What is one of the main reasons that people with disabilities deal with discrimination and a lack of understanding quizlet?

Most of the following references come from Google Alerts. They cover news on disability that may be of interest to visitors to DO-IT.

September 26, 2022

Prisons Are Illegally Throwing People With Disabilities Into Solitary Confinement
New York Focus
Lawmakers banned solitary confinement for people with disabilities. But the state prison agency has crafted its own policies.

Politicians With Disabilities Are Rare Because of Structural Barriers, Discrimination
Teen Vogue
Many disabled people face significant hurdles that prevent them from mounting successful campaigns

A disability program promised to lift people from poverty. Instead, it left many homeless.
The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Supplemental Security Income program, a hard-to-get federal benefit, was created nearly 50 years ago to lift out of poverty Americans who are older, blind, or disabled.

September 19, 2022

11 Disability Rights Activists on Where the Fight for Justice Stands
Teen Vogue
We asked 11 disability rights advocates about their experiences during the various stages of the pandemic and what’s next in the fight for disability rights and inclusion.

Ways To Promote Disability Awareness In The Workplace
Without a structured and intentional advocacy plan in place, full digital accessibility compliance efforts can derail.

How we can make academia more disability inclusive
Nature Human Behavior
The low representation of academics with disabilities is a longstanding problem on which progress has been slow.

September 12, 2022

People with disabilities sue over blocked Portland sidewalks
The class action lawsuit filed this week in a federal court in Oregon accuses the city of violating the Americans with Disabilities Act.

New data system problems hindering aid to Louisiana students with disabilities, group says
They spelled out 13 problems in a letter Friday to leaders of the state Department of Education, including accusations that state officials have been less than transparent about responding to the concerns.

National Autism Care Network Expands
Disability Scoop
The Autism Care Network is adding five new sites, bringing the Autism Speaks-backed collaboration to 25 locations in the U.S. and Canada.

September 5, 2022

Unfinish’d sympathy: can literature get over reading disability morally?
The Guardian
Are we ready to see disability without symbolism?

For ‘disabled oracle’ Alice Wong, rest is a radical act
Los Angeles Times
“She describes herself as a disabled oracle, and that’s a part of it. She foresees the future.”

Disability Rights Icon Judy Heumann to Deliver 2022 Reynolds Lecture
Davidson College
She took her place at the forefront of the grassroots disability rights movement at its inception in the 1960s, after decades of experiencing discrimination first-hand.

August 29, 2022

Bad News And Good News People With Disabilities Need To Hear Today
What’s more important for disabled people to hear about — bad news or good?

Short-Term vs. Long-Term Disability: What’s the Difference?
U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Learn the differences between short-term and long-term disability insurance, and find out what responsibilities employers have for providing coverage.

Report: Disability Community Suffered Disproportionately During COVID-19
The Arc of Pennsylvania
As difficult as the COVID-19 health-care crisis has been on everyone, the impact of this pandemic has been staggering on individuals with disabilities and their families

August 22, 2022

​​​Disability rights groups battle Lyft for wheelchair accessible vehicles — again
NBC News
Lyft officials said the company is exempt from the Americans with Disabilities Act and doesn’t have to cater to people with nonfolding wheelchairs.

Federal appeals court says Americans with Disabilities Act protections cover ‘gender dysphoria,’ handing a win to trans people
Gender dysphoria describes an uncomfortable conflict between a person’s assigned gender and the gender with which the person identifies, according to the American Psychiatric Association.

Social Security Expands Compassionate Allowances List To Speed Up Disability Application Process
Yahoo Finance
The program is designed to quickly identify claims where the applicant’s condition or disease clearly meet Social Security’s statutory standard for disability.

August 15, 2022

'People will die waiting’: America’s system for the disabled is nearing collapse​​​
Providers for intellectually and developmentally disabled struggle to recruit and retain staff amid soaring inflation, pandemic burnout.

Answers to Frequently Asked Social Security Disability Questions
Social Security Disability Insurance is there to help those who can’t work, but getting the benefits you need can be confusing and difficult.

Congress Leaves Disability Community Priorities Out of Inflation Reduction Act
While the bill contains some small investments that will tangentially benefit the disability community, almost every disability-related policy from the Build Back Better Act was stripped out.

August 8, 2022

How to talk about disability sensitively and avoid ableist tropes​​​​​​​
Disability can be difficult to talk about sensitively because of how embedded ableism is in our language, biases and perceptions of disability.

Senate passes bill to expand death and disability benefits for public safety officers who suffer from PTSD and those who die by suicide
CNN Politics
The bipartisan legislation, called the Public Safety Officer Support Act, was approved by unanimous consent in the Senate on Monday.

Black Knight Earns a Top Score on the 2022 Disability Equality Index
PR Newswire
Black Knight's strong commitment to disability inclusion helped it earn a top score, and the company was named a "Best Place to Work for Disability Inclusion"

August 1, 2022

The Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act
U.S. Department of State
Today we celebrate the 32nd anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)—the world’s first comprehensive civil rights law for persons with disabilities.

Disability Rights Impact Everyone
Disability rights aren't a niche issue, and the COVID-19 pandemic has made that impossible to ignore any longer.

Passengers with disabilities say they want to remain in wheelchairs on flights
CBC News
Federal regulations require wheelchair users to sit in seats and stow large mobility devices with luggage

July 25, 2022

A father's grief inspires a touching headstone for his disabled son
The resulting statue and the attention it has drawn have inspired Robison and his wife to launch a nonprofit that helps people obtain free or low-cost mobility equipment.

What Some Disabled People Want People With Disabilities To Know
These more positive ideas of disability not only feel better, they work better, too.

Disability Equality Index shows uptick in CEOs with disabilities
HR Dive
Employers have recognized that wellness resources are a form of disability affirmation, the report noted.

July 18, 2022

Buttigieg Announces a Bill Of Rights for Passengers with Disabilities
The Washington Post
The 10-item list spells out existing policies for fliers under the Air Carrier Access Act

Uber Commits to Changes and Pays Millions to Resolve Justice Department Lawsuit for Overcharging People with Disabilities
Department of Justice
Through July, Grace Ridge Brewing shows “Art From the Heart,” a show increasing awareness for Disability Pride Month.

Mindset Matters: Disability Pride And The Language Of Joy
Disability Pride Month has served as a reminder that there is a new vocabulary emerging that continues to transform the disability experience in a multitude of ways.

July 11, 2022

Disability and the Heatwave: Cooling Solutions and Disability as Weather Alert Goes Red
For disabled people and those with mental ill-health, the heat can add many more serious complications and frustrations.

Homer’s Independent Living Center Celebrates Disability Pride Month with Art Show
Peninsula Clarion
Through July, Grace Ridge Brewing shows “Art From the Heart,” a show increasing awareness for Disability Pride Month.

Many Try to Return to Normal From COVID, but Disabled People Face a Different Reality
The reality of disabled and immunocompromised people remains forgotten, causing them to feel left behind and further pushed out of society

July 5, 2022

Web3 Must Learn From The Past: People With Disabilities Are The Largest Untapped Demographic
The Madison Leader Gazette
It all stems from the fact that the ability of people with disabilities to navigate and use the internet has historically been an afterthought.

HUD Reaffirms Its Commitment to Community Living for Individuals with Disabilities
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Supporting community living through affordable, integrated, and accessible housing is a top priority at HUD and pursued every day as a cross-departmental effort.

Paddleboarder Aims To Be First Person With Disabilities To Cross Great Lakes
FOX 5 Las Vegas
Mike Shoreman, a paddleboarder from Canada is attempting to be the first person with disabilities to cross each of the five Great Lakes.

June 23, 2022

National Education Data: More Students With Disabilities Served Over Past Decade In Public Schools
Iowa Capital Dispatch
The percentage of public school students with disabilities has increased over the past decade.

Disability Inclusion Tactics vs. Strategy: What's The Difference?
“How does this event or activity advance your disability inclusion strategy?”

U.S. Department of Labor to Recognize Importance of Disability, Equity in Workforce
U.S. Department of Labor
“A strong workforce is the sum of many parts, and disability has always been a key part of the equation,”

June 14, 2022

College Students With Disabilities Deserve Accessible Campuses
The Washington Post
Student journalists at the University of Maryland spent months scrutinizing their campus and talking to people with disabilities. More college newspapers should.

Accessibility and the Intangibles: How 2 Students With Disabilities Chose a College
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Their decisions might come down to practical details. But also … a feeling.

VoxLens: Adding One Line of Code Can Make Some Interactive Visualizations Accessible to Screen-Reader Users
UW News
University of Washington researchers worked with screen-reader users to design VoxLens, a JavaScript plugin that allows people to interact with visualizations.

June 2, 2022

Another Way Of Mapping Disability Culture: Faith In Fundamentals
How can outside observers ever get a grip on how disabled people really feel and think?

A human rights movement 'disguised as a coffee shop' employs and empowers people with disabilities
USA Today
Shift thinking 'from charity to prosperity'

Majority of federal departments fail to achieve disability hiring goal
Federal Times
Less than half of all federal departments achieved government-wide permanent hiring goals for people with disabilities and targeted disabilities

May 23, 2022

Changing the narrative on disability: is representation in books getting better?
The Guardian
As Amazon meets campaigners' demands for a 'disability fiction' section, adult literature still has much work to do.

What it's like returning to the office as a person with a disability: 'My biggest fear was physical survival'
I'm always a bit nervous about who I can ask for help, because people naturally have unconscious biases about people with disabilities. However, the ...

How The Inevitable Foundation Is Fighting For Disability Inclusion In Hollywood
Is disability tracked as a metric and we're tangible diversity report? I think most companies will answer no to these questions right now.

May 16, 2022

Feds Warn Employers Against Disability Discrimination
Disability Scoop
The federal government is offering new guidance to help businesses ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act as they use ...

Inspired by daughter, architect approaches accessibility as a 'lifestyle'
Charles Olfert works with businesses and organizations to make their spaces more accessible for people with physical and intellectual disabilities ...

People With Disabilities Say New Bills Could Make it Impossible For Them to Vote
Activists say a new spate of laws aiming to ban ballot drop boxes would limit voting access for those with disabilities.

May 9, 2022

Unlock the Powerful Gifts Your Disability Taught You About Being a Better Leader
Empathy and active listening are two skills every effective leader should have. The experience of living with a disability provides an advantage ...

Supreme Court Decision Weakens Disability Rights, Advocates Say
Disability Scoop
A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision chips away at disability rights, advocates say, by making it harder to bring claims under some of the ...

Intersection of Disability & Race Explored at Free, DEI Virtual Conference
Yahoo Finance
As issues at the intersection of disability and race remain under-recognized due to a lack fluency or awareness, nonprofit agencies AHRC Nassau ...

May 2, 2022

End To Public Health Emergency Could Have Consequences For People With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
But, disability advocates are pushing for more time, arguing that states are ill-prepared. Beyond redeterminations for Medicaid beneficiaries, ...

Disability advocates: Don't drop COVID-19 safety measures
Inside Higher Ed
With the lethal threat of COVID-19 on the decline, many colleges are relaxing policies to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Disability ...

What's Next For Disability Policy?
For people with disabilities, the last several years have been at once terrifying and exciting. Disabled people have on the one hand faced ...

Hiking guide offers a new way to find accessible trails
Herald Net
A trails advocacy organization’s hiking guide now helps users determine which paths are wheelchair-friendly.

Adapting national parks for wheelchair hiking
The trails through our public lands weren’t designed for wheelchairs, but new wheelchairs are designed for those trails. National Park Service accessibility specialist Quinn Brett wants parks to catch up with wheelchair technology, increasing access to American wilderness.

April 25, 2022

How To Look For Help If You Have A Disability
Near the start of every journey with disability, there's a time when all the tests, treatments, and therapies end, and disabled people ask, ...

5 'Takes' On Disability For Parents Of Disabled Kids
This negative, embattled take on disability is most readily recognized in language habits. Children and youth with disabilities are spoken of as “ ...

Are we in danger of rolling backwards on global disability inclusion progress?
Following the launch in February of the government's new Disability Inclusion and Rights Strategy, the Bond Disability and Development Group ...

April 18, 2022

How Disability Changed What Easter Means to My Family
Before our daughter Penny was diagnosed with Down syndrome at birth, I didn't know I was biased against people with disabilities.

What to Look for in a Disability Insurance Policy
Income protection insurance will keep your paycheck working, even when you can't. Here are five key features of an individual disability insurance ...

Vaccinating Children with Disabilities Against COVID-19 
Vaccination strategies for healthcare providers, community organizations and partners to improve COVID-19 vaccine accessibility for children with ...

April 11, 2022

Ending the Two-Tier System of Disability Benefits
Brown Political Review
All people with disabilities deserve to live with dignity and financial security. To achieve this, the United States must move beyond arbitrary ...

Biden Administration Expanding Program That Helps People Leave Institutions
Disability Scoop
After years of uncertainty, a popular Medicaid program that helps people with disabilities leave institutions for community-based living is set to ...

Advocates say people with disability are increasingly 'forgotten' in emergency planning
The Guardian
According to advocacy groups, many people with disabilities are struggling to access appropriate support after flooding in northern NSW and Queensland ...

April 4, 2022

New York: What is the megacity like for people with disabilities?
Al Jazeera
A close look into the state of accessibility for people with disabilities in one of the world's largest cities.

What people with disabilities and their families wish fellow travelers would know and do
USA Today
More than 1 in 4 U.S. adults have some kind of disability. · Even when travel spaces meet ADA requirements, they aren't always accessible for all.

Disability inclusion at work: the many not the few
LSE Blogs - London School of Economics
Teresa Almeida examines how disability prejudice perpetuates workplace ableism and the disability unemployment gap. People with disabilities face ...

March 28, 2022

Hired for ability, not disability
Salem News
That person is Michael Reiner. His disability is cerebral palsy. He walks with forearm crutches. Reiner loves sports and early developed a sports ...

'A WHOLE NEW WORLD OF CREATIVITY': Music instructor thrives on teaching kids with disabilities
The Daily Reporter
But he's a big softie when teaching music to children with disabilities. On Wednesday, he gently guided 9-year-old Gabriel Ashley through a 15-minute ...

Disability influencer and mom of 4 fights stereotypes by sharing her parenting experiences online
Disability advocate TaLisha Gryzb is a mother of four living with muscular dystrophy who educates viewers about her experiences on her Youtube ...

March 21, 2022

Justice Department Secures Settlement to Resolve Disability Discrimination Against People ...
Department of Justice
It resolves a complaint under Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) that Ready to Work discriminated against an individual with ...

Top 5 Tips For Employers For Handling A Request For Disability-Related Accommodation
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines a reasonable accommodation as a modification to a job, work environment, or the hiring process.

Person First, Disability Second: The Road to Full Inclusion
Nonprofit Quarterly
The “invisibility” of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) to typical citizens has long been a marker for potential abuse and ...

March 14, 2022

Covid long-haulers face grueling fights for disability benefits
The Washington Post
Patients are confronted with denials by both private insurance companies and the Social Security Administration as they fight for disability ...

Programs For People With Disabilities Still Not Seeing Federal Funds
Disability Scoop
— Matthew Southern, 35, who has intellectual and developmental disabilities, is able to stay out of an institution because health aides paid through a ...

Women With Disabilities Seek Justice
Arise News
There is a fresh call for the implementation of the People with Disabilities Act to stop discrimination based on disability and sanction those who ...

March 7, 2022

After Disability Awareness, What's Next?
Disability awareness calls for businesses and other organizations to learn about and comply with accessibility standards, like those in the Americans ...

What is Non-Verbal Learning Disability? Family shares their experience
Today Show
Becca Halpin shares son's Non-Verbal Learning Disability (NVLD) diagnosis and the help they got from The Non-Verbal Learning Disability Project.

Why billions in Medicaid funds for people with disabilities are being held up
Matthew Southern, 35, who has intellectual and developmental disabilities, is able to stay out of an institution because health aides paid through ...

February 28, 2022

How to Report With Care on Disability
The New York Times
The Times's inaugural disability reporting fellow shares how one of the best ways to improve disability reporting is to talk to more disabled ...

Disability shouldn't be a taboo. Here's what to know and what to say
Do you find yourself avoiding conversations on disabilities? Worried you'll offend a disabled friend? A disability rights activist shares ways to ...

3 Disability Microaggressions And Why They Matter
Exploring disability practices, policy, politics, and culture. ... itself over whether to say “person with a disability” or “disabled person.

February 21, 2022

Global Disability Summit demands health equity
This week's Global Disability Summit — organized by the governments of Norway and Ghana and the International Disability Alliance, with the support of ...

Social Security Disability Insurance: Who can apply for this benefit?
The US government provides assistance to people with disabilities through their Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) scheme, ...

Disability shouldn't be a taboo. Here's what to know and what to say
Do you find yourself avoiding conversations on disabilities? Worried you'll offend a disabled friend? A disability rights activist shares ways to ...

February 14, 2022

Disabilities are not binary. Why do we treat them that way?
Too often, disability is thought of like a light bulb: on or off. In reality, most disabilities fall somewhere along a spectrum from mild to ...

New 'Sesame Street' Theme Park To Be Sensory Friendly
Disability Scoop
A new theme park designed to bring the iconic show "Sesame Street" to life will have a host of accommodations in place to welcome children with ...

People with disabilities get career boosts thanks to Moffitt Cancer Center and MacDonald ...
ABC Action News
This "eMerge Career Collaborative" gives students with special needs the chance to earn a living wage and gain more independence. It also works toward ...

February 7, 2022

When an Intellectual Disability Means Life or Death
Scientific American
When an Intellectual Disability Means Life or Death. This new guest podcast from Undark takes up the case of Pervis Payne, and why his death ...

A quadriplegic lawyer's 3 best tips for career success for others with disabilities 
Basile, now a lawyer, philanthropist, disability rights advocate, and community relations manager for web accessibility company accessiBe, ...

Feds Warn Health Providers About Denying Care To Those With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
Federal officials are reminding the nation's health care professionals that withholding treatment because a person has a disability is often ...

January 31, 2022

Why technology accessibility is key for disability inclusion at work 
For workers with disabilities, tools for accessibility, like screen readers and subtitles for video meetings, are extremely important and necessary ...

Government 'must tear up national disability strategy' after high court defeat
Disability News Service
Disabled campaigners have called on the government to tear up its “fundamentally broken” National Disability Strategy, after the high court ruled ...

New Guidance About COVID-19 and Disability Under the Americans with ...
Printing Impressions
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has updated its Guidance about when COVID-19 a considered a disability and would then qualify a person ...

January 24, 2022

Are We Equipped to Care for People With Intellectual, Developmental Disabilities?
Medpage Today
While this disability qualification is important for the fair protection of workers with COVID-induced disabilities, the link between COVID-19 and ...

Self-Employment Can Be A Vital Method For Returning To Work After Disability
Self-employment offers an unparalleled level of autonomy for people with disabilities. PEXELS. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused considerable ...

MyDisabledLifeIsWorthy highlights disability community's pandemic frustrations
“When public officials bring the fight to people with disabilities, the community responds,” disability rights advocate Rebecca Cokley tells Yahoo ...

January 17, 2022

Amtrak paid $2 million to travelers with disabilities in discrimination settlement
The rail transportation company Amtrak has paid over $2 million to more than 1,500 people with disabilities who experienced discrimination while ...

Why disability bias is a particularly stubborn problem 
Harvard Gazette - Harvard University
Tessa Charlesworth, a Department of Psychology postdoc, says social reckoning is needed to deal with implicit disability bias.

New study to improve end of life care planning
Learning Disability Today
Improving end-of-life care planning for people with learning disabilities will be the focus of a new two-year study that aims to produce a toolkit ...

January 10, 2022

Massive Investment In Disability Services In Limbo
Disability Scoop
Even as lawmakers blow through deadlines, disability advocates say they remain optimistic that a deal will be reached to approve the largest-ever ...

Connectivity and assistive technology can equalize opportunity for people with disabilities ...
The Internet and assistive technology have the incredible power to level the playing field for people with disabilities. To advance digital equity ...

Mindset Matters: New Year, New Outlook On Mental Health And The Disability Economy As ...
This column explores more deeply the protean nature of the Disability Economy as a central link towards dealing with issues around corporate ...

January 3, 2022

Employers better supported workers with disabilities in 2021, but still can improve 
Regardless of disability status, 84% of those surveyed feel co-workers would benefit from workplace accessibility. According to EARN, the employer ...

2022 New Years Resolutions For The Disability Community
As 2021 draws to a rather messy close, especially for people with disabilities, it's time for another round of disability-themed New Year's ...

'Unintentional discrimination' at the heart of disability lawsuit against California community ...
Arguing that federal disability rights laws don't cover unintentional discrimination, the Los Angeles Community College District board of trustees ...

December 27, 2021

Disability: An Identity That All Can Share | THIRTEEN
Author, filmmaker, and disability policy strategist Day Al-Mohamed. International Day of Persons with Disabilities is December 3, and we have daily ...

Long-term disability? He said/she said fight leads to this result 
HR Morning
An employee's fight for long-term disability benefits went all the way up to a federal appeals court. Here's what the court said.

Disability action inadequate; must be strengthened by governor, lawmakers
Williamsport Sun-Gazette
Congress and the President have asked governors to rescue disability programs by increasing funding for the community system's Direct Support ...

December 20, 2021

Covid Can Be a Disability Under Federal Anti-Bias Law, EEOC Says
Bloomberg Law
Workers who contract Covid-19 can be protected from discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act, the U.S. Equal Employment ...

Mindset Matters: Reframing Entrepreneurship And Disability To Shape A New Business Culture
This column further explores the Disability Economy by focusing on the thinking behind entrepreneurship and how the it is being redefined through ...

How to ensure your holiday celebrations welcome people with disabilities 
Texas Standard
Experts offer tips for creating online or in-person celebrations that include people with hearing impairments, blindness and physical disabilities ...

December 13, 2021

Disability should not mean invisibility
The Boston Globe
Mya Pol, a student disability activist, is fighting for equity and joy for disabled folks. Living with chronic pain, she has learned to navigate ...

Mindset Matters: The Responsibility Of Corporate Behavior In Magnifying The Disability Economy
If companies are going to truly embrace disability inclusion as a key stakeholder within their leadership strategy and a central theme to their ...

Selma Blair, James Lebrecht on Growing Disability Rights Movement in Hollywood
The Hollywood Reporter
I was not used to seeing a collective, a group of people with disabilities in this able-bodied world. And I had such a crush on one of the characters ...

December 6, 2021

International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2021
WHO | World Health Organization
While disability correlates with disadvantage, not all people with disabilities are equally disadvantaged. Much depends on the context in which they ...

Fact Sheet: Advancing Disability Inclusive Democracy in the United States and Globally ...
The White House
When the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed 31 years ago, it provided historic civil rights protections for disabled Americans.

How Bob Dole's Life and Legacy Was Shaped by Disability
Time Magazine
While Dole, once a three-sport athlete, was initially left despondent by his injuries, he went on to speak about his disabilities openly over the ...

November 29, 2021

First Person: 'Disability reminds us that there is no such thing as normal'
UN News - the United Nations
Eddie Ndopu, an award-winning disability activist from South Africa, and one of 17 United Nations advocates for the Sustainable Development Goals, ...

November - A Month Of Disability Inclusion Hitting The Headlines
The question at the heart of the case, CVS Pharmacy, Inc. vs. Doe, was whether claims of unintentional discrimination against people with disabilities ...

4 Common Ways Companies Alienate People with Disabilities
Harvard Business Review
Executives and product team leaders need to stop excluding people with disabilities and understand that their decisions affect how users interact ...

November 22, 2021

How a 25-year-old with a disability lives on $33000 in Chicago
Britt Dorton is preparing to go to law school to become an attorney who focuses on disability and prisoner's rights.

What Do You Know About Disability Cultural Competence?
Recently, I had the opportunity to give a webinar on disability cultural competence to social service workers, but was met with many blank stares.

Apple's iPad Gets Assistive Technology Boost
Disability Scoop
Through a partnership with a venerable name in the world of assistive technology, people with disabilities can now control Apple's iPad using ...

November 15, 2021

Justice Department Sues Uber for Overcharging People with Disabilities
Department of Justice
(Uber) for charging “wait time” fees to passengers who, because of disability, need more time to enter a car. Uber's policies and practices of ...

Google Seeks Help From People With Speech Issues
Disability Scoop
Google wants to make it easier for people with disabilities that affect their speech to communicate with those around them and they're looking for ...

One in 10 children worldwide live with disabilities
UN News - the United Nations
Nearly 240 million children worldwide, or one in 10, live with disabilities and experience deprivation in indicators such as health, education and ...

November 8, 2021

The high cost of living in a disabling world
The Guardian
And the Americans With Disabilities Act, the UK's Disability Discrimination Act and the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The ...

Nearly 3 in 10 US Adults Say They Have a Disability
THURSDAY, Nov. 4, 2021 (HealthDay News) -- A growing number of American adults say they have a physical or mental disability, a new study finds. Of ...

Rights Groups Urge Singapore Not to Execute Man With Mental Disability
The New York Times
“Nagaenthran's death sentence indicates that the Singapore judicial system is failing to protect the safety and welfare of those with disabilities,” ...

November 1, 2021

10 Things Everyone Should Know About People With Disabilities And Employment
Before another disability employment month ends, it may help to review some of the things that disability employment experts and people with ...

Justice for Parents with Disabilities and Their Children | The Regulatory Review
The Regulatory Review
The child welfare system disproportionately harms families headed by parents with disabilities.

Debunking Disability Enforcement Myths | The Regulatory Review
The Regulatory Review
Misunderstandings about disability lawsuits subvert justice for people with disabilities.

October 25, 2021

Pandemic: People with disabilities among worst impacted
People with disabilities have been among the worst affected groups by the Covid-19 pandemic, according to the National Advocacy Services for ...

Children With Disabilities Face Special Back-To-School Challenges
Disability Scoop
Children With Disabilities Face Special Back-To-School Challenges. by Heidi de Marco, California Healthline | October 20, 2021. Walking toward school.

Royal Commission report says police response to people with disability is 'deeply inadequate'
Bega District News
A person with a disability was charged for stealing a Freddo Frog, while many more have been charged with sleeping rough and stealing food, ...

October 18, 2021

Race and Disability: the Financial Impact of Systemic Inequality - LEAD Center
LEAD Center
People of color with disabilities face unique systemic challenges as a result of their intersecting identities. Centuries of exclusive practices ...

Disability Drives Innovation
The New York Times
Audiobooks are an example of a technology developed by or for people with disabilities that has helped all of us ...

Covid: Nurse Wins Award for Sensory-Friendly Jab Clinic
BBC News
A nurse who created a Covid-19 vaccine clinic for people with learning disabilities and autism has received national recognition ...

October 11, 2021

Including People with Disabilities - Public Health Workforce Competencies - AUCD
Association of University Centers on Disabilities
People with disabilities make up 19% of the adult U.S. population, however most public health training programs do not include curricula addressing the ...  

 Provide Disability Equality Training to Staff
The National Disability Authority
Look for a trainer who developed their training course after consulting people with disabilities. Suggested curriculum for disability equality training.  

Disability Employment Awareness Month Shines Light on Practical Research, Outreach in School of Kinesiology
Office of Communications and Marketing
In their labs, the professors connect biomechanics and neuroscience to help those with disabilities and traumatic brain injuries find new function, ...

October 4, 2021

What Moves Some People With Disabilities To Be Disability Activists?
Individual advocates sometimes win the services, benefits, or accommodations they were initially denied. And organized disability activism does shift ...

New Automatic Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Process
Federal Student Aid
New Automatic Total and Permanent Disability Discharge Process. Eligible borrowers identified as totally and permanently disabled based on data ...

The politics of creative access: Guidelines for a critical dis/ability curatorial practice
Amanda Cachia
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Disability (the companion volume to Manifestos for the Future of Critical Disability Studies) identifies both the practical and ...

Rasoi ke Rahasya Host Payal Kapoor from Hyderabad Wins NCPEDP-Mphasis Universal Design Awards 2021
Sakshi English
Awards in this category are given to people with disabilities who have created an impact in Accessibility and Universal Design by designing consumer ...

Presentation of the Design Educates Awards at "architecture in foyer"
This year, Walda Verbaenen was one of the Gold Prize winners in the Universal Design category. Her translation of visual emoticons into a grid of Braille ...

September 20, 2021

Parents of Students with Disabilities Try to Make Up for Lost Year
The New York Times
In New York City, hundred of thousands of students with disabilities didn't receive special education services during remote learning ...

Fans of the show ‘Sex Education’ praise it for its’refreshing’ approach to disability
The Washington Newsday
Fans of the show ‘Sex Education’ praise it for its ’refreshing’ approach to disability ...

'I've learnt to thrive with cerebral palsy': Welsh YouTube star nominated for diversity award
ITV News
A woman from Swansea who has cerebral palsy said she has learnt to "thrive" with her disability and hopes she can be the role model she was looking for, when she was growing up ...

Nutrition and exercise program shows promise in young adults with intellectual disabilities
News Medical
A pilot study at the University of Cincinnati found that young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and intellectual disabilities (ID) were able to lose or maintain their weight with a system of education and support in place ...

September 13, 2021

‘Not Worth The Resources’: How The Pandemic Revealed Existing Biases Against The Disability Community
KALW Public Media
In early July, I visit Ingrid Tischer at the Berkeley apartment she’s shared with her husband, Ken, for the past 10 years ...

Disabled Afghans in special jeopardy, warns exiled campaigner
The Guardian
World leaders must act to protect disabled Afghans who are in immediate danger under Taliban rule, a prominent blind human rights activist has urged after being evacuated to the UK ...

School policing falls hardest on Black students and those with disabilities, study shows
USA Today
A Center for Public Integrity analysis of U.S. Department of Education data found that school policing disproportionately affects students with disabilities, Black children and, in some states, Native American and Latino children ...

September 6, 2021

'Inspiration Porn': Paralympians Know It When They See It
The New York Times
Athletes reject the idea that they should be admired just for coping with disabilities, and not also for what they’ve accomplished ...

Japanese disability advocates hope the Summer Paralympics showcase the pawsomeness of service dogs
The Washington Post
Service dogs made headlines in Japan last month when they strutted alongside visually impaired athletes on the Israeli team, tails wagging, during the Tokyo Paralympics opening ceremony ...

Cross-Disability Solidarity: Shannon Finnegan and Bojana Coklyat Interviewed by Amelia Rina
Bomb Magazine
After a year of mostly interacting with people through mediated digital encounters like video chat, social media, and email, companies of all sizes are failing to adequately consider their user’s needs and experiences ...

Technology increasingly used to 'victimise and control' women with intellectual disability
ABC News
Women with cognitive and intellectual disability are increasingly being abused through technology, with perpetrators monitoring their behaviour, tracking their movements and encouraging them to share naked images, a new Australian study has found ...

A call to action for international sport to embrace disability inclusion
Sport and Dev
Across international sport federations, disability is often missing from non-discrimination statements and policies – it is time to change that ...

30 Days of MD: Seeing Disability Through a Different Lens
Muscular Dystrophy News Today
This is Matt DeEmilio’s story ...

August 30, 2021

Disney Making Changes To Disability Access At Theme Parks
Disability Scoop
Big changes are coming once again to Disney’s system for providing accommodations to people with disabilities at its theme parks ...

WeThe15: Disabled Community Skeptical of New Disability Awareness Campaign
VeryWell News
To coincide with disabled people from around the world gathering for the Tokyo Paralympic Games this week, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and International Disability Alliance (IDA) have launched the biggest-ever human rights movement for disabled people ...

The pandemic's affect on students with disabilities
Ella Gipe is a 10-year-old attending fifth grade at Shaull Elementary School in Cumberland County. She lives with down syndrome and mild autism ...

Schools Must Identify Students With Disabilities Despite Pandemic Hurdles, Ed. Dept. Says
Despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, schools must meet their obligations under federal law to identify and serve children with disabilities, the Education Department said ...

August 23, 2021

Is disability invisible in your newsroom? It’s beyond time to fix that
Reynolds Journalism Institute
For an industry that seeks to deliver factual information to communities while avoiding euphemism, journalists have a bad habit of falling back on imprecision when discussing topics that are unfamiliar or make us uncomfortable ...

'Biggest ever' disability rights campaign launched before Paralympics
France 24
A global campaign aimed at ending discrimination towards the world's 1.2 billion people with disabilities kicked off Thursday spearheaded by Paralympic chiefs and backed by a broad group of international organisations ...

Nasdaq’s Snub To Boardroom Disability Inclusion Initiative — A Missed Opportunity
Last week, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission placed its stamp of approval on a Nasdaq initiative that largely sidelines people with disabilities when it comes to boardroom diversity reporting ...

Swimming superstar Ellie Cole on diversity, accessibility and bringing people joy
The Guardian
The six-time gold medallist is campaigning for WeThe15 – a global human rights movement that will feature at the Tokyo 2020 Paralympics ...

Activists with ADHD push for a world more friendly to those with the disorder
The Washington Post
In the past two decades, the world has become much kinder to the estimated 6.1 million children and approximately 10 million adults with ADHD, whose hallmark symptoms are distraction, forgetfulness and impulsivity ...

August 16, 2021

Google Launches Program To Hire More People With Autism
Disability Scoop
Google is teaming up with Stanford University in an effort to make its workforce more neurodiverse ...

BYU graduate writes, stars in film that explores disability
KSL News
A film written by and starring a Brigham Young University graduate will make its way to a streaming service and potentially film festivals in the coming months ...

The ADA at 31: Access to Housing and Health Care Must Meet the Rise of Disability in the U.S.
Center for American Progress
It has been nearly 50 years since disability activists in San Francisco took over a federal building for 28 days to force the signing of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act ...

10 Books on Disability Justice
Book Riot
In progressive circles, disabled folks are all too often left out of conversations around inclusion and intersectionality ...

New training, education urged for police interaction with students with disabilities
Nevada Today
... Across their lifespan, people with disabilities are more likely than those without disabilities to come into contact with police, either as a victim or as a perpetrator of a crime ...

August 9, 2021

Disability rights groups want funders to boost giving amid decline
New data showing a decline in funding for disability rights in recent years has some nonprofits worried about how funders will prioritize the area ...

Rising senior offers insight on virtual classes, dealing with disability
Albany Herald
As summer break comes to an end, students and teachers are preparing for the 2021-22 school year ...

Joint Faculty Hire Spotlights Disability
Inside Higher Ed
Florida State’s creative writing program wanted one professor but hired two. The fact that they were both disabled was something of an afterthought, but the professors say the move matters ...

Blind Oregonian competing in Paralympics works to bridge gap between mental health, disability
What's more important: winning a gold medal, completing a master's degree, or helping grow an international sport? If your name is Eliana Mason, the answer is all of the above ...

August 2, 2021

Study Shows More Disability Stories Onscreen, but Few Disabled Actors
The New York Times
Let’s start with the good news: Significant depictions of disability on film and television shows have nearly tripled over the past decade compared with the previous 10 years ...

U.K. Government’s National Disability Strategy Receives Lukewarm Response
The U.K. Government’s long-awaited National Disability Strategy, which was announced yesterday, has received a muted response from charities and other organizations ...

Critics give mixed response to ministers' £1.6bn disability strategy
BBC News
There has been a muted response from charities and campaigners to the government's £1.6bn strategy to improve the lives of disabled people ...

Disability rights activists speak out about the plan to return to ‘normal’ in the fall
The California Aggie
As the UC plans to fully re-open campuses in the fall, students with disabilities said they feel like the gains made during the pandemic in terms of accessibility are being undone ...

Across Federal Workforce, People With Disabilities See Need For More Representation
... people with disabilities — the largest minority group in the country — remain underrepresented in the workforce, particularly within the federal workforce ...

July 26, 2021

Disability advocates calling for reform as US Paralympian Becca Meyers drops out of Games citing lack of support
ABC News
Disability advocates and elected officials are calling on the United States Olympic and Paralympic Committee to rethink its policies after a Paralympic gold medalist swimmer was denied a request to have a care assistant ...

Organization asks city to tackle disability issues, ETHRA service
Oak Ridger
A local organization is calling for the city of Oak Ridge to be more accessible to people who have mobility issues ...

The internet is far from being accessible for all people with disabilities, advocate says
AccessiBe Chief Vision Officer Michael Hingson told CNBC on Monday there is significant need to make the internet more accessible for users ...

Tony Winner Ali Stroker Reframes Disability Representation and Identity
... in 2015 that actress and singer Ali Stroker made history when she became the first person using a wheelchair to perform on a Broadway stage ...

Disability Discrimination: Innocent but Blatant
Though early childhood polio left me with a conspicuous disability, I didn’t even hear the word, “discrimination,” until I was in my twenties ...

July 19, 2021

Persons with disabilities tell their stories
World Health Organization
Over one billion people live with some form of disability and this number is growing ...

Erin Gilmer, Disability Rights Activist, Dies at 38
The New York Times
She fought for a more compassionate health care system, bringing an extensive knowledge of policy and even more extensive firsthand experience as a patient ...

2021 Disability Equality Index Top-Scoring Companies Announced
Southeast ADA Center
Disability:IN, the global organization driving disability inclusion and equality in business ... today released the 2021 Disability Equality Index® (DEI) ...

Disability Futures Unveils Virtual Festival, New Funding
American Theatre
The Ford Foundation, in partnership with the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and United States Artists, will present the Disability Futures Virtual Festival ...

Mindset Matters: Witnessing A New Relationship For Business And Disability
... it is important to think about the notion that the lived experience of disability has a direct connection to many of the business trends of the day ...

July 12, 2021

Matt Simpson On Finding Refuge In Goalball And Not Letting His Disability Define Him
Team USA
I play a sport called Goalball. Many, even the most avid fans of Team USA, will have never heard of goalball ...

My daughter's hidden disability
The Washington Post
With bright blue eyes and a head full of blond ringlets, 5-year-old Camille elicits the attention of strangers on a regular basis ...

How the airline industry still refuses to accommodate disability
... Pretty much no one looks forward to airline travel. But if you're a wheelchair user, flying isn't just an inconvenience; it can be devastating ...

Minnesota to phase out unequal pay jobs for people with disabilities
... Halford is among thousands of Minnesotans who have been paid less than the minimum wage solely because they have a disability ...

Becoming a better ally during Disability Pride Month
Disability. It’s been called the silent “D” in diversity ...

July 5, 2021

Disability activists push for more inclusive Pride celebrations
CBS News
The coronavirus pandemic changed how the United States and countries around the world celebrate Pride month ...

A chance to 'amplify one another': What is Disability Pride Month?
USA Today
... Although Disability Pride Day isn't nationally recognized, parades are held in a number of places nationwide, such as Los Angeles, New York City ...

How Funders Can Make Disability Visible
Stanford Social Innovation Review
COVID-19 has laid bare what the disability community has been telling us all along: current systems have failed people with disabilities because they were not created with disabled people in mind ...

COVID-19, gender, and disability checklist: Preventing and addressing gender-based violence against women, girls, and gender non-conforming persons with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic
UN Women
This checklist is intended to guide a wide range of States ... on pandemic response and recovery efforts on how to prevent and respond to GBV against women, girls, and gender non-conforming persons with disabilities ...

When It Comes to People Like My Daughter, One Size Does Not Fit All
The New York Times
My daughter, Lauren, turned 40 last month. She is happy and healthy. And that is nothing short of a miracle ...

June 28, 2021

Amazon Studios Prioritizing Disability Inclusion
Disability Scoop
The Hollywood studio behind “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel,” “One Night in Miami…” and “Borat: Subsequent Moviefilm” is committing to put more people with disabilities on screen ...

How to talk to children about disability
From answering ‘awkward’ questions to encouraging curiosity and kindness, we explore how to approach conversations with children ...

The Disability Rights Movement
150 Years of Women at Berkeley
2020 marks the 150th anniversary of the admission of women to the University of California, as well as the 30th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) in 1990 ...

Moms push back against transplant discrimination based on disability
A West Michigan mom is rewriting the rules when it comes to the state’s organ donation process, inspiring legislation banning discrimination based on disability ...

Outdoor seating shouldn’t be unfettered greed with disability access issues
The Philadelphia Inquirer
I won’t oppose making these outdoor spaces permanent—but only if you can get a wheelchair through on any given night ...

June 21, 2021

‘Disability is possibility’: a mission to bust myths in India – photo essay
The Guardian
Roy has been travelling across the country – Covid permitting – for the past six months, photographing people with the 21 disabilities officially recognised in India ...

Inclusively — The Employment Platform Shouting Loudest On Disability At Work
Organizations are strongly encouraged to explicitly demonstrate their efforts towards disability inclusion right from the very outset of the recruitment ...

Hear My Voice: A win for music artists with a disability
International Paralympic Committee
Rapper George Doman was part of group that helped ‘Rising Phoenix’ land a Sports Emmy award ...

When Disability Representation Falls Short
SMA News Today
I wanted to enjoy the disabled representation ...

June 14, 2021

Teen addresses Ohio bill as future of disability rights lies in oversight amendment
Spectrum News
An Ohio teen addressed legislators at the Ohio Statehouse on an amendment to a bill addressing services to those with disabilities ...

How Disability Law Impacts Voluntary and Involuntary Student Leaves Related to Harm-to-Self and Harm-to-Others
JD Supra
This Tip of the Week offers key understandings ... about how disability laws ... protect rights and set limitations with respect to students ...

'I am not ashamed': Disability advocates, experts implore you to stop saying 'special needs'
USA Today
Most experts and advocates vehemently oppose the term "special needs," and believe we need to eliminate it from our vernacular ...

Call for urgent action to prevent learning disability deaths
People with learning disabilities are still dying 25 years earlier than the rest of the population, a report has said ...

Feds Launch Hotline To Help People With Disabilities Access COVID-19 Vaccines
Disability Scoop
A new push is underway to help more people with disabilities get vaccinated against COVID-19 ...

June 7, 2021

Staff training key to shifting attitudes on accessibility for disability community
Roll Call
With historic buildings and slow adoption of technology, Congress still has a long way to go to make itself accessible not just in the physical space but also online ...

How To Find Your Disability Community
There seems to be a wide gap between how we talk about “The Disability Community,” and the number of disabled people who actually feel like a part of it ...

The Pandemic Pushed KKR To Bet $55 Million On Improving Disability Access In The Digital World
... KKR made a $55 million investment this week in Essential Accessibility, a Toronto-based software provider that helps other companies ensure that their digital offerings are accessible and usable for people with disabilities ...

Northeast Guilford High senior doesn't let disability define her
... Ansyln Wright suffers from a form of muscular dystrophy and lives by the motto, "trust the process" ...

May 31, 2021

Disability Advocacy Organization Opens Exclusive Spanish Intake Hours
Iowa Public Radio
Disability Rights Iowa (DRI) provides advocacy and legal assistance to people with disabilities. In an effort to reach all of Iowa's populations, they have ...

Count the cost of disability caused by COVID-19
They inform much health policy — from cancer screening and treatment to attempts to eradicate tuberculosis. Called DALYs and QALYs (disability- ...

College of Law Announces Inaugural National Disability Law Appellate Competition
Syracuse University News
It will enable students to develop their oral advocacy skills while simultaneously navigating a challenging important area of disability law,” says Professor ...

Disabled Scientists Are Often Excluded From The Lab
Emily Kwong speaks to disabled scientist Krystal Vasquez on how her disability changed her relationship to science, how scientific research can ...

May 24, 2021

500 CEOs Commit To Prioritizing Disability Inclusion
The chief executives of Apple, Google, Coca-Cola, Procter & Gamble, Sony and hundreds of other international organizations are committing to advance disability...

5 Simple Ways To Support Disability Activism
Disability activism is empowering. For some disabled people who get involved, it opens up avenues for friendship and “chosen family” among other ...

At disability parade, Montclair is ‘proud to know everybody’
Montclair Local
About 100 people marched from Heningburg Field to Rand Park on Sunday as part of Montclair's first annual Disability Pride parade. Organized by the ...

Center for Disability-Inclusive Community Development Launches Second Season of Keys to Financial Inclusion Podcast Series
The podcasts feature interviews with leading voices in the disability, community development and financial communities who share their insights on ...

Biden Administration Gives States Flexibility To Expand Disability Services
Disability Scoop
States are being given wide latitude to spend an extra $12.67 billion for Medicaid home and community-based services on everything from getting people...

May 17, 2021

Disability and DEI: Overlooking a group that is everywhere
There has been progress, they say, but disabled workers—many of whom have no outward sign of disability—can still feel overlooked or undervalued ...

Employee with disability eager to work, has come a long way
AP News
He likes to play video games and watch sports on television, especially hockey and mixed martial arts. He likes a good laugh and enjoys his mom’s cooking, especially...

Toward Disability Justice
YES! Magazine
It might seem surprising to many that plastics have provided a measure of freedom for many disabled individuals. During the “great plastic straw....

Expert Advice for Traveling Abroad With a Disability
Traveling abroad with a disability is not impossible; it simply presents challenges that, when combined with the knowledge of a seasoned travel ...

May 10, 2021

Conversation starters for Disability Insurance Awareness Month
Short-term disability insurance is usually offered through the workplace and pays benefits when someone is unable to work for several weeks or months ...

New three-year project will deepen knowledge on disability by facilitating virtual spaces and discussions
Minnesota Daily
Beginning in fall 2021, the Critical Studies Disability Collective will host the project that examines disability through the lenses of race, disposability and ...

The Mental Toll of Disability Is Inflating — We Have to Do Something
We live in a society that presumes disability is intrinsically tragic. In reality, for me and many others, being disabled actually comes with many beautiful ...

Disability and domestic abuse: 'No-one knows what is happening behind those walls'
BBC News
I was beaten up and threatened, unlike my siblings, without disability, who were treated with respect." Aged seven, Ebere was sexually assaulted by a ...

Microsoft Takes Aim At The ‘Disability Divide’
Disability Scoop
Technology-giant Microsoft is promising big steps in the coming years to make its products and workplace even more accessible and inclusive to people with disabilities.

May 3, 2021

Microsoft Announces ‘Doubling Down’ On Prioritizing Accessibility And Narrowing The Disability Gap
The overarching goal of Microsoft's plan is to bridge the “disability divide”—essentially, existing barriers—which are part of systemic ableism—that ...

‘Disability keeps getting left out’: A Google exec on boosting representation of people with disabilities — and bringing them into the C-suite
Liu, who was diagnosed with severe hearing loss at age 2, became skilled at disguising her disability by lip reading and relying on technology to ...

Telling a potential employer about a disability in a remote-work environment
Washington Post
Karla: If a prospective employer thinks your skills are a fit for the job, and your disability doesn't interfere with your performance — which it shouldn't do ...

‘Best Summer Ever’ — A Magical Musical Movie Milestone For Disability Inclusion
DeVido authentically portrays Sage, as an actress, comedian, singer and writer with a disability and has previous credits on NBCUniversal's Law ...

Disability Advocate Shares His Perspective on Degree’s 'Inclusive' Deodorant
Morning Brew
Deodorant brand Degree is rolling out (heh) a product that’s sure to shake up the deodorant category. What is it? “The world’s first inclusive deodorant for people with visual impairment and upper limb...

April 26, 2021

7 Core Arguments Of Disability Rights
It's about what disability is, and what disabled people want –– and don't want. And as arguments, they are also responses to implied counter-arguments ...

Disability in children and adolescents must be integrated into the global health agenda
World Health Organization
Childhood disability is not a priority in health systems. A recently published article in the BMJ by Cieza and colleagues argues why this needs to ...

Disability rights documentary 'Crip Camp' by Oakland producers up for Oscar
An overlooked chapter in the history of the disability rights movement takes center stage at the Oscars on ABC this Sunday. Two producer-directors ...

Disability-Forward Policy Recommendations To Advance Accessible and Affordable Housing for All
Center For American Progress
This is because it views disability as being a core component of identity, much like race and gender. Some members of the community, such as people ...

When a Disability Becomes a Target
International Policy Digest
However, these practices are often routine regarding the treatment of persons with disabilities. Disability Rights International (DRI) has documented ...

April 19, 2021

3 Ways Disability Allyship Can Go Off Track
Listening to disability awareness seminars instead of disabled people. Articles and training on disability issues and etiquette are certainly valuable. They ...

A Conversation With A Disability Rights Advocate On A Bill To Ban "Disability Abortions"
Olivia Babis you're with Disability Rights Florida. Let's begin with how the bill defines disability. It says disability is any disease, ...

Long COVID Sufferers Are Seeking Disability Benefits. Will They Change the System?
U.S. News & World Report
People who are ill and unable to work long after a positive test for COVID-19 could help overhaul the delivery of disability benefits in the U.S.

Disability Rights and Online Voting – Equality for All
LA Progressive
National disability rights organizations are urging the Senate to revise the massive House-passed election reform bill to allow an internet-based voting ...

'It's Mean-Spirited.' A Blind Disability Advocate on How Georgia's New Election Law Could Make Voting Even Harder
Gaylon Tootle, a Black and blind disability advocate in Augusta, Ga., has been fighting to make it easier for people in his state to vote for years.

SPS Educators Confront Issues of Race and Disability as Students Return to Schools
As many students receiving special education services in what Seattle Public Schools (SPS) calls “intensive pathways” returned to in-person learning in early April, some local educators find themselves questioning...

April 12, 2021

Is Disability the Last Bastion of the Representation Debate?
They tend to be portrayed as struggling with their disability, rather than dealing with all the same highs and lows of life as everyone else. “There are ...

Why Native American Children Have higher Rates of Disability
(NEW YORK) — The rates of disability among U.S. children are increasing, with the highest rate of disability among Native American children, ...

COVID-19 Amplifies the Complexity of Disability and Race
The Conversation CA
He is now an assistant professor in Disability Studies at King's University College at Western University in London, Ont. He uses an electric wheelchair ...

Disability Rights Advocates Pushing for Proactive, Not Reactive Public Policy
Toledo Blade
Disability rights advocates on Tuesday asked Toledo City Council to adopt a disability-justice framework for city leaders to use whenever they develop ...

Chefs and Cooks in the Disability Community Share Recipes for Accessibility
Los Angeles Times
Chefs and cooks in the disability community share recipes for accessibility. Chef Regina Mitchell stands at the stove stirring a vegetable dish with her ...

The Story Of Britney Spears Is A Story Of Disability Rights
Yahoo Finance
“I absolutely support Britney Spears' campaign to be freed from guardianship, and it does not matter to me whether she has a disability or not.” Story ...

April 5, 2021

Nike Accused Of 'Using Disability' To Hype New Hands-Free Sneaker
Public Radio Tulsa
Stephanie Thomas, founder of the disability fashion website Cur8able, understands the frustration that Lewis and his husband have with Nike's ...

Overlooked No More: Kitty Cone, Trailblazer of the Disability Rights Movement
The New York Times
Shunned in school because of her disability, she devoted her life to the cause, organizing a historic sit-in that led to landmark federal legislation.

The Intersection of Disability and Climate Change
Harvard Graduate School of Education
The Intersection of Disability and Climate Change. Master's student David Liebmann works to build awareness of the elevated threat level of climate ...

Disability Advocates Raise Concerns About Sweeping Voting Bill
Spectrum News
What You Need To Know. Senate Bill 7 would require disabled voters to show proof they are living with a disability to request an absentee ballot. The ...

Disability Must Stop Being Workplace D&I’s Poor Relation, Says Disabled Conservative Peer
House of Lords in November 2015, is keen to see better outcomes for a population segment for which the disability employment gap currently stands at ...

March 29, 2021

The How and the What: Access, Justice, and Disability Aesthetic
American Theatre
Disability rights, disability justice, disability theatre, aesthetics, accessibility, segregation, and inclusion—these are some of the terms and concepts that ...

What Disability Leadership Looks Like
American Theatre
What Disability Leadership Looks Like. The theatre field is white-dominated, and disabled and D/deaf companies would seem to be no exception— ...

Some MI Disability Rights Advocates Call Vaccine Rollout Inadequate
Breannah Alexander Oppenhuizen is with the Michigan Disability Rights Coalition. She said little has been done at the state level to ensure prompt ...

Practicing Disability Justice, Honoring Wholeness Onstage
American Theatre
Practicing Disability Justice, Honoring Wholeness Onstage. How disabled performing artists are challenging ableism, building access, and imagining ...

Disability and Theatre
American Theatre
Disability is everywhere around us, but most of us who are temporarily non-disabled find it all too easy to ignore, partly through the ableist systems and ...

Disability rights activist pushes bill for more diversity on ODOT committees
At its public hearing last month, lawmakers heard strong support from nonprofit Disability Rights Oregon. “Persons with disabilities will bring to light ...

March 22, 2021

Local providers advocate for state support of disability services
The Globe
March 9 marked Disability Services Day in St. Paul, an annual opportunity for disability service providers around the state to advocate for the needs of their clients...

How Germany violates conventions on disability rights
Deutsche Welle
But this month the European Union adopted a new disability strategy — which calls for the end of the workshops. The Berlin Workshop for People with ...

District 5 Candidate Releases Disability Justice Plan
New York, NY—Over 1 million New York City residents have a disability, and one New Yorker who is running for a City Council seat in District 5 and is ...

March 15, 2021

Disability Fashion Advocate Recreates Celebrity Magazine Covers Using Models with Disabilities
Easterseals Ambassador Stephanie Thomas, a disability fashion stylist and creative director in Los Angeles, is leading an initiative to change how...

International Women’s Day Challenge: Choose To Be Disability Inclusive
I am an organizational psychologist specializing in neurodiversity. Una Fonte, a disability and feminism advocate stands in the sunlight, smiling.

Column: We’re facing a tidal wave of COVID-related disability cases, and we’re not ready
Los Angeles Times
Many disability advocates share Weishaupt's uneasiness. The pandemic threatens to strike Social Security's disability program and its beneficiaries in ...

Bill aims to study state’s disability services, prevent people from “falling through the cracks”
Sammantha says because her daughter doesn't have an intellectual disability, she's not eligible for certain developmental disability services that ...

March 8, 2021

5 Questions That Help Define The Outlines Of Disability Advocacy
What is the shape of disability activism? There is a lot of natural variation in the large and diverse disabled population, and many different opinions ...

2020 marked 7-year high unemployment rate for people with disabilities
HR Dive
Persons with a disability were more likely to work in service occupations and occupations involving production, transportation and material moving in ...

A Disability Day of Mourning: Remembering the Murdered and the Vulnerable
The Nation
On March 1 every year, disability communities gather to mourn disabled people murdered by their caregivers. The first vigil was held in 2012, outside ...

'I am a woman who wants': on disability and desire
The Guardian
Cerebral palsy made my body a country of error and pain. It took me years to accept the part of me that craves intimacy.

March 1, 2021

It’s Time To Stop Even Casually Misusing Disability Words
This should certainly include identifying and ending use of universally offensive disability slurs, like the word “retarded.” Few would seriously argue ...

When Does COVID-19 Become A Disability? 'Long-Haulers' Push For Answers And Benefits
Disability advocates and lawmakers are calling on the Social Security Administration (SSA) to study the issue, update their policies and offer guidance ...

Colorado lawmakers consider adding symbol to state IDs to indicate disability
9News.com KUSA
Not a physical disability. "Ultimately, starting the conversation with our law enforcement that approaching somebody with an invisible disability has to be ...

Despite risk of COVID-19, some fear people with disabilities are ignored in coronavirus response
Lansing State Journal
Laura Hall has done what she can to limit her exposure to the coronavirus. She rarely goes out, gets groceries delivered to her Okemos home, winnowed her close contacts to a small...

Disability Rights CT Files Federal Complaint Over Age-Based Vaccine Rollout
The CT Mirror
Ned Lamont's age-based vaccine distribution plan, Disability Rights Connecticut has filed a complaint with the U.S. Office for Civil Rights against the ...

For disability-rights advocate advising Missouri vaccine plan, the work is personal
Columbia Daily Tribune
Over two decades ago, Kasey Kittell opened Sara Hart Weir’s eyes to a population of people who are often overlooked. Kittell was born with Down syndrome, a condition in...

February 22, 2021

What To Look For In A Disability Organization
Most disability organizations provide at least some personal and material assistance directly to disabled people and their families. For some, direct ...

Sexual Violence and the Disability Community
Center For American Progress
In 2018, with support from the Ford Foundation, the Disability Justice Initiative and the Women's Initiative at the Center for American Progress developed ...

Sexual Violence and the Disability Community Discussion Guide
Center For American Progress
This guide is part of the Center for American Progress’ “Courageous Conversations” work, designed to bring together reproductive justice and disability justice advocates to...

'I put my life on hold:' Disability groups plead for vaccine
ABC News
Though many people with disabilities are more vulnerable to COVID-19, in some U.S. states they're being left behind in a massive effort to get limited vaccines into...

Improving disability accessibility across Springfield College’s campus
SC Student Media
Before there were building codes, laws, and state legislation, it was not easy for people with a disability (PWD), or a person who uses a wheelchair to ...

After four years of planning, Duke Disability Cultural Center to open this semester
Duke Chronicle
Members of the Duke Disability Alliance began developing plans for the Center in 2017, wrote senior Maddie Fowler, DDA's former co-president and a ...

The Guardian view on disability and Covid: shine a light
The Guardian
Six out of 10 people who died from Covid until November last year had a disability, with disabled adults aged 18-34 dying at 30 times the rate of the ...

February 15, 2021

Disability appeals take months, sometimes years, just for a hearing
Disability claimants who have their cases denied and have to go through the appeals process often have no idea when their case will finally be heard.

Unfavorable Attitudes To Disabled People Rife Amongst Medics, Says New Study
It is naive to think that long-standing, long before the pandemic, ableist biases and negative attitudes towards disability amongst medical practitioners ...

5 steps to creating a disability inclusive workplace
Employee Benefit News
Growing up in a family where everyone has a disability was a normal part of life for Tova Sherman, CEO of Reachability, an organization that provides ...

We need beach access for everyone, and that includes people with a disability
The Conversation AU
Their disability arises not from their impairments but from having to live in world designed by people who think everyone is the same. It is society, not the ...

Prioritizing Equity video series: COVID-19 & disability
American Medical Association
Prioritizing Equity: COVID-19 & Disability. In this week's edition of our Prioritizing Equity series, join health justice leaders and advocates as they ...

February 8, 2021

Meet Warren "Wawa" Snipe, the man performing the national anthem in ASL at the Super Bowl
CBS News
Snipe, who is Deaf, is set to perform the national anthem and "America the Beautiful" in American Sign Language (ASL) during the event's pregame, the...

Do People Who Have Long-Term COVID-19 Symptoms Qualify For Disability Benefits?
... have debilitating symptoms many months later. As scientists try to understand, advocates are trying to figure out if they qualify for disability benefits.

'Filled With Fear': Disability Rights Advocates Say An Age-Based Vaccine Line Leaves Them Behind
Disability rights advocates in California are voicing their concerns about the state's decision last week to move to an age-based priority system for the ...

Doctors share views on patients with disability
Harvard Gazette
“That physicians have negative attitudes about patients with disability wasn't surprising,” said Lisa I. Iezzoni, lead author of the paper and a health care ...

February 1, 2021

Bipartisan Disability Caucus, Advocates Start Discussion On Needs of People With Disabilities
“About 25 percent of New Jersey adults have some type of disability, but there remains a disconnect in our state, and a discrepancy, on how those ...

2020: The Year The Conversation Around Disability Business Inclusion Shifted
However, there must be a concerted effort to drive progress forward at a greater pace – only 3% of articles on diversity last year referenced disability. The ...

Why One TV Writer Went From Hiding Her Disability To Advocating: ‘We Need Disabled People In All Levels’
A white woman with red hair smiles while sitting in a wheelchair. Katherine Beattie, who has cerebral palsy, advocates for disability inclusion in ...

Fast Retailing Joins Global Initiative to Target Disability Inclusion
Fast Retailing Joins Global Initiative to Target Disability Inclusion. The Uniqlo parent has signed on to the Valuable 500, following in the footsteps of ...

Northeast ADA Center Launches Disability Employment Toolkit for Small Businesses
It also features easy-to-understand, practical advice on disability employment best practices, along with expert guidance on following Title I of the ...

January 25, 2021

These are your rights as a tenant in Pennsylvania if you have disability
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Finding a place to rent can be difficult, and it can be particularly complicated if you have a disability. Sometimes, you might need specific modifications ...

Disability, “No True Scotsman,” And “Zero Sum Thinking”
Disability thinking and discourse have for a long time been especially plagued by two common but harmful logical fallacies – sometimes known as “No ...

Disability Discrimination In Health Care Under Scrutiny
Disability Scoop
The move comes as the agency said that it “is aware that significant discrimination on the basis of disability against persons with disabilities persists in ...

Robust Disability Employee Networks Key To Shaping Post-Pandemic Workplace Inclusion
Disability employee networks and resource groups, also known as ERGs, are that elemental bottom-up driver of inclusive disability-confident ...

Representative Jimmy Anderson on disability and voting rights.
...disability community in Wisconsin demands better access to voting” by Nora Eckert, published earlier this week, shows just how difficult voting...

January 18, 2021

5 Reasons Why Disability Issues Should Be A Higher Priority, Even Now
Disability issues in particular risk being sidelined even more than they usually are. Despite some notable recent success in bringing disability policy to ...

Proposed Va. bill would protect against workplace discrimination based on disability
It also adds disability as a protected class and adds the federal American Disabilities Act into the Virginia code. Sickles serves as chair of the Health, ...

18 Books That Will Help You Better Understand Disability And Chronic Illness
BuzzFeed News
Disability activist Alice Wong collects a wide range of disabled voices in this vital, intersectional anthology. In the horrifying essay “The Isolation of ...

IU Research Institute Admins Disability Resource Database
Inside INdiana Business
BLOOMINGTON - Indiana University's Indiana Institute on Disability and Community and the AWS Foundation of Fort Wayne are partnering to ...

January 11, 2021

Drivers with a disability can obtain a voluntary disability self-disclosure card
As of January 1, people who have developmental disabilities are able to obtain a card from the Motor Vehicle Administration that allows them to voluntarily disclose that...

Meet InReturn Strategies, a start-up intent on unlocking the value of America’s disabled workforce
Washington Post
In job interviews, he said, he felt pressured to downplay his disability because he didn't want to be perceived as a burden. And when he wound up ...

Longtime disability rights advocate Michelle Duprey named to New Haven legal staff
New Haven Register
“Even though I will no longer be the public voice for the disability community, I feel being given this exciting opportunity demonstrates that those with ...

January 4, 2021

Disability in America: Northampton filmmaker probes environmental and public health factors
The Recorder
Bush, marking the first major effort to protect people from discrimination because they had a disability — much as the Civil Rights Act of 1964 outlawed ...

Navigating the education-to-career transition as a person with a disability
Atlanta Business Chronicle
Cristian Rogers is a 19-year-old man with Down syndrome living in Johns Creek, Georgia. After graduating from high school, Rogers began working at ...

Government proposes to set up University of Disability Studies and Rehabilitation Sciences
The Tribune
In this regard, the Department of Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities said, a draft bill namely the University of Disability Studies and Rehabilitation ...

Disability Advocacy Group Revamps Prison Reentry Program
Spectrum News
Sharif Brown of Raleigh's Alliance of Disability Advocates is the manager of the Prison Reentry Program. Brown and his team typically work with the ...

5 New Year’s Resolutions For People With Disabilities
Explore disability issues and culture. Being disabled is often a solitary experience. Unlike many other “minorities”, disability usually doesn't come with a ...

December 28, 2020

Oregon Hospitals Told Not To Withhold Care Because Of A Person's Disability
Federal law says they can't rule out someone based on disability or age. But some worry the decisions are made behind closed doors.

An Employer’s Guide To Implementing Disability Accommodations In 2021
This last one is a policy the disability community has been advocating for, unsuccessfully, for years. Employers, citing concerns of decreased productivity ...

The Guardian view on disability rights: a deficit of attention
The Guardian
The BBC screened The Disability Paradox, a thoughtful and introspective documentary by the Northern Irish film-maker Chris Lynch. On Netflix, Crip ...

Disability Advocates Still Have Questions About Colorado’s COVID-19 Vaccine Plan
Colorado Public Radio
Kenny Maestas works with the Colorado Cross-Disability Coalition and has been collaborating with the state on these issues. Maestas joined the state's ...

December 21, 2020

How To Do Something Good In The Disability Community If You’re Not Disabled
Changing this power dynamic has been a major goal of the disability rights movement. The growing prominence and leadership of actual disabled ...

Ministry of Health in Kurdistan, UNFPA open the disability-friendly reproductive health facilities in Erbil Governorate
UNFPA is also operating a disability-friendly reproductive health facility in Mosul, Nineveh Governorate. The Minister of Labour and Social Affairs, Ms ...

Disability Advocates Urge People To Get Vaccinated Against COVID-19
Disability Scoop
In a statement, 20 advocacy groups are calling on people in the disability community to be immunized. “We encourage our stakeholders to receive the ...

December 14, 2020

The Next Wave of Disability Law
The Regulatory Review
The future of disability antidiscrimination efforts should account for pervasive and normative biases ...

Alumni commemorate ADA 30 with iconic national disability rights leaders
Yale News
Moderating the event were Janni Lehrer-Stein '78, an attorney and disability rights advocate who served on the National Council on Disability in the ...

From Glassboro to Kenya to the UN, fighting for disability rights, inclusive education
Rowan Today
Founded in 2015, Tangata Group is a human and disability rights-based organization that serves as a resource of information, strategies, ideas and ...

December 7, 2020

To See and Be Seen: These Dancers Make Disability Visible
The New York Times
Heidi Latsky's “On Display” and Kinetic Light's “Descent” show the broadness and diversity of the field of disability dance.

What’s Next For Disability Policy? Here Are Four First Steps
On the other hand, progress on disability issues has almost always proceeded below the surface of politics and current events. There's no particular ...

Disability: A tale of two societies
Deccan Herald
The social stigma of disability often brings a deep sense of shame and guilt that robs the disabled of any feeling of self-worth and self-esteem. A ...

Disability Services Center Makes Campus Life Accessible for All – Even When It’s Remote
Rhode Island College News
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) defines an individual with a disability as a person who has a "physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or...

November 30, 2020

Is Narcolepsy a Disability?
A disability is defined as any condition that interferes with your capacity to do your job or other daily activities. The World Health Organization (WHO) ...

How state courts use disability to remove Native children from their homes
UC Berkeley
Today, Callow discusses how Native communities are still forced to exist in societal systems that use disability to justify taking Native children away from ...

The Crown's learning disability storyline highlights painful lack of progress
The Guardian
But this month, the BBC is commemorating the 25th anniversary of the Disability Discrimination Act and seemingly only physically disabled people are ...

November 23, 2020

Scary Is How You Act, Not Look, Disability Advocates Tell Filmmakers
The New York Times
While Hathaway and Warner Bros. apologized, many saw the damage as already done. Here, yet again, was a villain with a disability, one of the oldest, ...

The Black List, Media Access Awards, Easterseals Disability Services, WGA Writers with Disabilities Committee Unveil 2020 Disability List
“Having a disability is not a death sentence. As these winning scripts show, people with disabilities have lives as funny, complex, and utterly human as ...

Kiera Allen of ‘Run’ on Upending Disability Stereotypes
The New York Times
Her disability is a part of that, but it doesn't define who she is. It's similar to the way I view myself.

How disability diversity in the workplace can improve productivity
It pays to be diverse and inclusive. Their paper, “Inclusive Manufacturing: The impact of Disability Diversity on Productivity in a Work Integration Social ...

Feds Work To Ensure Rights Of Parents With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
Federal officials are pushing for changes after the parental rights of a young mother with intellectual disability were terminated. The U.S. Department of ...

November 16, 2020

National Disability Mentoring Day Event a Success
Southern Miss Now
The ToTAL Program is provided through the Institute for Disability Studies (IDS) at The University of Southern Mississippi (USM), Mississippi's University ...

Biden Victory Brings High Hopes For Disability Community
Disability Scoop
Joe Biden’s campaign put forward a broad plan to address the needs of people with disabilities. Now advocates are optimistic as the former vice president prepares to assume the presidency.

3 Models Underlying Assumptions About Disability
Psychology Today
This model encompasses beliefs that disabled people or their families are morally responsible for their disability. According to the moral model, disability ...

Disability Groups Worried As Supreme Court Weighs Affordable Care Act
Disability Scoop
Nineteen national disability advocacy groups filed an amicus brief with the Supreme Court urging that the law be upheld, arguing that it “uniquely and ...

November 9, 2020

Anne Hathaway, Warner Bros. apologize after 'The Witches' faces criticism from disability advocates
NBC News
Many disability advocates criticized the film after photos of Anne Hathaway's character surfaced online. Her character can be seen with three webbed ...

10 Local Offices on the Ballot That Are Important to the Disability Community
Center For American Progress
Voter participation in local elections is often eclipsed by that of federal and presidential elections. However, local politics have a distinct and often outsize effect on the experiences...

Entertainers discuss disability representation
The Columbian
Only two of those actors actually had a disability — Marlee Matlin in “Children of a Lesser God” and Harold Russell in “The Best Years of Our Lives.”.

Rights and Justice: Disability Advocates Blazing Trails
YES! Magazine
Celebrated disability rights activist Judy Heumann appeared on our Zoom call wearing large black glasses, in her power chair. “I like to get to know ...

Our adult son has a learning disability. How will he cope as coronavirus surges?
The Guardian
Thomas has Down's syndrome and a severe learning disability and lives in a residential home; until recently, he hadn't been able to see his family ...

Prison Is Even Worse When You Have a Disability Like Autism
The Marshall Project
Have a Disability Like Autism. State officials often fail to identify prisoners with developmental disorders, a group that faces overwhelming challenges ...

November 2, 2020

SoundWatch: New smartwatch app alerts d/Deaf and hard-of-hearing users to birdsong, sirens and other desired sounds
UW News
Smartwatches offer people a private method for getting notifications about their surroundings — such as a phone call, health alerts or an upcoming package delivery...

The Six Short Films Of “CripTales” Tell Authentic Stories Of Disability
These films succeed both as a collective artistic statement, and as an unusually in-depth experience in disability awareness. Anyone who wants to ...

Entertainers discuss disability representation in Hollywood
Minneapolis Star Tribune
It's an old cliche that if an actor wants to win an Oscar, they should consider playing a character with a disability. And it's not entirely unfounded ...

Heading To The Polls? If You Have A Disability, Here's What To Know
Voting With A Disability: Rights To Remember On Election Day Plan ahead and know your rights. And don't leave that polling place without casting ...

Mindset Matters: Arguing For A New Strategy On Disability Employment
National Disability Employment Awareness Month can trace its origins back to 1945 at the end of World War II when Congress enacted a law declaring ...

October 26, 2020

A first look at our disability representation stats
This is a small but incredibly important step on our journey with disability inclusion, a journey intrinsically linked to Microsoft's mission – “to empower ...

Why Voting Matters for the Disability Community
Center For American Progress
As the 2020 election nears the finish line, Americans are increasingly bombarded with political ads and neighborhood yard signs—all trying...

Campus archives reveal genesis of U.S. disability rights movement
UC Berkeley
After he graduated with a bachelor's degree in English in 1982, O'Brien went on to publish his work in literary magazines and to advocate for disability ...

Mindset Matters: Disability And The Power Of Patience As A Business Asset
Disability is an art. It's an ingenious way to live.” As we round out the discovery of these triumvirate themes that have defined this new Disability Narrative ...

Man says his signature changes due to learning disability, and his ballot has been rejected because of it
Bryce Tuttle has a learning disability that affects his handwriting, and now his ballot. His absentee ballot was rejected by the ...

October 19, 2020

Repealing the ACA Would Create Chaos for the Disability Community During a Pandemic
Center For American Progress
Poverty is both a cause and a consequence of disability, an unsurprising fact considering that the significant expenses of health care make it the No. 1 reason individuals file for bankruptcy...

How COVID-19 exposes a disability reporting gap
The disability community is disproportionately affected by issues like police violence and climate change. But media rarely includes disabled voices.

October 12, 2020

Meet the Black woman advocating for greater disability visibility
NBC News
A daughter, sister and friend. LaVant is also among the estimated 61 million people in the U.S., according to federal data, living with a disability — in her ...

Disability Groups Oppose Supreme Court Nominee
Disability Scoop
More than 50 disability advocacy groups are calling on senators to reject Barrett's nomination, citing her record in cases relevant to disability rights ...

A Guide to Disability Resources for Remote Learning
Azusa Pacific University
Azusa Pacific University understands this and has gone to great lengths to pivot its accommodations and services for disability resources.

October 5, 2020

Here Are Some Dos And Don’ts Of Disability Language
Some use words to unify the diverse disability community, while others strive for specificity and ever finer distinctions between different disabilities and ...

Words Have Power: How To Get Comfortable Talking About Disability
Most of the disabled people that I work alongside and am friends with consider their disability a key part of their identity. It defines them in a way that ...

Students are left to fend for themselves when disability is not valued at Hopkins
Johns Hopkins News-Letter
Changes at Student Disability Services have placed an undue burden on the students they serve. Self-advocacy is an important tool that ...

Study Finds Recreation Websites Lacking in Disability Inclusion
Inside Higher Ed
Similarly, while researchers identified 49 total inclusive images across the 24 websites, 14 of the programs “showed neither a person with a disability ...

Let’s Talk About Sex and Disability
Cerebral Palsy News Today
Battling antiquated ideas about what physical disability means for sexuality is something I took up as an undergraduate honors thesis. But however ...

September 28, 2020

Hollywood Continues To Overlook Disability Community, Report Shows
Disability Scoop
In an analysis of the 100 top-grossing films from 2019, researchers found that the disability community was missing from 48 of them. Moreover, 77 of ...

‘Sesame Street’ Helping Kids With Autism Learn To Wear Face Masks
Disability Scoop
Ginsburg Remembered For Impact On Disability Rights. Best known for standing up for women's rights, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader ...

September 21, 2020

Hopes Fade For Coronavirus Relief For People With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
Disability advocates have been pressing lawmakers in Washington since the start of the pandemic to address the needs of people with disabilities, ...

‘Indisposable’ Reveals the Lived Experience of Disability Through Art
Davidson News
The exhibition features visual and performing artists, writers, poets and activists whose work focuses on disability. The novel coronavirus sweeping ...

OPINION: Disability parking enforcement, in the end, is about empowerment
Fall River Herald News
The Fall River Commission on Disability was established in August 2006 as a result of an accessibility complaint filed with the Department of Justice by a ....

September 14, 2020

Remote learning may not be an option for children with disabilities
ONONDAGA COUNTY, N.Y. (WSYR-TV) — Though Wednesday was the first day of school for those in the Westhill Central School District, all kids will ...

Views of disability, deafness
Jaipreet Virdi was living and teaching in Canada, where she had grown up and earned her doctorate in the history of science, technology and medicine, when she found out about a job opening on the faculty of the University...

Disability Activist Melissa Blake Speaks Out After TikTok Challenge Mocks People With Disabilities
Here And Now
Some of these videos featured photos of Melissa Blake, a disability activist who was born with a rare genetic bone and muscular disorder called...

Academy Awards Make Push For Increased Disability Representation
Disability Scoop
For the first time, movies will have to meet inclusion standards in order to contend for best picture at the Oscars and disability representation is a...

Metro Disability Coalition says TARC isn't following COVID-19 guidelines
Courier Journal
Leaders with the Metro Disability Coalition protested Tuesday what they called a "horrible situation" facing drivers with disabilities aboard Transit...

September 8, 2020

Kansas Disability Services Were Supposed to Get a Boost, but the Pandemic Changed That
The state was prepared to give organizations that provide in-home care and disability services a $9 million funding increase this year to help boost ...

Ending Census Early Could Impact Disability Programs For Years
Disability Scoop
But this month, the agency announced that it would instead halt all collection activities Sept. 30. Now, disability advocates are worried that the shortened ...

August 31, 2020

The Wariness That Comes With Disability
Charcot-Marie-Tooth News
Although there are many words to describe the disabled experience, I’ve been thinking a lot about the word “wariness” this week...

When the World Shut Down, They Saw It Open
The New York Times
Andraéa LaVant, a disability inclusion consultant, said that the pandemic has increased awareness around the efficiency of remote work...

Websites become new focus of disability rights in age of COVID-19
San José Spotlight
But Autumn Elliott, senior counsel at Disability Rights of California, said lawsuits often are the only avenue for access without other methods of ...

Mentally Preparing To Return To Work With A Disability
Experiencing a severe health condition or injury that prevents you from working is a serious enough issue to deal with – not to mention the financial hardships and potential loss of savings and retirement funds that can come with it...

August 24, 2020

‘A powerful shift’: Disability advocacy, once an afterthought in presidential races, gains new traction
Advocates gained new traction during the campaign, pushing the full slate of Democratic candidates to discuss and define their stances on disability ...

It’s time for business to fix the ‘disability inequality crisis’: Activist and entrepreneur
Disability activist, social entrepreneur and founder of The Valuable 500 initiative, Caroline Casey, has told CNBC that business needs to be at the ...

States Pressured To Remove Disability Bias From Medical Care Guidelines
Disability Scoop
Disability advocacy groups have filed complaints against nearly a dozen states alleging that such plans discriminate against people with disabilities.

August 17, 2020

Yes, Disability Is Political
Yahoo Lifestyle
Disability can intersect with any marginalized group. To not amplify and advocate for those voices within our community is dividing us further. Being ...

Disability and COVID-19: A deadly virus made worse by discrimination
Yahoo Sports
The coronavirus crisis has exposed existing inequalities in the UK and “excluded” disabled people from society, campaigners have warned. As the UK ...

Blood, Snot and Tears: A celebration of life and disability
International Paralympic Committee
Blood, Snot and Tears: A celebration of life and disability. 'Many years later, I would learn that just as the struggle of black people is not to be white nor ...

August 10, 2020

Mindset Matters: Navigating Disability, And The Relationship Between Art And Commerce
In the piece, Fowler describes his reservations of whether someone with a disability would be fully embraced by Hollywood to the feeling that the ...

Wanted: allies in the fight for disability rights
The Boston Globe
Wanted: allies in the fight for disability rights. 'We don't have allies. It's just people in wheelchairs,' said Carol Steinberg. By Joan Vennochi Globe...

Say their names. Don't erase their disability
Duke Chronicle
If we demand justice and equality for all Black lives, we must examine our meaning of the word “all” and affirm its inclusivity.

Raising the bar on disability care
Medical Xpress
Lead researcher, Flinders Professor of Disability and Community Inclusion Sally Robinson, says there is a pressing need to be able to monitor and ...

My visual-spatial disability meant I struggled with everything from boarding a bus to recognizing my own face in the mirror. Then I challenged my insecurities with jewelry-making.
As a teenager, Insider reporter Margot Harris was diagnosed with a learning disability that impaired her visual-spatial reasoning. She moved through ...

Disability Rights Activist to UN Security Council: No More Empty Promises
Human Rights Watch
“What are you going to do for us people with disabilities?” This was the question Raja Abdullah Almasabi, a disability rights defender from Yemen, ...

August 3, 2020

Mindset Matters: The New Wave Of Disability Culture Beyond The Americans With Disabilities Act
The next wave of disability advocates does not solely lie in the political arena, but rather in the realm of the artistic minds of there creators. Film and...

Multinationals Must Ensure Policy, Not Geography Drives Disability Inclusion
What is missing, is the adoption of a global strategy for disability inclusion, which seeks to establish a consistent approach across all geographies...

On ADA Anniversary, Advocates Say Disability Community Facing Setback During COVID-19
Spectrum News
What You Need To Know. Americans with Disabilities Act passed in 1990; Disability SA connects people with disabilities to resources; Nonprofit's...

28 Ways to Learn About Disability Culture
The New York Times
New York Times staff members put their heads together with disability advocates to recommend movies, books, TV shows, dance and art that capture...

Western New Yorkers celebrate Disability Pride Day virtually for the 30th anniversary of the ADA
While the Western New York Disability Pride Parade and Festival usually takes place in downtown Buffalo and at Canalside, this year organizers...

July 27, 2020

Apple, creatives, and disability rights activists reflect on 30 years of the Americans with Disabilities Act
Apple Newsroom
“There really should not be any layer between the things I can do on my iPhone and the things someone who doesn't have a disability can do.”

After #OscarsSoWhite, Disability Waits for Its Moment
The New York Times
After #OscarsSoWhite, Disability Waits for Its Moment. Actors with disabilities are rarely tapped to play disabled characters. Ali Stroker, Marlee Matlin and...

Some Ancient Greek Temples Had 'Disability Ramps', According to This Researcher
In ancient Greece, several hundred years before the common era and long before the invention of wheelchairs, some holy sanctuaries may have been...

My disability taught me that not all workers need to be the same
Seattle Times
I was born in Olympia in 1983, seven years before the passage of the Americans with Disability Act. July 26 marks the 30th anniversary of this...

The New York Times’ special section on disability is available in Braille and audio and has its own style guide
Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard
The project quickly grew in scope, especially once editors met with consultants in the disability community to help shape the coverage. Editors working...

July 20, 2020

Disability Equality Index reveals 2020 “Best Places to Work for Disability Inclusion"
The Disability Equality Index (DEI), the nation's most comprehensive annual benchmarking...

Disability Pride: The High Expectations of a New Generation
The New York Times
Disability Pride: The High Expectations of a New Generation. Millions of young people grew up knowing the landmark Americans With Disabilities Act as...

Mindset Matters: The Evolution Of Disability In Corporate Life And The Next American Frontier
The disability community must play a fundamental role in the growth of business for the 21st century. In the nascent description of The Americans with...

Enchanted Chapters, bookstore catering to disability community, closing after 10 months
It wasn't the inaugural year Andrea Montepagano hoped to have for her business. Enchanted Chapters, the north Phoenix bookstore with an...

July 13, 2020

New research reveals strategies for global disability inclusion
The Global Recruiter
The study, called 'Towards a Disability-Smart World: Developing a global disability inclusion strategy', was conducted by Business Disability Forum in...

‘The Baby-Sitters Club’: The Regrettable Persistence of Pretty Portrayals of Childhood Disability
All of this is to say that, as a kid, I latched on to the few characters who had anything passing for a disability, whether that was Lieutenant Dan (Gary...

Quadriplegic man’s death from covid-19 spotlights questions of disability, race and family
Washington Post
In the days after Hickson's June 11 death, the audio recording shared by his wife has created a furor among disability rights activists across the United...

Disability Community Challenged By Pandemic
NBC Connecticut
Some experts worry the disability community has been left out of conversations on how to reopen businesses...

30 Years After ADA Passes, National Council on Disability Still Puts Mission First
Associations Now
The National Council on Disability sees its role today the same as it did when it helped usher in the Americans with Disabilities Act in July 1990: ...

July 6, 2020

We Need To Stop Patrolling The Borders Of Disability
That includes nondisabled people openly hostile to disability, but also some of our allies, and disabled people ourselves. “Handicapped” Parking. One of...

Beware of discrimination in the workplace based on age and disability
Williamson Daily News
A disability can occur at any age, but under federal law, a person age 40 years or older is considered an older worker. The protections for older workers ...

Tennessee Updates Virus Plan After Disability Groups Protest
Bloomberg Law
The OCR is the arm of HHS that enforces federal antidiscrimination laws. The agency took the case after receiving a complaint from Disability Rights...

June 29, 2020

Disability community advocate: 'We can’t warehouse humans'
The Center for Disability Rights hosted a webinar Monday that looked at the impact of the Olmstead v. L.C. decision, and attendees discussed ways to...

Carolyn Hax: A less visible disability is still a disability
Washington Post
Debilitating pain is a disability. On top of that, your brain is lying to you about it. Please stop beating yourself up for not looking like Tiny Tim. — ...

Community Conversations across Texas will focus on disability issues
AgriLife Today
Disability conversations. Input during the Community Conversations will then be used to shape TCDD's next state plan priorities and other educational...

June 22, 2020

3 Ways Candidates Can Make A Real Difference On Disability Employment
This is the second article in a series on disability issues that could influence disabled people's votes in the U.S. General Elections this coming...

Disability, Codependency, and Narcissistic Relationships
Hemophilia News Today
Persons with disability (PwDs) are often dependent on other people for their needs. They may rely on others for access to basic amenities, or for...

Centering the Disability and Aging Communities in Federal Emergency Response Efforts
Center For American Progress
The Real Emergency Access for Aging and Disability Inclusion (REAADI) for Disasters Act and the Disaster Relief Medicaid Act (DRMA)—two federal...

Cortese: Celebrating the life of a disability rights champion
San José Spotlight
Her passion for giving a voice to this quiet population and her years on disability advisory commissions and boards led...

June 15, 2020

4 Disability Clichés, And What You Can Say Instead
To reduce disability to just another characteristic, weakness, or flaw that anyone can have. In effect, it's an effort to get around the social stigma of...

Hospitals Told To Allow Visitors For Individuals With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
Disability advocates said that while the resolution is specific to Connecticut, its significance extends beyond the state. “Today's resolution sets a national...

Worker with disability alleges inflexible return-to-work order was discriminatory
HR Dive
He sued, alleging, among other things, discrimination based on the employer's refusal to reasonably accommodate his disability. Dive Insight: The...

Disability justice and racial equity go hand in hand, city's advocate says
Rochester City Newspaper
When the pandemic reached Rochester, the city's equity coordinator, Luticha André Doucette, was concerned for her safety. Doucette has a disability...

Disability Benefits are Vital for Those Facing Medical Issues
Pasadena Now
For those facing debilitating medical or mental issues, seeking income protection by applying for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits...

June 8, 2020

5 Disability Issues Candidates Need To Understand For The 2020 Elections
That's partly because disability-related benefits are largely designed around traditional ideas about disabled people being by definition unable to work...

‘I cried for days’: Wisconsin blocks pandemic payments for federal disability aid recipients
Jessica Barrera, who receives Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), lost her part-time job at Groome Transportation in Eau Claire, Wis., due to the...

June 1, 2020

We Know There’s A Disability Community, Because We Mourn Our Losses
When a young, admired, and beloved disability activist named Stacey Park Milbern passed away last week, I found myself once again going through...

COVID-19 doesn't cancel out the ADA: disability rights during a pandemic
KUOW News and Information
We spoke to attorney and disability rights advocate Robyn Powell about what she's seeing in the community, and her own experience as someone...

Disability Advocates Fear Losing The Fight For Inclusion In Post-Pandemic Hollywood
Her work is notable in an industry still grappling with a dearth of disability-centric storylines and characters. Although representation has seen some...

Disability Equals Disenfranchisement, Lawsuit Says
They are represented by law firms including Disability Rights Advocates, Disability Rights New York, and Brown Goldstein Levy LLP, a leading firm in...

Disability rights advocates' online vigil honors 'unseen and unheard' voices
Denton Record Chronicle
Val Vera, a disability justice activist, said people with disabilities need equal rights now more than ever. While the coronavirus pandemic has amplified...

Google Offering New Tools To Help Those With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
Google is introducing new technology to simplify smartphones for those with cognitive disabilities and it’s beefing up its map program to make it easier to know if destinations are accessible...

May 25, 2020

In The World Of Disability, Outrage Comes Naturally, But Action Endures
This has always been a difficult question in disability culture and activism. There is a very longstanding gap between people's willingness, even...

Covid-19 Crisis Triage — Optimizing Health Outcomes and Disability Rights
Disability rights advocates are urging Congress to prohibit crisis triage based on “anticipated or demonstrated resource-intensity needs, the relative...

Vote by Mail Is One of Many Ways To Ensure the Disability Community Is Included in the Next Election
Center For American Progress
There is not a universal solution when developing a voting system that can meet the needs of the entire disability community. Accommodations for one...

Guest Column: Mobility, Disability, and Diversity During the Pandemic
Streetsblog MASS (blog)
Yet Medicaid-funded disability service providers are at risk of closing permanently because they lack funding to cover overtime and hazard pay for...

Disability, Aging Advocates Caution About Reopening Too Quickly
Wisconsin Public Radio News
Disability, Aging Advocates Caution About Reopening Too Quickly. Advocates Warn High-Risk Communities Rely On Community Action. By Bram Sable...

Respecting Disability Rights — Toward Improved Crisis Standards of Care
Disability Rights Advocates' Objections to States' Critical Care Allocation Frameworks. Pressure is put on that commitment when the need arises to ...

May 18, 2020

Growing Up Alongside a Sibling With a Disability
The New York Times
Growing Up Alongside a Sibling With a Disability. When children help with the education of a brother or sister with special needs, the outcomes are often ...

My mom is limited by a disability, but she still shows up in all the ways that matter
Washington Post
Disability and disease are hard to talk about. Because Western society operates on denial that dampens our realities as vulnerable, mortal beings...

Newsom shakes up disability politics
Newsom shakes up disability politics. California lawmakers are demanding details about the state's vetting of Blue Flame Medical and other sellers of...

Readers respond: Disability workers need support
Yet Medicaid-funded disability service providers are at risk of closing permanently because they lack funding to cover overtime and hazard pay for...

As a person with a disability, quarantine is what I deal with every day
Since a car accident at a young age left me paralyzed, I have been a full-time wheelchair user. Having a disability has often forced me to be isolated...

Disability denials can amount to a ‘death sentence,’ judge says in Mississippi case
Jackson Clarion Ledger
“The injustices of the disability payment system are both many and deep,” Reeves ruled. “Research suggests the majority of denials may be incorrect, ...

May 11, 2020

Let COVID-19 expand awareness of disability tech
All around me, I see academic colleagues adopting disability-led hacks and long-sought accommodations. I wish everyone had thought about these...

Returning To Work, Disability, And COVID-19
Jennifer's persistent asthma would probably qualify as a disability, so the next question, Dinerstein explains, is whether what she is doing is an “essential ...

Disability Service Providers Struggling To Stay Afloat Amid COVID-19
Disability Scoop
Janie Desmond who has visual impairment and mild intellectual disability comes to the edge of her porch for a portrait in Durham, N.C. Desmond is...

May 4, 2020

COVID-19 Teaches Us A Lot About Differences In The Disability Community
The iron vice of pandemic is making some major cracks in the disability community a lot more visible. It's not difficult to see how COVID-19 affects...

5 Reasons Why There’s No Wrong Time To Fight For Disability Rights
The disability community's place in a society shaken by a major crisis — like a global pandemic — is a lot like a disabled person stuck in a crowded ...

Disability advocates say hospital recommendation falls short
Meriden Record-Journal
Disability rights advocates contend Connecticut officials haven't done enough to ensure people with intellectual...

Disability and climate change: How climate-related hazards increase vulnerabilities among the most at risk populations
Disability and climate change: How climate-related hazards increase vulnerabilities among the most at risk populations and the necessary ...

Disability Will Be Part Of The New Normal
The only abnormal part of disability is that much of society still blanches at moving beyond lip service or grudging regulatory compliance when it comes ...

April 27, 2020

3 Ways The COVID-19 Pandemic Could Change Disability Policies And Practices
And in the disability sphere especially, our experience with the pandemic, however it turns out in the end, may suggest new ways of looking at some...

Mental Health And Disability Inclusion: How To Make Sure You Are Commissioning Credible Support Services For Your Business
Experts by experience can't necessarily navigate the tricky legal boundaries of “reasonable” in disability support and we will need a broad spectrum of...

Feds Urged To Prevent COVID-19 Disability Discrimination
Disability Scoop
The move came after disability advocates filed complaints with the HHS Office for Civil rights alleging that plans established by multiple states telling...

A Disability Should Not Invalidate a Person’s Worthiness—Especially During a Pandemic
Ms. Magazine
Even though I have a Ph.D. in social work and am an instructor in Disability Studies at the University of Texas at Austin, my eyes welled up with tears...

April 20, 2020

How a CSE student's hearing disability shaped his experiences in diverse environments
Jain, waving for help, was fortunately spotted by a crew member who pulled him into safety. This wasn't the first time Jain had encountered a disability-...

Duke Disability Cultural Center opening on hold due to campus closure
Duke Chronicle
The opening of a Disability Cultural Center was a project three years in the making for Duke Disability Alliance. Now, it will have to wait at least until...

Disability Representation In Family Films Hits Historic High
Disability Scoop
There was a lead character with a disability in 8 percent of the 100 top-grossing family films last year, a historic high. By contrast, this statistic sat at just...

Pennsylvania Reverses Guidance on Disability Care During Covid-19
Bloomberg Law
Pennsylvania's response to the Covid-19 pandemic will now comply with federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination based on disability, ...

‘Crip Camp’ captures a very vivid moment in disability rights struggle
48 Hills
It changed his life, and the spirit of it led many former counselors and campers to fight for disability rights and ultimately, get the Americans with ...

April 13, 2020

Coping with disease and disability in the time of coronavirus
In the midst of the pandemic, those who live with disability or contend with a chronic illness are now at a double disadvantage...

Disability and unemployment: COVID-19 heightens existing inequalities, says expert
He says any jobs they could previously obtain or the flexibility they once had to accommodate their disability are now heavily affected by the COVID-19...

The very worst time to dismantle the disability safety net
New York Daily News
Now is not the time for more disruptions and freelancing of unproven theories. Advertisement. I know our country's disability system works because I've...

April 6, 2020

U.S. Civil Rights Office Rejects Rationing Medical Care Based on Disability, Age
The New York Times
He said his office had heard from “a broad spectrum of civil rights groups, pro-life groups, disability rights groups, from prominent members of Congress...

Coronavirus Proposals Leave the Disability Community Behind
Center For American Progress
Fortunately, there are several proposals that would have a positive impact on the economic status, health care, and civil rights of the disability community...

Disability groups file discrimination complaint challenging Kansas' COVID-19 treatment rationing policy change
Disability Rights Kansas, Topeka Independent Living Center, Tessa Goupil and other legal advocacy partners have filed a complaint with...

How the directors of Netflix and the Obamas' 'Crip Camp' documented a 'disability revolution'
The Hill
It tells the story of a camp for disabled teens in the 1970s, many of whom went on to become heavily involved in disability activism. Netflix's documentary...

March 30, 2020

Disabled advocates warn coronavirus stimulus does not address pandemic's impact on community
The Hill
“There is nothing that the disability community asked for in these bills,” Rebecca Cokley, director of the liberal Center for American Progress's...

In ‘Crip Camp,’ a rare spotlight for disability rights
Washington Post
Heumann, who had polio as a baby and uses a wheelchair, has for decades been one of the leading figures of the disability rights movement...

Adapting is Essential for Disability Services Agency in Coronavirus Response
One nonprofit agency is doing everything possible to bring structure and unity to members’ days, and bring smiles to their faces...

March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Brings Added Worries For People With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
But anyone with intellectual disability, moderate to severe developmental delay, muscular dystrophy or brain disorders may also be more susceptible...

Do Your D&I Efforts Include People with Disabilities?
Harvard Business Review
Internally, Virgin Media created a disability awareness guide for line managers and works with its resourcing partners to ensure accessibility is...

The Coronavirus Response Shows How Crucial Accessibility Is
BuzzFeed News
It has also been deeply frustrating for those of us in the disability community, who've been asking for these accommodations — and been told they're...

Disability community will fight any attempt to discriminate over scarce medical resources
The Boston Globe
The March 17 editorial “Hospitals on the front lines as pandemic takes hold” highlights the importance of preparedness in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic...

Mindset Matters: The Coronavirus, Disability, The Lessons Learned From Resiliency
Even in this existential crisis, organizational leadership can draw from the disability experience and glean powerful lessons and tools that can be...

March 16, 2020

Twitter Prohibiting ‘Dehumanizing’ Disability Posts
Disability Scoop
Twitter is cracking down on posts that dehumanize people with disabilities, with a new policy pledging to remove such content...

Disability Representation On TV Sees Signs Of Progress
Disability Scoop
“Even where disability is present in television and films, it is almost always portrayed as an undesired, depressing and limiting state. This...

Disability discrimination complaints now top race discrimination
Only 13% of workplaces have disability-specific inclusion initiatives, according to the Society for Human Resource Management in D.C. ...

Disability And Fighting For The Right To Vote
Disability And Fighting For The Right To Vote NPR's Lulu Garcia-Navarro speaks to Lou Vaile, who fought to reinstate his disabled son's right to vote...

March 9, 2020

Twitter expands hateful conduct rules to ban dehumanizing speech around age, disability and now, disease
Today, Twitter says it's expanding its rule to also include language that dehumanizes people on the basis of their age, disability, or disease. The latter...

30 years after Americans with Disabilities Act, college students with disabilities say law is not enough
NBC News
This year marks 30 years since the Americans' with Disability Act was enacted and while significant strides have been made to accommodate students...

Exploring Disability Politics And “Four Freedoms” For People With Disabilities
Politicians have taken stands and positions on disability issues before, and made some promises too. But this election year is arguably the first time...

Disability Innovation: 3 Pitfalls To Avoid, 5 Tips For Success
The thing about innovation in the world of disability is that there are some very specific ways it tends to go wrong. Unrealistic expectations, poor planning ...

March 2, 2020

Disability Narratives Are Often Missing In Black History
The erasure of disability narratives in Black history, and in overall American history, has been occurring since the start of time. Even during a period...

5 Tips For Job-Hunting Individuals With A Disability
Finding a job that's the right fit is difficult. It's even harder if you are one of the millions of Americans with a disability. As motivated, qualified and...

Self-Help Or Activism: A Fundamental Divide In The Disability Community
It shouldn't be a surprise, but it's helpful to remember that disabled people don't always agree or get along with each other, even about disability itself ...

Six Key Character Traits Of A Disability Inclusion Leader
A leader who encourages disability inclusion has several character traits that separate them from regular business leaders. Here's how they're ...

February 24, 2020

Discovering Digital Pathways To Disability Culture
Whatever else we may feel about the benefits and drawbacks of social media, it has produced at least one clear positive. Disability Culture is thriving ...

Series explores lived experiences around ability and disability
William & Mary News
That's one of the mantras of the disability rights movement and a sentiment that helped frame the first in a series of discussions about ability and ...

Mindset Matters: Shaping The Brand Of Disability And Creating The Marketplace Of Tomorrow
For the disability community redefining and owning their narrative is critical to shaping perception in the 21st century. What we are seeing is that ...

Institute for Disability Studies Leaders to Promote Self-Advocacy in Kenya
Southern Miss Now
The University of Southern Mississippi's Institute for Disability Studies (IDS) has been awarded a ...

First Coast senator wants to end disability discrimination in organ donation
FirstCoastNews.com WTLV-WJXX
A senator from right here on the First Coast is advocating for the fair distribution of vital life-saving organs. Sen. Aaron Bean, who represents Nassau ...

Turkish students fight the stigma of disability with musicals
Daily Sabah
The students of the Foundation for the Training and Protection of Mentally Handicapped Children (ZİÇEV) in northwestern Turkey's Tekirdağ province ...

February 17, 2020

Disability Movies Aren’t What They Used To Be. That’s Good!
And in contrast with many disability films of the recent past, viewers with disabilities are unambiguous in their praise, much of their appreciation.

The Invitation ‘Come As You Are’ Gives To Disability
Though movies are slowly attempting to discuss disability or, in even smaller cases, hire disabled performers, there are still clear-cut topics that are ...

February 10, 2020

Aerie Continues To Include Authentic Disability Representation — Ali Stroker Joins #AerieREAL Role Model Family
The #AerieREAL Role Model initiative has a strong track record of authentically representing the disability community. Although many lingerie brands, ...

How to Help Someone With a Disability: Listen to Them
I'm 39. I have lived most of my life with a disability. I'm not sure when it truly started — probably early childhood, but it got severe when I started high ...

UMD needs a disability studies department
The Diamondback
Views expressed in opinion columns are the author's own. The University of Maryland touts fearless ideas and innovation, especially in science and ...

Declaring That 'Disability Rights Are Civil Rights,' Sanders Unveils 'Most Progressive' Plan of 2020 Field
Common Dreams
Sanders' sweeping disability plan addresses everything from healthcare, housing, and education to transportation, jobs and wages, and voting rights.

February 3, 2020

It’s Time To Explore The Unique And Conflicting Narratives Of Disability Issues
In at least one way, disability issues are the same as any other issue. Facts and details are important, but they don't explain the full range of debated ...

Disability-Rights Movement Takes Spotlight at Sundance
The Seattle Times
PARK CITY, Utah — During the thunderous reception for the celebratory disability-rights documentary “Crip Camp” at the Sundance Film Festival, the ...

Busting the myths around disability inclusive workplaces
Employee Benefit News
In addition to improving employee retention and engagement, disability inclusive companies can gain as much as 28% higher revenue, according to ...

January 27, 2020

Former St. Paul mayoral aide alleges discrimination for her disability
TwinCities.com-Pioneer Press
A former employee in the office of St. Paul Mayor Melvin Carter has filed a discrimination complaint against the city of St. Paul with the Minnesota ...

It’s Time For A Reimagining Of Disability Etiquette
It might be time for a new, or maybe a “reimagined,” disability etiquette. With all the progress we have made on disability rights and inclusion, and with ...

January 20, 2020

5 Ways To Think About The Complicated Relationship Between Disability And Work
Additionally, Buttigieg, Klobuchar, and Warren have proposed major changes in Social Security Disability rules that would allow disabled people who ...

Some With Disabilities Don’t See Themselves in Amy Klobuchar’s Disability Plan
Klobuchar is one of several Democratic candidates who have released disability policy proposals, including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), former ...

How comedian Maysoon Zayid finds the funny side of disability and the political side of comedy
The Hill
Maysoon Zayid, a standup comedian and political activist with cerebral palsy, explicitly incorporates her disability into her material, and says that ...

Traveling with a disability: How I've explored 13 countries in a wheelchair
Washington Post
Traveling with a disability is not easy, but it should be enjoyed by everyone. This includes Americans who have trouble walking or are unable to walk, ...

January 13, 2020

Elizabeth Warren Opens a New Front in Disability Policy
The New York Times
“Candidates are actually listening to disabled people,” said Rebecca Cokley, director of the Disability Justice Initiative at the Center for American ...

Harvard Law’s first deafblind graduate disrupting disability rights
Haben Girma was born without hearing or vision, but refuses to be hindered by her ability status—she dances, practices comedy, surfs, and frequently ...

2019 New Mobility Person of the Year: Karen Braitmayer
New Mobility
Karen Braitmayer is a certified architect, a wheelchair user with osteogenesis imperfecta and the founder of the Seattle-based accessibility consulting firm Studio Pacifica...

January 6, 2020

Disability Life In Ten Years: Fears And Hopes For 2030
At the same time, it's hard not to notice more negative trends — evidence that in some ways we may be heading in the wrong direction on disability ...

4 Ways To Understand The Diversity Of The Disability Community
It's not easy to get a handle on what “The Disability Community” thinks. In July of last year, Rutgers University professors Lisa Schur and Douglas ...

Disability community fights for higher wages
WASHINGTON (KAIT/GRAY DC) - Kyle Stumpf may be different from his co-workers, but at Papa John's, he is treated and paid like any other ...

Ableist Narratives That Poison Disability Policy And Disabled People’s Lives
SSDI payments did go up, during and just after the Great Recession, suggesting that there may actually be more to some disability determinations than ...

Giving voice to the excluded: New chamber seeks to foster job opportunities for people with disabilities
Valley morning Star
With the start of a new year and decade, a nonprofit organization designed to create job opportunities for people with disabilities is planning to launch in the Rio Grande Valley.

December 30, 2019

Social Security Administration change in disability rules could cut benefits to tens of thousands
The Tennessean
A Trump Administration proposal to require more frequent paperwork reviews of people receiving Social Security disability benefits could cut benefits ...

Mama Cax, Amputee Model and Disability Activist, Dies at 30
The New York Times
Mama Cax, an advocate of people with disabilities and a rising model who helped disrupt the fashion industry's standard of beauty by not shying away ...

5 Disability Lessons Everyone Can Learn From The December Democratic Debate
But while it may have had the lowest overall viewership yet, for the disability community at least, the debate was historic. It was the first time in recent ...

As an autistic woman, the disability question at the Democratic debate finally made me feel seen
History was made at Thursday's Democratic debate in Los Angeles, when Politico correspondent Tim Alberta asked a question about integrating ...

December 23, 2019

The Disability List Aims To Change Perceptions And Create Profitable Projects In Hollywood
As Hollywood inches toward giving minority communities a voice and a more representative onscreen presence, The Disability List, announced last ...

Norfolk Naval Shipyard Disability Awareness Committee ERG Shines a Light on Invisible Disabilities
Naval Sea Systems Command
Guest Speaker Dr. Debbie Pfeiffer, from Virginia School for the Deaf and the Blind, addresses NNSY employees during National Disability ...

Divergent Diversity: Why Has LGBTQ+ Achieved Such Progress And Disability Hasn’t?
In the last decade we have witnessed legislative progress on disability rights too. The most significant is the 2011 new Americans with Disabilities Act ...

December 16, 2019

Disability History: Fundraising Special
KPFA - 94.1FM
Nadina LaSpina is guest host for a lively discussion about the history of the disability rights movement in the last 50-60 years. With Eddie Ytuarte, Jean ...

Let’s not be silent around disability. It’s an asset.
Crain's Chicago Business
Disability is a natural part of the human experience. Yet making disability a natural and needed perspective in the workplace isn't. Not only is it a ...

The US needs to lead again on disability rights
The Hill
In 2010, I was appointed as the State Department's first special adviser on international disability rights. This was the natural progression of American...

December 9, 2019

International Day Of Persons With Disabilities – Disability Inclusion Is Long Overdue
Over the last decade progress on gender and sexual orientation in the Western world has been palpable, yet not on disability. In Ireland, gay marriage ...

The Power Of Purpose: How Saqib Shaikh And Microsoft Are Turning Disability Into An Engine For Innovation
“There's so many examples where the technologies we rely on today where inspired or influenced by disability, from speech recognition and text to ...

Disabled workers paid 12% less, 'damning' UK official figures show
The Guardian
The disability pay gap was widest for people classified as having a mental impairment – defined by the ONS as depression and anxiety, mental illness...

‘Green Book’ director Farrelly, brother get disability award
ABC News
"Green Book" director Peter Farrelly and his filmmaker brother, Bobby Farrelly, are being recognized for pressing Hollywood to do a better job of...

First Dancer With a Visible Disability Joins the New York City Rockettes
The Mighty
Sydney Mesher, who was born without a left hand, grew up admiring the Rockettes in Portland, Oregon, where she honed her dancing skills...

December 2, 2019

Biderman: Learning not to hide a disability was the best lesson of all
Ottawa Citizen
Because it is an invisible disability, those with a hearing loss often try to hide it. But my lesson applies to those with more visible disabilities as well.

Lessons from botched termination of employee on disability leave
The San Diego Union-Tribune
Allergan had learned from its outside leave administrator that Glynn had become eligible on that date for long term disability benefits (LTD)...

November 25, 2019

Mindset Matters: How The Image of Disability Impacts The Corporate Bottom Line
This is why over the year's artists, innovators and entrepreneurs have pushed so hard to have a voice and cultivate an image of disability within these ...

Literature as a mirror: Representing disability in fiction
The Daily Cardinal
Underrepresentation in literature causes a shortage of positive role models for people with disabilities, and changes how society views the role of ...

Fluidity in disability: Exploring the spectrum of language, identity
The Daily Cardinal
If language is an expression of identity, why does it often favor able-bodied folx? When it comes to disabilities, mental health or chronic illnesses, ...

Hollywood's Disability Community Shares Why Disability Representation Matters
Yahoo Lifestyle
The numbers are out. According to GLAAD's latest Where We Are on TV report, disability representation reached an all-time high, though still ...

November 18, 2019

Castro unveils sweeping disability plan
The Hill
The plan calls to do away with the Social Security Disability Insurance “benefit cliff” to prevents disabled people from earning an income and to scrap ...

‘Years and Years,’ ‘General Hospital’ honored for casting actors with disabilities
Los Angeles Times
A leading advocate for disability inclusion, the organization bestows honors on TV series that “feature actors with disabilities with a speaking role of at ...

November 11, 2019

Your Column Here – Incentivizing the Employment of Those with Ability and Disability
Santa Monica Daily Press
October was Disability Employment Month. At a time when hiring a skilled, and experienced prospective employee who happens to have a disability is ...

Disability justice group Healing By Choice engages community in wellness activities
Model D
The get-together at Delray Senior Housing on West Grand Boulevard is part of a monthly series of Community Care Circles organized by the disability ...

November 4, 2019

Bellevue installs 6 new wheelchair charging stations
KOMO News Staff
Those who use power wheelchairs or mobility scooters can now charge up at six new locations in Bellevue...

Is Apple’s Inclusion Of Disability-Themed Emojis Four Years Too Late?
Among interracial couples and gender-neutral characters, the emoji keyboard now includes the anticipated disability-centric characters and icons.

For some employment algorithms, disability discrimination by default
Brookings Institution (blog)
Sheri Byrne-Haber, Head of Accessibility at VMware, has argued that “the range of characteristics of disability is very, very broad,” contributing to this ...

Myths And Facts About Disability Employment: Q&A With A Vocational Rehabilitation Specialist
In honor of National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Diane Winiarski, the director of vocational rehabilitation at Allsup Employment Services, ...

Disability Risk Creates ‘Catch-22' for Workers in Bias Suits
Bloomberg Law
Several appeals courts have ruled that an employer is within its rights under federal law to fire or not hire a worker because of the risk of a future ...

October 28, 2019

The Truth Of Disability Employment That No One Talks About
October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month, and it's about time to discuss the staggering unemployment and sub-minimum pay rates ...

Students, faculty reclaim what it means to be disabled at Disability as Diversity discussion
UT The Daily Texan
The perpetuation of the idea that disabilities are always visible needs to change, said a UT employee said during an on-campus panel Thursday.

Diversity series kick-off focuses on disability awareness
Jefferson City News Tribune
Diversity series kick-off focuses on disability awareness ... as the only competing equestrian rider with a blindness disability in the United States.

Scenario teaches MCG students to treat patients with intellectual disability
The Augusta Chronicle
A fourth-year student at Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University is the first to write her own simulation scenario and crafted one to help ...

October 21, 2019

The Beauty and Care of Disabled Friendships
There is something deeply vulnerable about suddenly losing the ability to talk and process what others are saying. I never quite know how to navigate it...

The ADA’s “Vague” Definition Of Disability Is A Feature, Not A Bug
Gatekeeping has always been a preoccupation in disability policy and culture. What, exactly, do we mean when we say someone is “disabled?

10 Disability Policy Questions Every Presidential Candidate Should Answer
Center For American Progress
The 2020 election has already seen an unprecedented level of engagement of the disability community by candidates. Differing approaches—from ...

New Poll: Majority of Voters Have Disability Connections
PRNewswire (press release)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 15, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- A new poll reveals that 85 percent of registered voters say it is very or somewhat important to them that ...

October is Disability Employment Awareness Month
KFOX El Paso
EL PASO, TX — One El Paso native is changing the stigma behind what it means to be a person with disabilities and proving that anything is possible.

Disability Advocate Sues Minneapolis, Scooter Companies For ADA, Anti-Discrimination Violations
WCCO | CBS Minnesota
MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — For many, e-scooters are a fast and fun way to get around. But for people with disabilities like Noah J. McCourt, those two ...

October 14, 2019

Disability activists notch win as Supreme Court declines case on Domino's Pizza website accessibility
The Hill
Disabled advocates scored a victory this week when the U.S. Supreme Court refused to review a ruling allowing a blind plaintiff to sue a retailer under ...

'Joker' and When Physical Disability Is the Punchline
Hollywood Reporter
In the years since, few filmmakers have chosen to use disability as part of a comedic storyline (Ben Stiller's Tropic Thunder character Simple Jack is ...

ARS to host disability employment awareness event
Hot Springs Sentinel
National Disability Employment Awareness Month is set to be celebrated in Hot Springs at 10 a.m. Thursday in the lobby of the Arlington Resort Hotel ...

Wow, Domino's Put a Whole Lot of Effort Into Fighting Disability Rights
The U.S. Supreme Court decided on Monday to reject an appeal over whether Domino's Pizza should make its websites and apps compliant with ...

October 7, 2019

Subverting Expectations: A Q&A With Comedian Jade Theriault On Disability And Performance
I use that information to subvert expectations, sometimes by not talking about disability at all. Sometimes I talk about it a lot. My appearance compels ...

Making our cities more accessible for people with disability is easier than we think
The Conversation AU
You would think a city that each year hosts Australia's largest conference for people with disability would be the most accessible for all people.

Services for Students with Disabilities hosts Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month
UT The Daily Texan
Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) is hosting Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month with events throughout October to further the ...

September 30, 2019

Learn Correct Terminology With the Disability Style Guide
Back in April, I wrote a piece for Offspring called “How to Parent a Typical Child When You Also Have One With a Disability.” Yes, it's a mouthful, ...

Social Security Disability reform is needed now to ensure the program remains in existence
The Hill (blog)
Issues like our national debt, or the insolvency of Social Security and Social Security Disability (SSDI), that will have lasting effects on Americans for ...

September 23, 2019

New Disability Study Space to open later this month
The Brown Daily Herald
The newly completed Disability Study Space is set to open in the third week of September, bringing neurodiverse students a room with everything from ...

Comcast's Internet Essentials delivers low-cost broadband to people with disabilities
Johnnette Hill, who is 52 and has an intellectual disability, made her first foray onto the internet this summer when she learned how to use Amazon's ...

Mindset Matters: The Personal Is Professional In The New Narrative Of Disability
To truly understand the anatomy of the New Disability Narrative it is essential to see the lived experience as the linchpin to a more diverse way of ...

OPINION: Disability support goes beyond accommodations
The Student Life
The 7C Student Disability Resource Center and disability services at all seven colleges do good work. Their work, however, is focused on academic ...

Georgetown Disability Alliance Pushes for Recognition
Georgetown University The Hoya
Georgetown Disability Alliance, a developing student organization, will encourage education on disability issues and advocate for on-campus...

September 16, 2019

Disability Rights Washington
Each year, Disability Rights Washington presents its Breaking Barriers Awards. These prestigious awards honor a business, an elected official or public servant, and an advocate ...

Remembering a Powerful Voice in the Disability Rights Movement
Human Rights Watch
It is with deep sadness that we mourn the passing of Marca Bristo, tireless partner to and supporter of Human Rights Watch's Disability Rights program ...

Are Trade Shows Disability-Friendly?
Publishers Weekly
“Disability is too often excluded in discussions of diversity. But disability crosses racial, gender, sexuality, class, and national boundaries. People need ...

Mindset Matters: Why Corporate Strategy Needs The New Disability Narrative
As pointed out in several Mindset Matters columns the New Disability Narrative is based on the premise that there are elements of the lived experience ...

Disability rights groups join challenge to 'public charge' rule
The Hill
A coalition of 17 disability advocacy and civil rights groups filed a brief in support of 21 states' lawsuits against the Trump administration's “public ...

I Spent Years Accepting Mistreatment Because of My Disability
Hearing and witnessing society's perceptions of disability undoubtedly made me fearful of my future in regard to the opportunities I'd have access to.

Disability Rights Should Be Central in US Presidential Race
Human Rights Watch
During July's debates, not a single question or answer touched on disability rights. The absence of this key issue in the debates underscores the ...

September 9, 2019

Parenting with a disability makes me feel like an ‘impostor’ as a mother
Washington Post
That's because I have a disability. I have a genetic condition, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, that affects connective tissues like the skin, joints and blood ...

Why climate change is a disability rights issue
Yale Climate Connections
Emergency evacuations can be difficult and dangerous, especially for people living with disabilities. “For say, somebody with a physical disability, you ...

Workers with disabilities face challenges getting hired — here’s how to ace the interview
New York Post
It's up to the individual to decide if they feel comfortable talking about a disability during the hiring process. By law, employers aren't allowed to ...

September 2, 2019

Airlines Seek to Serve Hearing-Impaired Passengers
WebMD Health News
Delta Airlines recently announced that employees who speak any of the 300-plus types of sign language will be identified by a notice on their employee nametag ...

Mindset Matters: How the Disability Narrative Is Making Its Impact From The C-Suite To The Campaign Trail
What we are witnessing is an acknowledgement whether consciously or unconsciously that the narrative of disability is evolving and that a once ...

Harris unveils disability plan focusing on education and employment opportunities
(CNN) Presidential candidate Sen. Kamala Harris unveiled her plan for Americans with disabilities on Thursday, with a focus on employment through ...

I Loved Planning My Queer, Disability-Friendly Wedding — But It Wasn't Easy
There are 13.9 million disabled people in the UK, and 1 in 4 people in the US live with a disability has a but you wouldn't know it given the lack of ...

In Nigeria, disability activists say social stigma is greatest obstacle to human rights
Global Voices
In Nigeria today, people with any form of disability are often treated with disparagement. While a new law passed in 2018 offers new hope for disability ...

August 26, 2019

The New Faces Of Disability: Busting Stereotypes And Bending The World To Fit Their Needs
He uses humor as a way to help breakdown the stigma that having a visible disability can sometimes create. If someone is struggling to describe him, ...

This young scientist studies wild animals. Bias against disability won’t stop her
PBS NewsHour
More than 25 percent of adults in the United States identify as having a disability — some physical or cognitive condition that limits their movements, ...

Maryland schools push to include LGBT, disability rights in curriculum
The Hill
School officials in Maryland are developing a plan that would include teaching about the history of the LGBT and disability rights movements as part of ...

How I Travel With My Invisible Disability
Condé Nast Traveler
Traveling with a disability can be a nightmare—wheelchairs are routinely damaged in transit, for starters, and passengers can often be stranded after ...

August 19, 2019

For Disability Activists, 3 Weeks In Oregon Is A Game Changer
"A person with a disability will hop up in a bus [and] the bus driver will say 'you are blocking the space', " she says, mimicking a grimace. "So, there is ...

Disability advocates call for inclusive action by UN for refugees
Episcopal News Service
[Anglican Communion News Service] Church disability advocates from various countries have called for further action from the United Nations to ...

Mindset Matters: Strengthening Business Intelligence Through The Disability Narrative
To truly move the conversation forward and embrace the disability narrative as a tool for leadership and business strategy it is critical to have a greater ...

I started talking about disability in my classroom. It changed both me and my students.
Chalkbeat Colorado
For the first 22 years of my life, I denied having a disability. I invested all of my energy in hiding my blindness, praying for invisibility when I incorrectly ...

‘Your disability isn’t a barrier’: what it's like to go to uni as a disabled person
The Guardian
“The stigma around students not wanting to disclose disability is big. They think it will be detrimental to their studies if they have a difficulty,” says ...

August 12, 2019

Lego creates special bricks to teach Braille
In Leonie Masterson's London classroom, students are learning to read by touch. All of the students are blind or sight-impaired...

Why we need to change perceptions of disability
Training Journal
Whilst The Equality Act 2010 demands that a business has a duty to make 'reasonable adjustments', many businesses overlook disability awarenes...

ADA’s anniversary brings new perspectives on the future of disability inclusion?
It was the nation's first comprehensive disability rights law prohibiting discrimination in all areas of public life. Some of the changes mandated in the...

Reel Abilities Film Festival: Diversity includes disability too
Chicago Tribune
“I recently did a podcast with CinemaJaw where we talked about the five top actors or actresses with a disability, and one of the top actors was Ryan...

We need learning disability doctors
The Guardian
I have a wide range of experience with people with ID/learning disability as a specialist speech and language therapist and now as a non-registered...

August 5, 2019

Why Claims Of Mental Illness Don't Excuse Racism
After every racist tweetstorm, mass shooting or viral video, those with mental illnesses within the disabled community wait nervously for the inevitable ...

25% of Americans are disabled. So why aren’t the Democratic candidates talking about it?
This year, the Disability Rights Center of New Hampshire issued a survey on disability issues for the 2020 presidential race. The survey, the first to be...

How Marianne Williamson's Toxic Positivity Hurts The Disability Community
In this op-ed, Liz Moore, a chronically ill and neurodivergent disability rights activist and writer, explains why the attention on Marianne Williamson's ...

State representative denied accommodations for disability
Channel3000.com - WISC-TV3
FITCHBURG, Wis. - A state representative from Fitchburg is hoping the speaker of the Assembly changes his mind after telling the representative he...

Students in the wealthiest districts are obtaining disability accommodations at much higher rates, report finds
The Week Magazine (blog)
Disability accommodations for schoolwork and testing are not distributed equally across the socioeconomic spectrum, The New York Times reports.

Invisible Disability Clashes with Public Perception
Charcot-Marie-Tooth News
CMT certainly isn't the only invisible disability. And CMT isn't invisible for everyone affected. However, I've found that my fairly mild case is invisible to...

July 29, 2019

“Queer Eye” demonstrates how we can show disability, but still fail to represent it
As this conversation was playing out on disability Twitter, nondisabled fans of the show were tweeting about how much Wesley inspired them.

What A New Report Says About Disability Representation In Children's TV Show
Although kid-favorite TV shows like Peppa Pig and Puppy Dog Pals have recently introduced children around the world to disabled characters, a new ...

Disability Equality Index shows steady growth of inclusion
HR Dive
A total of 156 out of the 180 organizations included in the Disability Equality Index received top scores for their inclusion of people with disabilities.

Arizona disability advocates celebrate ADA’s 29th anniversary
PHOENIX — Friday marks the 29th anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act and local advocates are celebrating. Phoenix based disability ...

July 22, 2019

Supervisors’ Comments Are Direct Evidence of Disability Discrimination
Citing Congress's intent to broaden the definition of a "disability," the district court disregarded Crain's arguments that the claimant could perform other ...

Marching for Disability Rights in New York City
Human Rights Watch
On Sunday, Human Rights Watch marched in the 5th annual Disability Pride Parade in New York City, alongside thousands of people with disabilities, ...

Disability advocates look to expand paid leave for workers
Many disability advocates here in Arizona and around the country are pushing for paid family and medical leave. Currently, most American workers ...

Apple says new disability-themed emojis 'fill a significant gap'
The Hill
Apple announced on Wednesday that it is adding emoji characters that represent people with disabilities as a means of filling a “significant gap” and ...

UN Climate Resolution Emphasizes Protection of Disability Rights
Human Rights Watch
The resolution calls on governments to adopt a disability-inclusive approach when taking action to address climate change. The impacts of climate ...

July 15, 2019

How to Disclose a Disability to Your Employer (and Whether You Should)
The New York Times
“Disclosing a disability to an employer enables a person to live one's life authentically and be able to bring one's whole self to work,” said Kathy ...

Dentist in Sumatra finds dream crushed because of disability
Jakarta Post
A number of activists in Padang, West Sumatra, protested on Tuesday the removal of a dentist from the civil servant candidate list because she has a ...

Seventh Annual Disability Pride Madison Set for July 27
On Saturday, July 27, the 7th annual Disability Pride Madison will be held at Tenney Park from noon to 5:00. Disability Pride Madison is a nonprofit ...

When a Teacher Called Me 'Lazy' Because of My Disability
Yahoo News
I was the first child with a physical disability to enter my elementary school. Having a student with a physical disability was something new for the ...

Why Using the Word 'Inspiration' to Describe Disability Is Harmful
Yahoo News
I believe it both glorifies and belittles the reality of living with a disability. My relationship with this word is complicated. Before I started having medical ...

July 8, 2019

The Candidates’ Silence on Disability Rights During the Debates Is Nothing New
In part because of steadfast advocacy by disability activists, many proposed Medicare for All policies, including that of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), now ...

Michigan lawmakers want new look for state’s disability signs
Advocates want to replace the familiar image of a stick figure in a wheelchair with this action-oriented logo to emphasize ability, not disability.

Why Do People Think My Disability Means I Should Be Depressed?
HuffPost UK
More urgently, how can I make people understand that my disability has never been an issue that made me low or triggered my negative mood?

July 1, 2019

The Two Words No Person With A Disability Wants To Hear
I was 36 when my legs surrendered. I was diagnosed with a degenerative disc disease and arthritis a decade earlier, and it had finally progressed to ...

Not one 2020 candidate has a website that is accessible to the blind
Thirty-five million eligible voters are disabled, and disability turnout lags behind that of nondisabled voters by 6 percentage points; if disabled people ...

Meet the people fighting for health care access for disabled kids detained at the border
It's the harsh conditions of detention centers at the border that allow many disability advocacy groups to qualify for access and join the fight for ...

One doctor’s disability may lead to curriculum change in India
Satendra Singh's disability inspired him to fight for others facing similar discrimination. Priti Salian reports that the physician's plans for curriculum ...

'My art makes me proud as a father'
BBC News Africa
"If I see someone with the same disability as I have, I encourage them to show the world what you can do." Manners from Zimbabwe makes this beautiful artwork using the beer and energy drink cans that you throw away.

Episode 168 Teenager turns love for legos into life-changing invention
CBS News
This teenager created a robotic prosthetic arm out of Lego blocks — and now his dream is to make affordable Lego prosthetics for people in need.

'My designs contain Braille messages'
BBC News Africa
Tapiwa Dingwiza shared a classroom with blind children at school in Zimbabwe, but social barriers stopped her interacting with them, she says. Now, Tapiwa is trying to bridge that gap through the clothes she designs.

June 24, 2019

Costco shooting: Man killed by off-duty officer had an intellectual disability, cousin says
Los Angeles Times
The 32-year-old man shot and killed by an off-duty police officer in a Costco store on Friday night in Corona was nonverbal and had an intellectual ...

Mindset Matters: A Call To Action For Marketing Professionals To Expand The Disability Marketplace
Over the years one of the major focal points across the disability landscape has been the emphasis on employment issues. Prominent organizations ...

Disability Is Not a Tragedy
The Atlantic
Despite the fear and anxiety that many parents of disabled children initially have, published research shows that—with the proper support—they ...

It’s Perfectly OK To Call A Disabled Person ‘Disabled,’ And Here's Why
I have multiple disability conditions, including Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, so it's OK,” said Maas, who hosts the podcast “Tips and Tricks on How to Be ...

Mom creates magnetic buttons after family member with disability struggled to get dressed
ABC News
Gina Adams, a mother of two in Michigan, saw firsthand the toll that Parkinson's disease took on her stepfather, especially when he was unable to do ...

What Independence Means to Me as a Person With a Disability
Yahoo News
For as long as I can remember, I have always considered myself very independent. As a child, it was important for me to try to accomplish a goal on my ...

DEAFinitely Dope: Handing rap music to the deaf
Maxey is the founder of DEAFinitely Dope, an organization that aims to bring the deaf and hearing communities together through music.

June 17, 2019

Push To Require Disability Training For Doctors Meets Resistance
Disability Scoop
Disability advocates are pushing for a requirement that all medical schools specifically train future doctors to treat people with intellectual and ...

Report Alleges 'School-To-Guardianship Pipeline'
Disability Scoop
A report out this week from the National Council on Disability finds that schools often provide biased information leading many parents to pursue ...

The Role Of Art In Bringing More Visibility To Disability
Ann Fox, professor of English at Davidson College, where she specializes in 20th- and 21st-century dramatic literature and disability studies.

New Disability Inclusion Strategy is ‘transformative change we need’, says Guterres
UN News
Disability inclusion is not only a fundamental human right, it is “central to the promise” of the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development...

June 10, 2019

4 Ways to Improve Your Company’s Disability-Inclusion Practices
Harvard Business Review
In fact, a recent study by the National Organization on Disability indicates that only 13% of companies in the U.S. have reached the Department of ...

Why People Hide Their Disabilities at Work
Harvard Business Review
Work is stressful. If you're hiding a disability, the daily grind of early mornings, deadlines, and office politics is compounded into a far heavier burden.

The Latest: Disability rights group blasts treatment pilot

Disability Rights California is criticizing San Francisco supervisors for approving a program that would force some people with serious mental illness ...

Hoosier comedian with disability gets '4,104 yesses' on 'America's Got Talent'
INDIANAPOLIS (WTHR) — Indiana's own "Cripple Threat of Comedy" impressed all four judges on "America's Got Talent" Tuesday. Ryan Niemiller is ...

Why Hiding A Disability From Coworkers May Hurt Not Help You
In the Harvard Business review study, they calculated the positive side of disclosing a disability and found that people who do open up to those close ...

June 3, 2019

Diagnosed with ALS at 14, she's now a disability lifestyle influencer
(CNN) Lauren "Lolo" Spencer was that rambunctious girl you'd see on the playground: She loved running, street hockey and dancing. But when she ...

The Joyful Intersections of Disability Justice, Care, and Pleasure
YES! Magazine
Or my friend whose multi-decade-old disability care collective helps her get on the toilet, shower, and dress every day, and people laugh, gossip, hang ...

Disability Advocates Worry ‘Conscience Rule’ Could Spell Trouble
Disability Scoop
A new Trump administration rule granting health care providers greater latitude to decline care they disagree with could have serious ramifications for ...

Schools Struggle To Serve ‘Twice Exceptional’ Students
Disability Scoop
These kids — believed to make up at least 6 percent of all students who have a disability — possess high academic aptitude but struggle with ADHD, ...

May 27, 2019

The groundbreaking disability representation in DC Universe’s Doom Patrol
From superhero therapy to defeating internalized ableism, evergreen disability metaphors thrive on Doom Patrol. Rita Farr exhibits internalized ...

The Complicated Cliché of ‘Bran the Broken’
The Atlantic
I came across the clip in a YouTube compilation documenting popular media's obsession with portraying disability as something to be “overcome,” a ...

Disability rights champion urges Cal State LA graduates to fight for justice
Yahoo Finance
LOS ANGELES, May 23, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- Haben Girma, a disability rights advocate and the first deafblind graduate of Harvard Law School, ...

ABLE Accounts Shouldn’t Impede Access To Housing, Feds Say
Disability Scoop
Money in ABLE accounts can be used to pay for qualified disability expenses including education, health care, transportation and housing. Interest ...

Corporate America Urged To Increase Disability Hiring
Disability Scoop
Specifically, the investors want to see companies adopt several “best practices” including creating a disability hiring goal and measuring progress ...

May 20, 2019

Adding Disability to the Corporate Diversity Agenda
Valuable 500 Founder Caroline Casey sits down with Facebook's Nicola Mendelsohn at the Bloomberg Equality Summit in London for a discussion of ...

Bringing disability representation to literature
Early Bird Newspaper
MUNCIE, Ind. — A team of future writers and educators at Ball State University, including Rossburg resident Katelyn Warner, worked for an entire ...

ABC Calls It Quits On ‘Speechless’
Disability Scoop
A network comedy centering on the experiences of a teen with a developmental disability and his family is no more. ABC said that it will not renew ...

May 13, 2019

Security cameras in nursing homes aim to protect the vulnerable but present ethical dilemmas
UW News
But an increasingly common means of ensuring that safety — security cameras installed by relatives — may do more harm than good...

Disability rights group alarmed by Portland e-scooter rules
Fox Business
A disability rights nonprofit group in Oregon filed a letter of complaint Thursday with the city of Portland over new rules about an electric scooter pilot ...

Mindset Matters: Thoughts On Disability As An Inspired Instrument For Leadership
Building on this philosophy, the disability narrative for leadership is something that is yet to be fully realized and needs further investigation. C-Level ...

Disability rights groups reach settlement with DC over emergency preparedness
After negotiations following a years-long lawsuit against the District of Columbia (DC), several disability advocacy groups and the district announced a ...

"Project Search" Helping Those With Disability Find Jobs
Bay News 9
LAKELAND, Fla. — Leaving high school and entering adulthood can be a difficult transition for anyone. Project Search locations include Lakeland ...

May 6, 2019

Want to know how decisions are made inside the federal disability program? It'll cost you.
The Tennessean
The Social Security Administration is best known for running the nation's largest retirement program. But it's also responsible for deciding whether ...

Finalists for the Easterseals Disability Film Challenge Announced and Showcased at the Newport Beach Film Festival
Yahoo Finance
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., April 29, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Easterseals, the leading disability services organization, announced the finalists of ...

Biased Landlords Ignore Disability Rights, Uphold Segregation, Activists say
Afro Americaned
WASHINGTON — Disability, race, gender, mental illness, and criminal history are used by landlords against low-income renters to deny access to ...

April 29, 2019

Rehabilitation psychologists: #SayTheWord disability
Medical Xpress
"Attempts to avoid the use of the word 'disability' and couch discussions in positive terminology or euphemisms can have unintended consequences," ...

LANDRE: Include Disability in Policy Reform
Georgetown University The Hoya
Even though it has long been one of the loudest constituencies in health care reform, the disability community is being marginalized in this debate.

Visiting writers, members of Marshall community speak on disability
MU The Parthenon
Panelists Marshall student Kate Colclough, Marshall assistant professor Carrie Childers, visiting poet Meg Day and visiting author David Wanczyk ...

April 29, 2019

Rehabilitation psychologists: #SayTheWord disability
Medical Xpress
"Attempts to avoid the use of the word 'disability' and couch discussions in positive terminology or euphemisms can have unintended consequences," ...

LANDRE: Include Disability in Policy Reform
Georgetown University The Hoya
Even though it has long been one of the loudest constituencies in health care reform, the disability community is being marginalized in this debate.

Visiting writers, members of Marshall community speak on disability
MU The Parthenon
Panelists Marshall student Kate Colclough, Marshall assistant professor Carrie Childers, visiting poet Meg Day and visiting author David Wanczyk ...

Disability is not a dirty word; ‘handi-capable’ should be retired
Vanderbilt University News
Erasing the term disability from the collective vocabulary is misguided and has harmful sociocultural implications, according to a new article by leading ...

How To Get Disability Representation In TV & Movies Right, According To The People Doing It
The discussion around disability and representation has become more mainstream, sure, but the issue is still often sidelined or dismissed. Throughout ...

April 22, 2019

Disability Studies: Foundations & Key Concepts
Disability studies emerged out of the disability civil rights movement in the late twentieth century. Early scholarship distinguishes the medical model of ...

Solutions sought for crowded Disability Resource Center
Minnesota Daily
It has become increasingly common for staff at the Disability Resource Center to find a sign on a colleague's door warning them someone is taking a ...

Why disabled journalists should report on disability
Columbia Journalism Review
Early last year, I published a story about my life with chronic illness and disability. I thought I did well, and used the correct terms to describe myself ...

Facebook To Give Staff Extra Training After ‘Disturbing’ Disability Comment
Facebook has said it will be providing extra training for its staff after a disability rights activist was told “disability was disturbing to some people” by a ...

Advisory Board on Disability Services launches program recognizing accessible restaurants
14 News WFIE Evansville
EVANSVILLE, IN (WFIE) - It's called the AccessAbility program and it helps recognize local businesses that are accessible to people with disabilities.

Netflix’s ‘Special’ Brings Disability and Gay Sex to the Forefront
Out Magazine
Disability representation is still pretty abysmal on television. According to GLAAD, though over 13% of Americans are living with a disability, only 2.1% ...

April 15, 2019

University of Louisville being investigated for possible disability discrimination
Courier Journal
The U.S. Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights is investigating the University of Louisville for possible disability-related discrimination.

Should I say ‘disabled person’ or ‘person with a disability’?
The Conversation CA
Recently, an Alberta woman with an obvious physical disability was asked to leave a grocery store and not come back because she could not pack her ...

LANDRE: Represent Disability in Media
Georgetown University The Hoya
This problem has roots in today's media landscape, which typically misrepresents or forgets disability. When nondisabled people have no frame of ...

April 8, 2019

Ryan O’Connell Came Out of the Disability Closet. Now, He’s Changing the Conversation
The series marks the biggest stage in recent memory for a creator with a disability—and an unprecedented platform that puts him in control of the ...

Agencies Need to Better Connect Disability With Diversity and Inclusion Efforts
With the 2020 Paralympics just around the corner, brands will soon start to plan and develop disability-inclusive campaigns. But are conversations ...

World Autism Day—Let’s Allow Disability to Change Our Societies for the Better
The Good Men Project
Home / Ethics & Values / World Autism Day—Let's Allow Disability to ... World Autism Day—Let's Allow Disability to Change Our Societies for the Better.

April 1, 2019

Scholar, musician, disability advocate, comedian
Iowa Now
What: The 2019 Obermann Humanities Symposium will bring to campus leading disability scholars from diverse disciplines to discuss the relevance ...

Arizona State Legislator Jennifer Longdon Increases Disability Representation, But Still A Long Road
I decided that I had to see disability represented because, you know, I see strong advocates working at different areas of diversity, but disability is not ...

Yet Another Comedy About Disability: Hold Your Applause For Netflix's 'Special'
After being hit by a car, Ryan, the character O'Connell plays, realizes that people are more accepting of his disability when he says it was a result of ...

LANDRE: Defining Disability
Georgetown University The Hoya
Today, the definition of disability favored by most scholars, lawmakers and disabled people is an “activity limitation … reflecting the interaction ...

Disability Groups Speak Out Against ‘Us’ Over Lupita Nyong’o Doppelgänger Voice
Jordan Peele's “Us” is coming under fire from disability organizations such as the National Spasmodic Dysphonia Association (NSDA) and the ...

March 25, 2019

Changing How The World Sees Disability One Photo At A Time
That's why Getty Images, the National Disability Leadership Alliance (NDLA) and Verizon Media are collaborating to change the representation of ...

How puppets can help teach first-graders about disability awareness
Indianapolis Star
The show was part of the Joseph Maley Foundation's disABILITY Awareness program, which provides schools with curriculum and activities to teach ...

Evaluating claims: Disability examiners shouldn’t rely on social media
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
A proposal that would encourage disability examiners to use social media to evaluate Social Security disability benefits claims is ill-conceived and ripe ...

Progressives Court the Disability Community While Republicans Make Plans to Send It to the Poor House
Although the disability community has often found itself neglected as politicians rattle off the constituencies they care about—we call this ABD for “all ...

March 18, 2019

What the Frankenstein Ballet Can Teach Us about Disability Studies
Bowdoin News
Many of us might be familiar with Mary Shelley’s legendary gothic thriller, Frankenstein. The story of an unhinged scientist and an experiment gone horribly wrong is regarded as a lesson in the dangers of intellectual arrogance... Frankenstein is also a fable about how society treats people with disabilities

Why Mindset Matters: A New Narrative For Disability And Business In The 21st Century
The story of disability inclusion is incomplete. The existing narrative about disability and business has been focused on the need for hiring, retention...

Kickoff event includes a film screening of ‘Take a Look at this Heart’ and director Q&A
Arizona State University
... Committee for Campus Inclusion, with the support of CounterAct, is hosting a variety of activities to raise awareness for Sex and Love and Disability, ...

Why Mindset Matters: The Hollywood Effect And Rebranding Disability Into The Mainstream (Part One)
The disability community needs to reexamine its role in the larger culture and seize opportunities to illuminate its value. Hollywood and the media ...

Haley Moss, Lawyer With Autism, Is A Trailblazer For Both Feminism And Disability Inclusion
It is also important to note there's a gender disparity when it comes to the diagnosis of a disability, especially autism. Since the first cases of autism...

March 11, 2019

Office of Inclusive Design proposed by Student Disability Commission will provide resources for campus-wide accessibility issues
UW Daily
The proposed OID will address the campus-wide accessibility problems for students with disabilities, student parents, English language learners, and others. These accessibility issues ...

Disabled Docs – Healing the Medical Model?
New Mobility
It’s 1992 and the Americans with Disabilities Act is the new kid on the block. Jim Post, a 23-year-old C4-5 quad who recently graduated summa cum laude from King’s College in Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania...

On Disability and on Facebook? Uncle Sam Wants to Watch What You Post
The New York Times
The Trump administration has been quietly working on a proposal to use social media like Facebook and Twitter to help identify people who claim Social Security disability benefits without actually being disabled...

Disability and disease aren’t interchangeable
Washington Post
Yet the words are not interchangeable. Disability is the more inclusive choice. A disability can result from illness, injury, accident, genetics, and more ...

What you need to know about Disability Day of Mourning
March 1st is what's known in the disability community as Disability Day of Mourning. If you've never heard of it, I'm not surprised. DDoM is when ...

March 4, 2019

How People's Misconceptions Of Disability Lead To Toxic Microaggressions
They are viewed as either remarkable and heroic or victims and pitiful. Since disability falls on a wide range of a spectrum, these stereotypes are very ...

House OKs bill to ban abortions based on gender, disability
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Nancy Tate said that terminating a pregnancy due to an unborn baby's disability "suggests that someone with a disability is a lesser human being."....

Carrie Ann Lucas, Disability Rights Activist and Attorney, Dies Following Denial From Insurance Company
Carrie Ann Lucas was instrumental in getting the Colorado legislature to pass the “Family Preservation for Parents with Disability Act,” which aims to ....

I Dance Because I Can
New York Times
Art by a disabled artist, for example, is often seen as being tied to the artist's disability status: The art either recognizes a presumed triumph over that ...

Disability community to host vigil for disabled victims
Moscow-Pullman Daily News
Local disability advocates will commemorate the lives of disabled people murdered by caretakers or their families as part of the nationwide Disability ...

February 25, 2019

Disability rights advocates praise bill to remove offensive word from administrative code
Channel3000.com - WISC-TV3
MADISON, Wis. - People in the disability rights community said a proposal to remove an offensive word from state regulations is long overdue.

RI jumps to 19th in nation in employment for people with disabilities
The Providence Journal
Ranked 47th in the nation 2017, the state organization found, Rhode Island now has the 19th-best disability employment rate with 30,787 of the state's ...

People with disability are more likely to be victims of crime – here's why
The Conversation AU
The Morrison government has finally agreed to a royal commission into the abuse of people living with disability – if the states get on board.

Dyslexia: A hidden disability
Webster, and experts like her, found this particular learning disability affects one in five people, but the condition may be hidden because the dyslexic ...

February 18, 2019

Enriching Modern Disability Awareness With An Ancient Jewish Value
Jewish Week
It's not surprising that Jewish, Christian and Muslim disability awareness initiatives resemble each other. All of us who are disabled face architectural, ...

Sex and disability in the spotlight
Irish Times
Disability has no rigid set of rules so it's important that we ingest the stories of disabled people in as many different ways as we can. The written word ...

Disability advocates want broad inquiry
The Islander
A leading figure in the push for a disability royal commission believes high profile cases of neglect and abuse are just the tip of the iceberg.

Missouri joins 'Technology First' movement in disability services
Jefferson City News Tribune
Missouri's Mental Health Department wants more people with disabilities to add technology into their lives. "There's a saying out there that you hear...

February 11, 2019

Interracial couples and disability-friendly emojis coming soon to smartphones
Minnesota Public Radio News
We've come a long way from the yellow smiley face. The humble emoji, originally a set of basic symbols designed to add visual flair to text-based...

New Jersey becomes second state to require schools to teach LGBT and disability-inclusive material
CNN International
(CNN) New Jersey has become the second state to require public schools to teach LGBT and disability-inclusive material. The measure was signed by...

New training aims to aid student organizations in becoming more disability friendly
UT The Daily Texan
Student Government's Disabilities and Inclusion Agency recently initiated a project in collaboration with disABILITY Advocacy Student Coalition and...

Video: Gaza artist explores disability through cartoons
The Electronic Intifada
Mohamed Dalo, 24, is a cartoon artist from Gaza City. Dalo trained himself by researching online and imitating drawings he found on social networking...

February 4, 2019

This Woman Is Making Disability Inclusion A Leadership Issue
Her latest act of rebellion: Asking 500 companies to put disability inclusion on their board agenda and take action on some aspect of it in 2019.

How to Attract, Train and Retain People with Disabilities
Human Capital
Businesses need to engage with and cater for this demographic and not just to fill an equal opportunities quota but because people with disability are...

Couple Tackle Disability Misconceptions with YouTube Channel
“Ignorance comes from a lack of experience, and so giving people experiences that show the true story of disability will ultimately change public...

January 28, 2019

How Business Leaders Are Introducing Disability Rights As A CSR Issue
New York State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli is calling on major corporations to be more proactive in demonstrating their disability inclusion efforts.

Bird, Lime sued by disability rights activists who claim obstructed sidewalks
Ars Technica
A disability rights group has sued the City of San Diego and three companies—including e-scooter startups Bird and Lime—over alleged violations of ...

Business must not ignore one billion people with disability
Irish Times
Yet one clear exception remains: disability. There is still a long way to go to ensure disability inclusion is discussed at the very top of business and is ...

January 21, 2019

Disability rights group sues scooter companies over clogged sidewalks
Advocacy group Disability Rights California is now suing the two companies in federal court in San Diego for allegedly violating the Americans with ...

What Disability Leaders Want To See From 2020 Candidates
Pacific Standard
Clinton would go on to run a campaign that set new standards for the inclusion of disability as a major political issue. She featured disabled leaders at ...

What you need to know if your child with a disability is starting school soon
The Conversation AU
If your child has a disability these worries can seem too big to overcome. In Australia, teachers often feel unprepared to support children with ...

'Sometimes you feel alone': studying at university with a disability
The Guardian
Having a disability can make it harder to fit in, especially when it's not a visible disability, because it can be difficult to open up about your experiences.

Wilmette village employees receive lesson in disability awareness
Chicago Tribune
As assistant village manager in Wilmette, Michael Braiman said he and his colleagues have a tough time resisting the urge to help a resident with a ...

Greens demand end to disability 'segregation', proposing $1 billion for accessible public spaces
ABC News
Four million Australians are disabled and almost half live at or below the poverty line, which is part of the gap Greens disability spokesman and acting ...

January 14, 2019

Deaf And Unemployed: 1,000+ Applications But Still No Full-Time Job
Amanda Koller is getting her second master's degree. She has applied for more than 1,100 jobs in the past year. She hasn't gotten any full-time, permanent job offers.

Understanding the bottom line of disability employment
Atlanta Business Chronicle
Most people who have lived with a disability for any length of time make minor adaptations regularly to get things done, with no impact at all to a ...

January 7, 2019

Karen Braitmayer wins AIA award
Daily Journal of Commerce
Karen L. Braitmayer of Seattle-based Studio Pacifica won the 2019 Whitney M. Young, Jr. Award from the American Institute of Architects for promoting equity and inclusion as a consultant and educator.

How Businesses Can Lead a Revolution on Disability Inclusion
While the sporting world has recognized the value of the 1 billion people living with a disability around the world, business and business leadership have routinely ignored the significant contribution that can be made.

Turned down for federal disability payments, thousands die waiting for appeals to be heard
USA Today
It isn’t easy to be patient when you can’t work and you’re in pain, as Christine Morgan knows all too well.

Hiring People With Disabilities Is Good Business
The New York Times
For years, companies have maintained low expectations about hiring people with disabilities.

Lost Voice Guy: Why 2018 was 'a big year for disability'
BBC News
Lee Ridley - better known as Lost Voice Guy from Britain's Got Talent - says it's been "a big year for disability".

Changemakers: Jessica Ryan-Ndegwa is adding style to disability aids
The Big Issue
Bored of function over style when it came to disability aids, Jessica Ryan Ndegwa took matters into her own hands

Should You Tell Your Boss About Your Disability?
Research indicates that between 110 million and 190 million people, or 15% of the world’s population experience disabilities of some form.

December 24, 2018

What It Really Means to Heal
The New York Times
I can't remember a time when I wanted healing because of my disability. But I can quickly recall times when I wished our society was healed of its...

How I Manage the Christmas Season With a Disability
Yahoo News
What I want is always hard to put into words. I definitely think Christmas activities are not very disability friendly, at least not for me. So with that in mind, ...

In Natural Disasters, A Disability Can Be A Death Sentence
Their deaths were only the latest example of a tragic reality: When disaster strikes, people with disabilities are disproportionately affected. There are ...

December 17, 2018

Flying While Blind
New York Times
Usually, I will get a private briefing during the preboarding process for people with disabilities. But this time, a flight attendant didn't get to me until the ...

Disability Advocates Concerned By Plan To Axe School Discipline Guidance
Disability Scoop
A Trump administration school safety commission is recommending that federal officials rescind Obama-era guidance aimed at ensuring that ...

Disability Rights Activist Eddie Ndopu Sets Sights on Space
New Mobility Magazine
South African disability rights activist Eddie Ndopu spent International Day of Persons with Disabilities with his wheels firmly planted on the ground, ...

December 10, 2018

Disabled Artists Launch National Disability Theatre
American Theatre
NATIONWIDE: A group of disabled theatre artists have announced the creation of National Disability Theatre, a company that will produce fully ...

Mouth and Foot Painting Artists don't let disability get in the way of artistic vision
A group of artists is proving that hands are not necessary to create art. The Mouth and Food Painting Artists use unconventional methods to bring their ...

The Guardian view on disability and the arts: time for change
The Guardian
But there is one area in which change has been all but imperceptible: disability. Britain's Got Talent – and its last winner, the comedian Lost Voice Guy ...

November 30, 2018

Disability Pride - a movement whose time has come?
"Disability" and "pride" are two words you wouldn't usually see next to each other, and that's something the organisers of New Zealand's annual ...

How Justin Clark's fight for independence transformed disability rights in Canada
Disability rights advocates say there is still a long way to go, but Clark's case paved the way for other people with disabilities fighting to make their own ...

MTV to Chronicle Disability Activist's Quest to Travel Into Space
Hollywood Reporter
MTV will follow a South African activist on his quest to become the first physically disabled person to travel to space. Eddie Ndopu, now 27, was born ...

November 27, 2018

Almost half of deaths of people with disability are linked to how documentation is handled
Medical Xpress
People with severe or profound disability living in supported accommodation or long-term care facilities often acquire a large quantity of ...

Miss RemarkAble Pageant celebrates women and disability
Janesville Gazette
“I think so often we can fall into the trap of seeing the disability and not the person,” said Elissa Russell, development coordinator for Aptiv, the sponsor ...

'We've finally got some help': scorecard improves for landmark disability scheme
The Sydney Morning Herald
However, disability advocates have questioned the data and say the system remains plagued with problems, including frustrating delays and poor ...

November 20, 2018

Recent Natural Disasters Trigger Complaints From Disability Groups
Disability Scoop
The national disability rights group ADAPT recently sent a letter to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, criticizing the release earlier this year ...

Japan's Disability Shame
From the 1940s to 1996, Japan's government sterilized people with a mental illness or disability because it deemed them "inferior". The victims of this ...

Closing The Disability Inclusion Gap At Work: These 5 Research-Proven Ways Will Help You Start Today
The short answer: Being more disability-friendly has to be a cross-departmental, multi-level priority, involving every area of the business, from human ...

How to Run for Office If You Have a Disability
Pacific Standard
One in four Americans has a disability, according to the latest numbers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, making disabled ...

Rewriting the Old Disability Script
New York Times
Story creates culture. It teaches us to feel, think and behave in ways generally approved of by those around us. Story conditions us. This conditioning ...

Purple Tuesday: 'Shopping with a disability can be humiliating'
The Guardian
Adams was behind this week's “Purple Tuesday”, which saw stores and shopping centres festooned in the signature color of the disability rights ...

November 2, 2018

Five things you didn’t know about disability and sexual violence
UNITED NATIONS, New York – Fifteen per cent of the world's population lives with a disability, and nearly 200 million are between the ages of 10 and ....

Social Security Disability: Everything You Need to Know
Motley Fool
Yet despite the significant risk of disability, most Americans have neither short-term nor long-term disability insurance. If you sustain an illness or injury ...

October 26, 2018

Why I decided to put my disability on my CV
In 2018 news coverage regarding disability remains misleading and exploitative. When Professor Stephen Hawking passed away at the age of 76 in ...

An archive honoring the voices and experiences of disabled people
Washington Post
How much do you know about the history of disability? If the answer is “not a lot,” you're not alone. The voices and experiences of disabled people are ...

What's Really Keeping People With Disabilities Unemployed
The Mighty
October is Disability Employment Awareness Month, a time when we talk about job discrimination, show employers how much people with disabilities ...

TV Shows Featuring More Characters With Disabilities
Disability Scoop
Nonetheless, the report notes that disability representation on television remains far short of the true percentage of Americans with disabilities.

October 19, 2018

The Limits of Fashion’s Inclusivity
The New York Times
Beauty is being redefined The era of the white, thin, Eurocentric model as the only embodiment of glamour is gone. But for one group they still lag behind: people with disabilities.

6 Surprising Ways To Ditch Disability Bias In The Workplace
And at the same time, C-suite executives are doing a lot to bridge the disability gap and ditch bias. But disability advocates say the research and ...

Disability awareness month: Physical disability
Big Country Homepage
ABILENE, Texas (KTAB) - October is disability awareness month. KTAB is highlighting different individuals living with disability. The month's first ...

'The Oxford Handbook of Disability History' offers first global chronicle
EurekAlert (press release)
A pioneering professor of disability studies at The University of Toledo is an editor and contributor to "The Oxford Handbook of Disability History.".

Asian Para Games Brings Disability Rights in Indonesia Into Focus
Voice of America
According to Indonesia's 2016 National Labor Force Survey, some 12.15 percent of the population reported to be living with a disability – representing ...

National Disability Employment Awareness Month 2018
Hanford Sentinel
NORFOLK, Va. (NNS) — October is National Disability Employment Awareness Month and the theme for 2018 is “America's Workforce: Empowering ...

October 16, 2018

Does my wheelchair make you uncomfortable? How my disability may have cost me a job.
I'm a tenured, deeply qualified New York City teacher, but some only see my disability. At least my students know the impact I can make in the world.

Woman says Moda Center treated her unfairly over disability
PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) -- A woman with cerebral palsy felt that the Moda Center treated her unfairly because she has a disability. Samantha Norgart ...

Air Travelers With Disabilities To Get ‘Bill Of Rights’
Disability Scoop
A bill of rights for airline passengers with disabilities and enhanced disability training for Transportation Security Administration officers, among other ...

Ghana's disability rights icon authors comic book, Karmzah
The disability discussion continues to attract centre stage treatment across most parts of the world. In the developed world laws and policies are being ...

October 5, 2018

4 Ways To Stop Talking About Disability Awareness And Start Hiring
But this is the only statistic that really matters to me right now: In 2017, 18.7 percent of people age 16 and older with a disability were employed.

Special Ed, Disability Programs Spared In Government Budget Deal
Disability Scoop
The federal government will increase funding for special education and allocate money to address the needs of caregivers as part of a spending bill ...

InclusAbility campaign to bring awareness, more inclusive lens to disability identities
Vanderbilt University News
“I am proud of our programming this year that is designed to foster conversation and awareness regarding disability identities and common issues that ...

“Stories For Us and By Us”: Disability Rights Activists Showcase Their Writing
Four years ago, disability rights activist and writer, Alice Wong, like many of her peers, was gearing up for the 25th anniversary of the Americans with ...

Disability Awareness Month Activities Designed to Spur Thought, Conversation on Issues
Ferris State Torch
The Liaison Committee for Students with Disabilities has arranged four events for its 2018 Disability Awareness Month schedule, according to ...

September 24, 2018

Hacking disability: The woman revolutionising the wheelchair
Inspired by a growing movement to use open source information and tech to democratise disability needs – in particular e-NABLE who reduced the ...

11-year-old boy with disability advocates for handicap accessibility
Bandera City Administrator L. Horry admits Main Street would give someone with a disability problems getting around. He's been the city administrator ...

How to spot a learning disability
"A learning disability is really basically something a person has if they are not achieving up to grade level in an area academically," explained Dr. Harp ...

September 14, 2018

Why You Should Hire Someone With A Disability
Nearly 13% of the American population has a disability, according to the U.S. Census Bureau's latest findings. Speaking personally, I have a ...

My son has a learning disability. It doesn’t have to mean his early death
The Guardian
The second annual report of the Learning Disability Mortality Review (LeDeR) programme released in May proved that the system is ill-equipped to ...

Loneliness: Living with an invisible disability
Making friends when you have a disability is even harder. There is a sense of fear and anxiety when striking up a conversation that the other person ...

September 7, 2018

Tammy Duckworth: Brett Kavanaugh Would Put Businesses Ahead of Americans With Disabilities on the Supreme Court
It took me days to recognize the reality of my disability, months to learn how to walk again and years to get used to the constant, hammering pain that's ...

NIH: Disability as common with chronic pain as with some other illness
CT Post
About 11 million adults nationwide have high-impact chronic pain — characterized by pain lasting for three months or longer, and resulting in at least ...

August 31, 2018

Sex, technology and disability – it’s complicated
The Conversation AU
People living with disability are largely excluded from conversations about sexuality, and face overlapping barriers to sexual expression that are both ...

Online Education Is a Disability Rights Issue
Inside Higher Ed
For that reason, when the onset of a physical disability forced me to leave college after my sophomore year, I was faced with the task of recalibrating.

Student Disability Access Center expands digital presence
University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily
The Student Disability Access Center has been implementing changes to make Grounds more accessible for all students, particularly improving its ...

August 27, 2018

How To Have A Meaningful Conversation About Disability At Work
If you have a disability, you very quickly come to understand that it is an issue most people don't open up about at work. Sure, talking about your ...

Facebook Accused Of Disability-Related Discrimination
Disability Scoop
Aside from disability, the federal housing agency contends that Facebook's ad platform enables housing providers to limit who sees their ads based on ...

Disability Rights Groups Come Out Strong Against Kavanaugh's SCOTUS Nomination
Pacific Standard
As the date draws near for Senate hearings to consider the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, the disability rights community is ...

August 17, 2018

Does the universal symbol for disability need to be rethought?
Fast Company
Today, disability is represented by the International Symbol of Access (ISA), which was created by Danish design student Susanne Koefoed back in ...

Pacific Standard
Why aren't more Americans mobilizing around disability? In the last presidential election, according to our best numbers, 46 percent of all disabled ...

Dating with a disability: ‘I don’t feel like a burden … Why should I act like one?’
Kansas City Star
When Kirby Hough meets a man for a first date, she deceives him until she believes he is worthy of the truth. He will walk into the bar or restaurant and ...

Poetry Is a Way of Being in the World That Wasn't Made for Us
New York Times
Not long after the debut of Disability, the Times's Opinion series, in August 2016, careful readers began noticing what seemed to be an unusual trend: ...

The Misperception Of Disability
As I grew older I came to realize what I was born with is considered a disability. That's not to say my life has been all disappointments and sadness.

August 10, 2018

Jet2 apologizes for asking disabled boy in motorized scooter to prove disability
Fox News
A 10-year-old boy using a motorized scooter had a “complete meltdown” after a Jet2 airline employee asked for proof of his disability before he could ...

Deerfield-based Walgreens honored for disability inclusion efforts
Chicago Tribune
Walgreens scored 100 percent for the second straight year on the Disability Equality Index, which is compiled as a joint effort between the American ...

A Week In St. Paul, MN, On Disability
Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking millennials how ...

Doctors With Disabilities Push For Culture Change In Medicine
Meeks co-founded the Coalition for Disability Access in Health Science and Medical Education, a group focused on improving access to medical ...

We need more than goodwill when we write about disability
The Guardian
disabled people not “the disabled”: We aim to use positive language about disability, avoiding outdated terms that stereotype or stigmatise. Terms to ...

August 3, 2018

How Disability-Friendly Is Your Workplace? 4 Ways To Put Your Business To The Test
What would a workplace of the future really look like if it was inclusive, accessible and disability-friendly? If it is tough to picture what that means, ...

Talk to children about disability – and spare me more painful encounters
The Guardian
Talk to children about disability – and spare me more painful encounters ... it's not my duty to educate anyone's children on disability or consent.

Pushback against plastic straw bans from disability rights groups
WASHINGTON (Circa) — Environmental activists have spent years pressuring corporations and politicians to take action against plastic waste, and ...

St. Peters mother says daughter was denied service because of disability
ST. PETERS, Mo. — Prejudice, over a pedicure. A St. Peters mother said her daughter was denied service solely because of her disability. She claims ...

July 27, 2018

The Disability Trap
New York Times
Regardless of my disability, each day I strive to spread awareness of the damaging discrimination against the disabled population of the United States.

‘Disability Issues Tend to Be Put on a Back Burner’
This week on CounterSpin: More than a quarter of the electorate—some 63 million eligible voters—either have a disability or have a household ...

Dressing with a disability
Financial Times
Other designers are also making garments with disability in mind. Care+Wear collaborated with Oscar de la Renta to produce a hoodie, with zipaway ...

July 20, 2018

Disability can be funny – just get disabled people to make the jokes
The Guardian
That's not to say disability can't be funny. It really can. Disabled comedians such as Francesca Martinez, Liz Carr and winner of this year's Britain's Got ...

Starbucks' straw ban questioned by disability rights groups/a>
Fox News
In an open letter posted to Facebook by the group Disability Rights Washington after Seattle's decision to ban restaurants from giving out plastic straws ...

Banning straws might be a win for environmentalists. But it ignores us disabled people.
But the disability community reacted with alarm right away. Disability studies scholar Kim Sauder was one of the first to express concerns about the ...

What You Need to Know About Disability Insurance
But that other way of safeguarding your paycheck — disability insurance? It tends to be an afterthought. The fact is, the chances of somebody young ...

July 13, 2018

Marvel’s ‘Ant-Man and the Wasp’ and Hollywood’s Misunderstanding of Disability
Daily Beast
Unfortunately, short-sighted filmmakers hamper this depiction which could have furthered the conversation on race and disability with ableistic tropes, ...

Inclusive education: 'Nobody with a print disability should get left behind'
We can offer an advisory service to colleges, we can liaise with Disability Officers. We are an untapped resource and we have a wealth of knowledge.

'Disabled People Are Not Part of the Conversation.' Advocates Speak Out Against Plastic Straw Bans
But disability advocates say they feel the campaign against plastic straws is being waged without adequate input from disabled customers.

How the Special Olympics Brought Mental Disability Out of the Shadows
“At the time, no one was willing to admit their child had a disability. People were afraid to bring their kid out of the closet. Their whole lives had been in ...

July 6, 2018

Blind Officer Still Serves and Inspires
Surviving an explosion that almost killed him was just the start of Smiley's ordeal. Recovering at Walter Reed National Medical Center, he struggled with the reality of losing one eye entirely and his sight in the other.

Archbishop Justin Welby: I don't pray for my daughter's disability
BBC News
The Church needs to do more to embrace disability and mental health, the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby says, drawing on the experience of ...

Media stereotyping: 'The person with an intellectual disability is treated as either 'heroic' or 'tragic''
She said: “Institutions only see the disability. They don't see the ability in the person with an intellectual disability. In an inclusive society everyone is ...

These High Schoolers Are Calling For A National Disability History Museum By Making Their Own
A group of students from Gann Academy in Waltham, Massachusetts, spent the school year collecting documents and artifacts to create a museum ...

Half of dealing with a disability is the feedback
The Independent Florida Alligator
I can write about ableism from my experience, but what I feel might be different from someone else who has a disability. Some people even prefer not ...

June 29, 2018

ABLE Programs In Jeopardy, Disability Advocates Warn
Disability Scoop
“Simply put, without increasing the ABLE eligibility criteria for age of disability onset from prior to age 26 to prior to age 46 in order to significantly ...

‘I know that I have a disability. It’s impossible to forget’
Irish Times
I'm the second of five girls. I grew up as they did, a happy healthy child. We lived by the sea and spent the summers swimming and crab fishing.

Got questions about disability in America? Here's your resource guide
The Marketplace special on the economics of disability covers a number of issues facing roughly one in five people in the United States. The show ...

Understanding the language of disabilities
Almost 40 million people in the United States have a disability, according to 2015 U.S. Census figures, but the language used around disabilities can ... ...

What it's like to have an invisible disability at work
{Image Description: An overhead shot of two people sitting at a desk in an office setting. The individual on the left is holding a folder and is writing ...

June 22, 2018

No Need To Apologize: Navigating Work with a Disability
Psychology Today (blog)
The kind that occurs in the form of an eyebrow raise, a slight pause and sigh, or a change in topic when the employee with a disability enters the room.

Hip-hop video by advocacy and peer disability support group uses technology to break new ground
ABC News
A hip-hop music video released in Newcastle has broken new ground in the genre, featuring two non-verbal artists who rap using communication ...

June 19, 2018

Growing advocacy and awareness bringing accessible design to more people than ever
PBS NewsHour
Years of advocacy in the disability community along with technological advances have spurred the creation of more products for people with a range ...

On Arrested Development, Disability Is a Joke
Slate Magazine
Jokes about disability were part of Arrested Development from the start—Tobias' never-nudism, a crippling disorder that make it impossible for him to ...

Actor with disability takes on Crutchie in Axelrod's 'Newsies'; Free movies at State Theatre
Asbury Park Press
The first production of "Newsies" at the Jersey Shore also features what the show believes to be another first — an actor with a disability playing ...

Mother, son with disability "kicked out" of Oregon movie theater over "too many happy noises"
WIVB-TV News 4
CBS NEWS - According to an Oregon mother, she and her disabled son were kicked out of a movie theater on his birthday last weekend. Brenda ...

Cynthia Nixon calls for prioritizing human services jobs, better wages for health aides
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Nixon joined disability rights groups to discuss the issues impacting disabled New Yorkers. The visit followed Nixon's endorsement by Disability Action ...

The art of living with disability in Palestine
CAIRO – 11June 2018: Living with disability in various parts of the world comes with its challenges and difficulties, yet the main issue that the majority ...

Disability advocates begin a cross-state – and trans-Atlantic – bicycle journey
Buffalo News
John Robinson hooked his elbows into a set of custom bicycle pedals Friday morning, glancing over at a growing crowd just beyond the Skyway.

Dating with a Disability: Part 2
Muscular Dystrophy News
If you or your partner happens to have a disability, this can bring about an entirely different set of difficulties. In this two-part series, I am sharing my ...

It’s Disability Pride Week. Here’s how Philly could better serve its citizens with disabilities
The week culminates in the Disability Pride March of Solidarity from the National Constitution Center to City Hall on Saturday, June 16. (There will also ...

June 1, 2018

First person: Ivorian artist fights stigma around disability
In the last part of our series looking at global disability access, an Ivorian artist speaks to us about the difficulties he faces and his hopes for the future.

America is not ready for disability disaster response in the coming hurricane reason
Pacific Standard
The 2018 hurricane season starts on June 1st. According to the nation's leading experts on disability and disaster response, we're not ready. In fact ...

Approaching disability like a scientist
Symmetry magazine
The combination made him famous and something of an ambassador for the 1 billion people on the planet living with some form of disability.

May 25, 2018

The disability system is blocking people like Jaki from their benefits – literally
The Guardian
If you want a symbol of Britain's benefit system, Jaki would be it. The 36-year-old spent her 20s in Essex grafting – taking on any job to provide for her ...

Disability Activists Fight for the Right to Live in Their Communities
This week, members of ADAPT, a national grassroots group of disability rights activists, descended upon Washington, D.C., to garner support for the ...

Beverly native wins top prize at Easterseals Disability Film Challenge
Wicked Local
Beverly native Carl Hansen and his team, Cultural Detritus, won the top prize at the 2018 Easterseals Disability Film Challenge. The Challenge gave ...

Students bring accessibility to forefront in organizing disability studies conference
UChicago News
A scholar of linguistic anthropology and the anthropology of disability, UChicago graduate student Sharon Seegers conducts research on sign ...

Nation’s Largest Employer Misses Disability Hiring Goal
Disability Scoop
The U.S. government is falling short on a plan to dramatically increase hiring of people with intellectual disability and other conditions, according to a ...

Group aims to preserve and share Western Pa. disability history
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
“There's a lot of history related to disability rights in our area,” said Tina Calabro, a founding member of The Western Pennsylvania Disability History ...

May 18, 2018

Commentary: Disability and climate change—impact on health and survival
Environmental Health News
Mention "climate change and disability" and many are puzzled — but that lasts only a few sentences into further explanation.

Getty is trying to bring disability inclusion to stock photos
Fast Company
As Getty saw searches for disability-related images spike in the past year–“wheelchair access” searches were up 371% from 2016 to 2017, and ...

West Nyack activist Terence Moakley posthumously inducted into Disability Rights Hall of Fame
The Journal News / Lohud.com
A home, a job and a means of transportation. Those were the three things that Terence J. Moakley believed every person needed in order to be ...

Disability Group Asks Ohio To Protect Patients At Columbus Psychiatric Hospital
WOSU Public Media
Disability Rights Ohio released a report this week calling attention to Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry's violations of treatment standards and patient safety ...

May 11, 2018

Teen with disability honored for helping others with disabilities
WTAE Pittsburgh
A teenager with a disability figured out a way to make himself more mobile outdoors, and now he's being honored for helping other people with ...

For many, disability is part of what it means to be human
Financial Times
The number of people living with disabilities around the globe is large and growing, and the ways in which they are classified, perceived and handled by employers vary substantially. What unites them is the danger of discrimination, impoverishment and ill-health, imposing heavy costs individually and ...

The bewildering and beautiful diversity of disability
Eternity News
Disability is not something we generally think about, but when we do, we imagine tragedy. We hear of a person rendered a quadriplegic, and we think ...

Disability studies class renewed for next academic year
The Stanford Daily
The status of Stanford's introductory course on disability studies has been resolved following a successful campaign led by the Stanford Disability ...

May 4, 2018

University Assembly Calls for Pollack to Oppose Merger, Debates Temporary Disability Accommodations
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
Current Cornell policy states that although faculty and staff can get temporary disability parking for up to two months for free, according to Human Resources, this permit excludes pregnancy. In an interview with The Sun, Winarto and Battaglia both pointed out how they viewed it as “discriminatory” to not ...

When disability becomes a death sentence
MEPs condemn 'mercy killing' in other countries, but are turning a blind eye to European abortion laws that discriminate against foetuses on the grounds of disability, writes Alice Neffe. Alice Neffe is Legal Counsel for ADF International. Last month, the European Parliament condemned “mercy killing”, ...

USC Disability Panel Emphasizes Initiative, Tenacity in Face of Bias in Hollywood
“Following the light of the Time's Up Movement, I have been waiting for someone to bring up disability and inclusion, especially for behind the camera,” Yang said. “Not until recently did I realize I have to bring it up myself, and I wanted to do it here (at USC) because in many ways my career started here.” ...

Disability Accommodations: To Grant or Not to Grant?
Bloomberg BNA
The Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to provide reasonable accommodations that will enable qualified individuals to perform their jobs, but what is the dividing line between reasonable and unreasonable? And what types of requests can employers reject because they would pose an ...

April 27, 2018

New York assisted suicide bill draws fire from disability rights group
Crux: Covering all things Catholic
“The mere suggestion that disability acquired as the result of illness is cause enough to end one's life is a devaluation of disabled peoples' lives, and it's offensive,” said Kathryn Carroll, an attorney and policy analyst with the Center for Disability Rights, who was invited to testify at Monday's hearing.

A Q&A with the Alliance for Disability Awareness
Iowa State Daily
Wiederholt, senior in biology, re-launched the Alliance for Disability Awareness — a club dedicated to supporting students with disabilities and raising awareness about them — during her sophomore year and has been president since. Berglund, junior in child, adult and family services, will take over as ...

Fighting prejudice around disability with modeling in DRC
“The Kontinental foundation is a foundation that cares for people living with disability, and after this event, we are even more committed to take care of those who live with disability. There are those who are not studying, there are those who are struggling to make a living, so we have to help them out.

UCLA law students to publish first disability law journal in the nation
Daily Bruin
UCLA law students are starting a new journal that showcases scholarship on disability law. The Disability Law Journal at UCLA will be the only disability law journal in the country after it publishes its first issue in spring 2019. Law students who created the journal said they hope to inform more people ...

April 26, 2018

Texas Disability Group Wants Victims' Voices Heard In Gun Debate
Alabama Public Radio
A disability rights group in Texas sent out a survey last month, trying to figure out how many of its members became disabled by gun violence. The group, ADAPT of Texas, says it's an effort to collect data that will help inform Texas lawmakers about how they should legislate guns. Bob Kafka, an organizer ...

PEN America (press release) (blog)
In advance of this event, Eskin conducted the following interview with poet and biographer Jennifer Bartlett on Jollien's work, on writing, and on disability activism. Catch Eskin tonight at this free event, and browse the PEN World Festival's schedule for more exciting events happening this week. Michael ...

Scarlet and Black
This semester, the Disability Resources Office and the Assistive Technology Lab have hosted a series of events about disability both at Grinnell College and the wider world. The culminating panel discussion, “Disability as Identity,” will be held on Friday, April 20. The previous events in the series dealt ...

Disability, Human Rights, and Information Technology (video)
Harvard Law School News
Visiting Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Harvard Law School Project on Disability Michael Ashley Stein '88, an internationally acclaimed expert on disability law and policy, tackles the global issue of equal access to information in his book “Disability, Human Rights, and Information ...

Supporting Disability Amongst Writers
Over the past decade and more, I have developed chronic and ongoing encounters with three incurable and disruptive illnesses (Meniere's Disease, TMD and CP/CPPS – none terminal), that eventually necessitated an incorporation of 'disability' into my self-identification. Partial deafness, constant jaw ...

MCC Celebrates Disability Awareness Day
Hartford Courant
"[Carrigan] has regularly attended workshops held by disability services and worked with this office to ensure equal access," said MCC Learning Disability Specialist Gail Stanton. "Myrta has been a valued partner to the Disability Services office, often finding creative solutions to students struggling with ...

April 20, 2018

Screen reader plus keyboard helps blind, low-vision users browse modern webpages
UW News
Browsing through offerings on Airbnb means clicking on rows of photos to compare options from prospective hosts. This kind of table-based navigation is increasingly central to our digital lives – but it can be tedious or impossible for people who are blind...

April 13, 2018

Anna Sui to be mentor for Design for Disability Fashion Show
Los Angeles Times
The Cerebral Palsy Foundation will host its third annual Design for Disability Fashion Show and Gala on May 9 from 6:30 to 10 p.m. at Metropolitan Pavilion at 125 West 18th Street in New York. The event showcases breakthrough innovations in fashion for people with disabilities, featuring ...

Disability advocates argue proposed changes to para-transit system pose safety problems
Channel3000.com - WISC-TV3
MADISON, Wis. - Madison's transit and parking commission will talk Wednesday night about changes to the city's para-transit system, which provides transportation for people living with special needs who can't use traditional public transit. Disability advocates argue the proposed changes could cause ...

What does it mean to be a doctor with a disability?
She realized she had a learning disability and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. “It was very validating when my neuropsychologist sat down with me and said, 'Stacy, you're smart. Stacy, look at all of these things your brain does well. It must be so frustrating that when you read or listen to lectures ...

April 6, 2018

A year of disability cuts has done nothing but starve the sick
The Guardian
Michael spent a year fighting to get his disability benefits back – page after page of paperwork and a tribunal in court. He won. But even though the government now officially acknowledges that he's too disabled to work, the ESA cut for new claimants means he is getting no more money than when he ...

Locals celebrate National Disability Awareness Month
Record Herald
Every year, the Fayette County Board of DD celebrates the month of March as National Disability Awareness Month, along with the other 87 county boards around the state of Ohio. Every year individuals the board serves, family members, and stakeholders rally together at the Ohio State House to make ...

Disability Pride Student Expo challenges popular notions of normalcy
Duke Chronicle
These three questions were at the heart of the Disability Pride Student Expo, held last Wednesday at Smith Warehouse as part of the Duke Disability Alliance's Disability Pride Week. The event was organized by Marion Quirici, instructor of the Writing 101 class “Neurodiversity Narrative Activism” and ...

Six Simple Tips for Smooth Travel With a Disability
New York Times
There is usually no charge for this service, but policies vary by airline and may depend on available staff and your disability, so be sure to clarify with your carrier before you fly. Also, many carriers allow guide dogs on board free of charge for passengers who are visually-impaired (as long as you make a ...

Twitter Adds Disability To Abuse Reporting Options
Disability Scoop
Responding to user requests, Twitter is updating its platform to explicitly allow reporting of abusive or harassing tweets targeting people with disabilities. The social media giant said this week that it has added “disability” to a list of protected groups on its abuse and harassment reporting page. “It's against ....

March 30, 2018

Apple Throws Support Behind Disability Emojis
Disability Scoop
Apple's move comes nearly two years after the London-based disability advocacy group Scope introduced a series of 18 emojis depicting people with various disabilities that are available for download. Scope said it hoped that releasing the icons would encourage the Unicode Consortium to incorporate ...

Man claims he was told to 'prove' his disability at Whole Foods
13newsnow.com WVEC
"He wanted me to get up to prove to him that I had a disability." Author: Michael Quander. Published: 10:24 PM EDT March 28, 2018. Updated: 10:26 PM EDT March 28, 2018. A disabled man claimed he was told to get out of his seat at a Northeast D.C. Whole Foods store. The customer called the ...

Federal Report Calls For Alternatives To Guardianship
Disability Scoop
Most states require courts to consider less restrictive alternatives before turning to guardianship, the National Council on Disability said, but that rarely happens. Meanwhile, it's uncommon for individuals to seek to have their rights restored once they have been placed under someone else's care.

Access Center holds first symposium on disability awareness
The Daily Evergreen
The WSU Access Center will host a two-day Disability Awareness Symposium today and Thursday to address issues regarding disabilities on campus. Access Center Director Meredyth Goodwin said the purpose of the symposium, a new event, is to focus on equal access and opportunities for people ...

The Disability Community Is Being Excluded From the Gun Control Conversation
Hundreds of thousands of people attended March for Our Lives events across the U.S. — and the world — on Saturday, calling for gun control reform with a focus on stopping school shootings. One group of people struggled to attend those marches, though: the disability community, which reported ...

March 16, 2018

Hawking: Did he change views on disability?
BBC News
Stephen Hawking was both one of the world's most famous scientists and most famous disabled people. His life was a juxtaposition of sparkling intellect and failing body. Prof Hawking was diagnosed with a rare form of motor neurone disease when he was 22. The nerves that controlled his muscles ...

Concerns Raised As Disability Panels Fail To Meet Under Trump
Disability Scoop
The three panels — The President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities; The National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research Advisory Committee; and the Interagency Committee on Disability Research — typically meet quarterly or several times a year, but ...

Hawking won the world’s respect – and gave disabled people like me hope
The Guardian
There are hardly any statues of disabled leaders, no great lives with chronic disability documented in the history books. As a child, it's easy to believe that disabled people have never really existed, and that when they did, it was as cripples to be pitied or burdens on society. In Hawking, we had a figure ...

Disability rights advocates bring concerns to Capitol
Fulton Sun
A disability rights activist holds a sign protesting the cutting of consumer-directed service hours during Wednesday's Disability Rights Legislative Day at the Capitol. Last year, state budget cuts led to the capping of consumer-directed care at 60 percent of previous hours, meaning that people trying to live ...

Editorial: Go forward with the disability identity center
The Brown Daily Herald
On Feb. 21, The Herald reported that a collective of Brown students and activists had proposed to University administrators the creation of a student-led disability identity and cultural center. The proposed center — which aims to fill a void in campus life and establish a robust sense of community for ...

March 9, 2018

Disability need not define achievement, Hernández says
Cornell Chronicle
The Department of Inclusion and Workforce Diversity soon will send a request via email to all faculty and staff, asking them to complete a short, confidential online survey voluntarily self-identifying their disability status. This self-identification helps Cornell more accurately determine its workforce diversity ...

The disability-led stage production celebrating love – and Home and Away
The Guardian
Commissioned by Perth festival, the verbatim play – You Know We Belong Together – was devised by the festival, Black Swan and DADAA: a Fremantle organisation creating access and opportunities in the arts for people with disability. It takes as its starting point Hayes' life-long dream to star in her ...

Disability Throughout History
Friedreich's Ataxia News
By the late centuries B.C., attitudes hadn't changed much. The ancient Greek philosopher Plato even wrote: “Mentally and physically ill persons should be left to death; they do not have the right to live.” Plato's statement is indicative of a lack of knowledge and understanding where disability is concerned.

Rescuing a Story of Disability, Adversity, and Hope
Publishers Weekly
Jessica Kensky was recovering from injuries she suffered during the Boston Marathon bombing when someone brought a picture book about disability to her hospital room. “It had a bear family, and the dad had an amputation,” Kensky recalled. “It was very weird, and the dad was wearing roller skates.

OPINION: Disability Day Of Mourning and 1,027 Reasons To Be Angry
The Student Life
This article has been adapted from a speech the author gave at the 7C Disability Day of Mourning Vigil on March 1. Last night, I held a vigil in Benson Auditorium at Pitzer College. It was sparsely populated but the attendees were passionate about the subject matter. We gave speeches, recited poetry, ...

March 2, 2018

Campus responds to changes in disability laws
The Wichitan Sun
As a new multi-million dollar plan is being rolled out to address compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, calls are being made for heightened discussion on disability to foster greater inclusion. “Physical accessibility on campus is one thing, but it only complements the bigger picture. We want ...

Disability Community Deserves More Visibility in Hollywood (Guest Column)
Diversity and inclusion are two important cultural topics gaining attention and focus by employers nationwide, including Hollywood. And yet, disability is almost always overlooked in this conversation. This award season, in looking across the many films and television shows honored, why are there so ...

GUEST ROOM | Living With a Disability at Cornell
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
As I look back upon my first semester at Cornell, I think about the challenges, joys, hiccups and surprises I encountered along the way, both from the perspective of disability and as a normal college freshman. After I took my first tour of Cornell, I went home with one word in my head: hills. As amazing as it ...

I’m a disability rights activist, and I enjoy being consensually objectified
The Guardian
These days we're calling disability fetish consensual objectification. Why the fetish? Devotees do not agree: it's the same as being into breasts, legs, buttocks etc, just another body part or parts. It's an attraction to the different cadence of our movement, and it's not weird unless you think disabled people ...

When it comes to depicting disability, Hollywood keeps 'cripping up'
Sara Novic is a Deaf writer and assistant professor of creative writing at Stockton University. Her first novel, "Girl at War," was released by Random House in 2015. The views expressed in this commentary are her own. The Deaf community uses a capital "D" to differentiate between people who identify ...

February 23, 2018

University Campaign Highlights the Importance of Acknowledging Disability in Diversity
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
Cornell's Americans with Disabilities Act coordinator team launched an awareness campaign in January that uses social media and on-campus posters to foster a supportive environment for people with disabilities. “The focus of this awareness campaign is more than raising awareness about disability ...

At ReelMusic, disability inclusion jazzes things up
ReelMusic, a jazz and blues jam session in which professional musicians invite amateurs with disabilities to play, capped off the 10-day ReelAbilities Film & Arts Festival on Thursday evening. Calling it "one big, beautiful musical party," chair and emcee Dee Dee Dochen said the event at White Oak ...

Families, organizations rally for more disability waivers
The Virginia General Assembly proposed in its budget to provide funding for only 825 disability waivers on Sunday, but nonprofits and families plan to lobby for more. There are 12,000 families in Virginia waiting for disability waivers, which is up from 11,000 that NBC12 reported in 2017. There are ...

February 16, 2018

Disability group threatens to sue Texas over voter registration policy
Monday's letter — written by lawyers with the Texas Civil Rights Project, Disability Rights Texas and the Austin law firm of Norton Rose Fulbright — asked for a chance to meet with state officials to help develop a “comprehensive plan for full compliance.” If refused, the lawyers threatened to sue Texas, ...

Disability group wants pause on straw ban campaign
BBC News
A disability group is calling for a pause in the campaign to ban plastic straws. The One in Five group wants MSP Kate Forbes to halt her Final Straw campaign temporarily while concerns are addressed for disabled people. It says paper, plant-based and metal alternatives are not always suitable and ...

My disability can mean my son is late for school. Fining me solves nothing
The Guardian
This is simply the reality for many single parents who live with a disability. For many, this topic is dangerous territory for fear of being accused of “playing the card” and for fear of the assumption we're not “coping”. After all, much of our battle for equality has been based around the insistence that wider ....

February 9, 2018

In defense of Social Security Disability Insurance
“Over half the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said in 2015. “Join the club. Who doesn't get up a little anxious for work every day and their back hurts?” It's a common line from conservative politicians: that the Social Security Disability Insurance program ...

Cornell launches new disability awareness campaign
Cornell Chronicle
Using campuswide postering and social media, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Coordinator Team is launching a new campaign, #DiversityIncludesDisability, to build awareness of disability issues and support for an inclusive and accessible environment for individuals with disability.

Should You Open An ABLE Account For A Child With A Disability
The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ACT) was signed into law in 2014 and introduced a way for families with special needs to save in a tax-advantaged account as a supplement to private insurance and government benefits. Over 30 states have administered ABLE programs, and over 13,000 ...

February 5, 2018

I Use a Wheelchair. And Yes, I’m Your Doctor.
New York Times
When I was in the third year of my medical residency, I was asked to evaluate a new state-of-the-art, fully accessible exam table that would be used in doctors’ offices to better provide care for patients with mobility-related disabilities...

Meet the woman challenging Arab notions of disability
Reem Alfranji lived in a second-floor apartment with her husband, Mohammad, and two sons - five-year-old Aboud and Amro, a toddler. During glass-shattering uninterrupted bombardment, the family would stay at her uncle's downstairs, where the vibrations were less aggressive. "The children were ...

The Ohio Abortion Ban’s Distortion of Disability Rights
New York Times
The business of birth itself is often structured around the specter of disability. My husband and I had just been made privy to this via my own pregnancy and birth experience. An early ultrasound revealed our daughter's possible congenital lung malformation; that, coupled with my own neuroatypicality, ....

Doncaster theatre Cast aims to improve accessibility by scrapping ‘proof-of-disability’ demand
The Stage
Cast in Doncaster has announced that it will no longer demand audience members claiming free carer tickets for proof of disability. Free tickets have been available for patrons who require a carer since the theatre's opening in 2013. However, until now Cast has asked customers to submit proof they are ...

January 26, 2018

Here's what happens to Social Security and disability benefits during a government shutdown
Business Insider
Other core functions like disability claims or appeals over benefits would continue to function. While checks still go out, some aspects of the Social Security Administration would get hit during a shutdown. Many employees would be placed on furlough, meaning they couldn't work and would not receive ...

From family leave to inclusive paid leave — the importance of the disability lens
The Hill
In part because of their less secure financial positions, paid leave is especially crucial for the over 1 in 4 households in the United States that include a person with a disability. More than 1 in 5 people with disabilities live in poverty, and just over half of households with at least one child with a disability ....

Pacific Standard
For two or possibly three days this last summer, the entirety of American political culture was shaped by the activism of the disability rights movement. Led by the direct action group ADAPT (profiled in Pacific Standard first last spring and covered throughout the summer), disabled activists seized control ...

January 19, 2018

Rep.: Law Needed To Address Gender Disparity In Disability Insurance
Balser said she has tried to chip away at gender discrimination over the years and this is the fifth session when she has tried to put men and women on equal footing for disability policies. If prices of other products varied by hundreds of dollars depending on the customer's gender, that would provoke ...

Bill would prohibit using disability as sole reason to terminate parental rights
A proposed state bill would prohibit the Oregon Department of Human Services from placing a child in foster care based solely on a parents' disability. The Senate Interim Committee On Human Services held a hearing on the bill last week, at this point known as "Legislative Concept 106." "It basically just ...

January 12, 2018

Randolph Bourne's 1911 essay on disability shocked society. But what's changed since?
The Guardian
I am not referring to my family and friends – who have been supportive throughout – but rather a culture where disability-shaming is the norm. As an adolescent, I watched Damon Wayans mock disabled people with his character Handi-man on In Living Color. More recently, I've tuned in to see people ...

For some receiving disability benefits, the desire to work will never cease
Washington Post
As the series of articles progressed, we heard from readers nationwide about their experiences with disability benefits. A common theme emerged from their stories. One of the most misunderstood aspects of the federal disability programs — Social Security Disability Insurance, for those who work, and ...

Obesity May Be a Disability Under California Law
Under California law, obesity may be a disability—but only when the plaintiff can prove that the obesity has a physiological cause. The trial court erred in dismissing the claim before trial because the plaintiff introduced evidence that her obesity was genetically determined and the employer failed to refute ...

January 5, 2018

Breaking down barriers with humour
BBC News
Hollywood has traditionally shunned those with disabilities from playing major acting roles, says Maysoon Zayid, comedian, actor and disability advocate. She told Hardtalk's Zeinab Badawi: "We are by far the largest minority in the world. We are 20% of the population and we are only 2% of the images ..

Special Report: Are We Geared Up For New Disability Law?
Bahamas Tribune
“I was very much familiar with the lack thereof because, even now with a label with the sticker on your car, you still see people driving as if asking, 'why are you on the road,' assuming that I am perhaps a person with a disability rather than me being someone who is moving a person with a disability to ...

Disability sector must be heard in abortion debate, says McGrath
Irish Times
Moves to liberalise Ireland's abortion legislation must be accompanied by greater supports for families of children with disabilities, the Minister of State with responsibility for disabilities has said. Finian McGrath has also said representatives of the disability sector have told the Government they fear their ...

January 4, 2018

Disability and the Daily Grind
Disability is implicitly an overturning of practice which means it's suspect and maybe it's worse than that because it forces a revision of actual behavior. People ... The non disabled see the disabled as irritating buskers, and of course disability and gutter music come down to us through history. It doesn't ...

I Am Not an Inspiration Because I Have a Disability
If you're a person with a disability*, particularly a wheelchair user or an obviously impaired person, you live very differently than your non-disabled peers. One of those differences is in the way other people discuss and view your body. Over my lifetime, and during various different manifestations of my ...

Protecting Your Most Valuable Asset: The Ins and Outs of Disability Insurance
DailyNurse (blog)
Disability income insurance (DI) can help replace your income if you become too sick or hurt to work. It provides a buffer against the unexpected. Should disability strike, DI provides income that can be used to keep your household running as well as to help you adjust to your changed circumstances.

Pacific Standard
I spent the late summer and fall of 2017 watching the disability community respond to disaster after disaster. The efforts have included state, local, and federal governmental efforts and professional non-profit operations, but also the kind of community- and volunteer-based efforts of the sort that saved ...

Emily Harvey is a disability-rights lawyer, a nonprofit founder -- and a top paratriathlete
She's already working out six to seven days per week, but that will ramp up to include two sessions a day -- before and after work -- at times. Fortunately, her job as an attorney for the nonprofit Disability Law Colorado, is normally a 40-hour work week -- not the 80-hour load some attorneys at private firms ...

Our Aging Population Needs Workplace Adjustments. We Have to Find a Way to Provide Them.
Slate Magazine (blog)
It was developed as a result of decades of political activism, known as the disability rights movement, and, among other components, prohibits discrimination against disabled people in the workplace. No one can be fired or denied a promotion on the basis of a disability if a reasonable accommodation ...

After Setback, Disability Studies Major at ASU Approved by Arizona Board of Regents
Phoenix New Times
After a committee initially dismissed the idea, the Arizona Board of Regents unanimously approved last month a disability studies major to be offered by the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at ASU's West campus. During this past semester, ASU also killed a disability studies certificate ...

Living Alone Is Awesome, Even with My Disability
I've always been a bit nervous about what women think of my disability, but now that I'm alone, I just have fun with it. Moving out immediately gave me a sense of freedom and accomplishment. It's a huge milestone for anybody, but especially for a young dude with cerebral palsy. It meant I could finally ...

Disability Minor: Creating a More Inclusive Campus
The Montclarion
According to the U.S. Census, about 56.7 million people in the U.S. have a disability. That is about 19 percent of the population and sounds like a huge amount of people, but many of us will go through life not meeting someone with a disability or not having many interactions with them. Even though ...

December 11, 2017

School Voucher Programs Should Be Clear About Disability Rights, Report Says
School voucher programs need (at least) three key ingredients: 1. Multiple schools (don't roll your eyes, city dwellers, this one's a brick wall for many ...

Maiden Furbert speech focuses on disability
Royal Gazette
The Junior Minister of Disability Affairs said disabilities were consistently excluded when people talk about human rights. Ms Furbert, who served as a ...

Anger at Chancellor's disability employment comments
BBC News
"He should apologise immediately for this disgraceful comment." She said the disability productivity gap had been "stuck at 30 odd percent" since 2010 and she called for a massive investment strategy and education programmes. Sophie Morgan, a disability rights campaigner and presenter, expressed ...

December 4, 2017

Disability parking spot stealers face stiff penalties in Black Friday police sting
Belleville News-Democrat
Those who parked illegally in disability spots at St. Clair Square Mall on Black Friday faced hefty fines issued by Illinois Secretary of State Police.

How to be a good friend to someone with a disability
The Tab
Having a disability sucks. Pain management, accessibility, and the mental struggles that disabilities bring can make your life incredibly hard. I have Hypermobility, a connective tissue-affecting genetic disorder and form of Ehlers-Danlos Sydrome that results in chronic pain and affects my mobility majority ...

From sexual harassment to hostile colleagues: readers' experiences of life with a disability
The Guardian
Our Disability Diaries series provoked a huge reaction from readers, many of whom shared their accounts of living ... The disability diaries reveal all.

November 27, 2017

Disability History Month: unseen pictures of disabled children from Barnardo’s archive
To mark the beginning of Disability History Month, Barnardo's has released previously unseen photographs of disabled children from their archive, dating back more than 125 years. From the beginning, Thomas Barnardo accepted children maimed in industrial accidents or born disabled into his ...

Think twice before stealing that disability parking spot this weekend
Belleville News-Democrat
Illinois Secretary of State Police will be enforcing the disability parking program this weekend at St. Clair Square mall, checking for abuse of disability ...

Utilizing the Power of Sport to Change Perception of Disability
Nearly a decade ago I became a member of the disability community, a community that at the time I knew nothing about. I didn't know the first thing ...

November 20, 2017

Disability Services Center and Affirmative Action Office Refine Their Missions
Rhode Island College News
The goal of the Disability Services Center and Affirmative Action Office at RIC is to transcend mandatory compliance and achieve inclusive excellence ...

‘Frank Steins’ and Staging Disability
Harvard Crimson
How might a cast and crew stage different forms of disability for contemporary theater audiences? How might those theatergoers respond to the ...

Airbnb buys startup to help you find disability-friendly rentals
The company just bought Accomable, a startup that helps you embark on disability-friendly travel. While Accomable is winding down over the months ...

What is life really like for disabled people? The Disability Diaries reveal all
The Guardian
The Guardian asked seven people to document their everyday experiences of disability throughout September – including Cobb, 19, who has the ...

November 13, 2017

Evanston runner with disability’s IHSA lawsuit to be heard in court as he seeks to compete in track meet
Chicago Tribune
... meet is highly selective — 90 percent of athletes don't make it — and said Holzmueller failed to prove he would have qualified if not for his disability.

Jeremy the Dud: the new short film that flips disability on its head
The Guardian
He wears a lanyard that announces to the rest of the world that he is in the minority – “not special” – in an alternate universe in which disability is the ...

Woman who applied for 100 jobs finally got interview after hiding her disability
The Independent
Many people are worried about telling their employer about a disability, research has revealed, and one woman who applied for hundreds of jobs only ...

Sensations of Sound: On Deafness and Music
New York Times
Rachel Kolb is a Rhodes scholar and a doctoral student at Emory University focusing on American literature, deaf and disability studies, and bioethics.

Disability and Distress in the Trump Era
Erie Reader
The Pew Research Center recently estimated that 40 million U.S. citizens were living with a disability in 2015, including nearly half of those 75 or older ...

November 6, 2017

Disability Awareness & Services On Campus
The Occidental Weekly
Tucked down a few hallways to the left in Berkus Hall is the Dean of Students' office where Luci Masredjian, coordinator of Disability Services, ...

When disability is just another marker
The Hindu
Sometime ago, a 15-year-old paid me the biggest compliment I had received in a while. You are a cool teacher, she told me, even as she enveloped ...

Superfest: disability culture in all of its complexity
SF State Campus Headlines
San Francisco State University has teamed up again with the LightHouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired to portray disability culture in all its ...

The need for first ever national ICT for disability policy
New Vision
Disability is an umbrella condition, covering impairments, activity limitations and participation restrictions; it denies a person a normal economic and ...

Report: Many 2016 voting sites lacked full disability access
ABC News
Fewer than one in five polling places were fully accessible to voters with disabilities during the 2016 general election, a government report shows — a ...

Meet the Berkeley Man Who Helped Lead the Disability Rights Movement
Hale Zukas was a founder of the disability rights movement at UC Berkeley, and was involved in building a national civil rights movement for people ...

October 30, 2017

Pacific Standard
Generally speaking, the documents—listed here—clarify how existing federal disability rights law applies to school districts around the country.

Disability tech goes mainstream
Financial Times
Google has its own Impact Challenge around disability, and the RNIB is organising a conference next month with the International Association of ...

Making Disability Less Abstract
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Allan Goldstein, a senior lecturer in NYU's engineering school, invites people with disabilities into the classroom to consult with students. By Ben Gose ...

Students say ‘disability-friendly’varsity is anything but
Mail & Guardian
Last month, a group of disabled students led by the Disability Student Organisation at the university held a protest to highlight the difficulties they ...

Why disability hate crimes are woefully under-reported
The Conversation UK
In 2016-17 the police recorded 5,558 criminal offences “motivated by hostility or prejudice” against someone with a disability – an increase of 53% ...

October 23, 2017

The films that are telling the truth about disability
The Guardian
'Nothing about us, without us!” – a powerful statement of engagement, created during the disability riots that led to the creation of the Disability ...

Students talk disability and sexuality
Iowa State Daily
"So Like, Can You Do It?", the first event for Disability Awareness Week, took place in the Campanile Room Monday. The hour-and-a-half long ...

Human Rights Commission complaint lodged over disability access to MP offices
ABC Online
The disability activist, from Toodyay in WA's wheatbelt, named the Federal and WA Governments as the primary respondents, but also requested the ...

The hidden cost of disability discrimination
CBS News
How many people in your office have a disability? If you're in the US, about 30 percent of college-educated employees working full time in white-collar ...

Disability rights organisations ‘welcome’ Tommy Hilfiger’s new clothing collection for disabled adults
“I welcome this collection and think it makes absolute sense,” Philip Connolly, the Policy and Development Manager at Disability Rights UK, tells The ...

October 16, 2017

Will Trump’s Justice Department Pay Attention to Disability Rights?
Mother Jones
When Kellan Powell was in the first grade in 2011, he and his family moved from Ohio to Georgia. Kellan is on the autism spectrum and being ...

Why A Long-Term-Disability Policy Is More Important Than Pet Insurance
"It won't happen to me." Maybe that sentiment explains the attitude of many employees toward long-term disability insurance, which pays a portion of ...

Nonprofits host bowling fundraiser in College Park for disability employment
The Diamondback
Participants of the Disability Employment Awareness Costume Bowl-A-Thon bowled Monday night at the AMF College Park Lanes (Photo by Brooks ...

Speaker series educates on disability awareness on campus
UT The Daily Texan
College is a difficult time in any student's life, but for those struggling with a physical or learning disability, it can be that much more challenging.

October 6, 2017

Solutions Marketing Group
Industry standard-bearer, JPMorgan Chase & Co., has further cemented its commitment to diversity and inclusion with the hire of James (Jim) Sinocchi, Head of the Office of Disability Inclusion...

Celebrating talent in all forms: County Council declares October Disability Awareness Month
King County (press release)
In proclaiming October Disability Awareness month, we recognize the unique contributions and talents that those with physical, developmental or ...

'Disability is the one discrimination we all seem to ignore and we must stop'
I consider myself a person who embraces diversity in all its forms but I realise now that disability is one key part of the picture I'd completely overlooked ...

Oakland woman sues Job Corps operator in disability discrimination claim
An Oakland woman sued her former employer, a federal contractor that operates Job Corps centers nationwide, for disability discrimination Thursday, ...

Disability services fraternity notices decrease in membership
Daily Illini
Established in 1949 at the University, Delta Sigma Omicron is the first disability services fraternity that welcomes any person with a disability. However ...

September 29, 2017

Disability Awareness Month Schedule Features Poetry Slam Champion, Highlights Accommodation and Action
Ferris State Torch
Ferris State University A schedule of six events will be offered on the Ferris State University campus, this October, during Disability Awareness Month, ...

Erin Henderson suing Jets for wrongful termination, disability discrimination
Erin Henderson is suing the Jets in New Jersey Superior Court for wrongful termination and disability discrimination, stemming from his placement on ...

2.5 Years of Protests End With Israel Reaching Agreement to Raise Disability Benefits
The disability stipend, which was 2,239 shekels in 2000, had risen only slightly, to 2,342 shekels, in 17 years. There are 880,000 people registered as ...

Disability research gets grant
The Daily Evergreen
Wth a liack of representation in health sciences, a new grant will expand opportunities for researchers with disabilities. WSU received a federal grant ...

"Corrie made me proud of my disability": Actress Melissa Johns on role as one-armed lesbian
Melissa, 27, was born with the disability and would go to any lengths to disguise it. But now she said: “I love that I play a blonde, I have one arm, I'm ...

September 22, 2017

Accessing cities with a disability: what have your experiences been?
The Guardian
“People with a disability should be able to participate in all aspects of life without limitations: social, cultural, economic, touristic, and more,” said ...

Tom Archdeacon: Disability never slowed star athlete turned doctor
It was the customary familial question that comes after a birth, but it didn't bring the answer quite expected. “It was one of those deals where you call ...

September 15, 2017

Disability Solutions marks 5 years of helping companies hire disabled employees
Danbury News Times
Ability Beyond has expanded its roots beyond Connecticut and New York with Disability Solutions, a consulting service that helps companies navigate ...

I’m Not the “Perfect” Disability Activist You Wanted
About three years ago, I found the disability advocacy community. As someone who identifies as both chronically ill and disabled, it has always been ...

Thousands of children living with disability receive major lifeline
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
Thousands of children living with disability from across the country received a major lifeline Wednesday when an outreach project was rolled out to ...

September 8, 2017

What journalists can do better to cover the disability beat
Columbia Journalism Review
We've all read headlines like this before: “This Student With Cerebral Palsy Went To Prom With Her Best Friend And It Was Magical.” For decades, the ...

Opting for Long-term Disability
Fibromyalgia News Today
Several doctors cautioned me against opting for long-term disability. Their concern was that I would become bored and depressed. I won't say I didn't ...

Protesters for disability rights block 2 highways at rush hour
The Times of Israel
Disability activists temporarily blocked traffic on two major highways near Tel Aviv on Monday as part of a campaign to match government benefits to ...

September 1, 2017

‘Reluctant Writers’ May Have A Learning Disability Called Dysgraphia
I soon learned that my daughter, who has an autism spectrum disorder, also has a disability called dysgraphia ― or, essentially, “disabled handwriting ...

Self-identifying as disabled and developing pride in disability aid overall well-being
Medical Xpress
Experiencing stigma, the severity of a disability and a person's age and income level help determine whether someone with an impairment considers ...

August 28, 2017

Walgreens earns best place to work for disability equality index
Chicago Daily Herald
DEERFIELD -- Walgreens received a perfect score of 100 percent on the 2017 Disability Equality Index, a national benchmarking survey and report on ...

Blind activist targets 'disability champion' to drive new campaign forward
The Irish Sun
Irish social entrepreneur Caroline Casey, who is registered blind, has launched a new campaign calling on global businesses to tackle disability ...

Wait time for federal disability benefits appeal hits a record
San Francisco Chronicle
People who have applied for Social Security Disability Insurance and been turned down twice are having to wait a record number of days to get a ...

August 21, 2017

'Disability is uncomfortable. Let's have an open conversation'
The Guardian
Caroline Casey is riding a horse 1,000km across Colombia to launch her campaign to put disability on the global business agenda. Photograph: ...

I accompany people to disability assessments. The lack of empathy is heartbreaking
The Guardian
Downing Street claimed that “no disability applicant will lose out as a result of the changes to personal independence payment (Pip)” but, in my ...

How to Make Your Cannabis Dispensary More Disability-Friendly
For someone who suffers from a disability, this endeavor could be next to impossible. Medical marijuana is now legal in a majority of states, and most ...

The Highs and Lows of Clubbing With a Physical Disability
Inga's disability means that she's not very firm on her feet and needs to use a wheelchair to travel long distances. In a club, she can get up and dance if ...

August 14, 2017

Columnist James B. Winston: Trump administration targets Social Security disability
Thank you for the July 24 coverage of changes to the Social Security disability program, including the proposed budget cuts (“Changing rules on ...

Australian volunteers making a difference for people living with disabilities in Fiji
ABC Online
Living in a remote village of Fiji might seem like paradise, but for someone with a disability it can mean a life of isolation. While much has been done to ...

Sport beats disability
Herald live
As an avid sport lover who was involved in many different sporting codes such as soccer, netball and volleyball, prior to her disability, Malindi did not ...

Australian volunteers making a difference for people living with disabilities in Fiji
ABC Online
Living in a remote village of Fiji might seem like paradise, but for someone with a disability it can mean a life of isolation. While much has been done to ...

August 7, 2017

Disability Advocates Stage Capitol Hill Summit on Hollywood Inclusion
Hollywood Reporter
'Empire' casting pro Leah Daniels-Butler was among those on hand to discuss low representation of disabilities on the screen and how to effect ...

How Many Americans Have A Disability? A New Survey Indicates The Number Is Higher Than You Think
More than one in eight Americans have a disability, according to Pew's most recent information from 2015. That works out to be roughly 40 million ...

5 important ways to talk about disability during a job search
The ADA provides some strong protections that require only two things from job-seekers: the candidate has to disclose his or her disability to the ...

Coming face-to-face with disability could end supernatural myth-making in Africa
Medical Xpress
"We found that disability is often explained by things like extra marital affairs invoking a curse, witchcraft, supernatural forces such as demons or ...

July 31, 2017

The hidden extra costs of living with a disability
San Francisco Chronicle
(THE CONVERSATION) Disability is often incorrectly assumed to be rare. However, global estimates suggest than one in seven adults has some form ...

Disability: 'Are one in four people that I meet uncomfortable talking to me?'
As a man with a disability, it might be easy to be hurt by this statistic, to think that one in four people that I meet are uncomfortable talking to me, ...

How to succeed in college with a disability
The Conversation US
Whether you have a physical disability, mental illness or learning challenge, there are strategies to help you earn your degree. Stocksnap ...

July 24, 2017

Uber is being sued by NY disability advocates for not having accessible cars
Non-profit group Disability Rights Advocates is suing the company for discrimination against passengers with wheelchairs, alleging that 99.9 percent ...

Disability coaching: Unsung heroes changing attitudes and lives
BBC Sport
You may be surprised to learn that as many as 6.9 million people of working age in the UK have a disability. That's 19% - nearly one in five. But when ...

Study: In 2016 election, 'disability gap' remained
Albany Times Union
Facing persistent barriers, the percentage of New York voters with a disability who cast ballots in the 2016 presidential election dropped off slightly ...

Mayor declares National Disability Voter Registration Week in the city
Huntington Herald Dispatch
Sholten Singer/The Herald-Dispatch Mayor Steve Williams signs an official proclamation recognizing National Disability Voter Registration Week on ...

July 17, 2017

Nebraska's first Disability Pride Day is Thursday
Omaha World-Herald
LINCOLN — Nebraskans with disabilities, along with family, friends and supporters, will gather here Thursday for the state's first Disability Pride Day.

'Game Of Thrones' Finds Fans Among Disability Rights Activists, too
Isaac Hempstead Wright plays Bran Stark in the HBO adaptation of George R. R. Martin's Game of Thrones books. Some disability activists are ...

The protest and power of disability activism 'It's not as sexy as gay rights or climate change'
The Guardian
“When you talk about disability rights with people, they just look at you like they didn't think such a thing existed,” says Dr George Taleporos. “People ...

With 11,000 people with disability trained, Youth4Jobs is changing weakness into strength/a>
“When you talk about disability rights with people, they just look at you like they didn't think such a thing existed,” says Dr George Taleporos. “People ...

July 10, 2017

'A human right, not a bonus': readers on campaigning for disability rights
The Guardian
We asked asked readers from around the world to tell us about disability rights where they live. From campaigning on social media to successfully ...

Disability organization condemns 'Blind' film for casting Alec Baldwin in lead role
Los Angeles Times
"Alec Baldwin in 'Blind' is just the latest example of treating disability as a costume, "Jay Rudemena, the foundation's president, said in a statement.

City's Disability Pride Parade Marches Through Health Care Concerns
Thousands took part in the third annual Disability Pride Parade in Manhattan on Sunday, where participants expressed concerns about health care ...

July 3, 2017

Disability housing complex PhilHaven celebrates opening in Wheeling
Chicago Daily Herald
Monday was a day of celebration for a Wheeling housing complex for people with disabilities and others that has faced mixed reaction from the ...

After Obamacare: Disability Services At Risk In Medicaid Changes
The young man with dimples and an easy smile Jake Parsons stood in front of an audience of folks in folding shares, and talked a little about his life, ...

Firefighter with Learning Disability turns Author
KRIS Corpus Christi News
Santos Vallejo is a South Texas man that grew up with a learning disability. He was told that he would only become a janitor and that he would not ...

June 26, 2017

Stories About Disability Don’t Have to Be Sad
New York Times
Like any middle schooler, I usually start my day with cereal. Every morning, after brushing my teeth, I have a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch...

Why Disability Rights Activists Stormed Mitch McConnell's Office
Sixty disability rights activists from grassroots group ADAPT, many of whom were using wheelchairs, staged a "die-in" to protest steep Medicaid cuts in ...

Stories About Disability Don't Have to Be Sad
New York Times
In 2013, I started a Change.org petition asking American Girl, my favorite doll company, to make a doll with a disability. As a longtime fan of the ...

Dispelling myths about hiring persons with disability
Watertown Public Opinion
Myths about hiring or employing persons with a disability interfere with the ability to have equality in employment. As with any other myths, these myths ...

How Social Media is Promoting Disability Awareness
The Chicago Lighthouse
People of all ages have embraced technology and social media. This has created a great opportunity to spread disability awareness among the ...

June 19, 2017

Long Waits And Long Odds For Those Who Need Social Security Disability
She finally had to leave her job about six years ago, but when she applied to the Social Security Administration for disability benefits, she was denied.

This is a Pip disability assessment: intrusive, humiliating and completely pointless
The Guardian
At the age of 38, I've been claiming disability living allowance since I was a teenager. It works out at £5.73 a day, which goes towards paying for taxis, ...

Ghana: Disability Is Not a Curse - Gender Minister
The Ghana government has intensified public education to eliminate the negative perception that disability is a curse and an evil affliction.

The Myth of Disability 'Sob Stories'
New York Times
Of course, the idea that disability begets preternatural abilities is nothing new. The Greek seer Tiresias' blindness gave him access to the spiritual ...

'Silent disability' is changing people's lives and few know about it
The Daily Advertiser
Aphasia has touched every part of Rose Shuff's life — her profession, her purpose, her passion for karate and how she interacts with the world around ...

June 12, 2017

Labour aims to confront the 'scrounger' stigma around disability
The Guardian
Guardian writers give their view on the main parties' public service manifesto pledges. Our disability expert looks at access, inequality and workplace ...

Disability advocates rally for signing of bill impacting in-home care
Columbia Missourian
Missouri House Rep. Nate Walker, R-Kirksville, shows his support for House Conference Bill 3 as William Stork listens from the back of the stage on ...

I Am Not My Disability
I don't think of myself as a “sick person.” I think of myself as someone strong and healthy, someone who can get by with very little sleep. I think of ...

June 5, 2017

Generations, disabled
Washington Post
Disabled America: Between 1996 and 2015, the number of working-age adults receiving federal disability payments increased dramatically across the ...

Disability complaints to airlines doubled in a decade, GAO finds
WASHINGTON – The number of complaints against airlines from disabled travelers doubled in a decade to more than 30,000 in a year, according to a ...

Are Disability Rights and Animal Rights Connected?
The New Yorker
Without explaining themselves, they lay claim to a territory that disabled people usually try to avoid: the space where disability and animality meet.

May 29, 2017

Why We Dread Disability Myths
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Disability activists and theorists such as Simi Linton and Margaret Price have been working for years to combat and dispel calcified and problematic ...

What would it be like to have a disability? Students showed us.
PCC Courier
Jessica Pierce was standing on the southeast corner of the campus quad last week asking passersby to race her in a very singular kind of competition.

Labor pledges royal commission on abuse of people with disabilities
The Sydney Morning Herald
The National Disability Insurance Scheme will be fully funded with tops ups ... Disability advocates have rejected claims frameworks in the NDIS will ...

May 22, 2017

Disability on Campus: the challenges faced and change needed
Times Higher Education
This is possibly due to the relatively low numbers of staff declaring or disclosing disability, in either job applications or staff surveys. According to the ...

England appoint first ever full-time disability coaches
BBC Sport
The England and Wales Cricket Board has named Ross Hunter and Ian Salisbury as England's first ever full-time disability cricket coaches.

Disability inclusive park to open Friday
Weatherford Democrat
A park designed to include children with varying disabilities will open next to the Patsy Hooks Dog Park. prev. next. Long requested by Weatherford ...

May 15, 2017

People with autism among most likely to fall victim to disability hate crime, figures show
The Independent
Analysis by the Office of National Statistics (ONS) shows people whose disability impacts them “socially and behaviourally” were four times more likely ...

A Life Story: Alexia Pickering, disability activist, dies aged 86
Alexia Helen Jean Rae Pickering, disability campaigner, b May 20, 1930, Petone; m Neville (dec) 3d, 1s, m George Matthewson (diss); d. April 27 ...

May 8, 2017

Former Fairfield resident produces movie for Disability Film Challenge
Hamilton Journal News
John Lawson, a former Butler County resident, hopes to add one more accolade to his growing lists of acting, producing and writing credits: ...

Share your experiences of being a disability rights campaigner
The Guardian
People with disabilities are among the most discriminated against in Bolivia. Fed up of being ignored, a group of them marched across the Andes to La ...

Autistic Teen Denied Trip Due to Disability
Meet Niko Boskovic, a high school sophomore who is funny, smart, interested in world politics — and autistic. Through this letterboard, he shares his ...

How robots can help us embrace a more human view of disability
When dealing with the otherness of disability, the Victorians in their shame built huge out-of-sight asylums, and their legacy of "them" and "us" ...

How My Privilege As A Disabled Person Motivates Me As A Disability Activist
"Don't smile too much. Act serious. Otherwise, they won't believe that you're sick," my parents would say right before meetings with disability services.

May 1, 2017

New York City's Subway System Violates Local and Federal Laws, Disability Groups Say
New York Times
The plaintiffs, a group of disability organizations and disabled residents who brought the lawsuits as a class action in state and federal court, say that ...

The government must not force me and other disabled people out of our homes
The Guardian
I was very proud to be taking such a big step for people with a learning disability, especially as I know these changes could mean that thousands of ...

European Parliament President Tajani strengthens the cooperation with the disability movement
European Disability Forum

April 24, 2017

Easterseals' Disability Film Challenge Aims to Help an Overlooked Industry Group
More than 56 million people in the U.S. live with some sort of disability. And while this demographic amounts to nearly 20 percent of the country's ...

Disability Fashion Exhibit Brings Industry's Newest Frontier to Cornell
Cornell University The Cornell Daily Sun
“We really wanted people to see that disability is visible and non-visible on campus, but that there are different ways to accommodate people besides ...

More than 400 people register for UMD's second annual Disability Summit
The Diamondback
More than 400 students, staff and community members registered for the second annual Disability Summit, which took place in Stamp Student Union ...

Governor signs bill giving businesses time to fix disability access issues before lawsuits
ABC15 Arizona
PHOENIX - Governor Doug Ducey approved on Tuesday a new bill that will give businesses a cure period before disability-access lawsuits can be ...

Disability cuts: People with mental health problems left behind as benefit changes take effect
The Independent
She was reassessed as part of the nationwide transition from Disability Living Allowance to the new Personal Independence Payments (PIP) scheme.

April 17, 2017

Seeing Outside the Disability Box
New York Times
As someone blind in one eye, I qualify as a person with a disability under the Americans With Disabilities Act, but I can also drive and play sports, and ...

Disability Accommodation in Today's Schools
The Colgate Maroon-News
In a recent lecture, Professor Arlene S. Kanter discussed the importance of integrating disability into education. Kanter is a professor at Syracuse ...

'CinemAbility' Documentary Shines Light on Disability in Film
“CinemAbility” explores the portrayals of disability story lines in film and TV dating back to the silent film era and covering such landmark films as “The ...

April 10, 2017

Disability services transform students' lives--we must protect them
The Guardian
Back when I was a student, disability services changed my life. They gave me the tools to build on my inquisitive nature and expand my critical thinking ...

Normalize THIS: DisArt Symposium to deconstruct the "othering" of Disability in film, culture at large
Lawrence Carter-Long has worn many labels in his 35 years: advertising model, dancer, animal rights activist, disability advocate, and media ...

American Indian Disability Summit connects youth and unemployed with services, training
Cronkite News
He served as the keynote speaker at the American Indian Disability Summit in Phoenix last month. The conference had more than 200 attendees, ...

April 3, 2017

Supreme Court blocks Texas execution over disability
USA Today
"Adjudications of intellectual disability should be 'informed by the views of medical experts,' " Ginsburg wrote, quoting in part from an earlier decision.

Disability services sell-off in New South Wales being bungled, carers say
ABC Online
Carers of people with a disability have accused the NSW Government of bungling its sell-off of disability services. The State Government currently runs ...

March 27, 2017

Family movie night celebrates disability awareness
Greenfield Daily Reporter
HANCOCK COUNTY — A local organization serving people with developmental disabilities is funding a night out for special needs families in ...

Activities stress disability awareness, compassion
The Herald
Cedar Crest science teacher Jamie Giesler signed the answers to riddles for her class to figure out during the school's Disability Awareness Week on ...

My learning disability doesn't mean I should be paid less. I'm furious
The Guardian
People with a learning disability already struggle to be treated equally to everyone else. Surely the idea that we could earn less than the minimum ...

March 20, 2017

New Orleans disability pride fest part of a growing trend
U.S. News
NEW ORLEANS (AP) — New Orleans' newest festival, the Disability Pride Festival , grew from a comment on the internet suggesting that it's easy to ...

'I no longer need to hide my disability from the boss'
The Sydney Morning Herald
As a housekeeper, Teremoana Tangata hid her disability from her boss to protect her job. Since starting a new job at a major bank in Sydney five ...

A Victory for Disability Rights and the Constitution
Cato Institute
Moreover, the rule is counterproductive even when applied to those who do suffer from a psychiatric disability, because those people are more likely to ...

Powwow matches culture with disability awareness
Houma Courier
"When we started our vocational rehabilitation program, we were looking for a way to really talk about disability awareness, but in a culturally ...

People with disability much less likely to get a job - ESRI
People with a disability are less likely than the rest of the working-age population to get a job and more likely to leave employment even when their ...

March 13, 2017

Encouragement, And Challenges, For 'Truly Independent' Disability-Rights Group
Hartford Courant
Cathy Ludlum of Manchester urges a new, non-profit disability-rights group to build on the effective work of the state protection & advocacy office.

Hundreds Attend Disability Awareness Day
The Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights held Disability Awareness Day at the State House on March 2, and it was a huge success. Almost 400 ...

The Shows Shaking Up Disability Representation on Television
Pacific Standard
Speechless and Switched at Birth deliver great jokes, soapy family drama, and a primer in contemporary issues facing the disability community.

It's Time To Change The Culture Of Living With A Disability In Canada
Huffington Post Canada
The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) uptake is at an all time high. Individuals are selecting their own supports instead of relying on supports ...

Researcher tuning into media representations of disability
Medical Xpress
The Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP) uptake is at an all time high. Individuals are selecting their own supports instead of relying on supports ...

March 6, 2017

Disability benefit change shows Tories are still 'nasty party', says Corbyn
The Guardian
Jeremy Corbyn has accused Theresa May of turning the Conservatives back into “the nasty party” by quietly announcing a change to rules on ...

We Have Sex Lives Too: People With A Disability Want To Be More Included This Mardi Gras
BuzzFeed News
Jeremy Corbyn has accused Theresa May of turning the Conservatives back into “the nasty party” by quietly announcing a change to rules on ...

Disability--a neglected issue in Greece's refugee camps
The Lancet
Disability—a neglected issue in Greece's refugee camps. Jules Morgan. x. Jules Morgan. Search for articles by this author. Published: 04 March 2017.

February 27, 2017

Making My Invisible Disability More Visible this Jewish Disability Awareness & Inclusion Month
My Jewish Learning
I grew up in a family that knows well how a disability can impact everyday life. My father has retinitis pigmentosa (RP), a degenerative eye disorder ...

'Glamour and disability can mix'
BBC News
Hulya Arif is a business entrepreneur who started her Pro Beauty Clinic in Dulwich, south London, two years ago. She specialises in treatments that ...

Killacky: Evolving Disability Discourse
Vermont Public Radio
His latest book, 'Brilliant Imperfection: Grappling with Cure,” is revelatory, a clarion call for changing the medicalized disability narrative of defective ...

Living with a disability: what's it really like?
The Early Hour
A wheelchair user tells Helen White-Knight how she and her husband have adapted their lives around both disability and becoming parents.

Church of Uganda makes inroads on disability inclusion in development
World Council of Churches
At the initiative of the World Council of Churches Ecumenical Disability Advocates Network, the Church of Uganda is now including persons with ...

February 20, 2017

Disabled, Shunned and Silenced in Trump's America
New York Times
As we know, the president has not merely shown a total lack of awareness of disability rights issues and of the crucial role that people with disabilities ...

Students with a disability face massive funding shortfall, Education Council figures suggest
ABC Online
Students with a disability face an enormous funding gap in Australian schools, new figures from the Productivity Commission and the Education ...

February 13, 2017

Tackling disability: The impact of assistive technology in Israel
The Times of Israel
There are over one billion people, or 15% of the world's population, who experience some form of disability, according to World Bank data. A recent ...

Disability and the culture of violence
The Hindu
Disability has been one the end results of violence historically. Since ancient times, numerous wars have been fought and entire civilisations have ...

The needless deaths of people with intellectual disability must be urgently addressed
ABC Online
This is the situation that the NSW Ombudsman's office has identified in its reviews of the deaths of people with disability in residential care, and has ...

February 6, 2017

NGOs warn against diluted disability law
Advocacy groups including the European Disability Forum (EDF) and AGE Platform Europe, which promotes the interests of 190 million Europeans ...

Disability groups protest 11,000-person waiting list for services in Virginia
Roanoke Times
Advocates have urged the state to spend more money on disability waivers, or slots, which provide a variety of services to families in need, such as ...

Disability activists, amplified: Social media gets the job done
This is part of CNET's "Tech Enabled" series about the role technology plays in helping the disability community. Mia Ives-Rublee is getting used to ...

Premier League clubs criticised over disability access
Daily Mail
The Premier League has been urged to stop making 'excuses' by the Equality and Human Rights Commission after publishing its interim report on ...

Disability Intersects Muslim Identity for Chicagoans
Medill Reports: Chicago
According to the 2015 American Community Survey, approximately 10.7 percent of people in the state are living with a disability. That means an ...

January 30, 2017

Disability service fears grow in regional South Australia
ABC Online
There is a growing concern that people in regional South Australia will miss out on the support they need despite the roll out of the National Disability ...

State fails to support disability services, report finds
Jacksonville Journal Courier
A federal court monitor is criticizing Illinois for failing to ensure that people with developmental disabilities receive adequate support within their ...

Addressing Poverty Among The Disability Community - One Policy At A Time
Huffington Post
Michael Morris Executive Director of National Disability Institute, working to improve the financial health of people with disabilities.

Disability activists honor life, legacy of Ed Roberts
Daily Californian
Judith Heumann, a founder of the Center for Independent Living, presented the Ed Roberts Award, which honors the disability activist Roberts, ...

The disability employment gap
Full Fact
The 'disability employment gap' refers to the difference between the employment rate of non-disabled people and the same for disabled people.

Disability Rights Activists Seek Protocol for Playing National Anthem
The Wire
However, among activists fighting for disability rights, the opinion is divided on whether a strict classification is required or whether showing respect ...

January 23, 2017

Disability campaigner claims victory in bid for wheelchair users to have priority over buggies on buses
The Supreme Court unanimously ruled it was not enough for drivers to "simply request" a non-wheelchair user to vacate the space without taking any ...

Roll with it: why more people with disability are not employed by retailers
The Guardian
People with disability can find that retail premises, like other workplaces, are not accessible which can be a barrier to employment. Photograph: Sigrid ...

Denouncing Trump Won't Help Disability Rights
New York Times
That a statement on disability garnered sympathy from across the political spectrum was unsurprising, at least to me. I've grown used to my wheelchair ...

Prosecutors: Preschool violated federal disability law
WYFF Greenville
Federal prosecutors say a company that runs a New Jersey preschool violated the Americans with Disabilities Act when it expelled a child with Down ...

People with disabilities have launched a virtual march--so they can participate too
The Daily Dot
Disability March asks participants to upload photos of themselves and descriptions of why they are marching to the site, which will create a digital ...

Mainstreaming disability
Many disability-related supports in the conventional welfare approach are centered on providing basic support without considering the specific ...

January 16, 2017

'Speechless' Just Schooled Everyone On Disability 'Inspiration Porn'
Huffington Post
ABC's “Speechless,” a sitcom about a family with a son who has a disability, tackled why it's often offensive to call people with disabilities “inspirational ...

Disability Activists In Hollywood On Meryl Streep's Speech
BuzzFeed News
8 at the Golden Globes, acclaimed actor Meryl Streep sharply criticized President-elect Donald Trump for ridiculing a journalist's disability. “The person ...

A Conversation On Gender Equality And Disability Rights With Silvia Quan
Huffington Post
As one of the most tenacious leaders in her generation of disability rights advocates, Silvia Quan has faced down the forces of discrimination and ...

Advocate hits out at continued abuse of disability car parks
The Southland Times
Sonia Thursby, chief executive of Yes Disability Resource Centre in Albany, is annoyed with people who abuse the accessible car parks outside her ...

January 9, 2017

The Beautiful Side Of Disability
In fact, after reading this interview, you may come to the conclusion that the term “disability” is misplaced. Parts of this interview have been edited for ...

No respite for mothers caring for children with a disability
The Sydney Morning Herald
But for mothers who care for children with a disability, the job is unrelenting. In Australia, one in 12 children have a disability and in 95 per cent of ...

'I have a disability but I'm not disabled': Bodybuilder with Cerebral Palsy is hailed as 'inspiration' as ...
Daily Mail
He lives by his motto: 'I may have a disability, but I am not disabled.' When he was younger, doctors predicted he would not be able to walk.

January 2, 2017

Knowledge is key in changing attitudes to learning disability
Belfast Telegraph
New research by Mencap has found 63% of parents of children with a learning disability have had to miss social engagements in the last year due to ...

December 26, 2016

Intimate Coming-Of-Age Documentary Breaks Boundaries About Disability And Sex
As she comes of age on screen, the young woman also breaks boundaries about disability and sex in ways the filmmakers never expected. Michelle ...

Why Did India's Media Ignore the Disability Bill?
The Diplomat
December 16, 2016 will go down in history as one of the landmarks in the history of the Disability Rights Movement in India. After years of discussions, ...

'I Feel Like I'm a Normal Teen': South Bay Sophomore Joins Tennis Team Despite Disability
NBC Bay Area
“She has a very visible disability and I was very concerned about how the other kids at school were going to look at her and how she would be ...

Editorial: A million-man waiting list for disability benefits
It's the stuff of nightmares: Permanently injured in an auto accident, you lose your ability to work and must apply for disability benefits. Faced with ...

JK: Disabled-community seeks extension of disability law to state
The Indian Express
J-K: Disabled-community seeks extension of disability law to state ... immediately extension of the disability law, passed by Parliament last week, to the ...

School student disability durvey 'fails credibility test'
The Australian
The first ever collection of “nationally consistent” data on school students with disability shows some 18 per cent have an impairment but the survey ...

Church shines spotlight on issue of disability with statement
Vatican Radio
The Church too shone the spotlight on the issue of disability when the Vatican's Pontifical Council for Culture along with the Kairos Forum sponsored ...

December 19, 2016

Students with learning disabilities feel well accommodated at TCU
The creators of Super d! Show note that 20% of kids have a learning disability, yet the subject seems too niche for mainstream; they want to change ...

Getting Students With Autism Through High School, To College And Beyond
TCU 360
He appreciates the adage, "It's a difference, not a disability." But he disagrees with it when it comes to himself. "I don't think I would be at this place that ...

Uber's New Autonomous Fleets Could Change How People With Disabilities Travel
The Americans with Disabilities Act promotes accessibility to the 31 million people with mobility-related disabilities. Based on the Act, Uber's new ...

December 12, 2016

Disability and the Trump administration--what's next?
The Hill
In that vein, Trump has made little mention of disability-related social policy. Rather, Trump's association with disability in the campaign came by way ...

Disability campaigners calling for abuse safeguards
Disability campaigners have called on the Government to urgently enact legislation to protect children and adults with intellectual disabilities from ...

Dinsmore refuses to let disability slow him down
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
“But as far as my hands, I don't really look at it as a disability or a defect because I never got treated that way. ... I've never stopped. I've always been ...

High street disability access 'needs more progress'
BBC News
Not enough progress has been made to improve disabled access to Welsh high streets, a charity has said. Disability Wales told Good Morning Wales ...

One in 10 jobs in learning disability services at risk - report
The Guardian
About 150,000 adults receive learning disability support, but staff could be cut as providers struggle to pay increases to the 'national living wage'.

December 5, 2016

Students with learning disabilities feel well accommodated at TCU
TCU 360
Common learning disabilities include dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, auditory processing deficit, visual processing deficit and ADD/ADHD...

Dyslexia: The Learning Disability That Must Not Be Named
As the most common learning disability in the U.S., dyslexia affects somewhere between 5 and 17 percent of the population. That means millions of ...

Legal aid, disability rights group sue health officials over alleged failure to provide treatment
KSAT San Antonio
SAN ANTONIO - Texas RioGrande Legal Aid and Disability Rights Texas have filed a lawsuit against Texas Health and Human Services Executive ...

November 28, 2016

Budget cuts destroying disability "equality agenda"
published by Disability Agenda Scotland (DAS) says while the Paralympics help challenge negative stereotypes, public spending cuts to services ...

Disability discrimination: Is stigma to blame for employment drop?
STV News
Having a disability can be a barrier for many people who want to get a job or continue in education. Nearly a fifth (19%) of people of working age in ...

November 21, 2016

SWAG on 6: High School Senior Uses Disability to Educate Classmates on Acceptence
NBC 6 South Florida
A wheelchair and cerebral palsy can't prevent Michael Hadler from being a big man on campus at Flanagan High School in Pembroke Pines.

Questions you need answered if traveling with a disability
AOL News
Kennedy sat on the Disability Advisory Travel Board for multiple airlines. He trained airline workers on how to treat customers with disabilities and how ...

Disability Advocates Ask Feds To Continue To Investigate, Monitor Special Ed In Texas
Houston Public Media
Disability Rights Texas has complained formally and informally in different ways about the cap on special ed, starting more than two years ago.

November 14, 2016

Damian Green dismisses 'offensive' UN report on UK disability rights
The Guardian
Green said the report was “patronising and offensive” and presented an outdated view of disability in the UK. He said Britain was “a world leader in ...

Bill to restrict disability-selective abortion progresses in House of Lords
A bill that would end disability-selective abortion up-to-birth has passed its Second Reading in the UK House of Lords and proceeded to the ...

Trump Win Brings Uncertainty On Disability Policy
Disability Scoop
Notoriously short on specifics, Trump barely touched on disability issues on the campaign trail. However, now that he has won the White House and ...

People with disability underrepresented in politics advocate
The Canberra Times
But Disability Leadership Institute founder Christina Ryan says one group – Australia's largest minority – is consistently missing from the conversation.

November 7, 2016

New Era for Disability Rights
Inside Higher Ed
Disability studies scholars and legal experts say lawsuits like Dudley's ... Lainey Feingold, a disability rights lawyer, has worked on web accessibility ...

Government aims to halve disability employment gap in UK
The Guardian
The work and pensions secretary, Damian Green, said the government would confront 'prejudices and misunderstandings' about disabled people.

Emory University Professor Humanizes Disability Through Guided Reading
The Heights
In a talk titled “Disability Bioethics: Toward Theory and Practice,” Rosemarie Garland-Thomson, an English professor and the co-director of the ...

October 31, 2016

Agencies beat five-year goal on disability hiring
Government is hiring more people with disabilities now than at any other time within the past 35 years. Federal employees with disabilities made up ...

Why the latest disability lawsuit against Uber is a big deal
Fast Company
Uber is being sued in Chicago by a disability-rights group alleging that its lack of wheelchair-accessible vehicles violates the Americans with ...

October 24, 2016

For the disability community, tech is the great equalizer
These stories highlight and chronicle the role that tech plays in meeting the particular needs of the disability community or ensuring that something ...

UK lawmaker with a disability proposes bill banning abortions on babies with disabilities
October 19, 2016 (LiveActionNews) -- This Friday, the United Kingdom's House of Lords is set to debate a bill that would prevent preborn babies from ...

Disability concern with NDIS board
They're concerned about changes to the board of the agency overseeing the National Disability Insurance Scheme, principally that very few of the new ...

NDIS: WA disability service providers prepare for future care system
ABC Local
Disability service providers in Western Australia are re-modelling themselves to be more competitive and offer greater choice, ahead of a final decision ...

October 17, 2016

Buzz About You: Disability employment awareness
Elmira Star-Gazette
Capabilities in Elmira, a not-for-profit agency that helps people with disabilities find gainful employment, is participating in National Disability ...

MU Students Petition for a Disability Studies Program
If approved by administration, students who complete the program would earn a certificate which is similar to earning a minor in disability studies.

Dayton Relaunches 2 Programs To Increase Disability Worker Hiring
CBS Local
ST. PAUL, Minn. (WCCO) — Governor Mark Dayton announced two state programs will be re-launching to help people with disabilities. The goal is to ...

October 10, 2016

Disability is a hidden side of the police violence epidemic
Often, disabilities go unidentified or undiscussed, which obscures the extent of disability involvement in the police killing epidemic. Whether killed on ...

How An Introverted Australian With A Disability Built Huge Momentum For US Small Businesses
Matthew's personal story, including overcoming his disability, leveraging his introversion, and generating success against all odds, has a great deal to ...

Joliet Junior College students help promote disability awareness through event
The Herald-News
The event was held from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday – the same day the JJC Disability Awareness Club was chartered at the college, said Mindy Diaz ...

Exhibit shows disability history
UTA The Shorthorn
“Building a Barrier-Free Campus: The History of Accessibility at UT Arlington” chronicles contributions faculty and alumni like Joseph Rowe, John ...

October 3, 2016

Disability program's closure troubles UC Berkeley students
San Francisco Chronicle
She had faith in UC Berkeley — which touts itself as the birthplace of the disability rights movement — in large part because of a campus program that ...

Disability groups question ethics of Wisconsin teen's death
Washington Times
APPLETON, Wis. (AP) — Disability rights organizations said the death of a Wisconsin teenager who was allowed to end treatment of her incurable ...

September 26, 2016

Employers Still Lag Behind When It Comes To Disability
Over the past decade, there has been a lot of focus on gender and race among FTSE100 firms. One area of diversity that is often neglected is disability ...

Disability and the 'new normal': why Australia needs to ramp up access to stage and screen
The Guardian
Most of the actors would be perceived by the general community to have an intellectual disability. They write the scripts in part by drawing on ...

How Did Disabilities Become a Partisan Issue?
The Atlantic
Disability politics used to be bipartisan. The Americans with Disabilities Act was primarily authored by Senator Tom Harkin, an Iowa Democrat.

Disability rights advocates praise "Speechless"
The series is being heralded by disability groups across the country. Stephanie Woodward, the director of advocacy at the Center for Disability Rights ...

Pakistan: Stop execution of death row prisoner with mental disability
Amnesty International
In 2015, the Pakistani Supreme Court rejected his appeal, ruling that there was no evidence of his mental disability. However, the Supreme Court's ...

University May Remove Online Content to Avoid Disability Law
Inside Higher Ed
University May Remove Online Content to Avoid Disability Law. U.S. Justice Department finds that Berkeley MOOCs and YouTube content don't meet ...

September 21, 2016

Benetech Delivers 10 Million Accessible Ebooks
Yahoo Finance
Bookshare is the world's largest online library for people who are blind, visually impaired or have a physical disability that interferes with reading, such ...

Outside Rio's Paralympics, Brazil's disabled battle to be seen
Washington Post
Like the others, he faces prejudice when it comes to getting anything from jobs to buses in a country ill-equipped to deal with his disability. He hopes ...

New ABC Sitcom Highlights Disability Issues
Cerebral Palsy Associations of New York State
New ABC Sitcom Highlights Disability Issues. Posted on September 20, ... one of its kind on the air. It follows a family with a child who has a disability...

Worldwide, People With Disabilities Struggle to Find Jobs
U.S. News & World Report
MORGANTOWN, West Virginia — It's not always easy for West Virginians with disabilities to make their way to Jennifer Tenney's office, a generic, ...

September 14, 2016

New Student Organization spreads awareness about living with disabilities
The Journal
AREA, which stands for Awareness, Respect, Education, and Ability, works to better incorporate the reality of disability into the lives of able-bodied ...

Swimmers, Parents And CEOs - Why We Need To Normalise Disability Representation
Huffington Post UK
Over the last few days, I have been dissuaded from ever taking heroin, I have witnessed the pitfalls of dating a celebrity and been even more in awe of ...

EEOC Sues MedStar Harbor Hospital For Disability Discrimination
JD Supra
In November 2013, however, when Alston requested such a work-around, MedStar refused and abruptly terminated him because of his disability, ...

Life is extremely difficult for persons with disabilities in Rio
Global Alliance on Accessible Technologies and Environments
From the excessively steep access ramps at the football stadium to disability parking spaces that had been reserved for official cars at the beach ...

September 5, 2016

Las Vegas Paralympian's disability was no match for her dream
Las Vegas Sun
“Cortney caught my attention with her work to really minimize the impact of her disability,” Loeffler said. “She has done a great job to be the best she ...

Queensland to review disability education
Brisbane Times
Queensland will review its policies for students with a disability to ensure all students are receiving the same standard of education. Deloitte Access ...

Having a disability means I'm a victim of segregation
The Sydney Morning Herald
A few years ago, I was out in the city with some friends having the time of my life and the night only got better when someone suggested we get ...

Kazakhstan cafe uses employment to fight disability stigma
She has a learning disability, and has spent her adult life in a local mental institution. Like her fellow workers with either learning disabilities or mental ...

August 29, 2016

What Disability Means
New York Times
Last week, The Times opened a series about disability, broadly considered, with an essay about disability, pride, and identity by Rosemarie ...

Donald Trump Put Disability In The Spotlight, But Not In The Way These Advocates Had Hoped
Hartford Courant
It's the kind of political spotlight that disability rights advocates have craved for years - but the particular dynamics have left them feeling conflicted.

Living With Disability
New York Times
I thought disability was something to be ashamed of, or a weakness — that everyone with a disability wanted to be fixed, and that wasn't me at all.

Advocates say police need disability training
Advocates say police need disability training. A local deaf man was laid to rest after being shot dead by a State Trooper, and tonight, advocates are ...

These Are The Hidden Costs Of Living With A Disability
Huffington Post Canada
Having a disability in Canada can be expensive. While big-ticket items can make you stop in your tracks (or put the brakes on your wheelchair), ...

August 22, 2016

Denver auditor finds the city's disability parking system to be subpar
The Denver Post
Disability parking in Denver is inadequate, according to a recent audit, with an insufficient number of disability spaces and subpar enforcement against ...

UAS students using disability services quintuples from 2008
Juneau Empire
JUNEAU — The number of students using disability services at the University of Alaska Southeast is more than five times what it was in 2008.

Want social justice, Theresa May? Break the link between disability and poverty
New Statesman
Our latest research for the Joseph Rowntree Foundation explores the links between disability and poverty - disabled people and their households face ...

August 15, 2016

Paralyzed college senior gets new disability van from community
Fox 2 Detroit
He was paralyzed in a theatre accident at the age of 15 years old. Now a senior in college -- he's overcome nearly every challenge life has thrown at ...

For aging blacks, 'golden years' often marred by disability
Chicago Tribune
"In 2011, at age 65, whites could expect to be free of disability for 15 out of their nearly 20 remaining years of life — about three-fourths of the time," ...

August 8, 2016

Nearly 1 in 4 U.S. Seniors has some form of disability
WEDNESDAY, Aug. 3, 2016 -- A new U.S. government report on aging finds that close to a quarter of Americans over 65 have some form of disability.

How obesity became the new face of disability in America
In December 2015, the number of Supplemental Security Income/disability recipients in Pueblo County was nearly 6,000, according to the Colorado ...

Disability is no barrier for these high fliers
They suffer from severe disabilities, including motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis, but that has not stopped them taking to the skies.

Disability is no barrier for these high fliers
They suffer from severe disabilities, including motor neurone disease and multiple sclerosis, but that has not stopped them taking to the skies.

August 1, 2016

National Disability Institute Launches DISABLE POVERTY Campaign
Huffington Post
Today, on the 26th Anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), National Disability Institute (NDI) launches DISABLE POVERTY, ...

Disability Rights Are At The Center Of The DNC. That Didn't Happen By Accident.
Anastasia Somoza speaks on disability rights during the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia , Monday, July 25, 2016.

Disability advocates pushing 'people first' conversation
One of the big things Disability Advocates of Kent County pushes is “ask first.” For example, if you have a question you want to ask someone with a ...

Disabled lives matter. We need to toughen the law on disability hate crime
The Guardian
Two attacks recently have targeted people with disabilities. Yet the hate crime laws in Britain don't apply equally to them – this needs to change.

President Obama honors Sacramento disability advocate
KCRA Sacramento
Laurie Hoirup published two books about her disability: a memoir titled, “I Can Dance, My Life With A Disability,” and a children's book, “Being Different ...

Betty Siegel: Leadership Exchange in Arts and Disability
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
The next year they came back with a young woman with a disability who was now on their staff – they took the employment aspect of it, too, not just ...

July 26, 2016

Minnesota man with disability wins round in fight for job promotion
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Legal experts said the decision is among the first of its kind and highlights the conflicts that many disability service providers face when they provide ...

Disability sector struggling to attract young people, Tasmanian providers say
ABC Online
Attracting young workers is one of the biggest challenges facing the disability sector ahead of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) rollout, ...

Inclusion matters at Disability Pride Parade
The 13th Annual Disability Pride Parade marches through downtown Chicago on July 23, 2016. The parade steps off at Plymouth Court at Van Buren ...

A wheelchair comes out of storage to help disability advocate see new view of world
A narrow gangway barely fits her wheelchair as Colleen Starkloff arrives home in the Central West End after using MetroLink to travel from her ...

Young man with disability isa a natural on the water
Thanks to the 26th annual Three Rivers Adaptive Water Sports Clinic, people with any type of disability are getting the opportunity to go out and water ...

July 18, 2016

Wearing my disability with pride
Science Advances
Snap, cluck, snap! The noises rang out in the conference hall. Several people turned toward me to see what was causing the disturbance. As I walked ...

Disability challenge: Bridging the north-south divide is the first step
The Indian Express
Disability challenge: Bridging the north-south divide is the first step. We need aggressive action focused on improving the HDIs in the global south.

What Happens When You Tell A Person With A Disability They 'Can't' Do Something
Huffington Post
Here's what happens when you tell someone with disabilities they can't do something they feel passionate about pursuing: They'll pretty much say ...

July 11, 2016

Disability advocate drowns in wheelchair after fireworks
CBS News
SACRAMENTO -- A Northern California man desperately tried to rescue his wife on the Fourth of July after her wheelchair plunged into the ...

Phoenix woman with disability inspires with spirit
PHOENIX - In the state of Arizona, at the age of 15 years and six months, you are allowed to get your driving permit after passing physical and written ...

Disability doesn't mean entrepreneurial inability
The Sydney Morning Herald
Entrepreneurship might seem an unlikely pursuit for Australians with disability. But greater focus on self-employment can transform disability into ...

My Disability Does Not Define Me
Uloop News
According to the Office of Disability Employment Policy, “The term 'disability' is defined as someone who displays a mental or physical impairment that ...

Why are we OK with disability drag in Hollywood?
Los Angeles Times
It's no secret that television programming offers a skewed image of our diverse society—one that's whiter, straighter and more male. For example, 43% ...

July 4, 2016

Disability Activist Challenges Media Misconceptions with 'Visibility Project'
Disability activist Alice Wong, who was born with spinal muscular atrophy, talks about the misconceptions about disabilities in the mainstream media, ...

Pushing Limits: Disability as an Unexpected Gift
Ironically, Paul K. Longmore's, Telethons: Spectacle, Disability, and the Business of Charity exposes the problematic history of fundraising and ...

Dow High student donates graduation money to Disability Network
Midland Daily News
Sunny Kim, center, chats with members of the Disability Network Summer STAGES program during their picnic after biking on the rail trail on Tuesday ...

June 27, 2016

Disability-inclusive development isn't cheap, but exclusion has a higher price
The Guardian
Blind people read braille Qur'ans at a disability rehabilitation centre in Indonesia. The centre cares for around 40 Muslim patients. Photograph: Y T ...

Taxi medallion owners, disability activists protest Uber at City Hall
Crain's New York Business
About 200 taxi medallion owners and some two dozen disability activists gathered in the hot sun outside City Hall Wednesday in what they said was a ...

Value revealed in disability talent
The Mercury
A growing body of research is showing that people with a disability are ideal workers who raise the morale and standards of an entire workplace.

'Suck it, Bipeds': Finding Dory's Disability Narratives
Huffington Post
The film celebrates disability culture and admonishes ignorance and meanness. Importantly, it privileges the perspectives of individuals with ...

June 20, 2016

New UN Committee Member First With Learning Disability
ABC News
One of nine new members elected to the United Nations' persons with disabilities committee has become the first person with an intellectual disability ...

'Disability is not inability,' says Ban calling for equal rights for persons with disabilities to achieve ...
UN News Centre
“Through the power of music and the arts, these talented women and men are living examples of our core message: disability is not inability,” said UN ...

'Finding Dory' and 'Finding Nemo' change the way we see disability
Washington Post
One of the more poignant threads running through “Finding Dory” is the idea that while Marlin has learned that Nemo's disability doesn't make his son ...

'Finding Dory' and 'Finding Nemo' change the way we see disability
Washington Post
One of the more poignant threads running through “Finding Dory” is the idea that while Marlin has learned that Nemo's disability doesn't make his son ...

Sisters Create 'The Disabled Life' Comics Highlighting Life With a Disability
The Mighty
Illustrators and sisters Jessica and Lianna Oddi have a lot to say about living with a disability – but have decided to draw their thoughts instead.

Ohio Gets Green Light For Disability Rules
WOSU Public Media
Federal officials are pushing to get people who are on waiver programs out of institutional-style settings and into treatment in the community. Pixabay.

Christian puts human face on disability debate as election turns to health
The Age
17-year-old Christian Cedergren who has autism, embraces Opposition Leader Bill Shorten after they discuss disability funding. Photo: Alex ...

June 13, 2016

Smartphones, hearing gear for students with disability
Hindustan Times
Delhi University will provide accessible smart phones, smart canes, hearing gear and wheelchairs to students with disability from this year. In a move ...

Leominster man refuses to use his disability as a crutch
Sentinel & Enterprise
Patten, who has cerebral palsy, was appointed last month to the Leominster Disability Commission. SENTINEL & ENTERPRISE / JOHN LOVE

June 6, 2016

Me Before You director defends film against disability campaigners
The Guardian
The Me Before You director, Thea Sharrock, has defended her film – which stars Game of Thrones's Emilia Clarke as a woman who dates a disabled ...

Disability rights have long been bipartisan. Will Trump end that?
Twenty-six years ago, a Republican president signed the bipartisan Americans with Disability Act, or the ADA. That was then. In the past year, the ...

Germanna coordinator takes the 'dis' out of disability
The Daily Progress
Stevens overcame his own disability - dyslexia - to find a career for himself working with students with disabilities, helping them make the transition ...

Disability no obstacle to Syrian refugee weightlifter
Disability no obstacle to Syrian refugee weightlifter. He was born without legs, but Syrian refugee Belind teaches weightlifting and break dancing to ...

Doctor, lawyer, wheelchair user: It's the same person. And he's filing disability lawsuits by the bundle.
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Some attorneys have formed disability groups specifically for the purpose of filing lawsuits, Windler said, calling such groups “blunt objects” to exploit ...

May 31, 2016

The Secret Tax That Targets Families Affected By Death or Disability
The U.S. Department of Education forgives student loans for individuals because of death or total and permanent disability. This is a sensible, ...

Disability rights campaigners protest at premiere of Me Before You
The Guardian
A group of activists unfurled a banner castigating it as a “disability snuff movie”, as cast members including Emilia Clarke, Jenna Coleman and Joanna ...

Kiwis worried over Aus disability insurance overhaul
Radio New Zealand
Disabled New Zealanders and their families in Australia fear they will lose out under a huge overhaul of disability services across the Tasman.

Riding school celebrates 40 years of helping people with disabilities to saddle up
Maldon and Burnham Standard
A RIDING school has celebrated 40 years of helping people with disabilities or special needs get in the saddle. Barrow Farm, which is located in ...

May 23, 2016

Disability discrimination still rife in Australian workplaces: Australian Network on Disability ...
The Sydney Morning Herald
Articulate, well-qualified and experienced in her field of marketing, Zoe Brissett​ would appear to be an ideal candidate for an employer. Yet the ...

EEOC sues Chattanooga transportation company for disability discrimination
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) is filing a lawsuit against Chattanooga-based Covenant Transport, Inc., after it says the ...

The things musicians do to disguise disability
Slipped Disc
Heather O'Donnell has written a thoughtful and disturbing piece for Van magazine on the strategies that musicians employ to mask a physical or ...

Diversity on screen: Sofya Gollan and Bridie McKim tackle disability, the last hurdle
The Sydney Morning Herald
"Disability affects you socially much more than it does as a person," she says. "I know how to live my life with CP but it's tough when people don't know ...

May 16, 2016

U.S. judge rules ex-dockworker's disability is permanent
The former worker, Robert Carrion, is entitled to permanent disability benefits until he's able to work again, if that ever occurs, said the Ninth U.S. ...

May 10, 2016

EEOC Issues New Resource Document Addressing Issues Related to Leave and Disability
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The document is entitled Employer-Provided Leave and the Americans with Disabilities Act. Disability charges filed with the EEOC reached a new high ...

Ireland will ratify UN convention on disability rights
Irish Legal News
Ireland will ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities within six months, The Irish Times reports. Finian McGrath, the ...

Unclear language prevented $750,000 for disability program, director says
The Gazette: Eastern Iowa Breaking News and Headlines
DES MOINES — Three-quarters of a million dollars for a program that helps mentally and physically handicapped individuals find employment was not allocated as intended ...

Media show Kumamoto was woefully ill-prepared for disabled evacuees
The Japan Times
As someone who scours the media in Japan for mentions of issues surrounding disability, I have been impressed by the reporting of the Kumamoto ...

Book explores how disability, race intersect in pushing kids to prison
KU Today
LAWRENCE — Disability and race weigh heavily on the school experience of millions of young people, yet disability studies and critical race theory ...

April 25, 2016

Channel 4 offers £1m in free TV ad space to back disability
The Guardian
“As part of Channel 4's year of disability we want to ensure that our commitment to better reflecting disabled people goes beyond just our editorial ...

Living Longer, With More Disability
The Atlantic
Life expectancy with disability increased by 4.7 years for men and 3.9 for women; life expectancy without disability increased by 4.5 years for men and ...

'Diversity includes disability'
University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News
'Diversity includes disability'. Monica Silny, in the elevator she uses to get to her dorm from the Petersen Events Center. Theo Schwarz | Senior Staff ...

Blind woman says disability reveals myths underlying abortion
University of Pittsburgh The Pitt News
'Diversity includes disability'. Monica Silny, in the elevator she uses to get to her dorm from the Petersen Events Center. Theo Schwarz | Senior Staff ...

April 18, 2016

Onsite disability management targets faster recovery, smoother return to work
Business Insurance
Unum Group said on Wednesday that it will offer onsite disability management for customers who want their employees to benefit from one-to-one ...

April 11, 2016

Planned Parenthood Sues Indiana: Law Banning Abortion Based on Disability Diagnosis ...
The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Indiana filed a lawsuit Thursday in U.S. District Court on behalf of Planned ...

Disability Rights Activists Protest at White House
ABC News
Disability rights activists are protesting at the White House to urge President Barack Obama to support legislation to help disabled people who require ...

Man with a disability angry at people abusing mobility parks
The store, however, says the signs refer to old opening hours and removed them after a disability group pointed out how they could be interpreted.

Teen water skiing champ doesn't let disability define him
KCRA Sacramento
Teen Connor Poggetto is a champion water skier. He's looking to make the U.S. Disabled Water Ski Team for 4th time in a row.

April 4, 2016

Disability definition to be widened
Times of India
NEW DELHI: The government is set to widen the definition of "disability" to bring the count of physically challenged persons in sync with the ground ...

Australian tech accelerator to kickstart disability-focused startups
The Australian government's National Disability Insurance Scheme, a new program aimed at supporting the disabilities community, is beginning its roll ...

Disability activist Doug Paulley: 'I'm tackling injustice'
The Guardian
Doug Paulley has won almost all the 40 disability discrimination cases he has launched over the last decade. Paulley, who lives in a care home and ...

March 31, 2016

Uber Assist, a ride service for people with disabilities, launches in Ottawa
Ottawa Citizen
Uber has launched a new service in Ottawa called Uber Assist, which will provide door-to-door pickup and drop off services for people with disabilities ...

Students With Disabilities Suspended More Often At Charters
Disability Scoop
According to a new analysis of federal data, black students and those with disabilities ...

Disability Rights of Ohio files suit against state
Toledo Blade
A federal lawsuit filed today seeking class action status claims the State of Ohio is violating the rights of people with developmental disabilities by ...

March 23, 2016

UCF disability inclusion program draws out-of-state interest
Education Advisory Board
A new inclusion program at University of Central Florida (UCF) aims to expand access to higher education for students with learning disabilities--and ...

BBC reporter forced off air amid disability rally in parliament
The Guardian
Dozens of people protesting against disability benefit cuts have occupied central lobby in parliament, chanting "Cameron killer" and "no more deaths ...

Judge: Disability oversight group can access New York school
Washington Times
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - A federal judge has ruled that the legal services group that oversees the welfare of disabled and mentally ill New Yorkers has the ...

Budget 2016: Cuts to disability benefits are 'breaking human rights laws'
International Business Times UK
Kate Walsh has claimed Personal Independence Payments (PIP), and their various predecessors, for over 20 years now. She has had a foot ...

March 17, 2016

Disability advocates to protest Uber
ALBANY -- Disability advocates are set to protest Uber on Tuesday at the state Capitol, calling on upstate mayors to stop supporting the company for ...

Government backs 'fairer' disability payments after charity's criticism
Daily Mail
Hundreds of thousands of people will be affected by changes to disability benefits payments in the next five years, the Government has admitted.

Disability rights topic of talk at WSU
Dayton Daily News
Laura Osseck, an attorney specializing in disability rights, will give Wright State University's 2016 Honors Institute luncheon address at 12:30 p.m. ...

'Pretty Cripples' and the people turned on by disability
BBC News
After an angry Facebook rant, I found myself being introduced to a community of people who are sexually aroused, and attracted to, disability as ...

March 7, 2016

Disability Rights Activists Want to #CripTheVote
Deborah Muldrow, who could not enter the polling place due to a physical disability, receives assistance as she votes for the South Carolina ...

Play puts life with a learning disability centre stage
The Guardian
He says: “Up Down Boy made some people – even some parents of children with Down's syndrome – reassess their attitude to learning disability and ...

World Bank partners with Leonard Cheshire Disability to promote and protect inclusion for persons
World Bank Group
WASHINGTON, March 1, 2016 - The World Bank and Leonard Cheshire Disability are joining forces to put persons with disabilities at the heart of ...

February 29, 2016

Disability omitted from debates on lack of diversity among Oscar nominees
The Guardian
It was disappointing that a study into the lack of diversity of Oscar nominees didn't include disability in its analysis (Report, 23 February). One can only ...

Abuse of disability parking placards found in Boston
The Boston Globe
State officials should toughen penalties for misusing disability parking placards and take additional steps to curb the costly practice, according to a ...

'Divyang' tag disappoints persons with disability
The Hindu
Persons with disability feel the Railway budget has let them down, as it has not shown any vision to ensure a barrier-free environment. Railways ...

Awards kick off Disability Awareness Month
Terre Haute Tribune Star
Tribune-Star/Jim Avelis Honored: The Disability Awareness Work Group (DAWG) kicked off Disability Awareness Month with an awards ceremony ...

February 23, 2016

Man claims discrimination based on learning disability
Laconia Citizen
In response to the suit, Attorney Alexandra Geiger of Manchester, who represents NBME, denies that Densmore suffers from a disability as defined by ...

Workplace Disability Discrimination Claims At Record High
Disability Scoop
Complaints of disability-based job discrimination are on the rise, hitting an all-time high, federal officials say. The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity ...

New White Sox announcer is first in MLB with physical disability
And he's believed to be the first person with a physical disability to hold that spot in major league ... He says his disability has never been an issue.

Grammys 2016: Stevie Wonder calls for disability rights
CBS News
The blind soul singer is well-known for his advocacy of disability rights; in 2009, he was appointed as a United Nations Messenger of Peace with a ...

Ontario simplifies medical reviews for people on disability support
Toronto Star
Queen's Park is scrapping its “difficult and intimidating” medical review process for people receiving income support from the Ontario Disability ...

Blind Ambition: One Woman's Journey to Fitness Despite Disability
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Bettina Dolinsek is guided by her vision. Without the sense of sight, her abilities surprise a lot of people. "When I first wanted to ...

February 16, 2016

How the disability voting bloc could swing the 2016 election
The Guardian
At last census, roughly 20% of the US population identified with some degree of disability, spanning a huge range of impairments across race, gender, ...

Dating With a Disability
U.S. News & World Report
Living with a disability often means facing inaccurate assumptions; dating with one is no different. People sometimes assume those with disabilities ...

Target rolls out new shopping carts designed with disability in mind
If you think maneuvering a shopping cart around a packed store is hard, imagine trying to navigate tiny aisles and impatient shoppers while pushing ...

Grappling with Intellectual Disability Michael Bérubé’s The Secret Life of Stories
Michael Bérubé's The Secret Life of Stories: From Don Quixote to Harry Potter How Understanding Intellectual Disability Transforms the Way We Read ...

Obituary: Gloria Steinbring, a pioneering leader in Minnesota's disability rights movement
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Gloria Steinbring, a charismatic and fiery leader of Minnesota's disability rights movement for four decades, died last month in Minneapolis. She was ...

A life: Rosemarie Kasper's disabilit didn't stop advocate for change
Alma and John Kasper's only child entered the world with broken legs and scant hope. The newborn was hurriedly named for her grandmothers, Rose ...

February 8, 2016

Zika Virus Threat Puts Abortion Rights And Disability Rights On Collision Course
Huffington Post
While abortion rights advocates might well point to Zika-linked microcephaly as evidence that the U.S. needs to liberalize abortion laws, disability ...

Junior finds empowerment, helps others at the Office of Disability Services
The Daily Orange
While abortion rights advocates might well point to Zika-linked microcephaly as evidence that the U.S. needs to liberalize abortion laws, disability ...

Local disability advocates will help Uber figure out how to get everyone from A to B
The company announced Thursday that it has formed the Uber Boston Disability Coalition, an initiative that aims to improve the transportation options ...

Minnesota man's fight for a promotion spurs disability rights debate, galvanizes coworkers
Minneapolis Star Tribune
The case underscores the precarious position of hundreds of ​Minnesotans with disabilities who rely on disability agencies for on-the-job training and ...

Indiana bill would halt all abortions requested due to race, gender, disability
Fox 59
The bill looks to prohibit an abortion at any time, based on the fetus' gender, race, or a potential disability. Taylor fears for families that are unable to ...

February 1, 2016

See the new Lego set that has disability advocates cheering
AOL News
Lego Will Release Its First Mini-Figure That Uses a Wheelchair From mythical characters such as a werewolf or vampire, to more realistic ones, such ...

The 2016 Candidates Need to Stop Ignoring the Disability Vote
New Republic
Historically, though, presidential candidates rarely focus on disability rights—save for the 1996 presidential campaign of former Senator Bob Dole, ...

The tech giving people power to rise above disability
BBC News
If a million more disabled people could work, the UK economy alone would grow 1.7%, or £45bn ($64bn), says disability charity Scope.

January 26, 2016

Disability is not a disqualification
Science Advances
I have a physical disability, and stairs are a particular source of difficulty. Unfortunately, they lie in front of every entrance to the building where I take ...

Disability-related cases were most common discrimination in 2015
Out of those cases, disability-related complaints were seen to be the most common, making up 31 percent of all cases. Race and gender-related ...

New York City Disability Advocates Pressure Uber and Lyft for Accessibility
The Mighty
Disabilty activists are continuing the decades-old fight to make New York City car services accessible. Advocates from the Taxis For All Campaign, ...

Wheelchair-Bound Iraq War Vet Won't Let Disability Dampen His Efforts to Serve Neighbors ...
Justin Anderson, an Iraq War veteran from Omaha, Nebraska, is not finished serving his fellow citizens. The amputee has found a way to alleviate his ...

UM's Disability Services to launch new online system
NBC Montana
Disability Services for students at the University of Montana will launch a new online system this spring. It's called Accommodate.

January 20, 2016

Why keep mental disability a secret? Mallick
Toronto Star
But now they don't have to say what the disability is because that would “label” them and create “stigma.” I disagree. As people — millennials in ...

Arcadia senior overcomes loss, learning disability
La Crosse Tribune
Not only has William had to deal with the struggles of a learning disability, but he also had to overcome the death of his mother when he was in first ...

Boys' basketball: Hearing disability not stopping Copper Hills' Preston Sanchez
Salt Lake Tribune
They've since been married 25 years, and when the idea of expanding their family arose, Mario feared he'd pass his hereditary hearing disability to ...

DisAbility Sports Festival returning to Palm Desert
The Desert Sun
Professional athletic coaches, many with disabilities, will be participating in the fourth annual DisAbility Sports Festival in Palm Desert later this month.

January 11, 2016

DOT fines United $2.75 million for delays and disability-related complaints
On Tuesday the Department of Transportation announced fines totaling $2.75 million against United Airlines for violations related to disability-related ...

What's An Invisible Disability? 7 Things You Need To Know
Think of the word "disability". What do you see? The people of the Special Olympics, swimming and running and jumping in wheelchairs or without ...

WXXI, Al Sigl start 'Dialogue on Disability'
Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
Since 2003, WXXI and Al Sigl Community of Agencies have partnered on weeklong programming for a “Dialogue on Disability” initiative. Designed to ...

Disability groups fear Uber will kill off wheelchair cabs
The Age
Uber's rise and future regulation will make it more difficult for people with a disability to get around, advocacy groups have warned, unless safeguards ...

January 8, 2016

Not-so-rapid transit: CTA says disability access will take 20 years to complete
Two months after the I-Team exposed dozens of CTA stations in violation of federal access laws, transit authority officials have new plans to comply ...

Young Emirati woman overcomes disability, rides horses
Emirates 24|7
A young Emirati woman with special needs has overcome the disability she was born with and has become a role model for other physically ...

DOT fines United $2.75 million for delays and disability-related complaints
On Tuesday the Department of Transportation announced fines totaling $2.75 million against United Airlines for violations related to disability-related ...

Malloy: Closure of Southbury facility more complicated
CT Post
A coalition of disability rights groups, led by the Connecticut Council on Developmental Disabilities, has called for closing the facility by 2020...

December 28, 2015

The 'golden age' of disability arts
BBC News
A group of experts from the National Disability Arts Collection and Archive (NDACA) has been photographing examples of work from the "golden age" ...

Understanding Disability: Population of people with disabilities grows in NM, data shows
Santa Fe New Mexican
A person with a disability, according to the ADA definition, may have a physical or mental impairment that affects one or more major life activities, such ...

Institute for Disability Studies self-advocate recognized nationally
Mississippi's self-advocate and disability networks were well represented ... community education director at the Institute for Disability Studies (IDS).

Undaunted by disability, SMU student walks across finish line
On Sunday, undaunted by her disability, Self did something else. Surrounded by supporters, she walked the last 300 yards of the MetroPCS Dallas ...

Free 'Disability Cinema' series
UD Daily
The films in the “Disability Cinema” series will be shown at Room 127 in Memorial Hall on Thursday evenings. Each showing will begin with a ...

Free 'Disability Cinema' series
UD Daily
The films in the “Disability Cinema” series will be shown at Room 127 in Memorial Hall on Thursday evenings. Each showing will begin with a ...

Why do you never see a Lego mini-figure with a disability?
The Guardian
Thanks to the Disability Discrimination Act, disabled children can no longer be refused entry to toy shops, schools or soft play centres on the grounds ...

Man with disability helps others in Greater New Hven learn through his past struggles
New Haven Register
It was February 1983, and Luby was born in the Hospital of Saint Raphael with cerebral palsy. CP is a neurological disorder that permanently affects ...

Hands-free cosmetics: Amazing makeup artist beats disability to follow dream
However, Ruiz does not let her disability be the most remarkable thing about her. “She was amazing from day one,” her grandmother told the ...

Going to work a struggle for man with spina bifida who needs wheelchair lift
Toronto Star
For Ryan Leworthy, going to work each morning starts with dragging himself into a van. Reaching up with one arm to grab the door handle, he hoists ...

Guest Commentary: Listen to disability rights community
The Denver Post
For years, activists in the disability rights community have been questioning how Colorado's community-centered boards have operated. These 20 ...

December 15, 2015

'Softness in the struggle': Living with a disability
CNN International
(CNN) Photographer Claudia Gori watched as Camilla, a young mother with muscular dystrophy, got on her knees and prepared to lower herself to the ...

Disability 'apartheid' exists in Australia as community 'looks for the wheelchair', Dignity for Disability ...
ABC Online
Australia has created a type of apartheid in its treatment of people with a disability, the country's first Dignity for Disability MP says. Kelly Vincent, who ...

Two UK studies reveal apparent increase in healthy ageing, less sever disability
Two studies conducted 20 years apart in England reveal an apparent increase in healthy ageing, or years lived healthily, reflecting less cognitive ...

A Smartwatch for the Visually Impaired
Huffington Post
When a group of students at the University of Washington saw a fellow classmate struggling with big heavy Braille books to study, it sparked an ...

December 9, 2015

Physical Disability And Engineering Of Environments
On PBS's Newshour last week, Jon Schull, a research scientist at the Rochester Institute of Technology, made some points about disability. He said ...

Disability advocates rip Kylie Jenner wheelchair photo shoot
While the sexualized nature of the images of Kylie Jenner generated some commentary, it's the wheelchair shots that have provoked the most intense ...

Disability advocates rip Kylie Jenner wheelchair photo shoot
"When you consider that 20 percent of the population reports having a disability of some sort, for businesses to be seen as providing these ...

Dispatches: Straight Talk About Disability
Human Rights Watch
“What is a disability?” she asked me. As I began to explain, her father politely intervened: “Please don't talk about disability with her. She's too young ...

Dispatches: Straight Talk About Disability
Human Rights Watch
“What is a disability?” she asked me. As I began to explain, her father politely intervened: “Please don't talk about disability with her. She's too young ...

Disability sensitivity training urged by area health department director
Martinsville Bulletin
Dr. Jody Hershey, director of the West Piedmont Health District, has taken disability sensitivity/awareness training that focuses on common respect, ...

Shining a light on mental illness: An "invisible disability"
World Bank Group (blog)
This year's International Day of Disabled Persons, observed December 3, takes as its theme: “Inclusion matters: Access and Empowerment for People ...

December 2, 2015

Appleton North hosts disability exhibit
Appleton Post Crescent
“Allies for Inclusion: the Ability Exhibit” includes 10 interactive stations that encourage respect and build awareness of disability issues. The national ...

Dad dances at daughter's wedding despite wheelchair disability
... 'Able Thrive,' a website that collects and presents articles and videos from around the world to show how people can live well with a disability.

November 24, 2015

This Sex-Themed Alphabet Illustrates Dating With A Disability
The team in charge of Scope's advertising approached Pâté with an idea: to create an illustrative alphabet to normalize sex and disability, with each ...

Superstar Stevie Wonder inspired a super fan to overcome his disability
Jason Smith has been inspired by the Soul Legend's ability to overcome being blind and to live out his dreams. “He taught me it's not the disability.

State lawmakers prepare far-reaching reforms to disability services
Minneapolis Star Tribune
State officials already are looking at changes in reimbursement rates for disability employment programs, said Jennifer DeCubellis, assistant ...

November 17, 2015

Pioneer in disability access dies
He's the former director at the Division of Disability Resources, a job Nugent used to hold too. He founded the Division of Disability Resources and ...

Iconic sportscaster accuses golf course of discriminating against his disability
Bob Lobel, a sports media icon for over 30 years in Massachusetts, is suing a Boston golf club, claiming the course barred him from playing due to his ...

New disability studies minor will come to UO in fall 2016
Oregon Daily Emerald
New disability studies minor will come to UO in fall 2016 .... years of work, the University of Oregon is getting a new disability studies minor in fall 2016.

Chinese dance troupe overcomes disability
Chinese dance troupe overcomes disability. HOUSTON – In the shadow of downtown Houston, there was an unexpected sight – a group of young ...

Fire safety and lack of privacy in disability homes criticised
Irish Times
Staffing levels, bedroom layout, fire safety and respect for privacy and dignity have been criticised in a number of Hiqa reports into disability care ...

Forget your wheelchair? What no one with a disability should ever be asked
it said (and was placed directly above her disability parking permit on the dashboard). Van Den Borne, who has multiple sclerosis, was distraught.

Corrie star suffers disability abuse
Digital Spy
Coronation Street star Cherylee Houston has spoken out to raise awareness of disability hate crime, after she was wrongly accused of faking her need ...

November 9, 2015

Disability no barrier for young volunteers
Vina del Mar born and bred, Ricardo, 16, and Ignacio, 24, have become firm friends thanks to FIFA's Youth Programme for the FIFA U-17 World Cup ...

Disability no barrier for young volunteers
From his town in West Yorkshire, England, Stephen "Ste" Walker is changing the way people perceive disability. Walker suffers from Crohn's disease ...

IITs asked to stop using disability photos in applications
Hindustan Times
The court of the chief commissioner of persons with disability (CCPD) has asked IITs to stop making physically-challenged applicants of Indian Institute ...

November 3, 2015

Illinois Student Senate to fund 3-D printer for disability resources
Daily Illini
The Illinois Student Senate, ISS, passed a resolution to allocate funds for a new 3-D printer for the Division of Disability Resources and Educational ...

Celebration aims to increase disability awareness
OSU - The Lantern
Andrew Sydlik is blind. In order to attend classes, the Ph. D. student studying disability studies and 19th-century American literature must order special ...

Learning disability care hospital beds reduced
BBC News
The NHS admits people with a learning disability or autism have been failed for decades and Jane Cummings, chief nursing officer for England, said: ...

Estate Planning: Tax free savings for the college and disability needs of the blind and disabled
Lake County News
ABLE accounts extend the benefits of 529 college savings plans to disabled persons to include their disability-related expenses. Let us discuss.

Post-polio syndrome: Australia's forgotten disability
ABC Online
Post-polio syndrome: Australia's forgotten disability ... Polio Australia says this makes them the single-largest physical disability group in the country.

October 27, 2015

Disability Acceptance Week strives to establish new norms
University of Virginia The Cavalier Daily
Last week was Disability Acceptance Week at the University, and students worked to spread as much knowledge as possible about disability ...

What John Belluso Taught Me About Disability, Generosity, and Life
American Theatre
Much of what I came to understand was theoretical: John's grasp of disability theory, and critical theory in general, was extraordinary, and he spoke of ...

Jefferson Elementary learns disability awareness
Daily Journal Online
As part of Disability Awareness day, students rotated to six different stations that demonstrated what it would be like to have to live with some sort of ...

October 19, 2015

MU's Celebrate Ability Week closes with presentation on disability language
Columbia Missourian
COLUMBIA — At the conclusion of the MU Disability Center's annual Celebrate Ability Week, Erin Andrews, a rehabilitation psychologist and an ...

Voices: What it's like to live with an invisible disability
Fibromyalgia is just one example of such an invisible disability. While you likely wouldn't be able to tell the difference between a student with ...

October recognized in Missouri as 'Disability History and Awareness Month'
Houston Herald
Texas County Presiding Commissioner Fred Stenger signs a proclamation last week recognizing October as Disability History and Awareness Month.

October 12, 2015

Cleveland Browns DL Xavier Cooper opens up about his learning disability
In ninth grade, Cooper was diagnosed with a learning disability. “It was frustrating but football kind of brought me along and once I became so talented ...

Pittsburg: Screening of 'Fixed' a preview of disability film festival
East Bay Times
The screening comes both in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act and Disability Awareness Month, and as a ...

Local Boy with Rare Disability Makes Strides
RJ Cervantes is just like any other soon to be four-year-old running around and singing along with his friends at daycare. You wouldn't know he has a ...

October 7, 2015

Blind activist arrested at Capitol disability event
Detroit Free Press
LANSING — A blind activist for disability rights is to be arraigned in district court in Lansing on Friday after he was arrested at an Americans with ...

Ferris Disability Awareness Month Events Offer Speakers, Sport and Support
Ferris State Torch
Disability Awareness Month activities will begin Monday, Oct. 5 with a resource fair in the Williams Auditorium lobby from 3 to 5 p.m., according to ...

Viewpoint: Is it time to stop using the word "disability"?
BBC News
By the 1980s and 90s "handicapped" was gradually replaced with "disabled" as a new way of thinking about disability emerged - called the social ...

September 29, 2015

Leading Disability Charity Welcomes U.N. Decision to Make Disabled Top Priority
A major U.K.-based charity for the disabled has welcomed the U.N.'s decision to make disability a top priority as part of their 2030 agenda for ...

World Disability Billiards and Snooker launches new event
BBC Sport
The first tournament staged by the new World Disability Billiards and Snooker (WDBS) body will take place in Gloucester in November. The WDBS ...

World Disability Billiards and Snooker launches new event
BBC Sport
The first tournament staged by the new World Disability Billiards and Snooker (WDBS) body will take place in Gloucester in November. The WDBS ...

September 21, 2015

City: Rehab Hospital renovations don't meet disability requirements
Hawaii News Now
The Rehabilitation Hospital of the Pacific is in trouble with the city which said recent renovations there do not meet disability access requirements, ...

St. Augustine company aims to expand diversity to include disability
Florida Times-Union
“Disability has often been left out of diversity programs,” said Meg O'Connell, a founder of Global Disability Inclusion. “It used to be illegal to even ask ...

HSE accused of ignoring failings in disability homes
Irish Times
A State watchdog has accused the HSE of turning a blind eye to failings in disability homes, including degrading and inhumane treatment of residents.

Parents with a disability face greater chance of losing children: report
The Age
When Ms Arthur, who has a mild intellectual disability, was pregnant, a pre-birth report done for Victorian Child Protection raised concerns about her ...

September 14, 2015

Future Transhumanist Tech May Soon Change The Definition of Disability
Radical technologies around the world may soon overhaul the field of disability and immobility, which affects in some way more than a billion people ...

Disability and the Politics of Abortion
Seven Days
So far, North Dakota has the only disability-related abortion restriction on the books; eight states ban sex-selective abortions. None of these laws has ...

Disability sports participation in Wales up 30%
BBC News
There has been a 30% increase in people taking part in disability sports activities over the last year. In 2014, people with disabilities took part in ...

British Paralympian hopeful canoeist dropped from competition because disability is 'psychological'
A British Paralympian hopeful canoeist who has been in a wheelchair for four years has been told that she can no longer compete because her ...

Why My Disability Doesn't Make Me Your Inspiration
The Mighty
I really do appreciate the kindness, and I know that people often lack a deep understanding of disability, so they use the words they know as best they ...

September 8, 2015

WSU announces Presidential Lecture Series for 2015-2016
WSU Guardian
Wright State's annual Presidential Lecture Series will feature the theme: “Redefining the Face of Disability” with speakers that will offer various insights ...

Disability Sport Programme a success
Mearns Leaderr
Disability sports officer Caitlin Dudley said: “A big thank you to all of the coaches at Aberdeen Sports Village and Westburn Tennis Centre and to all of ...

Disability arts: the challenge of ensuring creative momentum
The Guardian
There’s a lot to celebrate in the work of disabled artists right now. Ramps on the Moon, for example...

Column: Invisible disabilities have visible fall out
Arizona Daily Wildcat
The plaintiffs argue that trauma should be viewed as a disability as it impedes students' ability to focus in school, and therefore teachers should have ...

August 31, 2015

Miloscia honored by developmental disability advocates
Federal Way Mirror
Sen. Mark Miloscia was recognized this week for his efforts to support services for individuals with developmental disabilities and their families...

Disability Achievement Award nominations open
Fraser Coast Chronicle
The 2015 Disability Achievement Awards are an opportunity for the Fraser Coast to highlight the achievements of local people who are working hard ...

Sharks of Silicon Valley unite on disability
West - Welfare Society Territory
Microsoft, Facebook, Dropbox, Yahoo and LinkedIn are some of the leading companies in Silicon Valley that have decided to work together to make ...

Army veteran sues Home Depot, alleging disability discrimination
West Virginia Record
WINFIELD—An Army veteran from Putnam County is suing Home Depot, alleging employment law infringement. Christopher J. Scalf of Hurricane filed ...

Thousands DIE after being told they're fit to work in 'disturbing' benefits crackdown
Disability campaigners are calling for an investigation after "disturbing" figures revealed 2,380 died within two weeks of Employment Support ...

Disney battles request to question executive in disabled access lawsuit
Orlando Sentinel
Staggs already filed a declaration for the court, which states that “from time to time Mr. Staggs received information about DAS [Disability Access ...

Plan for cuts in disability benefits, but hope for the best
The future for Medicare and Social Security might not look bright at the moment, but it's particularly bleak for the government's disability insurance ...

August 24, 2015

Less than half of New South Wales train stations have disability access, records show
ABC Online
Less than half of the train stations across New South Wales have disability access, information obtained by the ABC through the Government ...

Disability campaigners plea to stop drivers parking in blue badge spaces
Get Surrey
A group of disability campaigners has staged a protest at Dorking railway station in a bid to stop the misuse of blue badge parking spaces...

ADA gives business access to customers
Knoxville News Sentinel
"About 20 percent of our population has a disability, at minimum," she said. "That is $1 in $5 that a business owner is either welcoming in or not, ...

Meet the Woman Petitioning J.Crew to Help Fight Disability Stigma
AI tried working for a time and realized I couldn't, so I went on disability. I started my website because I'd fallen out of contact with my friends and family...

Has The ADA Broken Its Economic Promises To People With Disabilities?
Jessica Delarosa, center, and others take part in the inaugural Disability Pride Parade in New York on July 12, 2015. Seth Wenig / AP ...

LSAT Disability Accommodation Plans Under Way
The National Law Journal (registration)
Meanwhile, the Justice Department reported that $6.73 million has been distributed to 2,695 people who applied for disability accommodations on the ...

August 17, 2015

5 Steps Toward Disability Equality
Huffington Post
At one point in life, every man (or woman) will face disability-related issues. Disability is the one diversity or minority group that could affect you any ...

Federal agency sues Amtrak, claims disability discrimination
Washington Times
SEATTLE (AP) - The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a federal lawsuit against Amtrak that claims it discriminated against a ...

Inspectors find failings in every HSE disability care home
Irish Times
More than 93 per cent of inspections of disability homes carried out by the State's health watchdog found the facilities failed to comply with national ...

Teen with disability fights for right to communicate
My wheelchair and disability become irrelevant; I am a person, a human being. And for the first time, I feel that is what they see first. I can tell my mom, ...

August 10, 2015

Disability activists blast Lego for ‘stereotypical’ elderly man in wheelchair toy
Washington Times
Lego's diverse “Community People Set” has sparked the ire of disability activists who believe the figurine depicting an elderly man in a wheelchair ...

UT to add degree in disability studies Program will be first of its kind
The Blade
Jim Ferris is heading up an effort to launch a new under-graduate degree in disability studies, which begins this fall at the Univer-sity of Toledo ...

Accessibility Barriers Stall the $17-Billion Disability Travel Market, Survey Says
“This new data, shows that the disability travel market has a greater impact than ever on the industry and the broader economy,” says Eric Lipp, ...

No One Wants to Be Normal: So Why Are We Awkward Around Those Who Are Different?
Huffington Post UK Blog
I have a learning disability and sadly some people view this as having a problem, or being incapable. It's true that I may be different to some people, ...

August 3, 2015

She Owes Her Activism To A Brave Mom, The ADA And Chocolate Cake
But no school would teach a child who was deaf-blind (that's the preferred terminology in the disability community). Girma describes that brother as ...

The ADA at 25: What’s next for disability rights?
“If you have a physical disability, it does not mean that you're weak,” he said. “You're not fragile.” Maynard spreads that message as an advocate for ...

CDC: 1 in 5 American adults live with a disability
USA Today
One in five American adults have at least one kind of disability, according to a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released ...

Disability rights activists protest at Uber's NYC offices for failing to put accessible cars in its fleet
New York Daily News
Disability rights activists protested Thursday outside Uber's west side offices for failing to put any accessible cars in its massive fleet of more than ...

July 27, 2015

25 years after the ADA became law, the disabled continue to be absent from workforce
STL Today
His résumé might have tipped off prospective employers to his disability. He included under work experience that he was an intern with the U.S. ...

Disability Confident - Thank You for Making a Positive Change
Huffington Post UK
It is two years since the Prime Minister stood up in July 2013 and launched the Disability Confident campaign. While we still have much more to do, ...

Disability Bill: Activists demand separate section for women, children
The Indian Express
While the latest census data suggests 2.2 per cent of the population is suffering from disability in India, the UNCRPD claims the percentage might be is ...

July 20, 2015

Why disability rights is everyone's business
Disability is, unsurprisingly, age related. For the non-institutionalized population in the United States, just 5.5% of people aged 16-20 reported a ...

Uber, Lyft Face Questions From Massachusetts Over Disability Access
NBC News
The Massachusetts attorney general's office is examining how Uber and Lyft ensure equal access for people with disabilities ...

UT to offer disability studies degree beginning in the fall
“Disability has long been studied as a biomedical issue, but disability studies is dramatically different,” said Dr. Jim Ferris, the Ability Center of Greater ...

Remarks by the President on The Americans With Disabilities Act
The White House
THE PRESIDENT: Hello, everybody! (Applause.) Well, welcome to the White House. And thank you so much, Haben, for that amazing introduction ...

July 13, 2015

NYC's inaugural Disability Pride Parade fraws thousands
New York Post
Mayor Bill de Blasio kicked off the inaugural NYC Disability Pride Parade, saying he's proud his city is a national leader in supporting rights for ...

Disability Awareness Players spread awareness of disability interaction
They call themselves the Disability Awareness Players. They are all experts because they each have disabilities themselves. They are using their ...

July 6, 2015

Heartwarming video shows having a disability is no barrier to getting frisky
It may look like the start of a raunchy movie, but this video of couples getting it on has a serious message. Released by Scope, it aims to show being ...

Nigerian Group Provides Training for People with Disability
VOA Learning English
In Nigeria, an estimated 20 million people have some kind of physical disability. They have physical problems that make it difficult to find work and ...

'Crutch' documentary shares story of Pittsburgh man who turned disability into career
That's never really stopped him. When his grade school friends played soccer behind Fulton Elementary School in Highland Park, Shannon ...

'Disability Confident' employment accolade for Swansea
South Wales Evening Post
SWANSEA has become the first place in the UK to be recognised for its commitment to helping disabled people into work by being given official ...

Tasmanian disability service provider tripling workforce thanks to NDIS
ABC Online
Tasmania's largest disability services provider is set to triple its workforce over the next four years thanks to the National Disability Insurance Scheme ...

Report: Ohio must find ways to prevent disability among older residents
Columbus Dispatch
A new report says Ohio must find ways to help prevent or delay disability among older adults as people 65 and older are expected to account for ...

June 29, 2015

Jameela Jamil: 'Britain deals with disability by pretending it's not happening'
The Independent
Presenter Jameela Jamil has spoken out about the negative way disability is dealt with in the UK, claiming that the country's attempt to address ...

Motherlode | For a Child with a Learning Disability, There's Such a Thing As Too Much Help
New York Times
As a kindergartner in a large public school, my son, who has a language-based learning disability, was mainstreamed in a general education ...

New thinking required for national disability technology
CIO Australia
"The disability world is deep and diverse. I'm not your average disabled computer user by any stretch of the imagination." - Sean Fitzgerald.

Crash victim fought to change perceptions of disability
As a young man living with a disability, he had found his way to contribute to society and was working to change perceptions through blogging.

June 23, 2015

Kit Harington: Game of Thrones actor leads disability campaign with help of his cousin
The Independent
"Learning Disability Week is the perfect opportunity to challenge this. We need to give people a far greater awareness and understanding of what ...

Inner Strength: for Blake Leeper The Only True Disability in life is a Bad Attitude
Blake Leeper was born without legs, but he's never let that slow him down.

June 19, 2015

Developmental disability programs could see minor funding increases
LA Daily
Developmental disability programs could see minor funding increases. (l-r) Juan Perez shows Destry Walker how to package product for shipping.

Lee Irving's murder is a chilling reminder that disability hate crime is rising
The Guardian
Lee Irving, who had a learning disability that may have been a 'motivation' ... Lee Irving was 24 but, due to a learning disability, had what his mother ...

Disability Is No Obstacle for Aid Worker
Voice of America
She knows exactly what it is like to live with a disability. Aderemi was left unable to walk due to polio in her childhood. She said her mother carried her ...

June 4, 2015

Teacher shares lessons in love from son with rare disability
Jeff Wright stoops to lift his 92-pound son out of a wheelchair. "And up," he groans. "Oomph!" Adam dangles from his arms, dead weight. Wright plods ...

Winthrop gymnast overcomes disability with determination
WCVB Boston
Winthrop gymnast overcomes disability with determination ... to new heights with her determination to not let a disability from birth get in her way.

Graduate uses speech to surprise classmates, share her disability
Lewiston Sun Journal
Edward Little High School graduate Jordan Lau announced to her classmates that she is deaf during her graduation speech on Saturday evening.

Correctly Diagnosing a Child's Learning Disability
Huffington Post
Dr. Lydia Soifer and Lynn Rubin, experts in the field of childhood learning disabilities, stopped by Mondays with Marlo with some great advice for ...

May 27, 2015

Uber: Disability Laws Don't Apply to Us
Daily Beast
And mandatory driver training or other measures to prevent disability discrimination could imply its drivers are employees and undermine Uber's ability ...

Stella's Challenge disability awareness campaign announced at TEDxSydney
The Guardian
Stella Young AAP Stella Young: campaign named after the comedian will be launched on 3 December 2015. Photograph: SmartArtists PR.

'Failure' on disability hate crime changes
BBC News
Victims of disability hate crime are still being let down by the system, a report has concluded. The Criminal Justice Inspectorate said police, ...

Dennis Walters, disability and disrespect
Golf Channel
But it's hard, if not impossible, to keep a disability a secret when you're in a wheelchair, or on crutches or parking in handicapped spots.

May 18, 2015

5 Ways to Mitigate the Financial Downside of a Disability
U.S. News & World Report
While the word “disability” might conjure images of wheelchairs or missing limbs, most disabilities leading to the inability to work are more pedestrian: ...

Phoenix unveils new disability accessibility icon
Phoenix leaders and disability activists unveiled a new accessibility icon Wednesday, saying the action-oriented symbol shows a positive change in ...

Disability friendly events sponsored
Marshfield News-Herald
MARSHFIELD – Anger Me Not Foundation and the Marshfield YMCA sponsored a disability-friendly swim on April 1. During this time, persons with ...

May 11, 2015

Quadriplegic sailing instructor defying the odds of disability
Michael Strahle is a quadriplegic sailing instructor at Whiskeytown La but he isn't letting his disability define him or stop him from doing what he loves.

May 7, 2015

Disabled riders seek tougher rules for Uber, Lyft
Boston Globe
“All of these systems . . . are hardly paying any attention to accessibility,” said Christine Griffin, executive director of the Disability Law Center. “If these ...

Man with speech impediment hosts podcast, promotes disability awareness
Getting behind a microphone for a live broadcast can sometimes be a real challenge; but imagine hosting a show with a speech impediment.

App that helps people in wheelchairs plan travel routes wins first place at civic hackathon
For most people, using a tool like Google Maps is an adequate way to find walking or public transit directions. But for those who face mobility challenges...

April 29, 2015

Mom's Disney Photos Prove 'The Only Disability In Life Is Having A Bad Attitude'
Huffington Post
Ultimately, the mom hopes that when people see her Disney-fied photos of Giselle, they won't fixate on her disability but will simply see "a little girl ...

Beyond the label: WSU hosts celebration of disability culture
Winona Daily News
The show sprung out of a discussion in WSU professor Kelly Herold's disability communication and culture class at WSU. With his 24 students, Herold ...

Meet the New Disability Rights Defenders
Open Society Foundations
Open Society's Disability Rights Scholarship Program is cultivating a new generation of lawyers and advocates who can fight for disability rights for ...

April 20, 2015

Designing for Disability
The New Yorker
During New York Fashion Week in February, a number of models with disabilities appeared on the runways. Credit Photograph by Selcuk Acar ...

Exoskeletons vs. wheel chairs: Disability advocates clash with futurists over 'offensive' solution
International Business Times UK
Assist the disabled or eliminate disability? This is the question a recent lawsuit in Los Angeles has sparked following a landmark agreement to spend ...

Groups pledge to increase disability access at launch of ADA 25 Chicago
Chicago Sun-Times
“The ADA recognizes disability as a natural part of the human experience, as people with disabilities are our family, neighbors, teachers, lawyers and ...

April 13, 2015

Disability will be conquered this century, bionic limb pioneer tells West Michigan Design Week
Herr is living and creating the "biomechatronic" vision of a disability-free future as an associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of ...

We must tackle disability prejudice if all young people are to enjoy the arts
The Guardian
Disability is a complex arena of diverse behavioural, physical and emotional needs. To propose a one-size-fits-all solution is misguided, but there are ...

One man's experience of disability and anorexia
BBC News
Growing up was difficult because of my disability. People at school imitated my walking, called me "crip" and said hurtful things such as, "go and sit ...

Heidi Cullinan: Writing disability, visible and invisible
Heidi Cullinan, author of Carry the Ocean (out today!), book one in the Roosevelt series, finds inspiration in an autistic character on TV. Heidi: The ...

April 6, 2015

Labor calls for disability commissioner after cage built for special needs student
The Guardian
'Parents of children with disability are often made to feel like troublemakers because they demand support for their child at school and that's just not ...

Man says he lost job at Red Cross over disability
WSB Atlanta
He says he's worked hard to succeed with his disability and showed Viteri medals from his high school band in Kennesaw and certificates for ...

Excercising With a Disability
U.S. News & World Report
By contrast, under 4 percent of Americans without a disability fall into that “extreme” category.​ What's more, people with disabilities – no matter their ...

My Boyfriend Has A Disability. So What?
Yahoo Health
Being with someone who has a disability definitely shouldn't be awkward. Yes, it's something you might not encounter every day, but as far as dating ...

March 30, 2015

Supreme Court considers impact of disability law on police
LA Daily News
Supreme Court considers impact of disability law on police. Frances Sheehan, sister of Teresa Sheehan, speaks to the reporters outside the Supreme ...

disAbility Awareness Month
Kent State University
SAS celebrates disAbility Awareness Month- the "d" is intentionally lower case to emphasize people's ability rather than disability- every October in an ...

Looking Differently at Disability and Decision Making
Open Society Foundations
Many people with disabilities are not allowed to make the most basic decisions about how to lead their own lives. “Supported decision making” can ...

Man City duo help promote disability awareness programme
Premier League
Fernandinho takes part in a City in the Community disability awareness workshop. The midfielders played blind football and sitting volleyball with local ...

DEEP IMPACT - Truth or Dare: A Challenge to Disability Stereotypes
James Madison University
In partnership with JMU's Center for Multicultural Student Services (CMSS), the student led D.E.E.P Impact will lead a discussion on disability and ...

March 24, 2015

Statues around the world that show disability: share your photos
The Guardian
Have you seen these or know of any other statues around the world that show disability? We would like to see them. You can share your photos or ...

A Candid Discussion About Disability And Accessible Music Venues
WAMU 88.5
Today's Kojo Nnamdi Show on WAMU dedicated nearly an hour to an eye-opening discussion about disability and accessibility in D.C.'s music scene.

Disability and the arts: the best of times, the worst of times
The Guardian
Prometheus Awakes, presented by the Graeae Theatre Company and La Fura dels Baus in 2012, featured disabled and non-disabled performers.

SXSW 2015: How Extreme Bionics Will Rid The World Of Disability
Popular Science
At South by Southwest on Sunday, MIT professor and double amputee Hugh Herr shared his vision of a future without disability. In the field of bionics, ...

Comedian, actress with cerebral palsy headlines Disability Awareness Week
James Madison University
Comedian and actress Maysoon Zayid will be the keynote speaker 7 p.m. Monday, March 23 to help kickoff the sixth annual Disability Awareness ...

March 17, 2015

Why are young people scared of disclosing their disability to employers?
BBC News
A survey released to 5 live Breakfast has found that more than three-quarters of disabled students and graduates are afraid to let potential employers ...

Why are young people scared of disclosing their disability to employers?
Editor's note: This op-ed is by Matt Fisken, a freelance energy adviser, permaculturist and stay-at-home dad who lives in Hartford. Now that the show ...

gri and fundacion once release guide to disability reporting
Global Reporting Initiative
“Disability in Sustainability Reporting is designed to empower organizations' understanding of what activities can have an impact on the rights of ...

March 10, 2015

Brown's proposal for establishment of Disability Cultural Center gains momentum
The Georgetown Voice
GUSA Undersecretary for Disability Affairs Lydia Brown (COL '15) hosted a panel on Monday, Mar. 2, to discuss her proposal to create a Disability ...

NJ mom pushes for disability-friendly clothing for kids
Last year, 10-year-old Oliver Scheier came home from school with a simple request: he wanted to wear jeans like the other kids in his class instead of ...

Sex, Lives and Disability: What Disabled Bodies Can Teach Us About Sex
The internationally famed multi-disciplinary performer Mat Fraser has long explored the relationship between disability, entertainment and sexuality.

Disability must be portrayed honestly
The Guardian
We hope the new BBC disability executive will progress this even further so that seeing disabled people on TV in such roles will become the norm and ...

Disability Awareness Week
Oxford University Student Union
Disability affects many students at Oxford; it makes the student body rich and diverse, but it also poses challenges every day which so many of us ...

March 5, 2015

Jewish disability activists lobby Congress
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
WASHINGTON (JTA) – Activists from across the country marked Jewish Disability Advocacy Day by lobbying members of Congress to preserve Social ...

Olive Garden hostess doesn't let disability hold her back
Journal Times
Because she is a part-time employee she still receives some Social Security disability assistance, but she hopes to eventually not have to receive any ...

Bridging the gap between disability and ability: BiOM
KSBY San Luis Obispo News
The latest technology in prosthetic limbs continues to help bridge the gap between disability and ability with bionic and robotic limbs. For the last few ...

Taking a Look at Disability Rights in Israel and Beyond
Reform Judaism
As we wrap up Jewish Disability Awareness Month, we think also of people with disabilities in other countries. Worldwide, 650 million people live with ...

IL Conversation March 5, 2015 - Promoting Disability Pride
Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living
CIL-NET Presents...an IL Conversation via Teleconference. Promoting Disability Pride: Exploring the Evolution of Disability Culture. Presented by.

Triple amputee wounded in Iraq attacks disability by competing in Brazilian jiu-jitsu
The Dallas Morning News
Joey Bozik competes in Brazilian jiu-jitsu, a martial art similar to wrestling but with submission attacks, despite being a triple amputee.

February 24, 2015

Bill banning abortion due to gender, disability advances
Evening News and Tribune
INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana would prohibit abortions based on fetal disabilities such as Down syndrome under a bill endorsed Wednesday by an ...

'Our Curse': Parents of child with rare disability find hope in brutally honest film
Some of the worst news any new parents can receive is that their baby will face the challenge of a lifelong disability. It's the kind of thing that can make ...

Disability Services Expo
Disability Services Commission
People who want to know more about disability services and service providers can find out more at an expo being held by the Disability Services ...

What Maidstone Resource Centre means to me
Leonard Cheshire Disability
I have a rare degenerative disability which means I am gradually losing control of my body. At 14 years old I was diagnosed with a disease that causes ...

February 17, 2015

Seven more genes tied to brain disability affecting men
The Hindu
Scientists have identified seven more genes that can cause X-linked intellectual disability, which predominantly affects men. Defective genes on the X ...

Special report: Dyspraxia
The National
Dyspraxia is a lifelong learning disability that causes problems with coordination and movement. Despite affecting a child's ability to write, play sports ...

February 10, 2015

University of Michigan English professor, advocate for disability awareness dies
Siebers, who was diagnosed with polio when he was 2 years old, was well known for his advocacy and literary contributions in disability studies, ...

Adapt2Achieve Program
Disabled Sports USA
Since 2009, Adapt2Achieve has offered training in adaptive sports and nonprofit management to strengthen and develop community-based adaptive ...

February 4, 2015

Georgia executes man despite disability claim
CNN International
"The intellectual disability community, which has strongly supported Mr. Hill's case for many years, joined his legal team in the belief that the Supreme ...

Disability advocates note progress and push for more
The Daily Tar Heel
In four years, the Carolina Coalition for Disability Justice has accomplished more than most University groups can in a lifetime. The organization is ...

Disability sports programme becomes a permanent fixture
University of Cambridge
Thanks to the success in 2014 of a programme of disability multisport activities for adults at the University Sports Centre organisers have launched a ...

January 27, 2015

Rand Paul's claim that 'over half of the people on disability are either anxious or their back hurts'
Washington Post (blog)
“What I tell people is, if you look like me and you hop out of your truck, you shouldn't be getting a disability check. Over half of the people on disability ...

Stem cell transplantation shows potential for reducing disability in patients with multiple sclerosis
Medical Xpress
On a measure of disability (Expanded Disability Status Scale [EDSS] score), there was significant improvement in 41 patients (50 percent of patients ...

How to Enhance Your Disability Outreach Strategy
DirectEmployers Association
The beginning of a new year brings a lot of opportunities for organizations to examine their own disability outreach practices and evaluate their ...

Blogging on Disability
These bloggers regularly write about disability, often from a personal perspective: • Tim McGuire blogs about the invisible disabilities that people often ...

January 21, 2015

Let's up the ante on Disability hate crime
The Guardian
Prosecuting disability hate crime cases requires extra vigilance to ensure that evidence of hostility, such as contempt and the exploitative behaviour ...

Mobility with a disability
Mobility with a disability. DAAD/Lichtenscheidt. Students and researchers with disabilities or chronic illnesses often have many questions regarding ...

13-Year-Old Entrepreneur Gets Funding from Intel to Create Low-Cost Braille Printer
Yahoo Tech
Banerjee was 12 years old when he closed an early-stage funding round with Intel Capital, the company’s venture capital arm, last month for his ...

January 6, 2015

Living with disability in North Korea
The Guardian
Defector Ji Seong-ho lost his left hand and foot during the famine of the 1990s. Here, he describes life after the accident and why he felt he had to ...

Living with disability in North Korea
For Berne, disability justice doesn't just mean advocating for people with disabilities – it also means fighting for social justice and for humanity as a ...

Double Amputee Girl Overcomes Disability To Lead Active Life
Sky's Lisa Dowd reports on seven-year-old Rosie Davies' remarkable recovery from having both legs amputated.

Oxford University Press to publish academic book on disability and international development
Leonard Cheshire Disability
We are delighted that Oxford University Press (OUP) has agreed to publish Disability and the Politics of International Development , a book written by ...

December 29, 2014

Blind couple barred from Seattle bus; told ADA seats were full
The Americans with Disabilities Act says that people who are blind and visually impaired ...

Persons with disability deprived of allowance
E Kantipur
DOTI, DEC 24 - Despite suffering from physical disability for years, many physically challenged people in the district have been deprived of the ...

December 22, 2014

Disability Services
Manhattanville College
Our Office of Disability Services helps students gain equal access to the Manhattanville experience by working with all corners of the college to ...

New scholarship funds Master's students with a disability
Wadham College - University of Oxford
Academically excellent students with a disability can apply for a new graduate scholarship to fund their Masters' studies at Wadham College.

December 15, 2014

Careers in the disability sector
National Disability Insurance Scheme
Joining the disability sector and advancing your career.

December 10, 2014

Disability rights activist, filmmaker: 'We're not inspirational. We're just us.'
On Saturday, two Portland women will debut a series of comedic shorts exploring disability identity and culture. "Very Special Episodes" is not ...

The Place of the 'Able' in Disability Activism
Huffington Post
Today, I had the pleasure of reading Julia Reinstein's article, "It Happened to Me: I Temporarily Had a Physical Disability." It was a very ...

Remembering 'fiercely funny' disability activist Stella Young
BBC News
Australian comedian Stella Young, who has died suddenly at 32, has campaigned for disability rights locally since her teens. But it was her ...

A Voice of Disability Lost
Huffington Post
While it always seems especially sad to hear of someone dying young, I felt a loss specifically as a member of the "disability community."

Get That Life: How I Became a NASA Engineer Despite My Disability
However, I saw an opportunity for Entry Point, an internship program for people with disabilities studying science-, technology-, engineering-, ...

Disability survey: Poor access venues 'losing business'
BBC News
Disability survey: Poor access venues 'losing business' ... disabled people are turning away up to £200bn in lost revenue, the disabilities minister has warned.

December 3, 2014

Advocates urge swift Senate vote on disability aid
Washington Post
Dec 3, 2014 WASHINGTON — Supporters of legislation that would allow Americans with disabilities to open tax-free savings accounts to pay for long-term ...

On world Day, Ban spotlights how technology can improve life for 1 billion persons with disabilities
UN News Centre
3 December 2014 – More than one billion people – or approximately 15 per cent of the world's population – live with some form of disability and have generally ...

Navigating the Stage With a Disability
Wall Street Journal
Violinist Itzhak Perlman, who contracted polio at age 4, discusses his and others' shifting attitudes toward his disability ahead of a solo recital ...

India: Women With Disabilities Locked Away and Abused
Human Rights Watch
Women and girls with disabilities are dumped in institutions by their family members or police in part because the government is failing to ...

November 28, 2014

Congress finds cause to agree on: Disability assistance
WASHINGTON — Congress is set to approve the first major piece of legislation affecting Americans with disabilities in nearly 25 years with ...

Showcase reveals breadth, depth of disability scholars' work
Emory University News and Events
Ben Reiss, professor of English and co-director of the Emory Disability Studies Initiative, praised the diversity of projects presented during ...

Disability system for veterans strays far from its official purpose
Los Angeles Times
Castillo had filed a claim with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs after learning that a disability rating would give his technology company ...

Possibility unbound: 25 years of progress for those with disability
Christian Science Monitor
Thanks to the Americans with Disabilities act – which turns 25 next year – and a demanding and aging baby boom generation, the nation has ...

November 21, 2014

Redefining Disability
Huffington Post
Disability. It is an interesting word and one that many of us feel we cannot relate to. For nearly 19 years of my life, I was never classified as ...

Disability accommodations need reassessment
NYU Washington Square News
Discussions and resources regarding the rights of students with disabilities in higher education are inadequate, particularly regarding ...

RTD light rail violates federal disability act, group says in lawsuit
The Denver Post
A disability advocacy group claims in a federal lawsuit that the Regional Transportation District's light rail system throws up barriers to those ...

November 14, 2014

Changing disability to ability through awareness
62nd Airlift Wing
11/10/2014 - DOVER AIR FORCE BASE, Del. -- National Disability Employment Awareness Month was observed here during the month of ...

Breaking Bad's RJ Mitte talks overcoming disability
Kenyon Collegian
“A disability is not a disability. It's knowledge,” he went on. He elaborated that he fully realized his ability to grow through his disability.

Cayman Islands approves disability policy
Yahoo News
A statement from the British territory's government on Wednesday said the disability policy has been authorized by the Cabinet. Among other ...

Minorities Often Skipped In Autism Identification
Disability Scoop
... each state on children identified by their schools as having autism under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act in 2000 and 2007.

November 7, 2014

For Russian Kids, A Disability Often Means Life In An Orphanage
Dasha Daunis is a lively 15-year-old who loves animals. She talks with her mother, Anastasia, about a recent trip to the circus, where they saw ...

TEDx Talks Have a Disability Problem but This Incredible Young Woman Is Working to Change That
Daily Beast
Meet the incredible young woman whose talk on disability rights was a hit at TEDx—and who had to fight to get that talk accessible to her fellow ...

October 31, 2014

With Disability Benefits Running on Fumes, What to Do?
Brookings Institution
If Congress were to do nothing, benefits for just over 11 million people eligible for disability benefits would have to be cut 20 percent. The fact ...

For people with disabilities, doctors are not always healers
Washington Post
I became a covert stutterer, hiding my disability by using such tricks as avoiding certain words and situations. I could never ask for “water,” only ...

October 24, 2014

Federal disability reaches 'end of the tracks' in 2016 if Congress ...
Oct 19, 2014 Alabama, more than most states, depends on federal disability payments to support an ailing workforce. But those federal checks stand to run ...

How tech advances are helping innovators do more for people with disabilities
Using technology to help people with disabilities isn't a new phenomenon, from the advent of speech recognition systems, to hearing aids, ...

October 13, 2014

Modernize Disability Benefits So People With Disabilities Can Work
So much of our society has changed over the past 60 years. We have made tremendous progress in technology, medicine, education -- and in the recognition that all people must be treated equally.

Labor Dept. announces $14M grant for Disability Employment Initiative
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Department of Labor today announced $14,837,785 in grants to six states to improve employment opportunities for adults and youth with disabilities. The grants to California,...

Kanye West and proving your disabilities
(CNN) -- On Friday, Kanye West stopped a concert in Sydney to demand that everyone stand up. He looked around the crowd, pointing out those slow to rise. He said, "Unless you got a handicap pass...

Disability-Rights Advocates sue over DC's Emergency Plans
Washington-area disability-rights advocates this week filed a federal class action against the District of Colombia and its mayor, alleging the city's emergency plan discriminates against people with...

American Association of People with Disabilities to Kanye: Concert Incident 'Downright Offensive'
The president of the American Association of People with Disabilities on what the MC gets horribly wrong. Kanye West's recent demand that every member of the audience stand up during his show in...

September 8, 2014

Am I Obligated To Disclose My Invisible Disability?
I became suddenly disabled when I was 22 years old, right before I graduated from college. Being a young, outdoorsy, adventurous young person, you always heard about the statistics for the...

Alice Wong Sets Out to Chronicle Disability History
"The motto of the Disability Visibility Project is really simple," says founder and Project Coordinator Alice Wong. "Recording disability history, one story at a time" In celebration of next year's...

Disability Today and John Scalzi's Great, New Novel 'Lock In'
Lock In, a near-future murder-mystery by John Scalzi, may be the first major work of speculative fiction that is, fundamentally, about wheelchairs. If that doesn't excite you, what will? Technically...

W.Va. center gets disability education grant
CHARLESTON, W.Va. - A center that helps educate West Virginia parents of children with disabilities is getting a $200,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Education. Rep. David McKinley...

August 8, 2014

Disability Is Not Just a Metaphor
The Kennedy Center's acclaimed production of Side Show, about conjoined sisters at the circus, is rumored to be mulling a move to Broadway. The next season of American Horror Story will...

Disability arts left hanging by a thread
Many people working in the arts, or who love going to the theatre, will know the work of the indefatigable Jenny Sealey, artistic director of the disabled theatre company Graeae, who...

The Global Disability Rights Movement: Winning Power, Participation, and Access
"Nothing about us without us" is the global slogan for the disability rights movement. It means that nothing should be decided about people with disabilities without their presence...

Disability community marks anniversary of the ADA
On Thursday, July 24, Boston's disability community met on City Hall Plaza to commemorate the Americans With Disabilities Act, signed on July 26, 1990. The gathering included people...

July 28, 2014

Disability Connections Will Offer Peer Support
WINTER HAVEN | When Larry Moss moved to Winter Haven from Seattle with his wife, Penny, he found a need and set about finding a way to fill it. Moss said he suffers from ataxic cerebral...

Events celebrate disability act anniversary
A poetry slam and performance art will showcase disability culture in a celebration of the 24th anniversary of the of the Americans with Disabilities Act. "A lot of people think of us as...

Disability didn't stop rocker Eric Leefe
He's just one of the musicians that Leefe, who performed for 20 years with various bands at venues like CBGB and Max's Kansas City, has continued to stay in touch with, even as conditions...

Disability Advocates Attack Malloy Over New Appointment
HARTFORD - Disability advocates and politicians from both sides of the aisle attacked Gov. Dannel P. Malloy on Monday for what they said was inadequate consultation leading up...

Berkeley disability activists receive peace award in emotional ceremony
BERKELEY - A man called the father of the disability civil rights movement and a current federal advisor on international disability rights shared something special Wednesday - a peace award...

July 8, 2014

Disability Network receives $20,000 grant from Midland Area Community Foundation
The Midland Area Community Foundation has awarded a $20,000 grant to Disability Network of Mid-Michigan for an anti-stigma campaign entitled "How Do You See It?" David Emmel, executive...

Understanding Disability: ADA protects people who have disabilities
A couple of years ago, I responded to a call from a national health care recruiter seeking my opinion about a potential candidate. I easily expressed my enthusiasm for the candidate's...

Disability discrimination commissioner condemns 'lifters, not leaners' slogan
Australia's outgoing disability discrimination commissioner, Graeme Innes, has denounced the government's rhetoric about lifters and leaners as a "facile concept" and accused tabloid...

June 26, 2014

Starkloff Disability Institute Presents Work Ability Summit 2014 On Thursday June 26, 2014 In St. Louis
St. LOUIS, Missouri... Starkloff Disability Institute (SDI), a non-profit organization that helps people with disabilities participate fully and equally in all aspects of society

Broader disability access targeted at PUC conference
HAMMOND | Going beyond the letter of federal disability laws and striving for universal access at schools and other public facilities will be front and center Tuesday at a free Purdue...

Schneider disability reporting contest now open
The National Center on Disability and Journalism at Arizona State University is accepting entries for the second annual Katherine Schneider Journalism Award for Excellence in Reporting...

June 5, 2014

How Disability Is Represented in Theater
At the end of my junior year I began doing work with a group on campus called Wesleyan Students for Disability Rights (WSDR). Although I had never considered myself an activist...

Disability Employment Initiative to Provide $15M in Grants from US Department of Labor
WASHINGTON, May 27 -- The U.S. Department of Labor's Office of Disability Employment Policy issued the following news release: The U.S. Department of labor today announced...

May 29, 2014

Disability discrimination to end on June 30?
Does the axing of the dedicated Disability Discrimination Commissioner role mean that discrimination against people with disability will go with it? Craig Wallace is doubtful...

How My Disability Made Me a Better Person
Who would I be if I never had MS? I'd be a woman playing tennis with her husband every weekend, and running marathons to raise money for charity. I'd be working full-time at a...

May 22, 2014

Conference focuses on disability hiring
Northeastern University on Tuesday convened experts from industry and academia to discuss the challenges employers face and best practices for hiring people with...

Disability advocates call on party leaders to ensure barrier-free Ontario
Andrea Horwath's New Democrats are the most committed to upholding legislation aimed at making Ontario barrier-free by 2025, but are light on specifics, say accessibility...

How Misunderstanding Disability Leads to Police Violence
On April 29, the Senate Judiciary Committee met to discuss law-enforcement responses to disabled Americans. The committee, chaired by democratic Senator Dick Durbin...

National disability agency opened
People with disabilities should not be on the "margins of society", Prime Minister Tony Abbott says. Mr Abbott and Victorian Premier Denis Napthine have opened the...

Indian disability NGOs praised by Mauritius envoy
New Delhi : Indian NGOs are playing a significant role in uplifting the social and economic conditions of people with disability, and other countries can learn from India's...

Disability? I've got a DIFFability
I prefer not to see myself as having a DISability but rather a DIFF(erent)ability. Sure, I appear 'normal', but as an adult I have been diagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome...

Disability Network workshop looks at new type of discrimination
Add ableism to the list of "isms" in regard to perspectives on disabilities. In a two-day training session, Michele McGowen and Joanne Johnson of the Disability Network...

April 22, 2014

Disability Doesn't Need Your Pity
As a writer and advocate for people with disabilities and mobile challenges, I have gotten a lot of feedback about my pieces. The positive comments, the relative individual sentiment...

Local business aims to show advantages of hiring disabled workers
As an advocate for disabled workers, Meg O'Connell was able to fight against discrimination. As a business owner, O'Connell is going much further, helping to completely alter the...

Disability did not stem the resolve of 'Tiger of Jelutong', Karpal Singh
A road accident in 2005 left Karpal Singh using a wheelchair and with neuromotor problems in his right arm. But the "fearless tiger" of Malaysian politics and the law kept up his...

April 15, 2014

disAbility Resource Center springs into action
Sunday afternoon was a perfect spring day to enjoy the Heritage Trail and Canal Path in Fredericksburg. Close to 100 people did just that by foot and by wheel to help raise money and...

Disability rights advocates celebrate inclusion of ADA in Civil Rights Summit
AUSTIN (KXAN) - Disability rights advocates who championed to be included as a a part of the Civil Rights Summit celebrated a victory Tuesday afternoon. The advocates said they're happy...

Uniting Disability. Let's Create Change
I have been having mounting difficulties with trying to handle the transportation issues that come with being in an electric wheelchair and being of low-income. Apparently the options...

Disability Rights Advocates Get Speaker At...
Organizers of the civil rights summit hosted at the LBJ Library added a speaker on disability rights just days leading up to the event. KEYE TV told you last Thursday about disability...

April 3, 2014

Disability Studies: Hot Topic on Campus
Disability, the subject of new federal hiring guidelines set to take effect this month, is already a hot topic on the campus of Cornell University's School of Industrial and...

Disability advocates seek funding increase
As lawmakers decide what to do with a projected $1.2 billion budget surplus, advocates for people with disabilities say it's time to help boost funding for those who take care of the...

Disability insurer launches fundraising campaign for U.S. Paralympics
HARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Mar 5, 2014--U.S. Paralympic snowboarders Evan Strong and Amy Purdy take flight in The Hartford's new television commercials and...

Disability Insurance Reform: Ending Idleness As We Know It
There has been no lack of partisan disagreement this year about the costs and benefits of the U.S. "entitlement state." Congressional Republicans succeeded in limiting...

Disability Awareness Activist Uyanga Erdenebold, Ulaanbaatar Mongolia
Most of us know the difficulty of learning a foreign language. Now, imagine the triumph of learning a foreign language, blind. Uyanga Erdenebold, has not only done that, but is...

Disability advocate will speak at Genesis
He played in a high school basketball game one night and awoke the next day with a numb toe. Then the numbness moved up both of the 15-year-old New Jersey boy's legs...

Disability is no barrier, says top academic
A PhD student from Hampshire diagnosed with a debilitating condition at the age of seven said "disability is no barrier" as he looks to inspire others to overcome adversity...

Learning disability students saddle-up for show premiere
Dark Horse theatre company artistic director Vanessa Brooks is a passionate believer that actors with learning disabilities can do their job as well as anyone else. The group is...

Kane County voters reject disability tax
Kane County residents voted against a 0.1 percent property tax that would have generated about $12 million annually to fund services for the developmentally disabled. With all...

Disability inclusion and disaster risk management
It has already been one week that I am in the Philippines now! Time goes fast but I've learned a lot about CBM's programmes in the region (more on that later), and hopefully...

Disability rights activists at UNC speak out against hurtful language
The words echoed in her head. "There goes the retard rocket!" a rowdy group of middle school students shouted in reference to the bus in front of theirs. Sierra was ecstatically...

New disability, vet employment rules go into effect today
New rules requiring federal contractors, including Boeing and AT&T, to target employing a minimum percentage of disabled workers and veterans take effect Monday. Federal...

Developmental disability advocates urge lawmakers to invest in Florida's communities
FORT PIERCE - The Arc of Florida, The Arc of St. Lucie County and Florida Developmental Disabilities Council unveiled a plan designed to ensure that Floridians with...

Disability expo highlights services
HUNTINGTON -- Misty Simms spent years struggling to find services and information that would help her properly take care of her disabled son Caelan, and five years ago...

State agency, Disability Rights Center at odds
A recent news conference led by prominent Topeka disability-rights advocate Rocky Nichols and the subsequent response by a state agency spokeswoman has highlighted...

Disability no handicap for this Rajasthan youth
Manoj Machra was born with no hands. In normal circumstances, someone with his disability would have accepted his fate and moved on, but not this 17-year-old: He hopes to...

VA Disability Claims Backlog Drops by 44 Percent
WASHINGTON, April 1, 2014 - One year after the backlog of pending disability compensation claims peaked at over 611,000 in March 2013, the Department of Veterans Affairs...

April 1, 2014

Fine Print: Disability Rights NJ V. NJ Department of Education Finally Settled
Consent agreement reached after seven years aims to reduce NJ's high number of special-needs students in segregated settings gavel What it is: Filed in 2007, the federal...

Pioneering disability sports event hosted by Aspire Springers
Aspire Springers Trampoline Club is hosting a unique clinic for sports coaches throughout the county who are looking to work with disabled gymnasts. Aspire, which was...

Does Autism Make Moms Parent Differently?
A new study suggests that moms of kids with autism address their children's behavior differently than parents of kids without the developmental disorder. Researchers...

Disability rights: 'Disabled persons account for 15% of population'
FAISALABAD: "The government must legislate comprehensively to help people with disabilities," Association of Women for Awareness and Motivation (AWAM) Programme...

Living with a disability: a conversation with Stacey Milbern
It is my great honor to share my interview with Stacey Milbern, who will be presenting the Annual Shriver Lecture at UCSF's 13th Annual Developmental Disabilities: An Update...

A Day in the Life of a Disability Case Manager
Since 1966, PRIDE Industries' goal has been to create meaningful work for people with disabilities-and in the process, help individuals rise above them. PRIDE's founding...

The Cloak of Visible Disability
Now this is a concept I just cannot wrap my mind around. If you have a visible disability, especially if you happen to use any sort of adaptive equipment like a wheelchair...

Goodwill workers overcome disability and help others
Goodwill announced a new partnership with the Red Cross of Central PA. Now families in the area who lost their homes will be able to use local Goodwill stores to help replace...

University disability services underused
Learning disorders present major challenges to students achieving their goals, whether academic or professional. But many students with learning disabilities don't seek help...

Disability doesn't affect Hopkins swimmer's courage
What's it like to walk out of a high school sporting event feeling like everyone has won? Swimmers from Hopkins and Edina found out recently in the last Lake Conference dual...

Redefining Normal: Ways Museums Discuss Eugenics & Disability
Eugenics is a complicated topic. One of the most recognizable and horrifying examples of eugenics is the "racial cleansing" performed by the Nazis before and during WWII...

March 28, 2014

Big gaps in justice system for people with disabilities - new report
El Gibbs reports on the Human Rights Commission's latest findings on the problems people with disability face when dealing with Australia's criminal justice system...

BWho Should Speak For The Disability Community?
On any given day, the feeds of my social media accounts are brimming with resources, stories, and motivation about disabled people: parenting tips, educational advice...

National Trends in Disability Employment 2013 Review/2014 Preview
WEST ORANGE, NJ--(Marketwired - Feb 6, 2014) - Although there are reasons for optimism, the job picture for people with disabilities remains uncertain entering 2014...

New Bundaberg disability project unveiled by minister
Plans have ben unveiled today for a ground-breaking project in Bundaberg that will replace traditional disability-only housing, as part of the Newman Government's...

Disability and the Starfish
Did you know that roughly 20% of the U.S. population is disabled and on Disability? That's nearly 11 million people. If a population that size formed a state...

Receiving Testing Accommodations for Learning Disabilities
Many talented, bright high school students have diagnosed -- or undiagnosed -- learning disabilities. According to the National Institutes of Health, approximately...

Job Report Finds More With Disabilities Unemployed
The jobless rate for Americans with disabilities trended sharply upward for the first month of 2014, the U.S. Department of Labor said Friday. Unemployment rose to...

Books for Explaining Disability to Children
One of the obstacles a family might face when bringing home a child with a disability is how to explain the disability to the children already at home. Whether they're...

Born Deaf, Overton's Disability Doesn't Affect Her Passion
When the pre-game music blares from the loudspeaker, or when Newnan Lady Cougar basketball coach Lavarrett Pearson yells instructions to his team, junior...

Learning disability youngsters advice in Keighley
Adults with learning disabilities in Keighley have been advising young people about services available to them. Members of People First Keighley and Craven visited...

Disability Recreation Unity Movement's new HQ to be unveiled in Southwold Road
The newly decorated headquarters of the charity DRUM (Disability Recreation Unity Movement) will be unveiled on Friday. The charity's base at Parkgate Community...

Disability no barrier to Sophie's swim success
Hundreds of children took part in the Weet-Bix Kids Tryathlon in Hamilton yesterday, but the achievement was extra special for one young swimmer. Sophie Ridgway, 9...

Disability study shows flaws
The Australian justice system is failing people with disabilities, both victims and offenders, the Australian Human Rights Commission argues in a new report. The Equal...

Disability is no barrier for committed helper
Nichola McDonald-Bell is one of those kind-hearted souls who dedicates time every week to keeping company individuals who have been identified as feeling cut off...

New workplace disability research centre launched
A new research centre has been launched to develop evidence-based policy options that will allow Canada's current disability policy system to provide better income...

African leaders commit to the rights of people with disabilities
The rights of people living with disabilities, especially intellectual disabilities in Africa, received a boost today at the conclusion of the first ever African Leaders Forum...

8 Steps to Accepting Your Disability
Hi, my name is Darryl Partridge, and I am disabled. There, I said it, but what does it mean? Disabled is a generalization. Does it mean I am incapable of doing anything...

Disability and development: our voices must be heard
For many people with disabilities across the world, development through education programmes just isn't available or accessible to them. But this must change. We talk to...

Climbing to the stars
A young woman from York who was born with one arm is defying the odds to become world-class at para-climbing. Sianagh Gallagher, 16, who is a member of Team GB...

Global Disability Inclusion, LLC Named DirectEmployers Association's Newest Strategic Partner
SAINT AUGUSTINE, Fla., Feb. 11, 2014 PRNewswire -- Recognizing the importance of empowering people with disabilities by developing and uncovering new employment...

Darlington Powerchair Football Club receive funding boost from Sport England
A NEW disability sport team has been awarded a funding boost by Sport England to help them increase the number of people who can take part. Darlington Powerchair...

Zimbabwe: 'Disability Forum a Success'
President Mugabe has described the just-ended African Leaders Forum on Disability in Lilongwe, Malawi as a success. He was speaking to journalists at Kamazu...

Equal Before the Law: Towards Disability Justice Strategies
The Australian Human Rights Commission Report, Equal before the law: Towards disability justice strategies, is now available on line at...

Disability charity welcomes learning disability storyline in Call the Midwife
This Sunday's episode of BBC series Call The Midwife, examines the discrimination faced by people with disabilities in the 1950s, with its tale of a love affair between...

National Disability Institute Applauds President Obama's Inclusion of Workers With Disabilties in Minimum Wage Hike for Federal Contractors
WASHINGTON, DC--(Marketwired - February 12, 2014) - National Disability Institute, the first national non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to building a better...

My Son's Disability Defines Him (and why I'm okay with that)
I'm sensitive to words. I think they're interesting. I think they're fun. I love that words have meanings behind their meanings. I love that definitions are so inadequate...

Autistic Self Advocacy Network applauds President Obama's inclusion of workers with disabilities in executive order raising the minimum wage for federal contractors.
Washington, DC - February 12th, 2014 - The Autistic Self Advocacy Network, the premier national advocacy organization run by and for Autistic Americans, issued...

Four of the Best Apps for People with Disabilities
One of the greatest parts about the prevalence of evolving personal technology is that it makes disabilities less obvious. The same applications that provide convenience...

DOJ accepting comments for revised definition of disability
The Department of Justice announced January 30 that it has opened a public comment period for a proposed rule implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments...

Tap the disability rights movement's untapped power
Modern corporate capitalism has given rise to much of what Karl Marx and Frederick Engels highlighted over 150 years ago. For example, the commodification of everything...

Baylor's Austin seeing success despite disability
WACO, Texas - Isaiah Austin came to the stark realization as a teenager that he'd never again see out of his right eye. Multiple operations couldn't fix the detached retina...

Disabilities: Living with poor sight has its challenges, and Lennox Allen is tired of doing 'pretty well'
Lennox Allen is a 43-year-old African-American Moscow resident who was born with a low-vision disability "with a long Latin name," ectopia pupillae. Essentially, the pupils...

Fourth Circuit becomes first court to apply expanded disability definition
The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled January 23 that a "sufficiently severe temporary impairment" may constitute a disability, becoming the first appellate...

Look Past the Disability to the Ability
With the Sochi Paralympic Winter Games on the horizon, BBDO Toronto has released a TV spot that compels viewers to look past the disabilities of Paralympic...

'The Fonz' makes it a happy day at Batavia school
Students at a Batavia elementary school got a special treat this Valentine's Day when author and actor Henry Winkler stopped by to discuss his best-selling book series about...

Disability Sport in Weymouth and Portland is Set to Receive a Welcome Boost
Disability sport in Weymouth and Portland is set to receive a welcome boost after Chesil Sailability received an £8,820 award from Sport England to purchase new equipment...

Disability consultant: St. Paul Saints ballpark may be most accessible in the nation
When the St. Paul Saints throw out the first pitch at the new regional ballpark in Lowertown next year, they won't just be doing so at one of the more advanced baseball stadiums...

BHS student with blindness doesn't let disability hold her back
Katelyn Strangstalien doesn't remember what most things look like. But she can still picture her grandparent's farm house in Houston, Minn.; the fields she ran through...

Ayman Farghaly: Translating disability into ability
When optimism becomes the spark of a person's dreams anything turns out to be possible. Ayman Farghaly has succeeded in grabbing the media's attention in the last few...

Girl stays positive despite disability, looks online for financial help
BLOOMINGTON, Ind. - Imagine losing the ability to walk or move your arms, all at 8-years-old. It's a scary reality facing a Bloomington girl. She's staying positive and turning...

Boy With No Friends Scores Over A Million 'Likes'
When a Michigan boy with special needs said he didn't want a birthday party because he had no friends, his mom turned to Facebook and found him more than a million...

Events for people with disabilities
As part of its Dialogues on disABILITY Speaker Series, the Museum of disABILITY History, a project of People Inc. will host author and University of Toledo Professor Kim E. Nielsen...

Identify hearing disability at early stage, says US expert
The difficulty experienced by children in hearing should be identified at an early age to provide necessary care, according to Lois Heymann, Director of Auditory Processing...

Artists with a disability benefit from unique program
Local artists with a disability are currently enjoying a two week residency at Bankstown Arts Centre thanks to $9800 in funding from Bankstown Sports' ClubGRANTS...

Marin officials approve $15 million disability access settlement
In what some called a landmark legal settlement, Marin County officials have agreed to spend at least $15 million over 15 years to improve access for the disabled at county...

Americans with Disability Still Shut Out Of Workforce
Most Americans with intellectual or developmental disabilities remain shut out of the workforce despite changing attitudes and billions spent on government programmes to...

Survey Finds Just 1 In 3 With Intellectual Disabilities Employed
Adults with intellectual disabilities are struggling to find their place in the workforce, according to a new Gallup survey finding that two-thirds have no job. Of those who are...

Fourth Circuit Upholds ADAAA's Broad Definition of "Disability"
Congress passed the Americans with Disabilities Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) over five years ago on Sept.17, 2008. The act's stated purpose was to reinstate "a broad...


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