What is the software that makes the benefits of cloud computing possible, such as multi-tenancy?

6 Pages Posted: 14 Jun 2019

Neeraj Goyal

ITM University, Gwalior, 474001, India

Anand Kumar Pandey

ITM University, Gwalior, 474001, India

Shashi Kant Gupta

ITM University, Gwalior, 474001, India

Rashmi Pandey

ITM Group of Institution, Gwalior, 474001, India

Date Written: February 24, 2019


Since, we are living in 21st century with day by day cost effective software technologies are becoming the part of the human life. suppleness multi-tenant Cloud Computing becomes the backbone of today’s computing environment that provide computing resources comprised of software applications, execution servers, data Storages, web server that are accessible very easily to any type of client from any remote location. In this paper we discussed that multi-tenant cloud computation is becoming greatly accepted technique in today’s era but data security and privacy should also consider with a crucial concern in accepting the Cloud where data security becomes the most critical issues because of resource sharing in Cloud Computing. These alarms are mainly determined by the Multi-Tenancy model which refers to and its associated risks where confidentiality and/or reliability could be dishonoured.

Suggested Citation: Suggested Citation

Goyal, Neeraj and Pandey, Anand Kumar and Gupta, Shashi Kant and Pandey, Rashmi, Suppleness of Multi-Tenancy in Cloud Computing: Advantages, Privacy Issues and Risk Factors (February 24, 2019). Proceedings of International Conference on Sustainable Computing in Science, Technology and Management (SUSCOM), Amity University Rajasthan, Jaipur - India, February 26-28, 2019, Available at SSRN: //ssrn.com/abstract=3358249 or //dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.3358249

More and more organizations are employing a cloud-first strategy by moving their operations to the cloud. Research shows that as many as 60% of organisations have already moved their workload to the cloud. After all, relying on cloud services has many advantages, especially for businesses. 

Not only is it cost-effective in the long run, but there’s also no need to maintain physical assets to carry out essential functions, thanks to cloud software. Physical assets, if any, are also ensured to have a safe backup via cloud storage. This may be a lifesaver in the case of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, and fires that may damage physical documents.

However, it is still important to examine the type of service architecture and whether it’s the best fit for your needs. In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of opting for a multi-tenant architecture, and how you can tell if it’s the right option for you.

What is a Multi-Tenant Cloud?

First off, the ‘cloud’ represents various services and software that run on the internet. Instead of running locally on an individual’s computer, tasks performed via the cloud do not take up the computing power of an individual or business’ computers. 

Cloud computing allows computing services, which includes the following, to be delivered over the Internet:

  • Analytics
  • Intelligence
  • Servers
  • Storage 
  • Databases
  • Networking
  • Software

In fact, some people rent out their PC’s computing resources by using software that allows researchers, businesses, and individuals to safely access their desired services through the cloud. 

As such, businesses are no longer required to have on-site data centres or server facilities. Third-party providers, such as IT infrastructure companies, can supply cloud solutions that are appropriate for clients’ needs. They are experts at implementing a safe and effective cloud migration strategy.  Some providers also offer cloud-based business solutions such as cloud-based printing infrastructures.

A multi-tenant cloud is a type of cloud architecture that, as the name suggests, involves multiple users or ‘tenants.’ Typically, a user shares resources with other users in a multi-tenant architecture. 

The users have their own space allocations within the cloud. They can then use this to store apps, data, and other requirements. To keep data secure, access is restricted only to authorized users. Tenants are also only allowed access to their allotment in the cloud.

Statistics show that 92% of organizations using the cloud adopted a multi-tenant strategy.

Multi-Tenant vs. Single-Tenant Cloud

What’s the difference between the two? Well, essentially, a single-tenant cloud has only one client whereas a multi-tenant cloud serves multiple clients. To put it succinctly:

  • Multi-Tenant Cloud: Multi-tenancy allows multiple clients to share the same cloud resource. In effect, the clients’ apps and websites are hosted alongside each other. Multi-cloud services are also typically public cloud arrangements. 
  • Single-Tenant Cloud: Single tenancy offers clients a dedicated resource specifically for one client’s databases, software architecture, and other elements. Typically, businesses that use a third-party cloud service or host their private cloud fall under a single tenant arrangement. 

For context, there are also hybrid cloud offerings that allow organizations to combine public and private cloud arrangements based on their needs. Resources are allocated across single-tenant and multi-tenant cloud platforms, allowing organizations a greater degree of flexibility depending on their needs.

What Are the Benefits of a Multi-Tenant Cloud?

Naturally, both cloud environments have their own set of advantages. Very briefly, single tenancy offers clients the following benefits:

  • Reliability and Security
  • Dedicated Cloud Environment
  • Easier Customisation

Multi-tenancy,  on the other hand, comes with several benefits that are great for businesses looking to optimize their resources further:

Lower Cost

Multi-tenant cloud services are more cost-effective than single-tenant ones because costs and resources are shared across multiple users. This is something that a lot of organizations benefit from as the savings can be significant over time.

Optimum Efficiency

Resources are used efficiently because all resources are shared. Multi-tenancies tend to be more efficient in terms of resource utilization, so no resources are wasted and there are no unnecessary costs.

Easy Set-Up 

SaaS platforms that offer multi-tenant cloud services typically have large numbers of clients. As such, they are experts at providing customer support and making sure that cloud adoption and migration go as smoothly as possible for each client. 


Multi-tenancies are easier to maintain because updates are typically handled by the SaaS company. Since environments are similar for all clients, providers can provide an optimal onboarding and maintenance process for each one.

Why Multi-Tenancy Means Faster Evolution

When hundreds (or even thousands) of other businesses are using the same operational infrastructure, all of them benefit through the various ways in which they’re challenging and improving that shared cloud infrastructure. 

For example, new security and compliance features requested by one customer may be implemented on the platform seamlessly, for all customers, at no additional cost. And, thanks to cloud-centric architecture — with zero downtime.

All the while, platform providers can gain insight into their customers’ businesses, pain points, and needs.  This gives providers the ability to compare data with their other customers and draw powerful conclusions on roadmap and evolution.

Multi-tenancy is also one of the key differences between a legacy application that ‘moved to the cloud’ and one that was ‘born in the cloud.’ Those that moved to the cloud are less likely to evolve than those born in the cloud. Legacy applications born in the cloud will likely continue to evolve with the cloud, alongside the wealth of possibilities it creates.

So, a word of caution. When you’re ready to choose a print-infrastructure solution for your cloud-first strategy, validate your supplier’s cloud credentials first. Here are a few questions to ask them:

  • Was this solution built for the cloud or has it just been moved to the cloud?
  • How do you scale the server resources associated with my business peaks? (You want to hear its elastic scalability – instant, automated, and scaled to suit your business needs.)
  • How do you deliver security or compliance updates? What’s my downtime impact? (Ideally, you want to hear that there’s zero downtime.)
  • How long will it take to set up new sites/devices/services? (They should be capable of near-instant provisioning.)

Essentially, you want your supplier to have a secure infrastructure with superior technology. This will ensure that they will be a reliable provider for years to come and will not put your organization under any kind of risk.


Cloud services have paved the way for businesses to optimize their storage, data, and even print solutions while minimizing costs. One great example of such a service is EveryonePrint’s Hybrid Cloud Platform (HCP), a true Cloud-centric service, designed and developed for the cloud, based on a multi-tenant platform. It’s one of the few print infrastructure solutions that can claim to be truly ‘born in the cloud.’

Our clients who have moved their print infrastructure to the cloud are reaping the benefits in terms of deployment times, as well as the evolution of one of the fastest print engines in the world.

Our print infrastructure is secure, convenient, and cost-effective. It’s the answer to most organization’s printing problems, including forgotten documents, leaked confidential files, and typical troubleshooting concerns. 

Ready to move to the cloud? Learn more about adopting a cloud-first strategy and revolutionising your print infrastructure.

What occurs in the cloud and means that a single instance of a system serves multiple customers?

Multi-tenancy in the cloud means that a single instance of a system serves multiple customers.

Which of the following is an example of SaaS?

Common examples of SaaS, PaaS, & IaaS.

What is cloud computing in computer?

Simply put, cloud computing is the delivery of computing services—including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence—over the Internet (“the cloud”) to offer faster innovation, flexible resources, and economies of scale.

What implies that each customer or tenant must purchase and maintain an individual system?

The cloud means that a single instance of a system serves multiple customers. Each customer or tenant must purchase and maintain an individual system.


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