When the sun rises in arunachal pradesh it is still night in gujarat. give reasons.


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I would like to introduce myself to everyone. The question is rated because the sun becomes visible before it actually rises above the hydrogen energy sunrise. There is a main reason for the discussion. The outer atmosphere has a very low optical density and one gate closer to the art surface than the inner atmosphere. Dad's optical density will increase after that. The light rays that bend towards the normal bend towards the dense ceremonial today denser medium and this causes the sun to be visible even before it. Above the origin is where it rises. This is the reason for the question. Thank you so much.



Hint: Longitudinal differences can lead to this state. Arunachal Pradesh lies on the eastern side of the nation. The sun rises from the east side and moves toward the western side.

Complete Answer:
Sun rises earlier than Gujarat in Arunachal Pradesh. Arunachal Pradesh lies on the easternmost tip of the world, and Gujarat lies on the westernmost tip, and the two states are separated by a long distance. The spatial difference between the two points is 30 degrees and the time taken by the sun to cross each length is 4 minutes. Therefore it takes 2 hours before the sun hits Gujarat.

The latitudinal extent affects the length of the day and night as one travels from the south to the north. Arunachal Pradesh sits on the easternmost longitude, so the sun rises first in the state.

Therefore, Choice B is the correct answer.

Note: The shortest distance from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh is around 2457 kilometres. The time along the Standard meridian of India passing through Mirzapur which is in Uttar Pradesh is taken as the standard time for the whole country which is the reason as to why in spite of the difference, same time is shown on watches.

Dear Student,

When the sun rises in Arunachal Pradesh, it is still night in Gujarat because:-

  •  The earth rotates from west to east this is why the sun rises earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than in Gujarat.
  •  The sun rises from the east and moves towards the west. Gujarat is to the west of Arunachal Pradesh. ​​​​
  •  There is 2 hours difference between the meridians of A.P and Gujarat. This causes a time lag of 2 hours. So, it is still night in Gujarat when day in A.P.


India extend between 68°7′ E to 97° 25′ E longitudes. The East-West extent is 2933 km. which is roughly l/12th of the circumference of the earth. Thus, India has a longitudinal extent of about 30° longitudes. There is a time lag of 2 hours between the sunrise in the easternmost and the westernmost horizons of India. It means that the sun takes two hours to rise in Saurashtra after it has region in Arunachal Pradesh. There is a difference of 4 minutes for 1° of longitude. Therefore, there is difference of time of 2 hours (30° × 4 = 120 minutes = 2 hours). It has been suggested to have two standard meridians (instead of one) to reduce time lag to 1 hour.

The Sun Rises Two Hours Earlier in Arunachal Pradesh As Compared to Gujarat in the West but the Watches Show the Same Time. How Does This Happen?


As the longitudinal gap between Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat is about 30 degrees, the time lag between these two states is two hours. Since Arunachal Pradesh is situated in the east, the sun rises earlier here compared to Gujarat in the west. But the watch shows the same time because of the Standard Meridian of India.

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When the sun rises in Arunachal Pradesh it is still night in Gujarat give reason Class 9?

Sun rises earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than Gujarat. Arunachal Pradesh lies on the easternmost tip of the country and Gujarat lies on the westernmost tip and both the states are separated by a distance of over 3300 kilometres.

When the sun is rising in Arunachal Pradesh there is still night in Gujarat explain why?

Answer: Since the longitudinal extent of India's west to east is 68° 7′ E to 97° 25′ E and it is roughly 30 degrees longitude interval, the sun rises two hours earlier in the eastern portion of Arunachal Pradesh than in the western part of Gujarat.

When the sun rises in Arunachal Pradesh it is still dark in Gujarat?

The sun rises in Arunachal Pradesh two hours before it does in Dwaraka in Gujarat. This is because the former is situated about 30 º east of Dwaraka and the earth rotates from west to east.

Why there is difference in time of sunrise in Arunachal Pradesh and Gujarat?

There is a time lag of two hours from Gujarat to Arunachal Pradesh because of the longitudinal extent of India. Gujarat is situated in the extreme west of India Arunachal Pradesh is situated in the extreme east of India. The Sun rises two hours earlier in Arunachal Pradesh than Gujarat. Was this answer helpful?


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