What type of natural selection favors one of the extreme variation of traits?

Until now, we have only discussed traits influenced by alleles at a single locus. Such traits are often distinguished by discrete qualities (black versus white, or smooth versus wrinkled) and so are called qualitative traits. Many traits, however, are influenced by alleles at more than one locus. Such traits are likely to show continuous quantitative variation rather than discrete qualitative variation, and so are known as quantitative traits. For example, the distribution of body sizes of individuals in a population, a trait that is influenced by genes at many loci as well as by the environment, is likely to resemble a continuous bell-shaped curve.

Natural selection can act on characters with quantitative variation in any one of several different ways, producing quite different results (FIGURE 15.13):

  • Stabilizing selection preserves the average characteristics of a population by favoring average individuals.
  • Directional selection changes the characteristics of a population by favoring individuals that vary in one direction from the mean of the population.
  • Disruptive selection changes the characteristics of a population by favoring individuals that vary in both directions from the mean of the population.

What type of natural selection favors one of the extreme variation of traits?

Figure 15.13: Natural Selection Can Operate in Several Ways The graphs in the left-hand column show the fitness of individuals with different phenotypes of the same trait. The graphs on the right show the distribution of the phenotypes in the population before (green) and after (blue) the influence of selection.

Stabilizing selection reduces variation in populations

If the smallest and largest individuals in a population contribute fewer offspring to the next generation than do individuals closer to the average size, then stabilizing selection is operating on size (see Figure 15.13A). Stabilizing selection reduces variation in populations, but it does not change the mean. Natural selection frequently acts in this way, countering increases in variation brought about by sexual recombination, mutation, or gene flow. Rates of phenotypic change in many species are slow because natural selection is often stabilizing. Stabilizing selection operates, for example, on human birth weight. Babies who are lighter or heavier at birth than the population mean die at higher rates than babies whose weights are close to the mean (FIGURE 15.14). In discussions of specific genes, stabilizing selection is often called purifying selection because there is selection against any deleterious mutations to the usual gene sequence.

What type of natural selection favors one of the extreme variation of traits?

Figure 15.14: Human Birth Weight Is Influenced by Stabilizing Selection Babies that weigh more or less than average are more likely to die soon after birth than babies with weights close to the population mean.

Directional selection favors one extreme

Directional selection is operating when individuals at one extreme of a character distribution contribute more offspring to the next generation than other individuals do, shifting the average value of that character in the population toward that extreme. In the case of a single gene locus, directional selection may result in favoring a particular genetic variant—referred to as positive selection for that variant. By favoring one phenotype over another, directional selection results in an increase of the frequencies of alleles that produce the favored phenotype (as with the surface proteins of influenza discussed in the opening of this chapter).

If directional selection operates over many generations, an evolutionary trend is seen in the population (see Figure 15.13B). Evolutionary trends often continue for many generations, but they can be reversed if the environment changes and different phenotypes are favored, or halted when an optimal phenotype is reached or trade-offs between different adaptational advantages oppose further change. The character then undergoes stabilizing selection.

The long horns of Texas Longhorn cattle (FIGURE 15.15) are an example of a trait that has evolved through directional selection. Texas Longhorns are descendants of cattle brought to the New World by Christopher Columbus, who picked up a few cattle in the Canary Islands and brought them to the island of Hispaniola in 1493. The cattle multiplied, and their descendants were taken to the mainland of Mexico. Spaniards exploring what would become Texas and the southwestern United States brought these cattle with them, some of which escaped and formed feral herds. Populations of feral cattle increased greatly over the next few hundred years, but there was heavy predation from bears, mountain lions, and wolves, especially on the young calves. Cows with longer horns were more successful in protecting their calves against attacks, and over a few hundred years the average horn length in the feral herds increased considerably. In addition, the cattle evolved resistance to endemic diseases of the Southwest, as well as higher fecundity and longevity. Texas Longhorns often live and produce calves well into their twenties—about twice as long as many breeds of cattle that have been artificially selected by humans for traits such as high fat content or high milk production (which are examples of artificial directional selection).

What type of natural selection favors one of the extreme variation of traits?

Figure 15.15: Long Horns Are the Result of Directional Selection Long horns were advantageous for defending young calves from attacks by predators, so horn length increased in feral herds of Spanish cattle in the American Southwest between the early 1500s and the 1860s. The result was the familiar Texas Longhorn breed. This evolutionary trend has been maintained in modern times by ranchers practicing artificial selection.

Disruptive selection favors extremes over the mean

When disruptive selection operates, individuals at opposite extremes of a character distribution contribute more offspring to the next generation than do individuals close to the mean, which increases variation in the population (see Figure 15.13C).

The strikingly bimodal (two-peaked) distribution of bill sizes in the black-bellied seedcracker (Pyrenestes ostrinus), a West African finch (FIGURE 15.16), illustrates how disruptive selection can influence populations in nature. The seeds of two types of sedges (marsh plants) are the most abundant food source for these finches during part of the year. Birds with large bills can readily crack the hard seeds of the sedge Scleria verrucosa. Birds with small bills can crack S. verrucosa seeds only with difficulty; however, they feed more efficiently on the soft seeds of S. goossensii than do birds with larger bills. Young finches whose bills deviate markedly from the two predominant bill sizes do not survive as well as finches whose bills are close to one of the two sizes represented by the distribution peaks. Because there are few abundant food sources in the finches’ environment, and because the seeds of the two sedges do not overlap in hardness, birds with intermediate-sized bills are less efficient in using either one of the species’ principal food sources. Disruptive selection therefore maintains a bimodal bill size distribution.

What type of natural selection favors one of the extreme variation of traits?

Figure 15.16: Disruptive Selection Results in a Bimodal Character Distribution The bimodal distribution of bill sizes in the black-bellied seedcracker of West Africa is a result of disruptive selection, which favors individuals with larger and smaller bill sizes over individuals with intermediate-sized bills.


  • What are the different expected outcomes of stabilizing, directional, and disruptive selection?
  • Why would you expect selection on human birth weight to be stabilizing rather than directional?
  • Can you think of examples of extreme phenotypes in animal or plant populations that could be explained by directional selection?

Our discussion so far has largely focused on the evolution of phenotypes (what organisms look like and how they behave). We will now consider the specific mechanistic processes that operate at the level of genes and genomes.

Which type of natural selection Favours an extreme variation of a trait?

Diversifying (or disruptive) selection: Diversifying selection occurs when extreme values for a trait are favored over the intermediate values. This type of selection often drives speciation. Diversifying selection can also occur when environmental changes favor individuals on either end of the phenotypic spectrum.

What type of selection selects for one extreme in trait?

Directional Selection This type of natural selection occurs when selective pressures are working in favour of one extreme of a trait.

What type of selection favors both extreme traits?

This type of natural selection is bimodal and favors both extreme traits in a population.

Which type of natural selection favors one extreme of phenotype over the extreme?

In population genetics, directional selection, is a mode of negative natural selection in which an extreme phenotype is favored over other phenotypes, causing the allele frequency to shift over time in the direction of that phenotype.