Which among the following aspects most affects an entrepreneurs perception of feasibility?

Entrepreneurship 11th Edition Hisrich Test Bank

Published on Apr 21, 2020

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1.Research indicates that male entrepreneur tend to start their first significant venture in their

middle 30s, while women entrepreneurs tend to do so in their early 30s. False

2.Comprehension questions are designed to stimulate entrepreneurs to think about their own

understanding of the nature environment. True

3.The question “What is this technology all about?” is a comprehension question. True

4.When we talk of new opportunities it should be totally not existing opportunities before.

5.The casual process of thinking starts with what one has and selects among possible outcomes.


6.Entrepreneurial action can be defined as those situations in which new goods, service, raw

materials and organizing methods can be sold at greater than their production cost. False

7.For entrepreneurial actions that preserve nature to be considered sustainable entrepreneurship,

they must also develop gains for the entrepreneur, other and/or society. True

8.Previous start-up experience is a good predictor of starting subsequent businesses. True

9.Role model can include family members as well as industry professionals. True

10.Entrepreneurship means that an individual must be able to look for capital, labor and operating

equipment. True

11.Entrepreneurial opportunities are those situations in which new goods, services, raw materials

and organizing methods can be sold at greater than their production cost. True

12.Asking “How is this problem similar to problem I’ve already solved’? is an example of connection

task. True

13.An entrepreneur is rarely able to start a new business without some form of formal education.


14.Entrepreneurial thinking partly is about reducing doubt as to whether an opportunity for someone

is also an opportunity for them specifically, and/or processing feedback from action step taken.


15.Entrepreneurial thinking is partly a mental process of recognizing a signal and then deciding if the

signal represents an opportunity for someone. True

16.A business that is privately owned and operated, with a small number of employees and relatively

low volume of sales. False

17. The buying and selling of products or services in order to make a profit is considered as business.

18.All opportunities are good. True

19.Being effective is when you perform your work using less money and/or resources. False

20.The effectuation process starts with what one has and selects among possible outcomes. True

21.Dissatisfaction with various aspects of one’s job often motivates the launching of a new venture.


22.Bricolage is entrepreneurs making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new

problems and opportunities. True

23.The word entrepreneur originates from the English word, entrepreneur, which means “to

undertake”. False

24.Most entrepreneurs indicate that their most significant venture was not their first one. True

25.It is true that entrepreneurship is both a science and an art. The art lies in the proven process of

planning and managing a business. The science lies in the innovative thought, implementation

and growth of a business. False

26.The McMullen-Shepherd Model helps identify the common traits of successful entrepreneurs.


27.The definition of entrepreneurship explored so far imply that is more than just about business

success and sustainability. True

28. Entrepreneurs have stronger intentions to act when taking action is perceived to be impossible

and risky. False

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What is the perception of entrepreneur about business risk?

Entrepreneurs without the experience of business failure have more positive attitudes (66.7%), and there is no risk of bankruptcy to their company for 5 years than entrepreneurs with experience of business failure (45.2%).

What is entrepreneurial perception?

In general, qualities considered essential for business tend to be viewed as masculine (Heilman, 2001). This includes entrepreneurship, which is perceived to require traits such as independence, aggressiveness, autonomy, and courage, frequently associated with men (Gupta et al., 2009).

What are the major factors that lead to an entrepreneur understanding?

Entrepreneurs work under the constraints of their environment – the political economy. Five factors will be key to entrepreneurial success: creativity, tolerance for risk, responsiveness to opportunities, leadership and the ability to take advantage of the rights afforded to you.

When entrepreneurs make do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new problems and opportunities this is known as?

Entrepreneurial bricolage (EB) is defined as “making do by applying combinations of the resources at hand to new problems and opportunities” (Baker and Nelson, 2005).


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