Which instruction would the nurse give to the client having a residual urine test Quizlet

Dehydration may contribute to UTIs, calculi formation, and kidney failure. Large intake of foods, such as dairy products or foods high in proteins, may also lead to calculi formation. Because the patient is athletic, muscle strain is probably not the primary cause of his symptoms. Caffeine, alcohol, carbonated beverages, some artificial sweeteners, or spicy foods often aggravate urinary inflammatory diseases. The patient avoids sodas, so this would not be as great a concern. Up to one episode of nocturia is considered normal in younger adults, and up to two episodes are acceptable among adults ages 65 years or older.

The nurse is teaching a group of licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) and licensed practical nurses (LPNs) about the pathogenesis of urinary infections. Which information pertaining to catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI) should the nurse include in the teaching?

Bacteria inhabit the vagina.

CAUTI are mostly caused by a descending infection.

Colonic flora do not cause urinary infections.

Bacteria inhabit the distal urethra in men and women.

Escherichia coli is the common causative organism.

Bacteria inhabit the vagina.

Bacteria inhabit the distal urethra in men and women.

Escherichia coli is the common causative organism.

A nurse is caring for an elderly patient who is receiving treatment for urinary incontinence. After reviewing the patient's prescription, the nurse knows to observe the patient for cognitive impairment. Which medication is the patient most likely taking?






(Antimuscarinic agents such as oxybutynin are used to treat different types of urinary incontinence. These drugs may cause cognitive impairment in older adults. )

A patient complains that he is not able to pass urine completely. Even after voiding, the patient does not feel that the bladder is empty. Which tests can be done to assess the postvoid residual (PVR) in the patient?

Portable noninvasive bladder ultrasound device


X-ray of the abdomen

Intravenous pyelogram (IVP)

Portable noninvasive bladder ultrasound device

The parents of a 7-year-old child complain that their child frequently awakens from sleep because of the urge to void. What may be the likely causes?



Diabetes insipidus

Overactive bladder

Urinary tract infection

Trauma to the urinary tract


Overactive bladder

Urinary tract infection

What should the nurse teach a patient who has altered urinary elimination about maintaining a healthy bladder?

"Drink ample fluids before bed time."

"Drink three to four glasses of water daily."

"Avoid drinking tea, coffee, or chocolate drinks."

"Limit fluid intake if there is urinary incontinence."

"Avoid drinking tea, coffee, or chocolate drinks."

The nurse is caring for a patient who exhibits slow movements associated with Parkinson's disease. For which type of urinary incontinence should the nurse assess in this patient?

Transient incontinence

Functional incontinence

Reflex urinary incontinence

Overflow urinary incontinence

Functional incontinence

A patient is being assessed for a possible urinary tract infection (UTI). Before sending a urinalysis specimen to the laboratory, the nurse collects a small amount of urine to perform a dipstick test. If the patient has a UTI, which component should be detected in the urine?






A patient is experiencing difficulty in voiding. Which nursing interventions may help to stimulate the micturition reflex in the patient?

Induce sound of running water.

Stroke the outer aspect of the thigh.

Pour cool water over patient's perineum.

Stroke the outer aspect of the abdomen.

Help the patient assume the normal position for voiding.

Induce sound of running water.

Help the patient assume the normal position for voiding.

What is the normal pH range of urine?

2.6 to 4

3.6 to 5

4.6 to 8

4.6 to 9

4.6 to 8

A 55-year-old man is admitted to the hospital with urinary retention. Which interventions should the nurse perform to stimulate the micturition reflex?

Help the patient to relax and void in a standing position.

Tell the patient to run water while trying to void.

Stroke the outer aspect of the thigh.

Pour warm water over the patient's perineum.

Obtain orders to catheterize the patient.

Help the patient to relax and void in a standing position.

Tell the patient to run water while trying to void.

Pour warm water over the patient's perineum.

A nurse is caring for a patient with a spinal cord injury who reports an absence of awareness of bladder filling and the urge to void. A family member adds that the patient also sometimes has leakage of urine without awareness. Which nursing intervention is most important for the patient?

Placing an indwelling catheter

Monitoring for autonomic dysreflexia

Encouraging the patient to perform pelvic muscle exercises

Monitoring the postvoid residual volume according to the health care provider's direction

Monitoring for autonomic dysreflexia

A nurse instructs an elderly patient to restrict fluid intake 2 hours before bedtime. Which complication is the nurse trying to reduce?


Urinary retention

Urinary tract infection

Stress urinary incontinence


Which factor influencing urinary elimination in older adults does the nurse know to be true?

Older adults have an increased bladder capacity.

Older adults generally experience decreased bladder irritability.

Older adults have an increased frequency of bladder contractions during bladder filling.

Older adults have an increased ability to hold urine between the initial desire to void and an urgent need to void.

Older adults have an increased frequency of bladder contractions during bladder filling.

What size urinary catheter should the nurse use for a 7-year-old child?

5 to 6 Fr

8 to 10 Fr

12 Fr

14 to 16 Fr

8 to 10 Fr

Which measures should the nurse emphasize to prevent urinary infection in females?

Proper hand washing

Use of indwelling catheters

Frequent sexual intercourse

Wiping from front to back after voiding and defecation

Adequate fluid intake

Proper hand washing

Wiping from front to back after voiding and defecation

Adequate fluid intake

An obese patient reports leaking urine while coughing. Which management strategies should be included in the patient's treatment plan?

Adequate fluid intake

Kegel exercises

Heavy weight lifting

Weight-control measures

Caffeinated beverages

Kegel exercises

Weight-control measures

A female patient reports that she is experiencing burning on urination, frequency, and urgency. The nurse notes that a clean-voided urine specimen is markedly cloudy. What is the probable cause of these symptoms and findings?






The nurse, along with an nursing assistive person (NAP), is catheterizing a patient with a neurogenic bladder. What are the responsibilities of the NAP?

Maintain the privacy of the patient.

Provide perineal care.

Assist in the positioning of the patient.

Insert catheter into the urethral meatus.

Inflate the balloon fully as per the manufacturer's direction.

Maintain the privacy of the patient.

Provide perineal care.

Assist in the positioning of the patient.

The nurse is reviewing the laboratory reports of a patient. The urine report shows the presence of large proteins in the urine. What is the most probable cause of proteinuria?

Glomerular injury

Infection of the urinary tract

Excessive aspirin ingestion


Glomerular injury

A patient with a bladder disorder is advised to get a urinary diversion. The patient wishes to have the type of urinary diversion that allows normal voiding. Which type of urinary diversion suits the patient's requirement?

Insertion of bilateral nephrostomy tubes

Incontinent urinary diversion

Orthotopic neobladder using an ileal pouch

Radical cystectomy with an ileal conduit

Orthotopic neobladder using an ileal pouch

A patient with an indwelling catheter carries the collection bag at waist level when ambulating. The patient is at risk for what?



Stagnant urine

Reflux of urine



Reflux of urine

What suggestion does the nurse give to a patient who asks for advice on how to prevent urinary tract infections?

"Drink enough water to pass pale yellow urine."

"Avoid straining when voiding or moving the bowels."

"Take enough time to empty the bladder completely."

"Avoid or limit drinking beverages that contain caffeine."

"Drink enough water to pass pale yellow urine."

A nurse is assessing the severity of a patient's urinary elimination problem. Which question is most appropriate?

"Does your urinary problem restrict you from doing your usual activities?"

"Do you dribble urine before voiding, after voiding, or at other times?"

"Have you been hospitalized or have you received a diagnosis of a new medical problem recently?"

"How often are you awakened with the urge to void while you are sleeping?"

"How often are you awakened with the urge to void while you are sleeping?"

Which of a student nurse's statements regarding urinary incontinence requires correction?

"Urinary incontinence is common in older adults."

"Urge incontinence and stress incontinence are common forms of urinary incontinence."

"Urinary incontinence is characterized by any involuntary loss of urine."

"Mixed incontinence is a combination of stress and functional incontinence."

"Mixed incontinence is a combination of stress and functional incontinence."

The instructor asks a nursing student to name a type of continent urinary diversion that uses an ileal pouch to replace the bladder. Which answer given by student indicates adequate learning?



Orthotopic neobladder

Continent urinary reservoir

Orthotopic neobladder

A 70-year-old woman complains of involuntary passage of urine. The leakage of urine occurs in small amounts and is more frequent when she coughs. The nursing assessment reveals that the patient is obese, has had three pregnancies, and has already gone through menopause. The nurse understands that the patient is at increased risk of developing urinary tract infection. Which nursing interventions are helpful to prevent a urinary tract infection in the patient?

Emphasize reduced fluid intake.

Emphasize wearing cotton underwear.

Emphasize the need for continuous bladder catheterization.

Promote complete emptying of bladder by double voiding.

Emphasize the importance of perineal hygiene.

Emphasize wearing cotton underwear.

Promote complete emptying of bladder by double voiding.

Emphasize the importance of perineal hygiene.

A nurse is teaching a 55-kg patient about the promotion of normal micturition by maintaining optimal fluid intake. The nurse is aware that the patient has normal renal function and no heart disease or alterations that require fluid restriction. What is the approximate amount of fluid that the nurse should instruct the patient to drink per day? Record your answer in mL using a whole number.


What is the minimum value of urinary output per hour that is considered normal before a nurse should immediately assess for the signs of blood loss? Record your answer using a whole number.


The nurse understands that hypertension can be caused by an impaired renin-angiotensin mechanism. Which statements accurately describe the renin-angiotensin mechanism?

Angiotensinogen is synthesized in the lungs.

Renin is secreted by the juxtaglomerular apparatus.

Angiotensin II causes peripheral vasoconstriction.

Angiotensin II causes aldosterone secretion in the adrenal cortex.

Converting enzyme in the liver converts angiotensin I to angiotensin II.

Renin is secreted by the juxtaglomerular apparatus.

Angiotensin II causes peripheral vasoconstriction.

Angiotensin II causes aldosterone secretion in the adrenal

What is the use of double-lumen catheters?

Straight catheterization

Intermittent catheterization

Continuous bladder irrigation

Urinary drainage and inflation of a balloon

Urinary drainage and inflation of a balloon

The nurse works in a renal care unit. Which patient would require a long-term indwelling catheter?

A patient who underwent surgical repair of the bladder

A patient with prostate enlargement

A patient who needs assessment of residual urine volume

A patient with terminal illness requiring frequent changes of the bed linen

A patient with terminal illness requiring frequent changes of the bed linen

What are common causes of dysuria?

Trauma to the lower urinary tract

Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus

Inflammation of the prostate


Bladder outlet obstruction

Trauma to the lower urinary tract

Inflammation of the prostate


A nursing instructor asks a nursing student to explain the evaluation phase of a patient who underwent urinary catheterization due to compromised bladder function. Which statement if made by the student indicates a need for further education?

"During the evaluation phase,the nurse reassesses the patient's urination pattern."

"During the evaluation phase, the nurse asks the patient if expectations are being met."

"During the evaluation phase, the nurse explains the procedure and the importance of the catheter to the patient."

"During the evaluation phase, the nurse asks the patient about any permanent change in elimination."

"During the evaluation phase, the nurse explains the procedure and the importance of the catheter to the patient."

Patients with which type of urinary incontinence can be at risk for severe elevation of blood pressure, pulse rate and diaphoresis?

Functional incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence

Reflex urinary incontinence

Urge urinary incontinence

Reflex urinary incontinence

Under what conditions would a nurse instruct a patient to perform pelvic muscle exercises as directed by the health care provider?

Cognitive impairment

Urethral hypermobility

Bladder outlet obstruction

Increased abdominal pressure

Incompetent urinary sphincter

Incontinence due to medical conditions

Urethral hypermobility

Increased abdominal pressure

Incompetent urinary sphincter

The nurse is teaching a group of nursing students about kidney function. Which statements apply to kidney function?

The kidneys produce several substances vital for maintenance of blood pressure.

The kidneys produce several substances vital to bone mineralization.

A nephron is a functional unit of the kidney and helps in urine formation.

The kidneys filter waste products of metabolism and excrete them in the urine.

The kidneys produce several substances vital to white blood cell (WBC) production.

The kidneys produce several substances vital for maintenance of blood pressure.

The kidneys produce several substances vital to bone mineralization.

A nephron is a functional unit of the kidney and helps in urine formation.

The kidneys filter waste products of metabolism and excrete them in the urine.

Elimination changes that result from the inability of the bladder to empty properly may cause what?




Urinary retention

Urinary tract infection




Urinary retention

Urinary tract infection

What is the cluster of capillaries in each nephron called?






Which action should the nurse avoid when applying a condom catheter to a patient?

Preparing the tubing

Shaving the pubic area of the patient

Performing a teach back to the patient

Clipping the hair at the base of the penile shaft

Shaving the pubic area of the patient

Which patients should the nurse anticipate to require the use of a short- or long-term urinary catheter?

A patient who has chronic urinary retention

A patient who has reflex urinary incontinence

A patient who has stress urinary incontinence

A patient who needs accurate monitoring of urine output after a gynecologic procedure

A patient who is unable to completely empty the bladder due to a neurological condition

A patient who needs accurate monitoring of urine output after a gynecologic procedure

A patient who is unable to completely empty the bladder due to a neurological condition

What is the correct amount space allowed between the tip of the penis and the end of the catheter while placing a condom catheter on a patient?

1.5 to 3 cm

2.5 to 5 cm

3.5 to 5 cm

4.5 to 6 cm

2.5 to 5 cm

While caring for a female patient with altered urinary elimination, the nurse instructs the patient to assume a squatting position when voiding. What is the reason behind this recommendation?

To prevent infections

To promote normal micturition

To promote complete bladder emptying

To help relieve stress urinary incontinence

To promote complete bladder emptying

The nurse is reviewing the lab report of a patient. The presence of which substance in the urine hints at the possibility of an abnormality?

Protein, 6

Glucose, ++

Red blood cells, 2

White blood cells, 4

Glucose, ++

Which method should the nurse use to collect a urine specimen of a patient who has an indwelling catheter?

Collect 3 to 5 mL of the specimen from the drainage bag.

Collect 6 to 8 mL of the specimen from the drainage bag.

Clean the port with an alcohol swab, insert a sterile hub, and withdraw at least 3 to 5 mL of urine.

Insert a sterile hub and withdraw at least 6 to 8 mL of urine.

Clean the port with an alcohol swab, insert a sterile hub, and withdraw at least 3 to 5 mL of urine.

A nursing instructor asks the nursing assistive person (NAP) to explain the skills of perineal care for a patient with an indwelling catheter. Which statement if made by the NAP indicates a need for further learning?

"A female patient should be placed in dorsal recumbent position."

"A catheter should be grasped with two fingers to stabilize it near the meatus."

"A catheter should be cleaned using a vertical motion moving towards the meatus."

"A waterproof pad should be placed under the patient while performing perineal care."

"A catheter should be cleaned using a vertical motion moving towards the meatus."

A patient complains of diminished urinary output. The nurse finds that the patient also has diminished fluid intake. What is the medical term for this condition?






The nurse assesses that the patient has a full bladder, and the patient states that he or she is having difficulty voiding. What should the nurse teach the patient to do?

Use the double-voiding technique.

Perform Kegel exercises.

Use the Credé method.

Keep a voiding diary.

Use the Credé method.

A patient has a delay in the start of the urinary stream when voiding. What is the least likely cause for this?


Urethral stricture

Prostate enlargement

Urinary tract infection

Urinary tract infection

The patient is incontinent, and a condom catheter is placed. Which action should the nurse take?

Shave the pubic area prior to application.

Ensure foreskin is in retracted position.

Assess the patient for skin irritation.

Use sterile technique for placement.

Assess the patient for skin irritation.

A nursing instructor asks a nursing student to elaborate on nursing interventions for a patient experiencing stress urinary incontinence related to a weakened pelvic musculature. Which statement if made by the student indicates a need for further learning?

"I should instruct the patient to avoid tea and coffee."

"I should teach the patient to take in adequate water and fluid."

"I should advise the patient to perform pelvic muscle exercises."

"I should encourage the patient to increase intraabdominal pressure."

"I should encourage the patient to increase intraabdominal pressure."

An older male patient states that he is having problems starting and stopping his stream of urine and feels the urgency to void. What is the best way to assist this patient?

Help him stand to void.

Place a condom catheter.

Have him practice the Credé method.

Initiate Kegel exercises.

Initiate Kegel exercises.

What characteristics are associated with urge urinary incontinence?



Leakage of urine without awareness

Diminished awareness of the urge to void

Difficulty holding urine once the urge to void occurs



Difficulty holding urine once the urge to void occurs

Since removal of the patient's indwelling catheter, the patient has voided 50 to 100 mL every 2 to 3 hours. Which action should the nurse take first?

Check for bladder distention.

Encourage fluid intake.

Obtain an order to recatheterize the patient.

Document the amount of each voiding for 24 hours.

Check for bladder distention.

A diabetic patient's urine tests positive for glucose. What is the minimum level at which the nurse would expect the patient's blood glucose to be?

155 mg/100mL

165 mg/100mL

175 mg/100mL

185 mg/100mL

185 mg/100mL

What is the minimum length of an intermittent catheter that should be inserted through the urethral meatus in a female patient? Record your answer using a whole number.

5 cm

A nurse is caring for a patient with an indwelling catheter. Which nursing action may increase the risk for a catheter-associated urinary tract infection?

Collecting specimens via a port in the tubing

Keeping the drainage bag above the level of the bladder

Allowing the patient to wear a leg bag while ambulating

Monitoring the drainage system to prevent backflow of urine

Keeping the drainage bag above the level of the bladder

What nursing intervention should the nurse provide to a patient who has wet skin due to urinary incontinence and is at risk for impaired skin integrity?

Encouraging the patient to lose weight

Advising the patient to maintain adequate hydration

Using pictures to teach the patient about pelvic anatomy

Teaching the patient to apply a moisture barrier product as needed

Teaching the patient to apply a moisture barrier product as needed

A male patient returned from the operating room 6 hours ago with a cast on his right arm. He has not yet voided. Which action would be most beneficial in assisting the patient to void?

Suggest he stand at the bedside.

Stay with the patient.

Give him the urinal to use in bed.

Tell him that, if he doesn't urinate, he will be catheterized.

Suggest he stand at the bedside.

Which type of urinary incontinence is managed with timed voiding and double voiding?

Transient incontinence

Urge incontinence

Stress urinary incontinence

Overflow urinary incontinence

Overflow urinary incontinence

(Urinary incontinence associated with chronic retention of urine, also known as overflow urinary incontinence in its mild form, is managed by timed voiding and double voiding. Transient incontinence is managed by identifying reversible causes. Urge incontinence can be managed by avoiding stimulants including caffeine, artificial sweeteners, and alcohol. Stress urinary incontinence is managed by instructing the patient to do pelvic muscle exercises as directed by the health care provider.)

During which phase of the nursing process does the nurse consult other health care professionals to adopt the best nursing intervention for a patient diagnosed with nutritional disturbances?






What is the cause of functional incontinence?

Fecal impaction

Acute confusion

Sensory impairment

Excessive urine output

Sensory impairment

A nurse cares for a patient who has an indwelling catheter. Which action is the nurse least likely to perform?

Emptying the drainage bag when it is full

Maintaining a closed urinary drainage system

Preventing urine backflow from the tubing and bag into the bladder

Performing routine perineal hygiene of the patient after each bowel movement

Emptying the drainage bag when it is full

What are the causes of transient incontinence?


Fecal impaction

Sensory impairment

Cognitive impairments

Excessive urine output


Fecal impaction

Excessive urine output

A nurse reviews a patient's urinary examination report. The presence of which component in the urine leads the nurse to suspect glomerular injury?



Large proteins

Major electrolyte

Large proteins

A patient has bladder overactivity. What does the nurse expect to be the most likely cause?

Spinal cord injury

Anesthetic agents

Prostatic enlargement

Chronic pain syndromes

Spinal cord injury

A nurse is educating a patient who has altered urinary elimination on how to maintain a healthy bladder. Which of the patient's statements indicate a need for further education?

"I'll drink six to eight glasses of water a day."

"I'll avoid drinking beverages that contain caffeine."

"I'll avoid drinking fluids 4 hours before bedtime to decrease nocturia."

"I'll immediately tell my doctor if I experience pain when voiding."

"After each voiding and bowel movement, I'll cleanse my perineum from back to front."

"I'll avoid drinking fluids 4 hours before bedtime to decrease nocturia."

"After each voiding and bowel movement, I'll cleanse my perineum from back to front."

To minimize nocturia, what should the nurse teach the patient to do?

Perform perineal hygiene after urinating.

Set up a toileting schedule.

Double void.

Limit fluids before bedtime.

Limit fluids before bedtime.

The nurse notes that the patient's indwelling catheter bag has been empty for 4 hours. What is the priority action?

Irrigate the indwelling catheter.

Check for kinks in the tubing.

Notify the health care provider.

Assess the patient's intake.

Check for kinks in the tubing.

A patient reports a strong urge to urinate when hearing running water and leaks small amounts of urine on the way to the bathroom. Which type of urinary incontinence does the nurse suspect in this patient?

Stress urinary incontinence

Reflex urinary incontinence

Urge urinary incontinence

Overflow urinary incontinence

Urge urinary incontinence

What nursing intervention is the nurse least likely to provide to a patient diagnosed with stress urinary incontinence related to a weakened pelvic musculature?

Encouraging the patient to lose weight

Reinforcing teaching related to type 2 diabetes

Advising the patient to maintain adequate hydration

Instructing the patient to avoid caffeine and other bladder irritants

Reinforcing teaching related to type 2 diabetes

What should the nurse do during the planning phase of the nursing process when caring for a patient who has altered urinary elimination?

Inspect the character of the patient's urine.

Reinforce adherence to good hygiene practices.

Gather relevant laboratory and diagnostic test data.

Have the patient and family demonstrate self-care skills

Reinforce adherence to good hygiene practices.

A nurse asks a nursing student to name the contents of the intermittent catheterization kit. What answer if given by the student indicates the need for further teaching?



Single-lumen catheter

Double-lumen catheter

Double-lumen catheter

Which statement is true regarding the use of a bladder scanner to measure residual bladder volume?

The patient is placed in dorsal recumbent position.

The scan measurement should be within 20 minutes of voiding.

Women who have had a hysterectomy should be designated as male.

Ultrasound gel is applied to the midline abdomen about 2.5 to 4 cm below the symphysis pubis.

Women who have had a hysterectomy should be designated as male.

The nurse notices pus in the catheter of a patient who had an indwelling catheter inserted 4 days ago. Which nursing measure is appropriate for this patient?

Irrigating the catheter with 10 mL of water

Replacing the catheter with a new one

Irrigating the catheter with antiseptic solution

Milking the catheter from proximal end to distal end

Replacing the catheter with a new one

Which measurement lies in the normal range for the length of an adult female urethra?

2 cm

4 cm

15 cm

19 cm

4 cm

A patient is diagnosed with stress urinary incontinence related to a weakened pelvic musculature. What teaching is the nurse least likely to provide to the patient?

Use written and verbal instructions.

Teach the patient pelvic muscle exercises.

Instruct the patient to maintain adequate fluid intake.

Teach the patient to avoid caffeine and other bladder irritants.

Use written and verbal instructions.

The nurse is caring for a patient with urinary incontinence. Which actions should the nurse perform to promote comfort for the patient?

Change dressings and linens when wet.

Limit fluid intake.

Use absorbent pads.

Increase coffee intake.

Catheterize the patient with orders from the health care provider.

Change dressings and linens when wet.

Use absorbent pads.

Catheterize the patient with orders from the health care provider.

A student nurse is learning about the structure and function of the urinary system. Which statement if made by the student nurse indicates effective knowledge about the ureters?

"A kidney stone can result in hydroureter."

"The distensible body of the ureters is called the detrusor."

"Urine enters the urinary bladder through the ureter in a steady flow."

"Compression of the upper part of the ureters prevents backflow of urine during micturition."

"A kidney stone can result in hydroureter."

A patient's urinary report suggests microscopic hematuria. What is the most likely cause for this?



Urinary tract calculi

Trauma to urinary tract

Trauma to urinary tract

What skill is the nurse least likely to perform during the physical assessment of a patient with urinary elimination problems?

Palpating the lower abdomen to assess for bladder fullness

Percussing the costovertebral angle to assess for tenderness

Auscultating the kidney to detect the presence of a renal artery bruit

Positioning the female patient into a supine position to examine the genitalia

Positioning the female patient into a supine position to examine the genitalia

An older adult female reported urinary incontinence to the nurse. The patient is postmenopausal, overweight, and has a history of three vaginal births. She also has type 2 diabetes, which is being managed with medication and an appropriate diet. What should the nurse teach this patient?

"You should lose weight."

"You should perform heavy exercise."

"You should avoid heavy lifting."

"You should perform pelvic muscle exercises."

"You should drink less water."

"You should lose weight."

"You should avoid heavy lifting."

"You should perform pelvic muscle exercises."

Which symptoms should the nurse anticipate in a patient with urge urinary incontinence?

Distended bladder on palpation

Leaks on the way to the bathroom

Leaks without awareness

Strong urge or leaks upon hearing water running

Loss of a small volume of urine while coughing or laughing

Leaks on the way to the bathroom

Strong urge or leaks upon hearing water running

Which is a cause of transient urinary incontinence?


Fecal impaction

Cognitive impairment

Overactive bladder caused by neurological problems

Fecal impaction

The nurse understands that urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women are eight times more common than in men. What are the reasons for this?

Urination is infrequent.

The urethra is shorter than it is in males.

The urethra lies closer to the anus than it does in males.

Failure to wipe from front to back after voiding or defecating.

Lack of antibacterial substances in vaginal secretions.

The urethra is shorter than it is in males.

The urethra lies closer to the anus than it does in males.

Failure to wipe from front to back after voiding or defecating.

Lack of antibacterial substances in vaginal secretions.

What are the major preventive actions that a nurse should know in order to inhibit catheter-associated infections?

Maintain a closed urinary drainage system.

Evacuate the drainage bag when it gets full.

Use dependent loops for urinary drainage tubing.

Keep urinary drainage bags below the level of the bladder.

Prevent urine backflow from the tubing and bag into the bladder.

Maintain a closed urinary drainage system.

Keep urinary drainage bags below the level of the bladder.

Prevent urine backflow from the tubing and bag into the bladder.

A nurse is assisting the primary health care provider in assessing a patient with altered urinary elimination. After assessing the patient, the primary health care provider suspects that the patient has an obstruction of the ureters. Which diagnostic test does the nurse expect the patient to undergo?


Abdominal roentgenogram

Ultrasound of the urinary bladder

Axial computed tomographic scan

Axial computed tomographic scan

What nursing skills should the nurse adopt to prevent a catheter-associated urinary tract infection (UTI)?

Secure the indwelling catheters.

Empty the drainage bag when full.

Maintain a closed urinary drainage system.

Use dependent loops in the urinary drainage tubing.

Keep the urinary drainage bag above the level of the bladder.

Secure the indwelling catheters.

Maintain a closed urinary drainage system.

A patient complains of urinary alterations along with pain and discomfort at the time of voiding. What is the exact terminology that the nurse should know for this condition?






The nurse is caring for a patient who sustained a spinal cord injury. The patient has urinary incontinence. Which aspects of care should the nurse include when teaching the patient to perform self-catheterization?

The structures of the urinary tract

The technique of catheterization

The importance of adequate fluid intake

The frequency of self-catheterization

The technique of applying a condom catheter

The structures of the urinary tract

The technique of catheterization

The importance of adequate fluid intake

The frequency of self-catheterization

A postoperative patient has difficulty voiding after surgery and is feeling "uncomfortable" in the lower abdomen. Which action should the nurse implement first?

Encourage fluid intake.

Administer pain medication.

Catheterize the patient.

Turn on the bathroom faucet as the patient tries to void.

Turn on the bathroom faucet as the patient tries to void.

A patient is scheduled for a cystoscopy. What instructions should the nurse give to this patient about cystoscopy?

The patient should limit the intake of fluids before the test.

Urine output will increase after the test.

The patient may have difficulty in voiding after the test.

Urine will be straw colored after the test.

The patient may have difficulty in voiding after the test.

A patient experiencing urinary incontinence is admitted to the hospital. How can the nurse help the patient manage incontinence?

Provide a low set chairs.

Place the bed closer to the toilet.

Provide information about continence care.

Keep the beds raised well above the floor.

Provide clothes that can be easily opened.

Place the bed closer to the toilet.

Provide information about continence care.

Provide clothes that can be easily opened.

An older adult presents with urinary frequency due to cystitis. Which nursing instructions would be helpful to this patient?

Advise intake of cranberry juice.

Encourage the use of indwelling catheters.

Encourage patient to increase fluid intake.

Restrict fluid intake.

Discourage intake of coffee, tea, cola, and alcohol.

Advise intake of cranberry juice.

Encourage patient to increase fluid intake.

Discourage intake of coffee, tea, cola, and alcohol.

A primary health care provider instructs the nurse to insert an indwelling urinary catheter in a client for 3 weeks. What type of catheter is the best choice for this client to prevent infection and promote comfort?

Latex catheter

Silicon catheter

Teflon catheter

Plastic catheter

Latex catheter

Which term describes leakage of urine despite voluntary control of urination?






The patient is to have an intravenous pyelogram (IVP). Which action applies to this procedure?

Note any allergies.

Monitor intake and output.

Provide for perineal hygiene.

Assess vital signs.

Encourage fluids after the procedure.

Note any allergies.

Encourage fluids after the procedure.

The patient states that she "loses urine" every time she laughs or coughs. The nurse teaches the patient measures to regain urinary control. Which statement by the patient indicates the need for further teaching?

"I will perform my Kegel exercises every day."

"I joined Weight Watchers."

"I drink two glasses of wine with dinner."

"I have tried urinating every 3 hours."

"I drink two glasses of wine with dinner."