Which of the following best explains the impact of these new selective pressures?

  • Which field studies the relationship between environments and the cultural communities that exist within those particular settings?
  • A. cultural psychology

    B. cultural ecology

    C. ecology

    D. environmental psychology

  • Among the Maori in New Zealand, the largest social divisions are:
  • A. tribes

    B. clans

    C. communities

    D. households

  • In traditional times, which of the following IS TRUE about the Maori inhabiting North and South Island?
  • A. the Maori in South Island supported themselves through agriculture

    B. the Maori in North Island supported themselves through fishing, and hunting and gathering

    C. warfare was common in South Island

    D. the Maori population in South Island was small in part because the land was difficult to cultivate

  • Which of the following was one of the reasons warfare existed among the Maori in North Island?
  • A. there was a gender division of labor

    B. planting was hard work

    C. working the land was difficult because of the terrain

    D. it was a way to acquire new land for planting

  • Warfare was an adaptive strategy for the Maori on North Island because:
  • A. it helped reduce population pressures and loss of resources

    B. communities fought over fishing grounds

    C. communities fought over hunting grounds

    D. of population decline

  • Which species of non-human primates was the first to help us to understand whether only humans have culture?
  • A. chimpanzees

    B. orangutans

    C. Japanese macaques

    D. baboons

  • The Japanese macaque practice of dipping sweet potatoes in the sea illustrated all of the following characteristics of culture EXCEPT:
  • A. culture is learned

    B. culture is shared

    C. cultures passed on

    D. culture is symbolic

  • Which of the following supports the idea that nonhuman primates have culture?
  • A. chimpanzees selecting particular sticks to use for extracting termites

    B. a baboon hunting prey

    C. an orangutan climbing a tree

    D. a male gorilla beating his chest

  • Which of the following is one important difference between nonhuman primate and human cultural learning?
  • A. nonhuman primates willingly imitate others in their social world more than humans do

    B. human cultural learning has a teaching component

    C. non-human primate learning involves the transmission of norms across generations

    D. in nonhuman primates, the transmission of behavioral standards is common

  • Which of the following IS NOT associated with Charles Darwin’s views on evolution and natural selection?
  • A. species are not susceptible to environmental pressures

    B. genetic variability is necessary for natural selection

    C. evolution proceeds gradually

    D. natural selection is the mechanism that explains the process of evolution

  • African elephants without tusks have a trait that helps them better adapt to environmental pressures like poaching. They consequently reproduce and pass on genes on to their offspring. This is an example of:
  • A. evolution

    B. cultural ecology

    C. natural selection

    D. cultural evolution

  • You believe that species gradually change over time in response to their environment that this reflects descent through genetic inheritance. Your beliefs align with which of the following concepts?
  • A. natural selection

    B. reproductive fitness

    C. cultural ecology

    D. evolution

  • If you are discussing change over time in genetic traits as they relate to physical characteristics of a population that are transmitted and inherited from one generation to the next, you are discussing:
  • A. natural selection

    B. reproductive fitness

    C. cultural evolution

    D. biological evolution

  • If you are discussing change over time in cultural traits reflected in actions, beliefs, attitudes, and artifacts that are shaped and passed on to the next generation, you are discussing:
  • A. natural selection

    B. reproductive fitness

    C. cultural evolution

    D. biological evolution

  • Which of the following IS TRUE about cultural evolution?
  • A. cultural evolution occurs because of variability in a population’s gene pool

    B. cultural evolution is change over time in a population’s genetic traits

    C. cultural evolution is change over time in a population’s physical characteristics

    D. cultural evolution occurs primarily through the process of social learning

  • The notion that the Sherpa in Nepal are able to perform physically demanding tasks such as carrying heavy loads without the need to acclimate to a high altitude is an example of:
  • A. Allen’s Rule

    B. cultural ecology

    C. cultural evolution

    D. biological evolution

  • The Maasai who live in the Great Rift Valley of East Africa have tall, slender body types with long limbs. This body type helps the Maasai lose body heat and fast. Which of the following best explains their body type?
  • A. Allen’s Rule

    B. cultural ecology

    C. cultural evolution

    D. cultural learning

  • Allen’s Rule predicts that individuals who live in colder climates should have a rounder, more compact body type. This body type helps individuals:
  • A. lose heat

    B. minimize heat loss

    C. maintain more body surface area

    D. maximize heat loss faster

  • Cultures do not stay stagnant, they are ever-changing. Which Greek philosopher would agree with this position?
  • A. Aristotle

    B. Socrates

    C. Heraclitus

    D. Plato

  • Many homes are now built with more efficient materials than homes in the past. This is an example of:
  • A. biological evolution

    B. linear progressive changes

    C. natural selection

    D. reproductive success

  • The notion that chimpanzee tool use differed from one community to another and progressed from simpler to complex ways of cracking shells is an example of:
  • A. biological evolution

    B. cultural evolution

    C. inheritance

    D. evolution at the genetic level

  • In order for cultural evolution to occur this process must also take place:
  • A. natural selection

    B. reproductive success

    C. population pressure

    D. social learning

  • Which of the following is necessary for cultural evolution to occur?
  • A. natural selection

    B. culture change

    C. population pressure

    D. reproductive success

  • All of the following are necessary components for biological evolution EXCEPT:
  • A. variability in the species’ gene pool

    B. inheritance

    C. natural selection

    D. change that is not random

  • Darwin believed evolution needed the following components to proceed. The notion that population members are not identical genetic copies of each other relates to which of the following components?
  • A. selection

    B. inheritance

    C. evolution that proceeds of the genetic level

    D. variability in the gene pool

  • All of the following are necessary components for cultural evolution EXCEPT:
  • A. cultural variation

    B. change that is not random

    C. selection

    D. evolution takes place according to grand or large changes

  • In biological evolution, inheritance relates to receiving genetic material from one’s parents. In cultural evolution, inheritance relates to:
  • A. selection

    B. small changes

    C. acquiring cultural knowledge and skills through socialization processes

    D. variability in the gene pool

  • Which of the following IS NOT a factor that creates cultural change?
  • A. body form

    B. war

    C. technology

    D. climate

  • If you believe evolution would not have been introduced into the scientific literature without Darwin, you are taking which type of an approach:
  • A. zeitgeist

    B. great person

    C. linear progressive

    D. cultural evolution

  • Which of the following IS NOT an example of cultural change that humans invented to help them adapt to their environments?
  • A. vaccinations

    B. artificial limbs

    C. antibiotics

    D. adapting to higher altitudes

  • What was one of the creative forces behind the burkini?
  • A. the desire to design a functional suit that respected a woman’s desire for modesty

    B. economic gain

    C. medical purposes

    D. to avoid sun exposure

  • Humans are responsible for some cultural change. Which individual introduced the burkini as a way for women to participate in activities while choosing to maintain their modesty?
  • A. Aheda Zanetti

    B. Aaliyah Zanetti

    C. Aala Zanetti

    D. Aamal Zanetti

  • No single device has had more of an impact on the human experience than:
  • A. winter clothing

    B. mobile phones

    C. game systems

    D. waterproof clothing

  • Not all human creative cultural inventions are physical artifacts, some are ideas. These include all the following EXCEPT:
  • A. Einstein’s theory of relativity

    B. Isaac Newton’s laws of gravity

    C. architecture

    D. Boaz introduction of cultural relativism

  • You and your friend are having a conversation. You take the position that cultural ideas, artifacts and practices move from one cultural community to another. Your position connects with:
  • A. diffusion

    B. linear progression

    C. point of origin

    D. the zeitgeist

  • Many types of children’s play such as the game of jacks and rhymes appear on different continents. In addition traditions such as Father’s Day now take place in other cultural communities. This is an example of:
  • A. linear progression

    B. diffusion

    C. point of origin

    D. the zeitgeist

  • Which of the following is a means by which diffusion brings about cultural change?
  • A. trade

    B. the creation of ideas

    C. creative cultural inventions

    D. cultural evolution

  • In the Japanese language, the word ‘baibai’ was borrowed from the English phrase bye-bye. This is an example of:
  • A. linear progression

    B. diffusion

    C. cultural evolution

    D. biological evolution

  • Cultural change taked place as a result of changing political and religious patterns. In which community did the introduction of Christianity lead to cultural change?
  • A. Japan

    B. Okinawa

    C. Samoa

    D. Saudi Arabia

  • The introduction of Christianity in the Samoan Islands led to cultural change. Which of the following occurred as a result of cultural change?
  • A. worshiping Jehovah replaced the worshiping of village gods

    B. the eradication of the belief in supernatural spirits

    C. the eradication of traditional beliefs about sickness

    D. loss of all traditional Samoan culture

  • When diffusion and cultural contact occurs, some cultural communities retain traditional beliefs and customs while adopting new ones. In the Samoan Islands after the introduction of Jehovah, Samoans:
  • A. still practiced the custom of gift giving to the gods

    B. abandoned their traditional belief in supernatural spirits

    C. abandoned their traditional beliefs about the causes of sickness

    D. retained food offerings instead of using money as trade

  • Which of the following IS NOT one of Ingelhart and Welzel’s patterns that follow monetization?
  • A. when nomadic communities experience economic growth, citizens become more trusting of the political systems

    B. when industrial societies experience growth, these communities experience change

    C. people’s religious values remain intact

    D. economic change does not lead to cultural change

  • According to Ingelhart and Welzel, once people obtain good jobs, experience wealth, and no longer have to work hard to maintain their standard of living:
  • A. societies become more trusting of the political system

    B. societies become more hopeful about the future

    C. societies become suspicious of the government

    D. societies become more attuned to individual rights

  • The Spanish Civil War, the Arab Spring, and World War II are examples of how which of the following created cultural change?
  • A. politics

    B. religion

    C. ideas

    D. revolution

  • The outcome of revolutions:
  • A. is always positive

    B. is always negative

    C. may have both positive and negative consequences

    D. always results in changing cultural values, customs, and practices

  • When European explorers visited new lands, often times the Europeans were carrying diseases which decimated indigenous populations. This source of cultural change connects to:
  • A. politics

    B. religion

    C. ideas

    D. intergroup contact

  • An example in which intergroup contact brought about both positive and negative changes for local indigenous communities was:

    A. the construction of the Alaskan pipeline in the 1970s

    B. the Arab Spring

    C. the first Iraqi war

    D. the Cold War

  • Which of the following processes do individuals experience along with migration and intergroup contact?
  • A. enculturation

    B. acculturation

    C. socialization

    D. revolution

  • Joaquin is experiencing cultural, social, and psychological changes since he has moved into a new cultural community. His experience relates to which of the following?
  • A. enculturation

    B. acculturation

    C. socialization

    D. revolution

  • The Yir Yoront is an indigenous people that reside in:
  • A. Japan

    B. New Zealand

    C. New Guinea

    D. Queensland, Australia

  • Which of the following IS TRUE about Yir Yoront society?
  • A. it is matrilineal

    B. it is patrilineal

    C. women hold power over men

    D. it experienced intergroup contact in the 14th century

  • Which of the following cultural practices DOES NOT connect to Yir Yoront society?
  • A. village raids

    B. women stealing

    C. totem worship

    D. the manufacturing of steel tools

  • What was one of the first trade items missionaries introduced to the Yir Yoront?
  • A. corn

    B. spices

    C. steel axes

    D. paper currency

  • The stone axe was important to Yir Yoront society. Which of the following IS TRUE regarding the importance of the stone axe?
  • A. only women could produce axes

    B. the axe was only used occasionally in everyday life

    C. axes helped men forge and maintain trading relationships with other Yir Yoront

    D. axes were the private property of the individuals who produced them

  • Making stone axes in Yir Yoront society linked to gender roles. Which of the following IS TRUE regarding the production of stone axes?
  • A. both women and men could produce axes

    B. women used axes to forge relationships with families from other villages

    C. only men could own axes and these objects linked to masculinity

    D. the rules for borrowing axes related to ownership

  • The introduction of steel axes by Europeans forever changed the Yir Yoront lived experience. Which of the following IS TRUE?
  • A. the steel axes were less efficient than the stone axes

    B. steel axes were rare and difficult to acquire

    C. steel axes were so easy to acquire, women and children no longer needed to depend upon men for axes

    D. the steel axes improved Yir Yoront social relationships with their trading partners

  • Cultural psychology and cultural ecology share some commonalities. One of those commonalities is:
  • A. the view of culture in mind

    B. the notion that environment and culture mutually shape cultural change

    C. the view that cultural traits are similar to behavioral and physical traits

    D. environmental factors shape behavioral outcomes

  • Many cultural ecologists view cultural traits the same way Darwin viewed behavioral and physical traits. Which statement supports this position?
  • A. culture and mind mutually co-create each other

    B. culture in mind

    C. environments shape the cultural traits we possess and some individuals will possess traits that are more adaptive

    D. cultural change is slow and gradual

  • Cultural communities and environments interconnect. Which cultural practice IS NOT an example that supports this statement?
  • A. most Indians don’t eat their cows

    B. Tahitians developed and learned skills necessary to make tools out of wood, shells, and stone

    C. traditional Inuit hunting camps were made of snow and ice

    D. totem worship

  • Although fava beans are beneficial to many people who eat them, they are dangerous to a certain group of individuals. These individuals carry an X linked gene that prevents them from processing fava beans. Which of the following might be an explanation for why these individuals still eat the beans?
  • A. the need for fiber in their diet

    B. the need for protein in their diet

    C. this food preference may be subject to natural selection

    D. population pressures

  • Many individuals worldwide are lactose intolerant. What is responsible for this intolerance?
  • A. no access to milk products

    B. the land cannot support cows to produce milk

    C. too much fat in the diet

    D. the lack of an enzyme which breaks down milk during digestion

  • Which individual was one of the first to connect the fields of cultural ecology and education?
  • A. Darwin

    B. Vayda

    C. Ogbu

    D. Shweder

  • John Ogbu argued that:
  • A. American school systems and practices reinforce and respect cultural minority values

    B. cultural minority children experience a disconnect between home and school because these two settings use different cultural frames of references

    C. cultural ecology was not useful in improving children’s school experiences

    D. American school systems were sensitive to cultural diversity in designing their curriculum

  • Ogbu identified two different types of minorities. When individuals and families were forced to leave Syria due to violence, Ogbu would most likely classify these individuals and groups as:
  • A. voluntary minorities

    B. involuntary minorities

    C. cultural collisions

    D. involuntary movers

  • In his work, Ogbu identified two different types of minorities. Sophia is leaving her home in rural Italy for a position in a new multinational company located in Thailand. Ogbu would most likely classify her move to this new country as:
  • A. voluntary minorities

    B. involuntary minorities

    C. cultural collisions

    D. involuntary movers

  • Ogbu believed that African-Americans as a group developed survival strategies to adapt to mainstream American settings and institutions that were counterproductive to academic success.
  • These included all of the following EXCEPT:

    A. collective action such as a peaceful protest

    B. getting by without really working

    C. being the class clown

    D. attending private schools to stay close to one’s community

  • Ogbu believed that African-Americans as a group developed survival strategies to adapt to mainstream American settings and institutions that were counterproductive to academic success.
  • These included all of the following EXCEPT:

    A. collective action such as a peaceful protest

    B. getting by without really working

    C. acting like the dominant majority to distance oneself from one’s community

    D. being a model student and communicating one’s desire to do well at school

  • This field of anthropology studied human health focusing upon the causes of disease and illness. It is:
  • A. psychological anthropology

    B. physical anthropology

    C. medical anthropology

    D. ecological anthropology

  • One example of how culture shapes selective pressures for genes that impact our health is:
  • A. lactose intolerance

    B. sickle cell anemia

    C. Parkinson’s disease

    D. colorblindness

    Which of the following best explains the relationship between coat color and predation rate in the rock pocket mouse population?

    A dark coat color provides camouflage to mice on the lava flow rocks; therefore, mice with dark coats have a lower predation rate in that habitat.

    Which of the following best describes the importance of the number of amino acid differences?

    Which of the following best describes the importance of the number of amino acid differences indicated in Table 1 ? They reflect the number of base pair changes in the DNA.

    Which statement explains how geographic isolation causes speciation?

    How Does Geographic Isolation Cause Speciation? When a population is separated because of a geographic feature, like distance, a canyon, a river, or a mountain range, those two subgroups of the population are no longer able to reproduce together.

    Which of the following best explains why this particular strain of bacteria is resistant to antibiotic treatment?

    Which of the following best explains why this particular strain of bacteria is resistant to antibiotic treatment? The bacteria have high genetic variability and high reproductive rates.