Which of the following best describes the relationship between the amount of chlorophyll?

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Tyson Brown, National Geographic Society


National Geographic Society

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Gina Borgia, National Geographic Society

Jeanna Sullivan, National Geographic Society

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Sarah Appleton, National Geographic Society, National Geographic Society

Margot Willis, National Geographic Society


Last Updated

July 15, 2022

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The Elements of Life

In biology, the elements of life are the essential building blocks that make up living things. They are carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, phosphorus, and sulfur. The first four of these are the most important, as they are used to construct the molecules that are necessary to make up living cells. These elements form the basic building blocks of the major macromolecules of life, including carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins. Carbon is an important element for all living organisms, as it is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. Even the cell membranes are made of proteins. Carbon is also used to construct the energy-rich molecules adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and guanosine triphosphate (GTP). Hydrogen is used to construct the molecules water and organic compounds with carbon. Hydrogen is also used to construct ATP and GTP. Nitrogen is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as amino acids, nucleic acids, and proteins. It is also used to construct ATP and GTP. Oxygen is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids. It is also used to construct ATP and GTP. Phosphorus is used to construct the basic building blocks of life, such as carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

In this worksheet, we will practice describing the effect of light intensity on the production and expression of chlorophyll genes.


Why are the internal leaves of cabbage devoid of green color?

  • ABecause they are not exposed to light
  • BBecause they are devoid of the gene of chlorophyll
  • CBecause they inherited a recessive lethal gene
  • DBecause they digest chlorophyll to produce energy


Complete the statement: If light intensity is low and less chlorophyll is synthesized by the plant, the rate of photosynthesis .

  • Aincreases
  • Bdecreases
  • Cremains constant


The synthesis of chlorophyll in a plant is regulated by specific genes. Which of the following best defines the term gene?

  • AA protein that is expressed in the physical characteristics of an organism
  • BA section of mRNA that can be translated into a section of DNA
  • CA section of DNA that codes for the production of a protein or another functional unit
  • DAll the genetic material that is contained within an organism


Chlorophyll is required by the chloroplasts of leaves to capture light. For what process do the chloroplasts require this light energy?

  • APhotosynthesis
  • BMitosis
  • CTranslation
  • DRespiration
  • ETranscription


Chloroplasts contain the pigment chlorophyll. What color is it?

  • AGreen
  • BYellow
  • CRed
  • DBlue
  • EBrown


Which of the following correctly describes the relationship between light intensity and the synthesis of chlorophyll in a plant?

  • AExposure to light intensity has no effect on the synthesis of chlorophyll, only on how much photosynthesis can be carried out.
  • BThe more light a plant is exposed to, the less chlorophyll will be synthesized.
  • CProlonged exposure to low light levels, or no light, prevents a plant from synthesizing enough chlorophyll.


Complete the following statement: In the absence of light, the production of chlorophyll becomes reduced, and this causes the leaves of the plant to turn .

  • Atranslucent
  • Bgreen
  • Cyellow
  • Dblack
  • Ewhite


Three groups of plants belonging to the same species are exposed to different intensities of light. Group 1 was exposed to the light intensities shown for 12 hours, group 2 for 24 hours, and group 3 for 36 hours.

The graph provided shows the amount of chlorophyll synthesized by these groups of plants at different light intensities.

What can be concluded from this graph?

  • AFor all light intensities, more chlorophyll is synthesized when the plant is exposed to the light for 36 hours than when it is exposed to the light for 24 or 12 hours.
  • BThe intensity of light does not have an effect on how much chlorophyll is synthesized by a plant, but the duration of exposure does.
  • CFor all light intensities, more chlorophyll is synthesized when the plant is exposed to the light for 12 hours than when it is exposed to the light for 36 or 24 hours.
  • DFor all light intensities, more chlorophyll is synthesized when the plant is exposed to the light for 24 hours than when it is exposed to the light for 36 or 12 hours.


Three groups of plants belonging to the same species are exposed to different intensities of light. Group 1 was exposed to these light intensities for 12 hours, group 2 for 24 hours, and group 3 for 36 hours.

The graph provided shows the amount of chlorophyll synthesized by these groups of plants at different light intensities.

Which of the following statements about the graph is correct?

  • AA plant exposed to 15,000 lx for 24 hours will synthesize over double the amount of chlorophyll than a plant exposed to the same intensity for only 12 hours.
  • BChlorophyll production increases exponentially between 10,000 lx and 20,000 lx for a plant exposed to both for 24 hours.
  • CAt all light intensities, chlorophyll synthesis was greater in the plants exposed for 24 hours compared to those exposed for 36 hours.
  • DA plant exposed to 10,000 lx for 36 hours will synthesize over double the amount of chlorophyll than a plant exposed to the same intensity for only 24 hours.
  • EPlants exposed to 0 lx for 24 hours will not synthesize any chlorophyll.


Two groups of seedlings were grown in different conditions for 4 weeks; one group was grown in constant light, and the other was grown with very limited access to light. The diagram provided shows the results.

What can be assumed about chlorophyll synthesis from these results?

  • APlants grown in constant light synthesize more chlorophyll and, therefore, appear greener.
  • BSynthesis of chlorophyll is not affected by the presence of light.
  • CPlants grown in limited light synthesize more chlorophyll and, therefore, appear yellower.

This lesson includes 23 additional questions for subscribers.

Which of the following describes the relationship between the amount of chlorophyll a in?

Which of the following describes the relationship between the amount of chlorophyll a in a water sample and the concentration of nitrogen in that sample? The concentrations of nitrogen and chlorophyll a are directly correlated.

Which of the following describes the relationship between the amount of chlorophyll in a water sample and the concentration?

Which of the following describes the relationship between the amount of chlorophyll a in water sample and the concentration of nitrogen in that sample? The concentration of chlorophyll a and nitrogen is directly correlated.

Which of the following statements about the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between photosynthesis and cellular respiration? Photosynthesis stores energy in complex organic molecules; cellular respiration releases energy from complex organic molecules.

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the wavelength of light and the quantity of energy per photon?

Which of the following statements best describes the relationship between the wavelength of light and the quantity of energy per photon? They are inversely related.