What language strategy enhances an oral presentation by helping ensure that listeners will grasp the message?

What Is Active Listening?

Active listening requires you to listen attentively to a speaker, understand what they’re saying, respond and reflect on what’s being said, and retain the information for later. This keeps both listener and speaker actively engaged in the conversation.

Tips for managers: Use active listening techniques like paying close attention to the speaker’s behavior and body language in order to gain a better understanding of their message. Signal that you’re following along with visual cues such as nodding and eye contact. Avoid potential interruptions, like fidgeting and pacing.

Active listening and reflecting, responding, and giving feedback aren’t always easy. Daily pressures and demands often overtake our work, leaving limited time and energy to focus on slowing down to really listen to, and coach, direct reports.

Yet while time for formal coaching sessions may be limited, you can fit in coaching moments and coaching conversations. The trick is to be an attentive listener and have your toolkit of active listening techniques at the ready for whenever such moments occur.

Unlike critical listening, an active listener is not trying to evaluate the message and offer their own opinion, but rather, to simply make the speaker feel heard and validated.

At CCL, we help leaders go beyond basic active listening skills so that they’re better equipped to truly listen to understand others — including the facts, feelings, and values that may be hidden behind the words actually being shared. At the organizational level, this is how to build a workplace culture of truth and courage.

If you want to try growing your active listening skillset and you’re ready to take the active listening challenge, read on!

The Benefits of Active Listening

Before we dive into specific active listening techniques and how to improve your active listening skills, it’s important to take a step back and understand why they matter.

  • It helps establish trust between parties. By showing empathy for others, you can foster psychological safety. Being a thoughtful listener, asking questions, seeking clarification, and encouraging others to share their perspective will reinforce your role as a spouse, friend, colleague, coach, and mentor.
  • It enables you to coach others more effectively. Being a strong, attentive listener will inspire your co-workers and direct reports to respect you, and you’ll likely see improvements in your relationships with them as a result.

Once you begin to put the active listening skillset into practice, you’ll notice the positive impact it has in a number of areas, including in personal and professional relationships, at work, and in various social situations.

6 Steps for More Effective Active Listening

The Active Listening Skillset

Enhancing your active listening skill set involves more than just hearing someone speak. When you’re putting active listening skills to practice, you should be using these 6 techniques:

  1. Pay attention.
  2. Withhold judgment.
  3. Reflect.
  4. Clarify.
  5. Summarize.
  6. Share.

1. Pay attention.

One goal of active listening and being an effective listener is to set a comfortable tone that gives your coachee an opportunity to think and speak. Allow “wait time” before responding. Don’t cut coachees off, finish their sentences, or start formulating your answer before they’ve finished. Pay attention to your body language as well as your frame of mind when engaging in active listening. Be focused on the moment, make eye contact, and operate from a place of respect as the listener.

2. Withhold judgment.

Active listening requires an open mind. As a listener and a leader, be open to new ideas, new perspectives, and new possibilities when practicing active listening. Even when good listeners have strong views, they suspend judgment, hold any criticisms, and avoid interruptions like arguing or selling their point right away.

3. Reflect.

When you’re the listener, don’t assume that you understand your coachee correctly — or that they know you’ve heard them. Mirror your coachee’s information and emotions by periodically paraphrasing key points. Reflecting is an active listening technique that indicates that you and your counterpart are on the same page.

For example, your coachee might tell you, “Emma is so loyal and supportive of her people — they’d walk through fire for her. But no matter how much I push, her team keeps missing deadlines.”

To paraphrase, you could say, “So Emma’s people skills are great, but accountability is a problem.”

If you hear, “I don’t know what else to do!” or “I’m tired of bailing the team out at the last minute,” try helping your coachee label their feelings: “Sounds like you’re feeling pretty frustrated and stuck.”

4. Clarify.

Don’t be shy to ask questions about any issue that’s ambiguous or unclear when engaging in active listening. As the listener, if you have doubt or confusion about what your coachee has said, say something like, “Let me see if I’m clear. Are you talking about …?” or “Wait a minute. I didn’t follow you.”

Open-ended, clarifying, and probing questions are important active listening tools that encourage the coachee to do the work of self-reflection and problem solving, rather than justifying or defending a position, or trying to guess the “right answer.”

Examples include: “What do you think about …?” or “Tell me about …?” and “Will you further explain/describe …?”

When engaging in active listening, the emphasis is on asking, rather than telling. It invites a thoughtful response and maintains a spirit of collaboration.

You might say: “What are some of the specific things you’ve tried?” or “Have you asked the team what their main concerns are?” or “Does Emma agree that there are performance problems?” and “How certain are you that you have the full picture of what’s going on?”

5. Summarize.

Restating key themes as the conversation proceeds confirms and solidifies your grasp of the other person’s point of view. It also helps both parties to be clear on mutual responsibilities and follow-up. Briefly summarize what you’ve understood while practicing active listening, and ask the other person to do the same.

Giving a brief restatement of core themes raised by the coachee might sound like: “Let me summarize to check my understanding. Emma was promoted to manager, and her team loves her. But you don’t believe she holds them accountable, so mistakes are accepted and keep happening. You’ve tried everything you can think of, and there’s no apparent impact. Did I get that right?”

Restating key themes helps increase accountability.

6. Share.

Active listening is first about understanding the other person, then about being understood as the listener. As you gain a clearer understanding of the other person’s perspective, you can begin to introduce your own ideas, feelings, and suggestions. You might talk about a similar experience you had, or share an idea that was triggered by a comment made previously in the conversation.

Once the situation has been talked through in this way, both you and your coachee have a good picture of where things stand. From this point, the conversation can shift into problem-solving: What hasn’t been tried? What don’t we know? What new approaches could be taken?

As the coach, continue to query, guide, and offer, but don’t dictate a solution. Your coachee will feel more confident and eager if they think through the options and own the solution.

Used in combination, these 6 active listening techniques are the keys in holding a coaching conversation.

What strategies are appropriate for public speaking?

Here Are My 10 Tips for Public Speaking:.
Nervousness Is Normal. ... .
Know Your Audience. ... .
Organize Your Material in the Most Effective Manner to Attain Your Purpose. ... .
Watch for Feedback and Adapt to It. ... .
Let Your Personality Come Through. ... .
Use Humor, Tell Stories, and Use Effective Language. ... .
Don't Read Unless You Have to..

What are considered to be stories that help an audience understand the speaker's message?

Narratives. A fourth form of support are narratives, or stories that help an audience understand the speaker's message.

What are four suggestions for enhancing the final delivery of your speech?

Talk to your listeners as if you are having a conversation with them..
Make plenty of genuine eye-to-eye contact with members of the audience..
Avoid merely reading your presentation..
Focus on sharing your ideas. Communicate..

Which techniques can you use to feel less nervous before a speech check all that apply?

15 Ways to Calm Your Nerves Before a Big Presentation.
Practice. Naturally, you'll want to rehearse your presentation multiple times. ... .
Transform Nervous Energy Into Enthusiasm. ... .
Attend Other Speeches. ... .
Arrive Early. ... .
Adjust to Your Surroundings. ... .
Meet and Greet. ... .
Use Positive Visualization. ... .
Take Deep Breaths..


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