression of this knowledge are deduced from human experience that is subjective. (Hollway 2013; Letherby 2013)

Activity 1: Question and Answer Directions: Answer the questions in 3-5 sentences. Write your answers in a space provided.

  1. What are the three types of approach to basic research? Describe each type.

  2. How do you differentiate soft sciences from hard science

What is it?

You just learned the importance of qualitative research across fields of inquiry.

  1. Can you figure out the importance of qualitative research? Organize your ideas by presenting three important functions of qualitative research.

  2. How do you inquire data in a certain field of study? Write your top three methods when collecting data and describe each.


What’s more?

As a continuation on Lesson 1 of this Module from the table you have drawn which listed your own three topics for a qualitative research , purpose and type to use , add a fourth column as what approach of research you will use, and the fifth column your choice of data collection. Copy your answers from the previous table to complete column 1 to 3.

Topic Purpose Type of Qualitative Research

Research Approach

Data Collection Choice


Post Traumatic Experiences of the COVID- Survivors




To determine the experiences of those survivors in the COVID- 19 phenomena.

Phenomenolog ical

Triangulation or mixed

Written description/ Interview

What I have learned

Given the following Research topics, name the specific subject on each

topic and give the importance on researching such topic in a person’s day to day life. The first one is done for you.

  1. Nutrient Contents of Spices and Herbs
  2. Juan dela Cruz: A Filipino Inventor
  3. Parents Views About The New Normal Education
  4. Body Parts of a Korean Car
  5. Bacteria in a Food

What is included from the importance of qualitative research in daily life?

But it's also important to understand what qualitative research is – an approach used largely in the social sciences to explore social interactions, systems and processes. It provides an in-depth understanding of the ways people come to understand, act and manage their day-to-day situations in particular settings.

Which one of the following is not a characteristic of qualitative research?

The goal is to test a hypothesis, it is not a characteristic of qualitative research. Qualitative research aims to describe the qualities of a phenomenon.

Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research Quizizz?

Which of the following is one of the weaknesses of a qualitative research? Results are limited as they provide less elaboration of human perceptions.

Which of the following types of qualitative research is?

Six common types of qualitative research are phenomenological, ethnographic, grounded theory, historical, case study, and action research.

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