Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

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Clinical Reasoning Cases in Nursing

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

The Human Body in Health and Disease

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Exercise Physiology: Theory and Application to Fitness and Performance

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?


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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Social Psychology

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Myers' Psychology for AP

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Human Resource Management

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Social Psychology

10th EditionElliot Aronson, Robin M. Akert, Samuel R. Sommers, Timothy D. Wilson

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Operations Management: Sustainability and Supply Chain Management

12th EditionBarry Render, Chuck Munson, Jay Heizer

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Terms in this set (119)

The scientific study of aging is known as ______________.


At what point in the human life cycle does the greatest number of deaths occur?

in infancy and early adulthood

In the United States today, the average 65-year-old man will live to be how old?


In the United States today, the average 65-year-old woman will live to be how old?


Which of the following is true regarding the life expectancies of African Americans and White Americans by age 75?

Their life expectancies will be essentially equivalent.

What is the fastest-growing segment of the population in the United States today?

Oldest old subgroup

Which of the following statements is true?

By 2050 it is estimated that the over-100 population will triple.

What is the single largest factor that determines the trajectory of an adult's physical or mental status beyond age 65?


Why will every industrialized nation in the world face a demographic crisis in the near future?

There will be fewer young and middle-aged workers to provide for the financial well-being of the elderly.

What does your text point out as a major factor in determining the overall well-being of older adults, even if they have a chronic disease?


Ninety-year-old Mrs. Gonzalez is no longer able to manage tasks such as bathing or using the toilet by herself. A gerontologist most likely would determine that Mrs. Gonzalez needs help with which of the following?

Only her activities of daily living

Which of the following terms applies to intellectually demanding tasks such as managing finances and paying bills?

Instrumental activities of daily living

Which of the following is correct about the relationship between disability and activity among older adults in the United States?

Nearly all those over age 85 report significant difficulty performing basic daily activities.

Which of the following terms applies to older adults whose physical and/or mental impairments are so extensive that they cannot care for themselves?

Frail elderly

Older individuals who have which of the following are two to three times more likely to experience functional disability than elders who do not?

Arthritis and hypertension

Which of the following chronic conditions is more common in men over 65 than women over 65?

Heart disease

Which of the following is true regarding heredity and longevity and health?

Of those whose parents died before 78, 40% had a chronic illness at age 65.

Which of the following seems to be even more important in older age as a contributor to longevity and good health?


Which activity seems to be the most important health habit in old age?

Calorie restriction

Which of the following is a change that occurs in the brain during the adult years?

a reduction of brain weight.

Which of the following has been linked to minimized atrophy of the cerebral cortex of the brain?


What is the most likely cause of slower reaction time for everyday tasks and activities for an older individual?

Dendritic loss and slowing of synaptic speed

Which of the following terms refers to the redundancy in the nervous system that enables neural pathways to move from one set of neurons to another?

Synaptic plasticity

Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood?

The pupil does not widen or narrow as much or as quickly, which causes problems in adapting to variations in light and glare.

Macular degeneration is most likely to occur in __________.

late adulthood

Which of the following is a typical hearing difficulty experienced by older adults?

Difficulties in word discrimination

Grandpa Ezra complains that he frequently hears ringing or buzzing sounds in his ears. What is Ezra experiencing?


Auditory problems typically are experienced

by more men than women.

Which of the following is likely to be true of older adults who are experiencing hearing loss?

They may be perceived as disoriented or forgetful.

Which of the following is an obstacle to good hearing among the elderly?

Increased production of ear wax, blocking the ear canals.

If you were to serve a loaf of freshly-baked cinnamon bread to a group of older individuals, which of the following comments would you be most likely to hear?

I can't smell a thing, dear.

Which of the following sensations results from decreased production of saliva?

Wooly mouth

About how long is the maximum human lifespan?

110-120 years

What is the Hayflick limit for human embryo cells?


The genetically programmed time limit for cell replication to which each species is theoretically bound is called

the Hayflick limit.

What is the name of the string of repetitive DNA at the tip of each chromosome in the body?


Which of the following is the name of the theory which says that aging is a result of species-specific genes?

Programmed senescence theory

Research on the cellular processes involving free radicals suggests that it may be beneficial to eat less of which of the following?

Fat and food additives such as preservatives

What effect do free radicals have on the body?

They enter into potentially harmful chemical reactions which cause irreparable cell damage.

Which of the following is a benefit of foods that are high in antioxidants?

Lower rates of heart disease

Which of the following suggests that all adults retain excellent function until their physical and mental functioning plummets in the few years before death?

The terminal drop hypothesis

What is the biggest single behavioral effect of age-related physical change in late adulthood?

A general slowing down

Which of the following would be less affected by the general slowing down that older adults experience?

Being a generally optimistic person

Which of the following is statistically true of older drivers?

They have more accidents per miles driven than younger drivers.

Your text suggests that burns are more common in late adulthood than earlier, why?

Loss of sensitivity to heat and a slower reaction time lead to increases in accidental burns.

How are sleep patterns typically affected by age?

Older adults must nap more during the day in order to accumulate the sleep they need.

Mr. Garrett often overeats, complaining that he feels hungry all the time. His doctor has suggested that this problem is due to a malfunction in the sensation associated with blood sugar levels known as


What is the most serious consequence stemming from the loss of balance among older adults?

An increase in falls

Which of the following activities would most likely help an older person sustain their sense of balance?

Tai Chi

What does your text suggest about older women's sexual behavior?

They are more sexually adventurous and willing to experiment.

Which of the following is likely to affect sexual activity in older age?


Which of the following is a neurological disorder that includes problems with memory and thinking that affect an individual's emotional, social, and physical functioning?


Which of the following are a group of neurological disorders that involve memory and thinking -- affecting social, emotional and physical functioning?

The dementias

Which of the following is the BEST definition of Alzheimer's disease?

A severe form of dementia for which the cause is unknown

What effect does Alzheimer's disease have on the eating habits of its sufferers?

Disruption of normal satiety mechanisms

In the early stages of Alzheimer's disease, you can expect the individual to show a

propensity toward repetitive conversation.

Which of the following is definitively diagnostic of Alzheimer's disease?

The presence of neurofibrillatory tangles in the brain

Which of the following is a common cause of dementia?

Multiple blows to the head

Which of the following is true regarding the incidence of Alzheimer's disease among people of African descent?

The disease is less prevalent in Africa, but in the United States African Americans exhibit higher rates than White Americans.

Which of the following is true regarding the risk factors for depression and dysthymia among the elderly?

Elders living in poverty are at a higher risk for depression than others.

Which of the following does research indicate to be the strongest predictor of depression among older adults?

Poor health

How are the length of time in the U.S., English language skills, and depression correlated among elderly Chinese and Mexican immigrants?

They are negatively correlated.

Some researchers suggest that African Americans have lower rates of depression than white Americans because African Americans are especially likely to utilize which of the following when dealing with emotional difficulties?

Their religious faith and their church

Which of the following is a likely reason that elderly men have higher rates of completed suicide than elderly women?

Men in declining health view themselves as a burden.

What is the most effective treatment for depression in older adults?

A combination of psychotherapy and antidepressant medication

The largest impairments in memory typically appear after what age?


What is currently the most widely accepted explanation for declines in memory among older adults?

Loss of speed in central nervous system processes related to information-processing and memory function

Which of the following is a cognitive characteristic that includes knowledge and its application to problem solving?


Which of the following is NOT one of Baltes's criteria for defining wisdom?

Understanding of mortality

Seventy-year-old Maybell enjoys making quilts for her family. Specifically she likes to make quilts that represent some aspect of the family's history. In which of Cohen's phases is Maybell?

The summing-up phase

In 2006 how long has the world's longest married couple been together

83 years

How did Erikson characterized the developmental task of late adulthood

Ego integrity versus despair

Which of the following is the best example of Ericsson despair

When Mr Trump offers advice to his family he says don't make the same mistake I did I wish I could live my life over

Adult adult reminisce about their life which of the following describes the judgments they make about their past behavior

Life review

According to research what is the most common effect of activity upon later life

Greater life satisfaction and morale

When you contact a retired neighbor to ask if she is interested in participating in a charity fundraiser she tells you that she is no longer interested and activities such as this and she is content to do as little as possible since she retired your neighbors perspective is most consistent with which of the following views of aging


Generals tend to be least rigid in old age this is reflective of which of the following aspects of disengagement theory

Increased individuality

According to disengagement theory which of the following is the tendency of people to interact with fewer and fewer people and still fewer and fewer rules

Shrinkage of life space

According to research in the United States and Japan which factor might help individuals to recover from a health crisis such as stroke or a fracture

Adopting recovery goals proposed by rehabilitation specialist

Which of the following describes the components of successful aging that involves a willingness to learn new things

Cognitive adventurousness

Which of the following individuals is more likely to turn to religion for comfort in these times of stress

African American grandmother who is 83 years old

Which of the following is the best definition for spirituality

A tendency to focus on aspects of life which transcend one's physical existence

An independent living community is one in which all residents are

Over a certain age

Which of the following is for the elderly adults who need more assistance that is available at an independent living community but are not in need of constant supervision

Assisted living

Which of the following represents the normal expectation for a man in late adulthood

That he will live with a spouse or intimate partner until he dies

According to current estimates approximately what percentage of the US elderly are physically abused


Which of the following individuals is more likely to remarry after the death of a spouse

Robert age 69 who has a modest retirement income

Which of the following best summarizes the research findings regarding older adults relationships with their children

Healthy relationships with their children contribute to happiness and well-being but are not necessary for it

About 65% of the elderly in the United States live _______ of at least one of their children

Within about an hour

Which of the following represents a comment is found in the research regarding social networks and older adults

The research tends to focus more on the frequency of contact than the quality of the relationships

Which of the following is likely to retire earliest

An individual in poor health

Who is likely to retire latest

An individual whose work is challenging and interesting

What is the largest source of income for most elderly adults in the United States

Public assistance

Research suggests that those who respond most poorly to retirement are those who

Had the least control over the process

How old are adults typically evaluated by management in the workplace

As being more reliable than younger employees

How do Belgium the Netherlands and the state of Oregon differ from Switzerland in their practice of assisted suicide

In Belgium the Netherlands and the state of Oregon a person must be a resident of that country or state to have access to assisted suicide

Which form of death has occurred in circumstances where there is no electrical activity in the brain and the person no longer has reflexes or response to various external stimuli

Brain death

Wind area stop breathing his eyes were still open then close his eyes and pulled the bed sheet over his head these activities mark which of the following

Social death

Which of the following is an approach to caring for the terminally in that focuses on individual and family control over the process of dying

Hospice care

In the United States and other industrialized countries where do most adults die

In A hospital

In which country did hospice care originate


Which type of care focuses on relieving a terminally ill patients pain rather than curing the illness


And which type of hospice programs are family caregivers supported by specially trained healthcare workers

Home based

According to research which of the following attitudes was commonly reported by the loved ones of a terminally ill patient who chose a home-based hospice program

They reported feeling a greater sense of burden

which of the following most accurately characterizes what a child younger than 5 years of age would understand or believe about death

The death is reversible

A child understanding of the permanence of death correlates with which stage of Piaget's Theory

Concrete operations

Which of the following contributes to adolescent suicidal behavior

Unrealistic ideas about personal death

For most adults which of the following is the most significant meaning of death


When faced with impending death which of the following groups was most likely want to spend time with loved ones

Mexican Americans

According to research who would be least afraid to die

75 year old Mr Jackson

Who does research suggests would be most afraid to die

45 year old Mrs Green

According to Kubler-Ross what is the purpose of reactions such as denial or bargaining

These responses are defense mechanism that aid the person in coping with the reality of impending death

Which of the following are two major criticisms of kubler-ross's Theory of dying

Humping her methodology and her claim that these processes are culturally universal

What is thanatology

The scientific study of death and dying

Which of the following concepts did Freud believed to be most useful for coping with death and grief

Defense mechanisms

While Bowlby suggest that the first stage of grief is numbness Sanders suggest that it is which of the following


Los Angeles suggest at the final stage of grief is healing and renewal Bowlby believes it is


Which of the following is not a pattern of grieving identified by Wortman and silver


Which of the following does research suggests is the most difficult death to recover from

Death of a spouse

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Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value

5th EditionJack T. Marchewka

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Which statement is correct regarding vision in late adulthood quizlet?

Which of the following is correct regarding vision in late adulthood? The pupil does not widen or narrow as much or as quickly, which causes problems in adapting to variations in light and glare.

What happens in late adulthood quizlet?

The minor physical changes include wrinkles, skin folds, a decline in sight, hearing, and sense of smell, and a slowing down in reflexes and reaction time. More serious physical changes include less effective immune systems and increasingly brittle bones, which fracture more easily.

What is the most common visual impairment in late adulthood quizlet?

cataracts are the most common visual impairment in late adulthood.... what is the #1 cause of blindness during late adulthood in developing countries?

What happens in the late adulthood stage?

Adults in this age period are likely to be living independently, but often experience physical impairments since chronic diseases increase after age 75. For example, congestive heart failure is 10 times more common in people 75 and older, than in younger adults (National Library of Medicine, 2019).