Which method is used to sterilize delicate instruments or instruments with moving parts?

Proper care and handling are key to the longevity of your surgical instruments. After each procedure, you should be following a set cleaning process. Stainless steel instruments, and all other instruments, require proper care to maintain their properties.

Even though stainless-steel instruments are viewed as the best material, you can’t assume that they are entirely corrosion-resistant. The cleaning and sanitizing process of surgical instruments is complex and has become more difficult due to advancements; therefore, these instruments must be handled delicately.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when handling and cleaning your surgical instruments.

    1. Immediately after use, clean and dry your instruments. Residue will cause staining if they are not rinsed right after the procedure. It is recommended that you use warm or cool, distilled water and solutions with a pH below 10 for cleaning, rinsing, and sterilization. Dry instruments thoroughly to minimize the risk of corrosion and water spots. For instruments such as forceps and scissors, make sure they are dried in an open position. Store instruments in dry areas.
    2. Instruments should be used for their intended purpose only. Make sure you use the appropriate instruments for each procedure. Incorrect use can damage the instruments beyond repair or can impact its performance, which can lead to frustration and delays in the OR.
    3. Don’t place instruments in saline or any other harsh solutions. Long-term exposure to saline can break down the surface of an instrument which can cause corrosion, thus, shortening its lifespan.
    4. Use a softer brush for manual cleaning. Stiff plastic or nylon brushes are most effective for manual cleaning. You should pay special attention to any hard-to-reach areas and moving parts. Using a steel or wire brush will likely damage the instrument.
    5. Lubricate all instruments that have any metal-to-metal action before autoclaving. Only use surgical instrument lubricates. Never use WD-40, oil, or other industrial lubricants. For instruments such as scissors or needle holders, sterilize them in an open position. Never lock an instrument during autoclaving – this will prevent the steam from reaching and sterilizing the metal-to-metal surfaces.
    6. Ultrasonic cleaning is one of the most effective cleaning methods. Ultrasonic cleaning is the result of cavitation. The vibration waves create bubbles in the solution which grow until they finally implode, removing grime. Recommended exposure time is 5-10 minutes.

Patient safety is crucial; therefore, hospital staff must have the proper education and training to make sure your surgical instruments are fully functional and sterile for each procedure.

Learn more about Total Scope’s surgical instrument repair services.

The proper care and handling of surgical instruments is the simplest way to protect your investment and add years to the life of your instruments. Here are a couple of handy infographics showing the steps for proper surgical instrument cleaning.

When you are cleaning instruments manually, here a few quick tips:

  • Use stiff plastic cleaning brushes.
  • Do NOT use steel wool or wire brushes. 
  • Use only neutral pH detergents. 

Take special care when you are rinsing your instruments. Here's a note of caution:

  • If not rinsed properly, low pH detergents may breakdown the stainless protective surface and cause black staining. 
  • High pH detergents may cause surface deposits of brown stains, which can interfere with the smooth operation of the instrument. 

  1. Whether you are cleaning your surgical instruments manually or ultrasonically, the first step is to rinse off all blood, bodily fluids and tissue immediately after use. Dried soils may damage the instrument surface and make cleaning difficult.
    • Use plain water
    • Do NOT use hot water, because proteinous substances will coagulate.
  2. Mix a product such as Alconox (WPI # 13740) according to the manufacturer’s directions and use to it wash the instruments.
  3. Use appropriate brushes to clean each surgical instrument.
    • Use a microbrush to remove debris from the hinged area of scissors, forceps, hemostats, ronguers, needle holders and retractors.
    • Use a microbrush to remove the debris from the box lock area and the ratchet of hemostats and needle holders.
    • Use a microbrush to clean the delicate tips of tweezers.
    • Use a microbrush to remove debris from all moving parts of retractors.
    • Use a stiff brush to clean the tip serrations and handle serrations of dressing forceps and needle holders.
    • Use a stiff brush to clean the teeth of tissue forceps.
    • Brush delicate instruments carefully and handle them separately from general instruments. Ultrasonic cleaning is recommended for delicate instruments like micro scissors (also known as Vannas scissors).
  1.  Inspect all instrument surfaces to ensure they are visibly clean and free of stains and tissue. Inspect each instrument for proper function and condition.   
  2. Rinse the surgical instruments thoroughly under running water. While rinsing, open and close scissors, hemostats, needle holders and other hinged instruments to ensure that hinge areas are also rinsed.
  3. Dry instruments thoroughly with a clean towel. This minimizes the risk of corrosion and formation of water spots. Use a spray lubricant (WPI #500126) in the hinges to improve the function of the instrumen


Download the Manual Cleaning Infographic

Which of the following is the most appropriate means of sanitizing delicate instruments?

Neutral pH detergent solutions that contain enzymes are compatible with metals and other materials used in medical instruments and are the best choice for cleaning delicate medical instruments, especially flexible endoscopes 457.

Which of the following is used on instruments and equipment that come in contact with intact mucous membranes or other surfaces not considered sterile quizlet?

Sanitization. Which of the following is used on instruments and equipment that come in contact with intact muccous membranes or other surfaces not considered sterile? disinfection. You just studied 72 terms!

When cleaning process is used on instruments such as nasal specula and endotracheal tubes?

29 Cards in this Set.

Which of the following uses sound waves to sanitize instruments?

Ultrasonic Cleaning is a cavitation process where bubbles are agitated through high-frequency sound waves to penetrate every surface of medical instruments including holes and recesses. Medical instruments with surfaces of Metal, Ceramic, Plastic, Rubber, Glass can be used in this cleaning process.


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