What website offers a variety of Internet services from a single convenient location?


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a business that provides individuals and companies access to the internet or for a fee. Access provider
is the appearance of motion created by displaying a series of still images in sequence Animation
includes music, speech, or any other sound Audio
is an informal web site consisting of time-stamped articles, or posts, in a diary or journal format, usually listed in reverse chronological order. Blog
is application software that allows users to access and view web pages Browser
allows access to high speed internet services through the cable television network Capable modem
is a location on an internet server that permits users to chat Chat Room
translates the domain name to its associated IP address so that data can be routed to the correct computer DNS server
text version of the IP address Domain name
is the process of a computer receiving information, such as a web page, from a server on the internet. Downloading
provides internet connections using regular copper telephone lines. DSL
business transaction that occurs over an electronic network such as the internet. E-commerce
to express emotions by using facial symbols Emoticons
is an internet standard that permits file uploading and downloading with other computers on the internet FTP
refers to the first page that a website displays. Home page
worldwide collection of networks that links millions of businesses, government agencies educational institutions, and individuals. Internet
a number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the internet. IP address
a regional or national access provider. ISP
is a built in connection to another related web page or part of a web page Link
is the code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the internet Netiquette
is a program that extends the capability of a browser Plug-in
a website that offers a variety of internet services from a single, convenient location. Portal
Really simple syndication is a specification that content in which they are interested. RSS
a program that finds web sites, web pages, images, videos, news, and other information related to a specific topic. Search engine
the process of transferring data in a continuous and even flow Streaming
process of transferring documents, graphics, and other objects from a computer to a server on the internet. Uploading
web page unique address URL
enables users to speak to other users over the Internet VoIP
allow users to modify website content, provide a means for users to share personal information Web 2.0
application software that allows users to access and view web pages. Web browser
network uses radio signals to provide internet connections to wireless computers and devices. Wi-Fi
is a collaborative web site that allows users to create, add to, modify, or delete the website content via their Web browser. Wiki

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Every Domain name contains a top-level domain, which identifies the type of organization associated with the domain True
A news Website contains newsworthy material including stories and articles relating to current events, life, money, sports, and the weather True
A worldwide collection fo networks that links million of businesses, government agencies, educational instituitions, and individuals Internet
Many US government agencies have informational Websites providing information such as census data, tax codes, and the congressional budget True
Consists of a worldwide collection of electronic documents World Wide Web, WWW
Consists of a protocol, domain name, and sometimes the path to a specific Web page or location on a web page Web Address
The internet got its roots on this network that became functional in 1969, linking scientists and the military to communicate on defense projects ARPANET
The process of a computer receiving information, such as a Web page, from a server on the Internet Downloading
A website that offers a variety of Internet services from a single, convenient location Portal
Netscape, Microsoft Internet Explorer, & Mozilla are used by personal computers as what Web Browser
Text links ususally are not underlined and are in the same color as other text on the Web page False
The method that the Internet uses to store domain names and their corresponding IP addresses Domain Name System, DNS
A software program that finds websites and web pages Search Engine
A web page has a unique address called URL
A website that contains content that describes a cause, opinion or idea Advocacy
PDAs and cell phones use a special type of browser which is designed for their small screens and limited computing power microbrowser
To reduce the number of hits returned by a search engine, be less specific in the search False
Search engines are helpful in locating Web pages about certain topics or in locating specific pages for which a user does not know the exact Web address True
When a user specifies a domain name what translates the domain name into its associated IP address so data can route to the correct computer DNS Server
A computer that directly connect to a network Host
The more sophisticated the search engine combined with sophisticated search criteria, the slower the response and ineffective the search False
Clicking a link on a Web page causes the Web address associaed with the link to diplay on the screen True
A website that contains content that promotes or sells products or services Business/Marketing Website
A business that provides individuals and companies access to the Internet for free or for a fee access provider
Offers exciting, challenging avenues for formal and informal taching and learning Educational Website
Assume that all information presented on the Web is correct and accurate False
Is maintained by a private individual or family who normally is not associated with any organization Personal Website
A larger business, such as AT&T, WorldNet, and Earthlink that provides Internet access in several major cities and towns Regional/National ISP
A single organization controls aditions, deletions, and changes to Websites, which means there is a central menu and catalog of Website content and addresses False
A collection of related Web pages and associated items, such as documents and pictures, stored on a Web server Website
A built-in connection to another related Web page or part of a Web page Hyperlink, link
A number that uniquely identifies each computer or device connected to the Internet IP address
To find a web page the user of a search engine would simply enter a word or phrase, called what in the search engine's text box Keywords, search text
Application software that allows users to access and view Web pages browser, web browser
When a web address is entered, a user sends, or pushes, infromation to a web server False
Few search engines have subject directories of Web sites False
A search engine displays a list of web page names or what that contain the search text Hits
Each hit in the list retured by a search engine has a link that, when clicked, displays the associated Website or Web page True
Refers to the first page that a Website displays Home Page
Internet ettiquette is called Netiquette

Mr. J. Scott Munn

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What is a website that allows multiple users to create and edit pages collaboratively?

A wiki enables communities of editors and contributors to write documents collaboratively. All that people require to contribute is a computer, Internet access, a web browser, and a basic understanding of a simple markup language (e.g. MediaWiki markup language).

What is the method that the Internet uses to store domain names?

The domain name system (DNS) is a naming database in which internet domain names are located and translated into Internet Protocol (IP) addresses. The domain name system maps the name people use to locate a website to the IP address that a computer uses to locate that website.

Are Web sites that contains content that describes a cause opinion or idea?

An advocacy Web site contains content that describes a cause, opinion, or idea.

Is one of the services available on the Internet?

Some of the services provided by the Internet are World Wide Web, Electronic Mail, Electronic Fax, Telent Service, File Transferring, Video Conference and Chatting. This note provides an information about different services provided on the internet.


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