Which of the following considers forward and reverse product flows over the entire life cycle?


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Cards for Chapters 1,2,3,5,6,7

Production The creation of goods and services
Supply Chains competition in the 21 century is no longer between companies; it is between these
Services an economic activity that typically produces and intangible product
unique, intangible, produced and consumed simultaneously characteristics of services
inputs decrease while outputs remain the same productivity increases when
multifactor productivity the ratio of all resources to the goods and services produces is referred as
improve operations, improve products, and improve the supply chain reasons why domestic business operations decide to change o some form of international operation
Strategy an action plan to achieve a mission
differentiation, response, and cost leadership 3 Strategic approaches to competitive advantage
distinguishing the offerings of an organization in a way that the customer perceives as adding value; is concerned with uniqueness differentiation
achieving maximum value, as perceived by the customer low cost leadership
a set of values related to rapid, flexible, and reliable performance response
gaining outside expertise, accessing outside technology, and cost savings advantages of outsourcing
PERT, Gantt Charts, CPM Techniques that allow managers to plan, schedule, and control projects
Planning charts used to schedule resouces and allocate time Gantt Charts
Competitors are well established characteristic of the maturity phase of the product life cycle
Identify customer wants first step in the house of quality
3-D Printing is particularly useful for prototype development and small lot production
customer participation in service delivery self-checkout at a grocery store is an example of...
people, planet, and profit three P's in the triple bottom line of the three P's
reduce,reuse, and recycle 3Rs for sustainability
reverse logistics considers forward and reverse product flows over the entire life cycles
differentiation, low cost, and response managing quality helps build successful strategies of these
scrap, rework, and lost goodwill costs of quailty
research and development not a cost of quailty
Kaizen the japanese term used to describe continuous improvement efforts
histograms,scatter diagrams, and check sheets common TQM tools
poka-yoke a device or technique that ensures production of a good unit every time
product goodness or badness is measured by attribute inspection
the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bears on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs the American Society for Quality definition of Quality
provide a statistical signal when assignable causes of variation are present Statistical Process Control (SPC) system
process focus low volume, high variety
product focus high volume, low variety; is focused on a production facility organized around specific activities
mass customization high volume, high variety
process mapping a flowchart with time added on the horizontal axis
flowchart, process chart, and process mapping tools for process analysis and design
low customization and low degree of labor a fast food restaurant is an example of...
Vision systems in many cases can replace human quality inspectors
AGV an electronically guided and controlled cart to move materials; automated guided vehicle
repetitive focus low volume, low variety
effective capacity the capacity a firm can expect to achieve, given its product mix, the methods of scheduling, maintenance, and standards of quality
bottleneck the limiting factor or constraint in a system; the longest unit-to-time system
throughput time the time it takes for a product to go through the production process with no waiting
utilization actual output as a percent of design capacity
FMS a system that uses electronic signals from a centralized computer to automate production and material flow; Flexible manufacturing system
RFID a wireless system in which integrated circuits with antennas send radio waves; radio frequency identification
AIS a system for transforming data into electronic form, for example, bar codes; automatic identification system
CNC computer numerical control; machinery with its own computer and memory

What type of supply chains consider forward and reverse product flows over the entire life cycle?

Closed Loop Supply Chain Management (CLSCM) refers to all forward Logistics in the chain (like procurement of materials, production and distribution) as well as the Reverse Logistics to collect and process returned (used or unused) products and/or parts of products in order to ensure a socio- economically and ...

Which of the following is guaranteed to increase the design capacity of a process quizlet?

Which of the following is guaranteed to increase the design capacity of a​ process? revenue. contribution. If the firm produces more than 500​ units, then it will be profitable.


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