Was bedeuted slogan in amerka

Although we feel it is quite an important consideration when buying ANY product, many consumers just aren’t looking. They feel they have no choice. It’s beyond them. They can’t afford anything but the Chinese junk (sorry China, but it’s just true). There aren’t any alternatives. They would have to drive a mile farther down the road than the closest Wal-Mart.

Think About It for a Moment

Well, here at PC-Products (where everything we do IS STILL made in America), we beg to differ with these excuses. Think for a moment about the air conditioner or the old fridge you bought in the 70’s – the one that’s still chugging away today, some 40 years later. Now think about the new waffle iron you bought three weeks ago that broke after two uses. And that fancy blender. And that darn fan too, now that you think of it! Did you keep track of those receipts, your time and gas to drive back and stand in line and wait for the same crappy replacement – and that’s only if it’s in stock, of course. Do we even need to start a list of the clothing that has torn, frayed, or shrunk??? Chances are, you merely sighed and just tossed the inferior items in the trash (and your hard-earned dollars with it).

We know that you recognize the truth to this. But in honor of Labor Day, and all things American, let’s review the PC-Products philosophy on companies that manufacture in the United States, use components that are U.S.A. made, and directly hire citizens of the U.S.A. as their sole workforce.

Hey, it’s Not Exactly Easy For Us Either

We have had experiences with many of the “mass merchants,” where PC-Products epoxy repair products cannot compete simply because we opt NOT to outsource our products or the components of our epoxies. These large retailers have said outright, “You need to outsource or you cannot sell through us,” but PC-Products will remain, without a doubt, an All-American company. It is beyond us why these mass merchants will loudly profess to be American and in support of our nation’s economy, and yet will continue to sell (and even encourage the production of outsourced items). It’s one way or the other, people, so think hard – how do you stand?

The Time to Choose

Absolutely, we DO have a choice. Choice is as all-American as apple pie and the 4th of July. It only requires a tiny bit of extra label reading, a dab of NOT grabbing the cheapest one, or a pinch of opting to drive that extra mile to the local hardware store instead of the nearest “mass merchant.” Many new websites have sprung up from which to purchase any type of product that is 100% USA made – in any category.

If you like to fix things yourself, then it is also likely that you want your work to LAST. PC-Products epoxies are American produced and owned since 1954, and we are too long in the tooth to start outsourcing now! We feel that a consumer that truly values the quality of our varied line of epoxy products, and of our own pro-American philosophy will seek out the thousands of outlets that will support American-made items. Start today and don’t ever look back in regret again!

Dictionary English-German

External sources (not reviewed)

This year's sloganwas "United We Stand", and [...]

the success with the Deneb is just one proof of the ITF's ability to put unity into action.



Das Motto in diesem Jahr war "United We Stand", [...]

und der DenebErfolg ist nur ein Beweis f�r die F�higkeit der ITF, Einigkeit


wirkungsvoll in Szene zu setzen.



This year's slogan,"Union Workplaces- Safer Workplaces" promotes [...]

the notion that safe work and workplaces can only be ensured


if workers are organised into trade unions, and if joint agreements between trade unions and employers provide meaningful occupational health and safety provisions as a guarantee of safe work and healthy workers.



Es muss hier auch um positive

[...] Ma�nahmen und Wandel Der diesj�hrige Slogan "Gewerkschaftlich organisierte [...]

Betriebe sind sicherere


Betriebe" erkennt die Idee an, dass man nur f�r sichere Arbeit und Arbeitspl�tze sorgen kann, wenn die ArbeiterInnen gewerkschaftlich organisiert sind und wenn gemeinsame Vereinbarungen zwischen Gewerkschaften und Arbeitgeber sinnvolle Bestimmungen �ber Gesundheits- und Arbeitsschutz enthalten, die sichere Arbeit und gesunde ArbeiterInnen gew�hrleisten.



Conserving the

[...] environment is profitable"-this year's sloganof the economy award [...]

exactly hits the activities of WIPAG Nord KG.



Die Umwelt schonen ist

[...] gewinnbringend" - das diesj�hrige Motto des Wirtschaftspreises [...]

trifft genau die Aktivit�ten der WIPAG Nord KG.



Followingthis year's slogan"Meet the Experts" [...]

we will inform you about current topics with a series of short presentations


at our gold partner exhibition stand.



Unter dem Motto Meet the Experts" informieren [...]

wir Sie �ber aktuelle Themen mit einer Reihe von Kurzvortr�gen auf unserem Goldpartner-Stand.



In Greece, the Superleague embraced the FARE Action Week by teaming


up with the Black European Women's Council for a

[...] multicultural display ofthis year's slogan"All Colours Are Beautiful!



In Griechenland hat die Superleague f�r die FARE-Aktionswoche ein Team mit dem Black European Women's Council (Dachorganisation schwarzer


Frauen in Europa) gebildet, um ein multikulturelles

[...] Zeichen im Sinne des diesj�hrigen Slogans "All Colours Are Beautiful!



This year's sloganis "Diversity - [...]

Driver for Development" and it is the theme for various discussions and events.



Es lautet "Vielfalt - Impuls f�r Entwicklung"

[...] und dient als Motto f�r verschiedene [...]

Diskussionsrunden und Veranstaltungen.



One of the intentions of the Bharata Natyam is it to remind humans of their essential


unity with the universe, and thus it is in

[...] direct connection withthis year's slogan:Communication from Heart [...]

to Heart.



Eine der Absichten des Bharata natyam ist es, den Menschen an seine urspr�ngliche Einheit mit dem Universum zu erinnern


und dabei spielt, auch ganz im

[...] Sinne des Mottos des diesj�hrigen Yogafestivals, die direkte [...]

Kommunikation von Herz zu Herz eine gro�e Rolle



This year's slogan,i.e. "Invest in tomorrow [...]

today," is a central theme that will run through MAINTAIN 2010 like a common thread.



Das diesj�hrige Motto Heute in morgen [...]

investieren" zieht sich wie ein roter Faden durch die MAINTAIN 2010.



If you want to know what will happen on this year's

[...] parade or what we intended withthis year's slogan,or how you can support our [...]

struggle for a wiser and


useful usage of hemp as a (medical) resource and for the legalization as a stimulant, then this is the right site.



Wer wissen

[...] m�chte, was auf der Hanfparade passiert, was unser Motto bedeutet oder wie [...]

man unseren Kampf f�r eine vern�nftige


Drogenpolitk unterst�tzen kann, findet hier Antworten auf seine Fragen.



Brahms and the

[...] Modern Age" isthis year'sfestivalslogan.



Brahms und Moderne" lautet das diesj�hrige Motto.



Therefore, I believe that, on this point, I, like other members of the Group of the Party of European Socialists, have to support


the Lamassoure proposal, because it

[...] makes particular reference to the Council'sslogan this year,which is 'more Europe', a slogan behind my [...]

very election as a Socialist MEP,


because, in effect, we believe that we need to construct 'more Europe' and we believe that the way we can build more Europe is through federal procedures such as those proposed by Mr Lamassoure.



Folglich glaube ich, dass ich und alle anderen Mitglieder der Fraktion der Sozialdemokraten in diesem Punkt den Lamassoure-Vorschlag


unterst�tzen m�ssen, da gerade auf das Motto der

[...] Ratspr�sidentschaft in diesem Jahr Bezug genommen wurde, das 'Mehr Europa' lautet, welches das Motto war, um dessentwillen [...]

ich zu einem


bestimmten Zeitpunkt als sozialistischer Abgeordneter gew�hlt wurde, da wir in der Tat glauben, dass mehr Europa geschaffen werden muss und dass die Form zur Schaffung von mehr Europa �ber f�derale Verfahren verl�uft, wie die von Herrn Lamassoure vorgeschlagenen.



Its members are

[...] approaching Bauhaus 2009, the theme forthis year'sexhibition, withthis slogan.



Mit diesem Anspruch stellen sich seine Mitglieder dem Jahresthema Bauhaus 2009.



Move today what you'll see tomorrow: That

[...] modified version ofthis year'sInternational Motor Showsloganis what the 911 [...]

Turbo Cabrio is all about


- as we'll show you in this tour of Frankfurt.



Heute bewegen, was morgen zu sehen


ist: Das

[...] leicht abgewandelte Motto der diesj�hrigen Internationalen Automobil-Ausstellung [...]


IAA) ist Programm, um mit dem neuen


911 Turbo Cabriolet schon heute die IAA-Stadt Frankfurt am Main zu erkunden.



This year'sparade was under theslogan"Carnival in Mainz [...]

am Rhein, zest for life for big and small".



Der Umzug stand in diesem Jahr unter dem Motto "Fassenacht [...]

in Mainz am Rhein, Lebenslust fuer Gross und Klein".



Thesloganforthis year'sQualcomm Enterprise Services [...]

stand at the IAA is "Return on Investments" - cost control and reduction, process optimisation


and optimisation of investments in commercial fleets.


Ganz im Zeichen des Return on

[...] Investments" steht der diesj�hrige Messeauftritt von Qualcomm [...]

Enterprise Services auf der IAA: Kosten kontrollieren, reduzieren,


Prozesse optimieren und Investitionen in den Fuhrpark optimal einsetzen.


Energy and Climate Protection -


Opportunities for Small and Medium

[...] Businesses" - This was thesloganforthis year'sBusiness Forum event hosted [...]

by Kreissparkasse Esslingen-N�rtingen at the end of July.


Energie und Klimaschutz - Chancen f�r den

[...] Mittelstand" - Unter diesem Motto stand die diesj�hrige Veranstaltung Unternehmerforum [...]

der Kreissparkasse


Esslingen-N�rtingen Ende Juli.


Powering Efficiency: This is thesloganTRUMPF is bringing tothis year'sLASER World of Photonics 2009 trade fair in hall C2, booth 321.



[...] Efficiency - mit diesem Motto pr�sentiert sich TRUMPF auf der diesj�hrigen Messe LASER World of Photonics 2009 in Halle C2 auf dem Stand 321.


Get to grips with climate

[...] change is theslogan,and the objective, ofthis year'sGreen Week, the [...]

Commission's annual conference programme and exhibition


showcasing EU environment policy.


Der Kampf gegen die Klima�nderung (�eGet to grips with climate

[...] change�c) ist Motto und Ziel der diesj�hrigen Gr�nen Woche, des j�hrlichen [...]



der Kommission sowie der Ausstellung zur Umweltpolitik der EU.


WITTENSTEIN AG definitely wants itssloganatthis year'sHanover Fair (HMI) to be provoking.


Die WITTENSTEIN AG will mit ihrem Messemotto auf der diesj�hrigen Hannover Messe Industrie (HMI) durchaus provozieren: Das Motto "Technik wird [...]



Bei uns in Meenz gilt die Devise


- die Fassenacht kennt keine

[...] Krise': this is thesloganofthis year'scarnival season in [...]

Mainz and it means that carnival


knows no crisis. We hope that you are also not affected by the economic crisis and say a friendly 'Helau' in February!


Bei uns in Meenz gilt die

[...] Devise - die Fassenacht kennt keine Krise' und genauso hoffen [...]

wir, da� auch Sie von der Krise


verschont sind und gr��en Sie im Februar mit einem freundlichen Helau!


Under theslogan"Trodat - James Bond Night"this year'scustomer reception took [...]

place in the Villa Bonn in Frankfurt.


Unter dem Motto "Trodat James Bond Night" fand der diesj�hrige Kundenempfang in [...]

der Villa Bonn in Frankfurt statt.


The organizers of the Green Week fair chose thesloganforthis year'strade-fair newspaper well: "A foretaste [...]

of the world market".


Die Veranstalter der Gr�nen

[...] Woche haben ihre diesj�hrigen Messe-Zeitung deshalb aus guten Gr�nden unter das Motto "Vorgeschmack [...]

auf den Weltmarkt" gestellt.


Resistance is our Duty - Solidarity is our Force"

[...] was the mainsloganofthis year'sfestival of the [...]

Youth of Synaspismos (Neolaia Synaspismou).


Widerstand ist unsere Pflicht - Solidarit�t ist unsere St�rke" war

[...] die Hauptlosung des diesj�hrigen Festivals der Synaspismos-Jugend [...]

(Neolaia Synaspismou).


This means the bag is a packaging approach that the jury sees as perfectly

[...] embodying thesloganofthis year'scompetition "Packaging [...]

the Future".


Damit geh�rt der Beutel zu den Verpackungskonzepten, die nach

[...] Meinung der Jury das diesj�hrige Wettbewerbsmotto Pack [...]

die Zukunft" optimal umgesetzt haben.


Thesloganofthis year'sconference was [...]

"New perspectives for the SME market": a relevant reason for mitcaps to present itself at the event.


Das diesj�hrige Motto lautete: "Neue Perspektiven [...]

f�r den Mittelstand" - ein passender Anlass f�r mitcaps sich auf der Veranstaltung zu pr�sentieren.


Thesloganofthis year'sannual conference of the German Biogas Association in Leipzig was "Biogas, the Energy [...]

of future Generations".


Die diesj�hrige Jahrestagung des Fachverbandes Biogas e. v. in Leipzig stand unter dem Motto Biogas, die Energie [...]

k�nftiger Generationen".


The trade fair activities of the euromicron

[...] Group focused on theslogan"Competence goes Solution" atthis year'sCeBIT.


Die Messe-Aktivit�ten der euromicron Gruppe

[...] haben sich auf der diesj�hrigen CeBIT auf den Slogan "Competence goes Solution" [...]



This was thesloganforthis year'sdesign competition, which schneiderschram [...]

was able to live up to.


Das war das Stichwort des diesj�hrigen Wettbewerbs, dem schnei-derschram gerecht [...]

werden konnte.


With theslogan"Kick for Kids",this year'sKlosterpfortencup saw not just the [...]

"big boys", but also the "little ones" compete for the title.


Unter dem Motto Kick for Kids" k�mpften auf dem diesj�hrigen Klosterpfortencup nicht [...]

nur die Gro�en", sonder auch die Kleinen" um den Sieg.


What is the slogan of America?

The modern motto of the United States of America, as established in a 1956 law signed by President Dwight D. Eisenhower, is "In God we trust". The phrase first appeared on U.S. coins in 1864.

What is Maga in USA?

Make America Great Again, a political slogan used by Donald Trump during his 2016 and 2020 American presidential campaigns.

When was the US motto adopted?

On July 30, 1956, the 84th Congress passed a joint resolution "declaring 'IN GOD WE TRUST' the national motto of the United States." The resolution passed both the House and the Senate unanimously and without debate. It replaced E pluribus unum, which had existed before as a de facto official motto.

What is our national motto of the Philippines?



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