Which of the following is a view that many smart business leaders have regarding diversity

Diversity is good for business – as these five trends show

Any organisation aiming to be truly diverse needs to go way beyond targets and laws relating to equality. Smart businesses know they need diversity of backgrounds, life experiences and viewpoints at every level of their organisation so that they can attract, retain and make the most of people’s abilities. For example, full representation of BAME individuals across the labour market would be worth £24bn a year to the UK economy, according to CMI’s Delivering Diversity research.

But to do that, you need diversity champions throughout an organisation. They can articulate and promote the many business benefits of managing a team of individuals with differing characteristics, backgrounds and perspectives. Here are five for starters:

Want to learn more about the five business benefits of a diverse team?


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Question 11

Multiple Choice

Question 11

Which of the following is a view that many smart business leaders have regarding diversity?

A)It is a legal requirement
B)It is an opportunity to hire more employees
C)It is a way to reach more customers
D)It is an opportunity to diversify benefits
E)Embracing it is a strategic business decision

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