What is the main difference between the western and eastern conceptualization of the self?

In Western philosophy, the term philosophy is often understood to mean love for knowledge. It is a predominantly intellectual exercise and deals mainly with man’s relationship with the universe around him. Its focus is centered upon the outer world comprising forms of matter and motion, or the world as it is experienced by the five senses.

In contrast, Eastern philosophy does not use the word philosophy. In the hallowed tradition of Vedanta, the term philosophy is replaced by Brahma Vidya. Its focus is centered upon that knowledge that enables one to realise Brahman as the Self that pervades all. In this tradition, self-realisation is the purpose of human life. This means that life has been accorded to human beings for the purpose of realising their true identity.

This constitutes the major difference between the Eastern and Western traditions. In the former, the emphasis is on self-awakening, transcending the ego and the notion of 'I' and 'mine'. It is about engaging the world with a view to transcending it. In the latter, knowledge of the world is sought to understanding man's status to the world he lives in.

Viewed in these terms, the Bhagavad Gita represents the fountainhead of all wisdom. The wisdom contained in it not only helps us expand our minds but it also imparts practical lessons on how we can go about the task of fulfilling the objective of our lives.

In doing so, it helps us balance both our internal lives as well as the actions we ought to pursue in the external world. The idea lies in helping the aspirant develop equanimity of mind, internal tranquility and grasping the fundamental elements of the art, science and craft of performing our actions mindfully, skillfully and selflessly.

As Swami Rama, the Himalayan Master, beautifully expresses it: “The teachings of the Bhagavad Gita help one to understand the distinction between the real Self (consciousness) and the mere self (ego). The mere self is subject to change and destruction; the real Self is not. The aspirant should understand both and should finally establish himself in his essential nature: Atman. Then he can live in the world without being affected by it.”

“In the domain between the real Self and the mere self lies our antahkarana (internal instrument), which plays a most important part in both our internal and external life. If not understood, both goals of life – living in the world and Self Realisation – are defeated. Our psychological life needs profound and deep study if we are to free ourselves from the quagmire of emotionality, egoistical preoccupation and self-delusion and if we are to realise our fullest potentials for the unfoldment of consciousness.”

Eastern vs Western Philosophy

Have you ever wondered about the differences between Eastern and Western philosophies?  Apart from geographical locations, these two parts of the world have differences in their way of life and the approach to life in general.  These ways of living are not only brought about by topography and physical circumstances that play crucial factors in living, but also the school of thought that governs the major societies in the Eastern and Western part of the globe.

Let us take a look first at what “philosophy” is in general and how it affects and makes differences on Western and Eastern society.  Generally, “philosophy” is universally defined as “the study of the wisdom or knowledge about the general problems, facts, and situations connected with human existence, values, reasons, and general reality.”  It seeks reasons, answers, and general explanations to life and its factors.  Thus, if we talk about philosophy, we talk about a school of thoughts. And if we connect it with our topic, it differs and comes with the realities, problems, and situations of certain people like, in this case, the East and the West.

Basically, Western philosophy is referred to as the school of thought from Greek philosophy that influenced the greater part of  Western civilization.  In contrary, the Eastern philosophy is based mainly in Asia, more specifically the Chinese philosophy.  Moreover, Western philosophy takes its roots from Rome and Christianity, specifically Judeo-Christianity. Eastern philosophy, on the other hand, is from Confucianism, Mahayana Buddhism, and Taoism. Thus is it safe to say that Eastern philosophy is classical Chinese, while Western philosophy is more Latin in its roots.

The main differences between the school of thought or the philosophies of the East and West are the West’s Individualism and the East’s Collectivism.  The Eastern philosophy is drawn much more into groups or society or people’s actions and thoughts as one in order to find meaning in life as they try to get rid of the false “me” concept and find meaning in discovering the true “me” in relation to everything around them, or as part of a bigger scheme. In contrast, the Western civilization is more individualistic, trying to find the meaning of life here and now with self at the center as it is already given and part of the divine.

Let us take a deeper look into more of the aspects or problems or issues these two philosophies try to make sense of. The main principle of the Eastern philosophy is unity.  This cosmological unity is the main point in the journey of life as it goes towards the eternal realities.  Life is round, and the recurrence with everything around it is important.  Ethics is based on behavior, and dependence is from the inside to the outside.  In order to be liberated, the inner self must be freed first in accordance to the world around it.

Western philosophy, on the other hand, is based on self-dedication to be of service to others.  Life is service to God, money, community, and so on.  Due to its Christian influence, there has to be a beginning and end to find meaning.  Linear as it seems, Western philosophy is logical, scientific, and rational compared to the East’s concept of eternal and recurring.

Eastern philosophy also thrives on virtues. This would be explained with the selfless approach to life.  Satisfaction with what one has is the key. Meanwhile, Western philosophy focuses on ethics. As individuals, one must do what is supposed to be done without causing ill to others.  Success is based on how much one walks his path without hurting others.  Eastern philosophy is also more about the spiritual while Western philosophy is more of a hands-on style.  The difference is the “I” of the West, and the “We” of the East, as one focuses on finding truth and meaning.


  1. Western philosophy is mainly used in the Western parts of the world, such as in the European countries, while the Eastern philosophy is prevalent in Asian countries.
  2. Western philosophy deals with Individualism while Eastern Philosophy is related to Collectivism.
  3. Both philosophies center on virtues.
  4. Eastern philosophy takes more of a spiritual approach while Western philosophy is more hands-on.

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Franscisco, . (2018, May 10). Differences Between Eastern and Western Philosophy. Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects. //www.differencebetween.net/science/differences-between-eastern-and-western-philosophy/.
Franscisco, . "Differences Between Eastern and Western Philosophy." Difference Between Similar Terms and Objects, 10 May, 2018, //www.differencebetween.net/science/differences-between-eastern-and-western-philosophy/.

What is the difference between Eastern and Western concept of self?

According to Eastern philosophy, the self as an essence does not exist and this is due to our ignorance of the true nature of the world. According to Western philosophy, the self does exist, but the views on the topic are pluralistic.

What is Western conceptualization of the self?

In the West, there is a dualistic conception of the self where there is a clear distinction between creator and created, and Man and the self is viewed as an artifact of creation.

What is the Eastern concept of the self?

Eastern psychology has conceptualized the self in ways that provide points of correspondence and divergence from Western views. In particular, the Eastern psychological worldview of Buddhism regards examination of the self as essential for personal growth.


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