Visuals integrated into sales presentations increase retention and reduce misunderstandings

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Visuals and dramatization used in sales management

A Report by Allen

Nowadays, many company sales the same product, they always thing about how to do better to sell their own products. Visuals are most effective when you believe in them and have woven them into your sale presentation message.
Visuals and dramatizing used in sales have many advantages. It increase retention, reinforce the message, also reduce misunderstanding

There are many ways used in sales presentation. Visuals and dramatisations are very common. How does it used in sales presentation and why used in it? Its purpose is to improve the success rate of sales. In this report, I’ll show you what are they, and all advantages of it.

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One manufacturer of menswear accessories believes that its salespeople benefit from the company’s plan of dramatizing through store demonstrations because this forces the salesperson to deliver an orderly sales talk, familiarizes both the salesperson and the retailer with a completely blueprinted merchandising program, and provides an opportunity to kindle enthusiasm in the people who sell to the consumer. The last advantage of dramatizing used in sales is that dramatizing creates value. Value is suggested by the manner in which a product is handled. Careful handling gives the impression of value even if no words are spoken. Careless handling implies that the product is of little value. If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a demonstration is worth a thousand pictures. Therefore, it is best to show the product, if possible, and have the prospect use it.

I’ll show you two examples for visuals and dramatizing used in sales presentation. Company representatives who sell air travel for major airlines have found case histories helpful; in dramatizing sales points. American Airlines, for example, reproduces cases which are actual experiences of business firms: they show the variety of problems which can be solved by air travel. Another example is the image projected on a wall can be up to 25 times larger than that on a written page. This can provide more attention and create greater impact. Such a projector is noiseless and simple to operate. Overhead

Purpose of the Presentation

Provide info to the customer, Purpose: 1.Knoweldge (features, advantages, benefits) 2. Beliefs (positive beliefs) 3. Desire 4. Attitude (your product is the best) 5. Conviction (you are the best source to buy from), develop a presentation to lead the prospect into these mental steps, must move buyer into the conviction stage before the sale is made 

Three Essential steps within the Presentation

Step 1: FAB of product Step 2: Present your Marketing Plan (how they should resell, or how they can use the product) Step 3: Explain your business proposition: relates the value of your product to its cost (what's in it for the customer)

The Sales presentation mix

Elements the salesperson assembles to sell to prospects and customers. -Persuasive Communication, Participation, Proof, Visual adis, dramatization, demonstration

Use questions, be empathetic, keep message simple, create mutual trust, listen, have a positive attitude, be believable Logical Reasoning: Major premise (all manufacturers wish to reduce costs), minor premise (my equipment will reduce your cost), conclusion (therefore, you should buy my equipment)

Persuasion through Suggestion 

-Suggestive propositions: the prospect should act now, "price might go up" -Prestige suggestions: ask the prospect to visualize using products that famous people, companies, or persons use -Autosuggestion: have prospects imagine themselves using the product -Direct Suggestion: "Based on your survey of needs, I suggest you purchase..." -Indirect suggestion: doubt for competitor -Counter suggestion: do you really want a high-quality product?

Persuasive Communication, relationship

Personalize your relationship, build trust, use body language (non-verbal), control the presentation, be a diplomat (don't say they're wrong), use a pleasant dialogue, similie (describe), metaphor (describe), analogy, parable (brief story used to illustrate a point) - explain, analogy - explain 

Participation in essential to success 

Motive prospect to participate, 1.Questions 2. Product use 3. Visuals 4. Demonstrations

Proof Statements, Past Sales

Salesperson can increase confidence if they use proof techniques like sales figures, the guarantee, testimonials, Sales person can use past sales to recommend how many of a new product they should buy 

The guarantee, testimonials 

It assures prospectst hat if they are dissatisfied with the purchase, the company will stand behind it, testimonials are an excellent technique to build trust 

Company proof results, Independent Research Results

Company will give salesperson success rates, good to use facts from other sources like magazines 

You show by using visual aids. Use them to: -Increase retention -Reinforce the message -Reduce misunderstanding -Create a unique impression -Show the buyer you're a pro

Refers to talking or presenting the product in a showy way.

-Studies show people receive 87% of info through their eyes only -Remember, is it needed? have i developed a demonstration objective? is it planned? have i rehearsed it? what is the probability it will go as planned? what is the prob. it will backfire? does it present the product in an ethical manner?

Use Participation in your Demonstration

A successful demonstration involves the prospect in four ways: Lets the prospect do something simple, work a feature, do something routine, answer questions throughout demonstration it will help by determining the prospect's attitude, allows you to progress into the demonstration, aids in moving prospect to a positive mood, set the stage for closing "isn't this easy to operate?"

-Capture attention -two-way communication -involves prospect -clear explanation of product -increase persuasive power by obtaining positive commitments on a products feature, advantage, or benefit

-Rehearse -Customize -Simple, clear, straightforward, -Controlable -True to life -Encourage participation -Incorporate TC

1.What is your objective? 2. Who is your audience 3. How will you structure it? 4. How will you create impact? 5. How will you design/display visuals? 6. How will you stage your presentation? --> will guide how you will show and tell your customers how your product will fulfill their needs

How to handle interruptions

1. Wait quietly and patiently until you regain attention 2. Briefly restate selling points 3. Increase prospect's participation 4. If interest is regained, move deeper

-Acknowledge competition and move on -Make a detailed comparison "only product on market that.." -Be professional, not belittling


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