Which of the following can be achieved using availability Zones in cloud computing Quizlet

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Automate to make architectural experimentation easier.

The Well-Architected Framework identifies a set of general design principles to facilitate good design in the cloud:

1- Stop guessing your capacity needs: Eliminate guessing about your infrastructure capacity needs. When you make a capacity decision before you deploy a system, you might end up sitting on expensive idle resources or dealing with the performance implications of limited capacity. With cloud computing, these problems can go away. You can use as much or as little capacity as you need, and scale up and down automatically.

2- Test systems at production scale: In the cloud, you can create a production-scale test environment on demand, complete your testing, and then decommission the resources. Because you only pay for the test environment when it's running, you can simulate your live environment for a fraction of the cost of testing on premises.

3- Automate to make architectural experimentation easier: Automation allows you to create and replicate your systems at low cost and avoid the expense of manual effort. You can track changes to your automation, audit the impact, and revert to previous parameters when necessary.

4- Allow for evolutionary architectures: Allow for evolutionary architectures. In a traditional environment, architectural decisions are often implemented as static, one-time events, with a few major versions of a system during its lifetime. As a business and its context continue to change, these initial decisions might hinder the system's ability to deliver changing business requirements. In the cloud, the capability to automate and test on demand lowers the risk of impact from design changes. This allows systems to evolve over time so that businesses can take advantage of innovations as a standard practice.

5- Drive architectures using data: In the cloud you can collect data on how your architectural choices affect the behavior of your workload. This lets you make fact-based decisions on how to improve your workload. Your cloud infrastructure is code, so you can use that data to inform your architecture choices and improvements over time.

6- Improve through game days: Test how your architecture and processes perform by regularly scheduling game days to simulate events in production. This will help you understand where improvements can be made and can help develop organizational experience in dealing with events.

In an interview, you are asked about the role played by virtual machines in load balancing. Which of the following should be your reply?

1. If the virtual machine's load increases, the virtual machine can be migrated to another physical machine with more capabilities.
2. If the virtual machine's load increases, the virtual machines can balance the load by denying further access.
3. If the load on a virtual machine increases, the virtual machine can balance the load by rejecting low-priority requests.
4. If the load on a virtual machine increases, the RAM or disk space of the VM can be extended until the load is balanced

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Which of the following is a benefit of having service in multiple availability zones in a cloud environment?

Availability zones benefits Lower latency where multiple availability zones are implemented, it makes a sense to have the servers that provide a given application located relatively close to the end users that will access that application.

Which of the following is AWS services allows you to build a data warehouse on the cloud?

Amazon Redshift allows you to deploy a scalable data warehouse in a matter minutes and start to analyze your data right away using your existing business intelligence tools.

Which of the following AWS services allows them to easily run thousands of batch computing jobs?

AWS Batch is a set of batch management capabilities that enables developers, scientists, and engineers to easily and efficiently run hundreds of thousands of batch computing jobs on AWS.

Which of the following protects SNMP managed devices from unauthorized access?

SNMPv3. The latest version of SNMP with additional security features such as the User-based Security Model (USM), and View-based Access Control Model (VACM), authentication, and encryption. To ensure that SNMP messages can't be read by unauthorized entities, SNMPv3 encrypts SNMP trap messages.


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