Which best explains why the government funds public education in the United States Quizlet

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A new presidential administration takes office, after having made campaign promises to support entitlement programs.
One suggestion the new president is most likely to make in the budget proposal is to

increase military spending.

raise income taxes on all people in the US.

increase spending on Social Security.

lower corporate taxes.

increase spending on Social Security.

What is a difference between payroll and income taxes?

Payroll taxes are itemized deductions from an individual's paycheck, while income taxes are based on an individual's salary.

Payroll taxes are taken out of an individual's salary once a year, while income taxes are paid by workers every time they get paid.

Payroll taxes are based on an individual's salary, while income taxes are itemized deductions from an individual's paycheck.

Payroll taxes are paid by individuals who have a job, while income taxes are partially funded by employers and employees.

Payroll taxes are itemized deductions from an individual's paycheck, while income taxes are based on an individual's salary.

Fiscal policy is the government's approach to

monitoring the value of money.

investing its money.

taxing and borrowing.

taxing and spending.

taxing and spending.

When might workers be exempt from paying income taxes?

when they are injured on the job

when they make too much money

when they don't earn enough money

when they are laid off by a company

when they don't earn enough money

What gives Congress the power to raise taxes to fund services?

the Federal Reserve Bank

the Internal Revenue Service

the Bill of Rights

the Constitution

the Constitution

What are some examples of excise taxes imposed by the government? Check all that apply.


fast-food restaurants



baseball games








Based on the taxing and spending cycle, how will changing expenditures affect taxes collected by the government?

Spending less will help lower prices, leading to an increase in tax revenue for the government.

Spending less will reduce services, leading to a reduction in tax revenue for the government.

Spending more will boost prices, leading to an increase in tax revenue for the government.

Spending more will increase services, leading to a reduction in tax revenue for the government.

Spending less will reduce services, leading to a reduction in tax revenue for the government.

If the domino effect occurs as a result of changes in the money supply, what will most likely happen as an immediate result of banks having more money to lend?

Borrowing will decrease.

Interest rates will decrease.

Investing will decrease.

Inflation will decrease.

Inflation will decrease.

Which best describes a central bank's primary goals?

limiting inflation and reducing unemployment

reducing unemployment and maintaining cash flow

controlling stagflation and reducing unemployment

managing credit and ensuring the money supply's liquidity

limiting inflation and reducing unemployment

Which statement describes how borrowers will most likely benefit when the Fed reduces reserve requirements?

Loan requirements will likely be relaxed.

Interest rates will likely decrease.

Housing prices will likely decrease.

Investment opportunities will likely improve.

Interest rates will likely decrease.

What is the full name of the US central bank, known as the Fed?

the Federal Reserve Bank

the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

the Federal Financial Institution

the Federal Bank

the Federal Reserve Bank

Which statement best describes how the Fed responds to recessions?

It sells more securities.

It charges banks more interest.

It increases reserve requirements.

It increases the money supply.

It increases the money supply.

What is a potential negative effect of an expansionary policy?

decreased borrowing

increased interest rates

increased inflation

decreased available credit

increased inflation

Which best describes what a central bank uses monetary policy to do?

ensure that the government has a balanced budget

influence financial institutions globally

ensure that the government is sufficiently funded

steer the economy away from recession and toward growth

steer the economy away from recession and toward growth

Which best describes a central bank's primary role?

controlling inflation

increasing credit

printing money

creating monetary policy

creating monetary policy

What would most likely happen if the government increased payroll taxes?

Retirees would discover they have fewer benefits than they'd anticipated.

Citizens would have to wait far longer to collect their benefits.

Workers would have less money to take home each week.

Government officials would please everyone involved.

Workers would have less money to take home each week.

Which statement about general education policy is most accurate?

It is controlled only by the federal government.

All funding comes from the state.

It is set by multiple levels of the government.

All policies are determined by local school boards.

It is set by multiple levels of the government.

What is the definition of the term "public assistance"?

a government program that provides income, food, or housing

a monthly payment provided to a citizen enrolled in a program

an educational voucher used to help parents pay for private schooling

a social policy outlining the qualifications for government program enrollment

a government program that provides income, food, or housing

Which best describe the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program? Select 3 options.

It is funded by state governments.

It is primarily based on need.

It is a public assistance program.

It used to be known as "food stamps."

It is not really affected by economic ups and downs.

It is designed for people over the age of 65.

It is primarily based on need.

It is a public assistance program.

It used to be known as "food stamps."

Which best explains why the government funds public education in the United States?

to instill citizens with knowledge to better participate in government and the economy

to make sure citizens only elect the correct political candidates

to provide sufficient employment within the public school system

to ensure that the government controls what information citizens can access

to instill citizens with knowledge to better participate in government and the economy

The Social Security Administration develops regulations to determine






Which of these concerns about educational quality is determined only at the K-12 level of public education?

how to appropriately test students' performance

how to make sure application acceptance rates are fair

how to fund the growing cost of tuition

how to pay for higher-education research

how to appropriately test students' performance

Who funds public assistance programs?

state governments

city governments

local and county governments

state and federal governments

state and federal governments

Economic sanctions are mainly used to

protect domestic industries from international competitors.

help domestic industries gain more business.

punish nations for disobeying international law.

encourage nations to give up their nuclear weapons.

punish nations for disobeying international law.

One way the president can influence economic foreign policy is by

controlling funding of economic programs.

passing legislation that supports his goals.

appointing ambassadors supportive of his goals.

rejecting treaties that the senate has negotiated.

appointing ambassadors supportive of his goals.

A negative result of high tariffs is that they can sometimes lead to

economic sanctions.

reduced international trade.

ongoing civil war.

increased competition.

reduced international trade.

A tariff is another name for

an economic sanction.

a tax on imports.

a policy goal.

a trade agreement.

a tax on imports.

One example of US foreign aid is

economic sanctions.

military training.

low tariffs.

free trade.

military training.

A positive result of trade agreements such as NAFTA and the EU is

fewer sanctions against developing economies.

more economic rights for citizens.

more support for domestic companies.

fewer competitors in the global economy.

more economic rights for citizens.

How would a nation most likely try to limit inexpensive cars from being imported?

by imposing sanctions against the country where the cars are made

by imposing tariffs on the cars at the border

by entering into a free trade agreement such as NAFTA

by withholding aid from the country where the cars are made

by imposing tariffs on the cars at the border

Economic sanctions against foreign governments sometimes

hurt foreign citizens.

lead to civil wars.

hurt the UN.

violate international law.

hurt foreign citizens.

A way that the United States began its policy of providing aid to Sudan was by

supporting its industries.

easing sanctions.

eliminating tariffs.

signing a trade agreement.

easing sanctions.

Which of these is not a tool the United States uses as part of its economic foreign policy?

Military action against competitors

Negotiating or joining trade agreements

Providing foreign aid to struggling countries

Using sanctions to restrict trade

Military action against competitors

The two main categories of foreign policy enforcement are

concrete and abstract.

military and economic.

hard and soft.

strong and weak.

hard and soft.

Read the excerpt.
The United States and China are the two largest consumers of energy in the world. . . . Neither of us profits from a growing dependence on foreign oil, nor can we spare our people from the ravages of climate change unless we cooperate. Common sense calls upon us to act [together]. President Obama, 2009
Based on this excerpt, which form of foreign policy implementation was President Obama advocating between the two countries?


foreign aid

trade agreements



Which of these is the strongest example of multilateral foreign policy?

One nation states publicly that it will refuse to trade with any nation that criticizes its leader.

One nation refuses to trade with a rival nation because it does not allow women to vote in an upcoming election.

Two rival nations go to war with one another over disputed territory.

Two allied nations enforce economic sanctions on a country until its government changes a key policy.

Two allied nations enforce economic sanctions on a country until its government changes a key policy.

One of the United States' allies is in danger of coming under a communist dictatorship, and citizens are gearing up for rebellion. This dictator does not have a track record of violence against citizens, the United States, or other nations. The nation has reached out to the United States for military help so that it can prevent the communist takeover and hold elections to determine a new direction for its government.
Which reason would best support the United States in taking military action?

to defend human rights

to support democratic change

to prevent and fight terrorism

to protect geographic interests

to support democratic change

How can the President influence the establishment of US foreign policy?

negotiating treaties

confirming ambassadors

declaring war

increasing spending on foreign aid

negotiating treaties

What is the biggest difference between international governmental organizations and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)?

Governmental organizations are formally recognized.

Governmental organizations cooperate with local governments.

NGOs are formally recognized.

NGOs cooperate with local governments.

Governmental organizations are formally recognized.

The best way for a country to implement foreign policy is


with military power.


with hard power.


Which is an example of hard power?

political treaties

foreign aid

economic sanctions

trade agreements

economic sanctions

Which of the following is a domestic influence on foreign policy?

The US dollar rapidly declines in value.

A famine in Ireland prompts US response.

A foreigner on vacation in the United States threatens violence.

The United States loses a key alliance with another nation.

The US dollar rapidly declines in value.

Read the scenario.
An American journalist is being held in a foreign prison. The president is meeting with their administration to determine what to do. The president says, "I approve the use of $500,000 in defense funds to secure the release of the journalist and to ensure their safe return to the United States."
Is the president able to make this declaration?

Yes, as commander in chief, the president has the ultimate decision-making power.

Yes, aside from declaring war, the president makes all policy decisions.

No, the president is only able to negotiate treaties.

No, Congress needs to vote on foreign-policy spending.

No, Congress needs to vote on foreign-policy spending.

Why did the United States join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in 1949?

to improve relations with communist countries in Eastern Europe

to protect against the Soviet Union and the spread of communism

to share a common currency across all nations within the treaty

to create a policy of using military force to combat terrorism

to protect against the Soviet Union and the spread of communism

Which example best illustrates the role of the legislative branch in national security?

The United States meets with other leaders to negotiate a trade treaty.

The federal government votes on a budget to provide safety and security.

The federal government has different agencies that protect the nation.

The courts determine whether a new law related to security is constitutional.

The federal government votes on a budget to provide safety and security.

What is the most likely reason why the United States would send military aid to countries controlled by dictators?

to help bring an end to protests

to stop a larger enemy or threat

to allow dictators to gain control

to take control of the government

to stop a larger enemy or threat

If a security threat is deemed drastic enough to declare war, which of the following is able to make that declaration?




House of Representatives


In which scenario might economic interests play a larger role than military force in US national security?

when a country is not developed enough to pose a threat

when a country is trying to expand its trade capabilities

when a country is in possession of a desired commodity

when a country is unresponsive to diplomatic approaches

when a country is in possession of a desired commodity

What is the purpose of establishing economic sanctions?

to enter into an alliance with a country

to honor the terms of a trade agreement

to pressure a nation to change its policies

to provide financial aid to a nation in need

to pressure a nation to change its policies

What is the primary focus of US national security policy?

invading hostile countries

reaching trade agreements

protecting citizens and the nation

building alliances with miltary leaders

protecting citizens and the nation

What was one criticism of the executive order known as "Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States"?

It violated the conditions of the Patriot Act.

It was considered to be a ban on Islamic nations.

It did not do enough to stop the spread of communism.

It opposed an earlier executive order from another president.

It was considered to be a ban on Islamic nations.

What is the best reason why the United States should work with other countries as part of national security policy?

to promote trade

to encourage travel

to strengthen the military

to aid the arrival of immigrants

to promote trade

What is the main reason the United States removed the Taliban from power shortly after the September 11, 2001, attacks?

The Taliban refused to abide by a peace treaty it signed with the United States.

The Taliban planned to invade US territories.

The Taliban attacked US allies with weapons of mass destruction.

The Taliban allowed al-Qaeda to use its country as a base.

The Taliban allowed al-Qaeda to use its country as a base.

If the Patriot Act is successful at stopping terrorist attacks, why are some Americans against it?

They want citizens to give up more privacy rights for the country's protection.

The government keeps records of a host of personal information on Americans.

Many citizens do not believe law enforcement agencies should be allowed to swap information.

They want laws that give the government more power to imprison people.

The government keeps records of a host of personal information on Americans.

Which statements are true of the September 11, 2001, attacks against the United States? Check all that apply.

After boarding four planes, terrorists attacked flight crews and took over the planes' controls.

Many of the terrorists involved in the attack were trained at flight schools in the United States.

The terrorists flew two of the planes into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

The terrorists used remote devices to fly planes into targets in New York City and Washington, DC.

The planes brought down the World Trade Center buildings after jet fuel caused a large fire.

The terrorists attempted to board planes but were stopped by airport security measures.

After boarding four planes, terrorists attacked flight crews and took over the planes' controls.

Many of the terrorists involved in the attack were trained at flight schools in the United States.

The terrorists flew two of the planes into the World Trade Center buildings in New York City.

The planes brought down the World Trade Center buildings after jet fuel caused a large fire.

How has the US government used the Patriot Act to prevent terrorist attacks since September 11, 2001?

by using electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists

by offering rewards to terrorists who turn themselves in

by keeping information about suspected terrorists private

by opening its borders to better track suspected terrorists

by using electronic surveillance of suspected terrorists

Which event is considered a success in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan?

Democratic governments were established in both countries.

The Taliban and Saddam Hussein agreed to give up power.

Insurgencies in both countries were permanently ended.

The wars were won with few civilian deaths.

Democratic governments were established in both countries.

Which statements best describe al-Qaeda? Check all that apply.

They played a critical role in stopping terrorist attacks worldwide.

They carried out dozens of bombings and attacks to bring attention to their cause.

They sought the help of the United States in stopping attacks in the Middle East.

They opposed the presence of the United States in the Middle East.

They used surveillance to identify international terrorist plots.

They carried out dozens of bombings and attacks to bring attention to their cause.

They opposed the presence of the United States in the Middle East.

Which group is most likely to use terrorism to achieve its goals?

one that uses its military power to intimidate weak nations

one that uses surveillance to identify potential criminals

one that uses its political power to coerce other nations

one that lacks military power to compete with strong nations

one that lacks military power to compete with strong nations

Which statement describes domestic terrorism?

It is practiced against a group's own country by some to bring attention to specific problems in society.

It is practiced outside a group's own country by some as a way to bring about political or social change.

It is practiced by government officials against violent groups located within their own country.

It is practiced by strong nations who seek to expand influence outside their own country.

It is practiced against a group's own country by some to bring attention to specific problems in society.

How did the US government increase security after the September 11, 2001, attacks?

It significantly increased the size of the US military by ordering a draft.

It established the Central Intelligence Agency to overthrow terrorist groups.

It replaced the Federal Bureau of Investigation with the US Army.

It created the Department of Homeland Security to prevent terrorist attacks.

It created the Department of Homeland Security to prevent terrorist attacks.

What was the terrorist's main goal in committing the September 11, 2001, attacks?

to get the United States to recognize al-Qaeda as an official government

to kill as many Americans as possible and damage the US economy

to incite the United States into a holy war against Islamist countries

to force the United States to release thousands of its members from prison

to kill as many Americans as possible and damage the US economy

If both the president and the vice president can no longer serve, who is next in line to become president?

the Speaker of the House

the secretary of state

the majority leader

the attorney general

the Speaker of the House

Which ocean is on the East Coast of the United States?

Pacific Ocean

Indian Ocean

Southern Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

Atlantic Ocean

What is the capital of the United States?

Washington, DC



Los Angeles

Washington, DC

Who was president during the Great Depression and World War II?

Franklin Roosevelt

Herbert Hoover

Harry S. Truman

Dwight D. Eisenhower

Franklin Roosevelt

What is the supreme law of the land?

the Articles of Confederation

the Constitution

the Declaration of Independence

the Emancipation Proclamation

the Constitution

Who was the first President?

John Adams

George Washington

Abraham Lincoln

Thomas Jefferson

George Washington

How many years does a US senator serve in one term of office?






In what month do we vote for president?






Which is a US territory?






What are the two parts of the US Congress? Check all that apply.

the Parliament

the Senate

the Supreme Court

the House of Representatives

the military

the Senate

the House of Representatives

Which group does the Fed serve?

financial institutions


government bodies


financial institutions

What is the role of the Department of Homeland Security?

This agency monitors and assesses threats from terrorism.

This agency approves treaties established with other nations.

This agency conducts military operations and oversees the troops.

This agency engages in intelligence operations within other nations.

This agency monitors and assesses threats from terrorism.

Which of the following would a nongovernmental organization most likely handle?

A persecuted citizen is seeking asylum in a different country than her own.

There are not enough vaccines to supply a country's children with medicine.

A small nation has been attacked by a larger neighbor.

Developing countries are asking for assistance building roads and bridges.

There are not enough vaccines to supply a country's children with medicine.

Which is an example of an economic foreign policy tool?

domestic industries


economic rights

humanitarian aid

humanitarian aid

What is considered the most important counterterrorism law ever passed by Congress?

the Privacy Act

the Anti-Patriot Act

the Patriot Act

the Surveillance Act

the Patriot Act

What is one example of a cyberattack within the United States?

the hijacking of airplanes on September 11th

the spread of disease caused by Covid-19

a shortage of gasoline after an energy company is hacked

a lack of goods from overseas due to economic sanctions

a shortage of gasoline after an energy company is hacked

Beginning in 2001, one of the goals of the war in Afghanistan was to

use force to seize oil supplies.

contain the spread of communism.

weaken the threat posed by al-Qaeda.

remove Saddam Hussein from power.

remove Saddam Hussein from power.

Which explains how US tariffs affect the prices of Chinese and US goods?

They make Chinese goods cheaper and US goods comparatively more expensive.

They make Chinese goods more expensive and US goods comparatively cheaper.

They make Chinese goods and US goods roughly about the same price in the United States.

They make Chinese goods and US goods roughly about the same price in China.

They make Chinese goods more expensive and US goods comparatively cheaper.

The United States is facing a recent problem with an ally nation. The ally is refusing to support the United States in various human rights initiatives, saying it doesn't want to get involved in global situations. Which of the following foreign policy tactics should the United States employ first?


military action


sending aid


Which of the following represents a question within higher education?

Should we allow new kinds of public schools to try to help students in innovative ways?

Is standardized testing a valid way of determining what students do and do not know?

Should we provide vouchers so parents can use public funds to pay for private schooling?

Are there better ways to help students find adequate funding for increasing tuition costs?

Are there better ways to help students find adequate funding for increasing tuition costs?

Which is an example of a government entitlement that people are guaranteed to receive after paying into a program?

Social Security payments

healthcare services

transportation services

job placement services

Social Security payments

The concept of the Great Society was created by which president?






The best definition for foreign policy is how one country chooses to

control other countries.

trade with other countries.

interact with other countries.

support other countries.

interact with other countries.

What type of school does the term "higher education" refer to?

elementary schools

middle schools

high schools

graduate schools

graduate schools

Which event in 2011 was cause for celebration in the United States?

The war in Afghanistan ended with the election of a democratic government.

Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed after a 10-year pursuit.

Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was assassinated in a raid at his palace.

The Taliban officially surrendered and agreed to stop its insurgency in Afghanistan.

Al-Qaeda leader Osama Bin Laden was killed after a 10-year pursuit.


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