Which of the following communication tools can be used to build brand awareness?

Blog 5 Powerful Methods to Build Brand Awareness Without Having to Shout

In my previous post, I discussed the benefits of building a strong brand and using logo branded USB flash drives as a cost effective method of building brand awareness.

As you know, the key to creating strong brand awareness is by repeatedly exposing your brand to your target audience.

Your efforts to build brand awareness help consumers become familiar with your products or services. Over time, by repeatedly exposing your brand to your target audience and by delighting them with remarkable experiences, you earn their trust and loyalty. And that usually translates to more sales and a host of other benefits for your business.

As you already know, Coca cola, Nike, and McDonald are already giants among brands. Yet, they continue to pour millions of dollars on advertisements, commercials, event sponsorships, and endorsements. Why? It’s because they recognize the importance of maintaining their brand identities in the marketplace and the intangible benefits that a strong brand brings.

Fortunately, you don’t have to spend millions of dollars like these corporate giants in order to boost exposure for your brand. Thanks to the Internet and a host of other modern guerilla marketing methods, you have many low cost, yet effective marketing methods to maximize your brand exposure.

Discover these 5 Powerful Modern Marketing Methods to Build Brand Awareness:

#1: Search Ads Boost Brand Awareness

According to a joint study conducted by Google and Levi’s, paid search ads were found to boost consumer awareness of the Levi’s brand by 23%, even though the ads were not always clicked.

Conducting search on search engines like Google and Bing has increasingly become a popular method for consumers to shop and search for information. As such, search ads not only drive traffic to generate sales, but also help build brand awareness for your products and services.

The benefit of using search ads is that you have complete control over your budget and your ad messages. Furthermore, you can immediately track the responses of your ads with analytic tools such as Google Analytics.

#2: Maximize Brand Awareness and Boost Sales with Free Social Media Tools

Of all the tools available, social media has the most potential to help you promote your business and increase brand exposure. Best of all, most of these powerful social media tools are free to use, giving you the same opportunity as the corporate giants to promote your brand.

What’s great about using social media tools is that you could reach and engage with millions of people, with many of them potentially turning into your prospects and leads. Consider these statistics:

  • Facebook has over 500 million users.
  • There are over 200 million accounts on Twitter.
  • Linked in has around 100 million users.

That’s a large pool of people to market to. Of course, you will not be able to reach all of them, but you could see the opportunity that social media tools give you.

According to the 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report put together by Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner, Small and Medium Businesses using social media marketing realized significant gains in brand exposure, traffic and sales.

Furthermore, most marketers noted that increased brand awareness is the main benefit of using social media!

If you are new to social media, I would recommend you to start with building a facebook page for your business and setting up your profile on twitter. Once you have built up your twitter profile and facebook page, the key is to listen to the conversations around issues that are related to your industry and products or services, engage with your customers and prospects, and continuously provide them with useful and beneficial information that solves their problems and addresses their needs.

#3: Reel people in to your site with a content-rich blog

Blogging used to be a buzzword that you often hear about. Nowadays, it has become the most powerful inbound marketing tool to raise awareness of your brand.

Blogging is a powerful platform for you to establish yourself as an expert and a thought leader in your field. You could blog about issues and topics related to industry. You could share useful and educational content with your target audience.

By continuously adding high quality and useful content, you gain so many benefits. First of all, blogging is an essential SEO strategy. Google is known to reward sites with higher search rankings if Google notices that your site regularly adds new and fresh content.

Additionally, you could attract attention from targeted visitors who are looking for information related to your products or services.

Once they come to your site, they may comment on your blog posts, giving you the opportunity to further engage with your prospects.

Here are some more blogging tips:

  • Write in a conversational and authentic tone. In other words, don't be boring!
  • Provide useful content that informs, instructs, and inspires your audience. In other words, write about something that your audience cares about. Tips, top 10 lists, news, and interviews with experts make great content!
  • Blog as much as you can. A few blog posts a week is recommended.
  • Incorporate nice and relevant images and photos in your blog posts to make them more inviting and appealing to read.
  • Include sharing features like digg, "tweet this, facebook share, facebook "like" etc.

If you are still looking for a blogging platform to use, Wordpress and Blogger are two of the most popular blogging platforms. They’re free too!

#4: How a Compelling Press Release Can Quickly Raise Your Brand Profile

If you want to quickly raise the profile of your brand, then write a compelling press release that is newsworthy.

A Press Release can benefit just about any businesses, regardless of your size. Although it is commonly used to announce new products or new services, it can also be used to announce any information or events related to your business or products/services.

To be effective, your story must have newsworthy information, written in journalistic style, and follows standard PR format.

You could either use online press release services such as PRWeb.com and BusinessWire.com or you could also send your story to newspapers, magazines, and TV shows.

The benefit of using an online press release service is that they can send your story out to the top news sites such as Google news, yahoo news, and a bunch of other blogs and media outlets.

If your story is compelling and interesting, it could quickly generate lots of publicity for your business and helps drive massive amount of traffic to your website.

#5: Use Online Videos to Quickly Build Your Star Powers

With the the popularity of online video site such as Youtube skyrocketing, online video should be an essential component of your marketing strategies to create exposure for your brand and your business.

With online videos, you provide your audience with an alternative and fun medium to consume your content as some people prefer to watch videos over reading.

Furthermore, videos allow you to show your personality, which helps you build a deeper connection with your target audience.

Videos are especially effective for product demos, giving "how to" tips and tutorials, and doing training. If your videos are entertaining, creative, or educational, more and more people will watch them and would want to know more about you or your business.

An example of a company benefiting greatly from online videos is Blendtec, the maker of blenders and mixers.

Blendtec’s clever series of “Will It Blend?” Youtube videos catapulted their brand to celebrity status overnight and boosted sales for this previously unknown company.

Their entertaining videos featured all sorts of unlikely objects such as golf balls, toys, balls, rubik cubes, Ipods, etc doing battle with the blender.

Some Tips To Make Your Video Marketing More Successful

  • Keep your videos short and sweet (2 - 5 minutes).
  • Use keywords that are most relevant to your products or services in the title, description, tags.
  • Make sure you have a "Call to Action" in your video. What do you want your target audience to do next after watching your video?
  • To help people discover your videos, post your videos on your website or blog as well as on video sharing sites such as Youtube, Vimeo, Viddler, etc. If you post the videos on your website, be sure to add social media sharing features such as Facebook "Like", Twitter "Tweet", LinkedIn "Share", etc.
  • Promote your videos by using social media channels, emails, smoke signals or whatever communication tools you can find to share with your current customers, friends, family, etc.

If your target audience as well as members of the media and blogging communities like your videos, your brand could quickly gain recognition and exposure!

You don’t need to use expensive equipment to create a video either. With your phone video camera and a free video editing software such as Window’s Movie Maker or Mac’s IMovie, you could create compelling videos.

If you don't want to mess with producing your own videos, you can use professional services such as Pixability.

Take action now to promote your brand!

Although there are many other low cost and free methods to promote your business and increase your brand awareness, the above 5 methods are the most powerful.

By combining the above promotional methods with custom promotional USB drives, you have a powerful package of promotional tools and methods to build awareness for your brand, build customer loyalty, and dominate your market. Now, go at it!

Share your brand building tips

If you have successfully used any of the above promotional methods to increase exposure for your brand, please share your experiences and results below!

Related articles

  • 7 Factors to consider when choosing promotional USB flash drives
  • A High Tech Promotional Idea You Can Use to Grow Your Small Business
  • The most cost effective methods to build brand awareness for your business

What are the three types of communication tools?

3 Main Types of Communication.
Verbal Communication. Verbal communication seems like the most obvious of the different types of communication. ... .
Nonverbal Cues Speak Volumes. Nonverbal communication provides some insight into a speaker's word choice. ... .
Visual Communication..

What are the communication tools?

A wide variety of communication tools are used for external and internal communication. These tools include mail, email, telephones, cell phones, smartphones, computers, video and web conferencing tools, social networking, as well as online collaboration and productivity platforms.

Which of the following are the two major communication tools of the communication process?

The elements of sender and receive are the two major tools for effective communication in the macromodel of the communications process. The macromodel of the communication process consists of nine key​ factors: sender,​ receiver, message,​ media, encoding,​ decoding, response,​ feedback, and noise.

How is promotion becoming an effective tool of communication to the customer?

It is a great communication tool, particularly because of direct interaction with the customers. One of the benefits of sales promotion is that you can promote the product directly to the consumer effectively and promptly. It builds brand loyalty and helps your brand to flourish.


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