Which gross motor skill is developmentally appropriate for an 18 month old toddler quizlet?

Rides a tricycle

Gross motor developmental milestones for a 2-year-old include jumping in place, standing on tiptoes, kicking a ball, and running. At 3 years old, the child should be able to pedal a tricycle, run easily, and walk up and down the stairs with alternate feet. At 12 to 18 months of age, the child should be able to stand on one foot with help, walk independently, climb the stairs with assistance, and pull toys.

Chapter 26: Growth and Development of the Toddler - Page 959

Difficulty w/ stairs, frequent falling, cannot build tower of more than 4 blocks, difficulty manipulating small objects, extreme difficulty in separation from caregiver, cannot copy a circle, does not engage in make belief play, cannot communicate in short phrases, does not understand simple instructions, little interest in other children, unclear speech, persistent drooling
p. 1002

-Household items (bowls, utensils, pots, pans, cardboard boxes, tubes, old magazines, baskets, purses, hats)
-Blocks, cars, trucks, dolls, toys for age recommendation
-Manipulative toys w/ knobs, wind-ups, buttons, jigsaw puzzles, toys that can be taken apart and put back together
-Gross motor toys (playground, push and pull toys, wagons, tricycle, tunnels, ride on toys
-Tapes, cd's, music players, instruments
-Chalk, crayons, finger paint, play-doh, washable markers
-Bucket, plastic shovel, other containers for sand and water play
-Squeaking, floating, squirting toys for bath
p. 1003

Mowing the lawn with a toy lawnmower

Toddlers enjoy talking on a play telephone. They like pots, pans, and toys such as brooms, dishes, and lawnmowers that help them imitate the adults in their environment and promote socialization. Toys that involve the toddler's new gross motor skills, such as push-pull toys, rocking horses, large blocks, and balls are popular. Fine motor skills are developed by use of thick crayons, modeling clay, finger paints, wooden puzzles with large pieces, toys with pieces that fit into shaped holes, and cloth books. The toddler will not be interested in sharing toys until the later stage of toddlerhood; adults should not make an issue of sharing at this early stage.

Chapter 26: Growth and Development of the Toddler - Page 967

Throwing tantrums
Negativism, or saying "no" to requests, is an expected behavior in toddlers and is a way that they can test their independence and boundaries. In extreme cases, it can lead to screaming, kicking, hitting, biting, or breath-holding.

Crying when the toddler's parent leaves for work
Crying when a parent leaves, or separation anxiety, is an expected behavior in the toddler.

Developing a sense that bad behavior is punished
Controlling behavior to avoid punishment is an expected behavior in the toddler.

Insisting on same book being read every morning
Reading the same book, or ritualism, is an expected behavior in the toddler.

During the toddler years, children change rapidly. Changes occur in physical growth, motor-skill development, and cognitive/social development. The rapid changes in motor skills and the toddler's inability to make judgements about the safety of actions place the toddler at risk for unintentional injury. The importance of safety regarding the most common injuries of the toddler period, including aspiration, burns, drowning, and falls, should be communicated to parents of toddlers. The toddler years are characterized by a struggle for autonomy as the child develops a sense of self separate from the parent. Nurses should help parents understand that toddler behaviors, which include negativism, ritualism, temper tantrums, and separation anxiety, are normal processes of toddler development. Parents should be given information to help cope with these behaviors appropriately. During the well-child checkup, the nurse's role is to be a child advocate by providing parents of toddlers with anticipatory guidance related to growth, safety, and common age-related concerns. Nurses should also listen to any concerns that parents have about the development of their toddler because parental concerns provide a reliable indicator of possible developmental delay.

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Terms in this set (49)

18-24 months

Between which ages is voluntary control of the anal and urethral sphincters typically achieved?

c. Imitates drawing a vertical line

Which activity documented by the nurse describes the fine motor skills of a 2-year-old child?

a. Throws a ball
b. Imitates drawing a circle
c. Imitates drawing a vertical line
d. Drops a pellet into a narrow-necked bottle

D, E
d. primary detention is complete
e. sphincter control has been achieved

Sphincter control in preparation for bowel and bladder control is usually achieved by 30 months of age. Primary dentition is usually completed by 30 months of age. The anterior fontanel closes between 12 and 18 months of age. Birth weight should have doubled at 5 to 6 months of age and quadrupled by 2½ years of age. Genital fondling is not a characteristic of physical development in this age group; this is part of the development of gender identity.

Which characteristics of physical development are appropriate in a 30-month-old child? Select all that apply.

a. Genital fondling is noted.
b. The anterior fontanel is open.
c. The birth weight has doubled.
d. Primary dentition is complete.
e. Sphincter control has been achieved.

a. They are fussy eaters

Which description characterizes toddlers' eating behavior?

a. They are fussy eaters.
b. The have increased appetites.
c. They have few food preferences.
d. Their table manners are predictable.

c. Influenced by the psychologic components of food

At the age of 18 months, toddlers show signs of decreased appetite by being fussy eaters or having strong taste preferences. These children are influenced by the psychologic components of the food instead of taste. They are more interested in the pleasure of eating or the social aspect of mealtime. This phenomenon is called physiologic anorexia. The child may become unpredictable during mealtimes, but it does not mean that the child generally becomes unpredictable after 20 months. A consistent mealtime contributes to the child's need for ritualism and helps to reduce undesirable behavior at mealtimes.

Which behavior is appropriate when describing a toddler's eating habits of eating a lot then nothing at all the next day or refusing a favorite food?

a. Displaying symptoms of anorexia.
b. Becomes unpredictable after 20 months of age.
c. Influenced by the psychologic components of food.
d. The parent is consistent about mealtimes with the child.

b. Jumps in place with both feet

At 18 months of age toddlers are expected to jump in place with both feet. Creeping up stairs occurs at 15 months of age. At 30 months of age most toddlers can stand on one foot momentarily. Kicking the ball forward without overbalancing is developmentally appropriate at 24 months of age.

Which gross motor skill is developmentally appropriate for a toddler who is 18 months of age?

a. Creeps up stairs
b. Jumps in place with both feet
c. Stands on one foot momentarily
d. Kicks ball forward without overbalancing

b. Rapprochement

Which term is appropriate when describing the phenomenon at work when a toddler separates from the mother and begins to make sense of experiences in the environment but is then drawn back to the mother for assistance in verbally articulating the meaning of these experiences?

a. Gender identity
b. Rapprochement
c. Transitional objects
d. Mental symbolization

b. Activities begin to produce purposeful results.

Gross and fine motor mastery occurs with other activities that have a purpose, such as walking to a particular location or putting down one toy and picking up a new one. By 2 years of age children are able to walk up and down stairs without falling. Grasping small objects without being able to release them is characteristic of infancy. Interaction with the environment is essential for mastery of both fine and gross motor skills at this age and beyond.

Which characteristic is appropriate for motor skills of a 24-month-old child?

a. Walks alone but falls easily.
b. Activities begin to produce purposeful results.
c. Able to grasp small objects but cannot release them at will.
d. Motor skills are fully developed but occur in isolation from the environment

d. Physiologic anorexia

In physiologic anorexia, a normal phenomenon that occurs around 18 months of age, the toddler manifests a decreased nutritional need and diminished appetite. In ritualism, the toddler prefers to have the same food, cup, or spoon with every meal. In regression, the toddler retreats from the current level of function to a past level of behavior. Grazing is an eating pattern of nibbling or snacking throughout the day.

Which condition describes when toddlers manifest a decreased nutritional need and a diminished appetite?

a. Grazing
b. Ritualism
c. Regression
d. Physiologic anorexia

c. 6 months of age or older

Which child would need fluoride supplementation?

a. 4 months of age
b. 5 months of age
c. 6 months of age or older
d. Fluoride supplementation is not recommended for infants

a. Not talking to the child.

Which parent action indicates a requirement for further learning from the nurse regarding temper tantrums?

a. Not talking to the child.
b. Taking the child out daily.
c. Praising the child for positive behavior.
d. Comforting the child once the tantrum subsides.

a. Iron

Which nutrient's absorption is increased by vitamin C?

a. Iron
b. Calcium
c. Magnesium
d. Phosphorus

c. Developmental readiness of the child

If the child is not ready developmentally, it would be frustrating for both the parent and the child during toilet training. Consistency in approach is important once toilet training has already started. A positive attitude from the primary caregivers is also important once the child is ready for toilet training. Developmental levels are different for every child, and comparison with peers is not appropriate.

Which factor is appropriate to consider when starting toilet training in the toddler?

a. Consistency in approach
b. Positive attitude of the mother
c. Developmental readiness of the child
d. Developmental level of the child's peers

c. Parallel

Children progress from solitary play during infancy to parallel play during toddlerhood. Tactile play is exploratory play in which the toddler uses water toys, finger paints, or other manipulative objects to play. Cooperative play is not characteristic of a toddler's play.

Which type of play is characteristic of the toddler?

a. Tactile
b. Solitary
c. Parallel
d. Cooperative

a. Use car restraints even for short trips.

Which recommendation is appropriate to provide to the parents of toddlers about car restraints?

a. Use car restraints even for short trips.
b. Add extra head cushions for comfort.
c. Discourage the toddler from holding a toy.
d. Add padding between the child and the restraint strap

a. Reading books together

Which activity is appropriate to improve the language skill of the child?

a. Reading books together
b. Watching one DVD together
c. Playing computer games together
d. Allowing the child to watch television

d. Placing of cough syrup in a child-proof container at a high level

Which finding in the home should be addressed by the nurse?

a. Presence of a carbon monoxide detector
b. Placing of an old refrigerator with the doors removed
c. Openings of 3 inches between the railings in a balcony
d. Placing of cough syrup in a child-proof container at a high level

A, D, E

Which instructions would the nurse give parents during discharge following an accidental swallowing of a foreign body? Select all that apply.

a. Cut fruits in small pieces.
b. Give toys with removable parts.
c. Give marshmallows or chewing gum.
d. Avoid contact with small plastic balls.
e. Slice hot dogs lengthwise into short pieces.

b. Teach that genital stimulation in private is acceptable but not in public.

Which nursing advice is appropriate regarding children that touch their genitalia in public?

a. Do not allow children to play with genitalia in public or private places.
b. Teach that genital stimulation in private is acceptable but not in public.
c. Take these children to a psychologist or psychiatrist for a health checkup.
d. Ignore it, because it is a normal phenomenon in psychosocial development.

B. Iron deficiency

Milk is a poor source of iron, and if the child drinks mostly milk, it may lead to iron deficiency. Rickets is caused by vitamin D deficiency. Milk is a chief source of calcium and phosphorous. Amino acids are found in milk and milk products

Which condition would the nurse be concerned for in the toddler that drinks milk and fruit juice and consumes little solid food?

a. Rickets
b. Iron deficiency
c. Phosphorous deficiency
d. Amino acid deficiency

d. Store poisonous substances in a locked cabinet

Which nursing instruction is appropriate when teaching parents of toddlers about how to prevent poisoning?

a. Keep ipecac in the home.
b. Consistently use safety caps.
c. Store poisonous substances out of reach.
d. Store poisonous substances in a locked cabinet

a. "This is a normal phenomenon at this age. Your child is fine."

Most toddlers at 18 months of age have decreased nutritional needs, manifested as decreased appetite. This phenomenon is called physiologic anorexia. During this stage they become fussy eaters with strong taste preferences, and they may eat nothing one day and large amounts the next day. Therefore the parent should be informed that this is normal, and the child is fine. This phenomenon is not caused by medications. The parent should be reassured that the child has no health issues and does not require any treatment at a hospital.

Which nursing response is appropriate for the parent of an 18-month-old child that eats nothing on some days and a lot on other days?

a. "This is a normal phenomenon at this age. Your child is fine."
b. "Is the child taking any medications for any sort of health problems?"
c. "The child needs to be admitted into the hospital immediately for treatment."
d. "The child may need some blood tests because there is a problem with the gastrointestinal (GI) system."

b. Explaining to the parent that this is not harmful

The rising carbon dioxide level restarts the breathing process when a child holds the breath; therefore the process is self-limiting and not harmful. A respiratory evaluation is not indicated for this toddler. Temper tantrums are part of this developmental stage as the toddler asserts independence; there are no data to indicate that this child is spoiled. A psychologic evaluation is not warranted.

Which nursing action is appropriate when a 2-year-old child has been having temper tantrums, during which the child halts breathing and occasionally faints?

a. Referring the child for a respiratory evaluation
b. Explaining to the parent that this is not harmful
c. Explaining to the parent that the child is spoiled
d. Referring the child for a psychologic evaluation

a. Lasting for 5 minutes is normal.

Which statement is appropriate with regard to temper tantrums in toddlers?

a. Lasting for 5 minutes is normal.
b. Normally appear 10 times a day.
c. Appearing for 20 minutes is normal.
d. Normally appear until 10 years of age.

b. Regression

The child uses regression to reduce the stress that the child feels after the birth of the new infant. Regression is a retreat from a present pattern of functioning to past levels of behavior. It usually occurs in instances of stress, when one attempts to cope by reverting to patterns of behavior that were successful in earlier stages of development. The child is not neglected by the parents; instead the attention that the new infant receives may be considered by the older child as threatening. The child is not trying to accept the baby; instead the child is manifesting jealousy towards the baby. The child does not resent the baby, but does not like the new changes that are caused by the arrival of the infant.

Which behavior is appropriate when describing a preschool-age child that after having a sibling born is using baby talk and wants a bottle?

a. Neglect
b. Regression
c. Acceptance
d. Resentment

C, E
c. Fits smaller objects into each other
e. Opens door and drawers to find objects

Which developmental behaviors does an 18-month-old child possess? Select all that apply.

a. Possessive of own toys
b. Imitates sounds of animals
c. Fits smaller objects into each other
d. Places square objects exactly in a hole
e. Opens door and drawers to find objects

b. The blanket is an important transitional object.

Which explanation is appropriate for the toddler's attachment to a favorite blanket?

a. It encourages immature behavior.
b. The blanket is an important transitional object.
c. The child and mother have inadequate bonding.
d. The developmental task of individuation-separation has not been mastered.

a. Give the banana to the child later.

A toddler may refuse to eat something when a previous food did not taste good. This type of reasoning is called transductive reasoning. In such situations the nurse should accept the response and offer the refused food at a later time. It is not necessary to inform the pediatrician at this stage. The nurse should never force-feed a child. Telling a toddler that a banana is different from pasta will not necessarily be helpful, because this sort of reasoning may not be understood by the child.

Which nursing action is appropriate when a toddler refuses pasta because it does not taste good and when offered a banana immediately after, will not try it?

a. Give the banana to the child later.
b. Inform the pediatrician about the child's behavior.
c. Tell the child that a banana is different from pasta.
d. Force the child to eat the banana now to avoid hunger.

c. 24 months

Domestic mimicry is observed in children who are 19 to 24 months old, which is the final stage of the sensorimotor stage. Children are aware of other people's actions, and they attempt to copy them at this sensorimotor stage. Children who are 13 to 15 months old are in the fifth sensorimotor stage. Domestic mimicry is not a behavior of children in this stage. Children who are 32 months old are in the preoperational phase; in this stage, increased use of language and mental symbolization is observed.

Which age is the behavior of domestic mimicry appropriate?

a. 13 months
b. 15 months
c. 24 months
d. 32 months

c. Giving a bottle of milk or juice at naptime or bedtime predisposes the child to this syndrome.

Sweet liquids, or the sugars in milk and even breast milk, pooling in a toddler's mouth during sleep increase the incidence of early childhood caries. Changes in the positioning of the teeth may result from pacifier use or thumb sucking and are not related to bottle-mouth caries. Frequent breastfeeding before sleep can cause bottle-mouth caries, because breast milk does contain lactose, which is present in higher concentrations than in cow's milk-based formula. Juice, which contains varying concentrations of sugar in bottles, contributes to bottle-mouth caries when a child is allowed to have a bottle of it before sleep.

Which information about early childhood caries is appropriate for parents?

a. This syndrome can be completely prevented by breastfeeding.
b. Giving the child juice in the bottle instead of milk at bedtime prevents this syndrome.
c. Giving a bottle of milk or juice at naptime or bedtime predisposes the child to this syndrome.
d. This syndrome is distinguished by protruding upper front teeth, the result of sucking on a hard nipple.

c. "Make up a game to encourage the child to use the potty."

Which nursing advice is appropriate when addressing a 26-month-old child that refuses to use the potty?

a. "Force the child to sit on the potty for 30 minutes."
b. "It is too early for to start toilet training for the child."
c. "Make up a game to encourage the child to use the potty."
d. "Give lactulose in the morning and place the child on the potty."

b. Firstborn

Firstborn children experience dethronement and therefore tend to have the most pronounced sibling rivalry. Second born children do not have the most pronounced sibling rivalry. Middle children do not experience as difficult a time with sibling rivalry as firstborn children. Firstborn children, rather than youngest children, have more pronounced sibling rivalry.

Which place in the birth order are feelings of sibling rivalry most pronounced?

a. Middle
b. Firstborn
c. Youngest
d. Second born

a, b, c, d, e

Which nursing instruction is appropriate when teaching parents about injury prevention at the toddler's well-child visit? Select all that apply.

a. Put matches out of reach.
b. Supervise the child while playing outside.
c. Turn pot handles toward the back of the stove.
d. Never leave the child unsupervised in a bathtub.
e. Make the child wear a seat belt when sitting in the front passenger seat.

c. Early childhood caries

Prolonged bottle-feeding may cause a type of tooth decay called early childhood caries, which mostly affects the upper incisors and molars. Delayed language development is caused by other factors, such as exposure to television constantly before the age of 24 months or other cognitive impairments. The child is at risk for iron deficiency if the child does not consume iron-enriched foods. Sleep problems are due to factors such as fears, awareness of separation, or heavy meals before bedtime.

Which condition is the 18-month-old child at risk for when prolonging bottle-feeding?

a. Iron deficiency
b. Sleep problems
c. Early childhood caries
d. Delayed language development

b. Obesity

Which condition is the 3-year-old at risk for when offered food as a reward?

a. Rickets
b. Obesity
c. Early childhood caries
d. Iron-deficiency anemia

b. These drinks can cause stains or pits in the teeth.

Parents should be cautioned that regular use of fluoridated water or beverages such as bottled water containing fluoride can result in staining or pitting of the child's teeth. Fluoridated water is not toxic to children. Regular use of fluoridated water is not recommended for toddlers. Supplementation based on fluoride concentration of water supply less than 0.3 ppm (parts per million) is 0.25 mg for a child 6 months to 3 years of age and 0.5 mg for a child 3 to 6 years of age, according to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry.

Which information would the nurse give to parents of toddlers about the regular use of fluoridated water or beverages that contain fluoride?

a. All fluoridated water is toxic to children.
b. These drinks can cause stains or pits in the teeth.
c. Regular use of fluoridated water is recommended for toddlers.
d. It is not necessary to check the fluoride level in your water supply.

c. Use a transitional object at bedtime.

Transitional objects may help ease the toddler's anxiety and facilitate sleep. A consistent set of bedtime rituals will facilitate a toddler's sleep. Toddlers should engage in stimulating physical activity during the day to help them sleep at night. Toddlers do not understand verbal explanations, so parents cannot explain away their fears.

Which nursing advice is appropriate for the parents of a toddler with sleep problems?

a. Vary the bedtime ritual.
b. Explain away the child's fears.
c. Use a transitional object at bedtime.
d. Restrict stimulating activities throughout the day.

b. Placing the car seat in the back seat of the car, facing forward

Car seats are required for toddlers to prevent injury in case of a motor vehicle accident. The car seat should be placed in the back seat, facing forward. A seat belt can cause injuries if it is placed over a toddler's abdomen. Car seats should be placed in the rear of the car because airbags can injure the toddler. Three-year-old children should be restrained in car seats.

Which nursing advice is appropriate when explaining proper restraint of toddlers in motor vehicles to a group of parents?

a. Fitting the seat belt snugly over the toddler's abdomen
b. Placing the car seat in the back seat of the car, facing forward
c. Using lap and shoulder belts when child is over 3 years of age
d. Placing the car seat in the front passenger seat if there is an airbag


Which order is appropriate for developmental milestones according to occurrence in a child from birth to 3 years?
Correct1.Creeps upstairs
Correct2.Builds a tower of four cubes
Correct3.Engages in parallel play
Correct4.Jumps with both feet

B, C
b. Plan a nutritionally balanced week.
c. Serve food in various physical forms.

Which nursing advice would be appropriate regarding the nutritional needs of the child during a growth spurt? Select all that apply.

a. Plan a nutritionally balanced day.
b. Plan a nutritionally balanced week.
c. Serve food in various physical forms.
d. The toddler shouldn't smell a new food.
e. Feed the child while the child is actively playing

d. Encouraging supervision during play

The parents should avoid supervising the toddlers while they are playing; this will help in controlling stress in toddlers. Playing with drums and a toy nail and hammer will help the toddler to cope with stress. Using imagery and relaxation techniques will help the toddler in controlling stress. Increasing the rest period of the toddlers is an effective way of controlling stress.

Which action would be avoided in order to control stress in the toddler?

a. Giving drums to play
b. Using imagery technique
c. Increasing the rest period
d. Encouraging supervision during play

d. Encouraging toddlers to do things for themselves when capable

Toddlers have an increased ability to control their bodies, themselves, and the environment. Autonomy develops when children complete tasks of which they are capable. To successfully achieve autonomy, the toddler needs to have a sense of accomplishment. This does not occur if parents complete tasks. The concept of right and wrong is too advanced for toddlers and will not contribute to autonomy. Children at this age engage in parallel play. This will not foster autonomy.

Which intervention will foster the achievement of autonomy in toddlers?

a. Helping toddlers complete tasks
b. Helping toddlers learn the difference between right and wrong
c. Providing opportunities for toddlers to play with other children
d. Encouraging toddlers to do things for themselves when capable

d. The shoulder belt is used if it does not cross child's neck or face.

Shoulder belts are used for toddlers only if they do not cross the child's neck or face, which may lead to choking. The backseat is the safest area in the car for children. Car restraints are used for children until they are 12 years of age. Seat belts should not be worn on the abdomen; they should be worn low on the hips and fit snugly.

Which statement is correct with regard to the safety of toddlers in car restraints?

a. The front seat is the best place for toddlers.
b. Restraints are used until the age of 7 years.
c. The seat belt should be worn on the abdominal area.
d. The shoulder belt is used if it does not cross child's neck or face.

d. Belief that their thoughts are all powerful and caused the event that occurred

Children who use preoperational thought believe that their thoughts are all powerful and can cause the event that occurred, otherwise known as magical thinking. Centration, a term given to preoperational thought, means that toddlers are unable to consider all possible alternatives. They are unable to see the event or object from another perspective because of their egocentrism. They do not have the ability to understand that something can be different than the way it appears to be, also known as the inability to conserve.

Which characteristics of preoperational thought are appropriate in toddlers?

a. Considering all possible alternatives
b. Ability to see the event or object from another perspective
c. Ability to understand that something can be different than the way it appears
d. Belief that their thoughts are all powerful and caused the event that occurred

a. Give the toy to the child to minimize loneliness.

Which statement by the nurse is appropriate regarding the child throwing a tantrum after having a toy taken away that is usually given when the parent is away?

a. Give the toy to the child to minimize loneliness.
b. Avoid giving the toy to the child when the parent is not there.
c. Toys cannot give security to the child when the parent is away.
d. Attachment to toys is a psychologic problem and is to be avoided.

a. "A new playmate will come home soon."

Toddlers need to have a realistic idea about what will happen when a new baby comes home. Therefore an unrealistic expectation will be set when the mother says that a new playmate will come home soon. The mother needs to emphasize that things such as reading stories and going to the park will not change once the baby arrives. Parents should also stress activities such as bottle-feeding to the toddler so that the child has a realistic idea of what to expect once the newborn arrives.

Which statement made by the mother regarding minimizing sibling rivalry with the toddler needs further learning?

a. "A new playmate will come home soon."
b. "I will read stories for you and the baby."
c. "I will take you and the baby to the park."
d. "We have to feed the baby when the baby comes home."

c, d, e

Which nursing instruction is appropriate to help prevent dental caries in a family's toddler? Select all that apply.

a. Using the bottle as a pacifier
b. Coating pacifiers in apple juice
c. Eliminating the bedtime bottle
d. Never putting juice in the bottle
e. Substituting a bottle of water for milk or juice

b, d

Which developmental tasks would a 24-month-old child be able do? Select all that apply.

a. Name many colors
b. Refer to self by name
c. Tell first and last name
d. Dress self in simple clothing
e. Recognize gender difference

d. Store fluoride supplements away from the toddler.

Which instructions are appropriate when recommending fluoride supplements for the toddler?

a. Give fluoride supplements after breakfast.
b. Give fluoride supplements along with milk.
c. Administer supplements at a convenient time.
d. Store fluoride supplements away from the toddler.

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Which gross motor skill is developmentally appropriate for an 18 month old toddler?

Between the ages of 18 months – 2 years, your toddler should: Walk up and down the stairs while holding your hand. Run fairly well. Jump with feet together, clearing the floor.

Which fine motor skill can an 18 month old child do?

Between the ages of 12-18 months, your child will: Build a tower using 2 blocks. Use their hands together to hold a toy at the middle of their body. Scribble with a crayon. Point with their pointer finger.

Which developmental behaviors does an 18 month old possess?

Your 18-month-old toddler is now walking and using basic words. At this age, children love to play and explore. They begin to show some independence and may play pretend and point at objects they want. They also begin to understand what things in the house are used for, such as a cup or spoon.

What is a gross motor skills for 18 24 months?

Gross Motor Skills 18 - 24 m With excellent physical control, toddlers are now non-stop flurries of activity. By the end of the second year, toddlers can walk steadily, run, walk backwards and often jump too.