The textbook recommends a study method called _____ that emphasizes active processing.

in its earliest days, psychology was defined as 

the science of mental life

Who would be most likely to agree with the statement, "Psychology should investigate only behaviors that can be observed?"

Today, Psychology is defined as

the science of behavior and mental processes

Who introduced the early school of structuralism? 

Who wrote the early textbook Principles of Psychology?

Psychologists who study the degree to which genes influence our personality are working from the ______ perspective

which of the following exemplifies the issue of the relative importance of nature and nurture on our behavior? 

the issue of the relative influence of biology and experience on behavior 

The seventeenth-century philosopher who believed that the mind is blank at birth and the most knowledge comes through sensory experience is

Which seventeenth-century philosopher believed that some ideas are innate?

Which psychological perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and body in behavior?

A psychologist who explores how Asian and North American definitions of attractiveness differ is working within the ______ perspective.

A psychologists who conducts experiments solely intended to build psychology's knowledge base is engaged in

Psychologists who study, assess, and treat troubled people are called 

Today, psychology is a discipline that

connects with a diversity of other fields

(Close-Up) In oder, the sequence of steps in the SQ3R method is

survey, question, read, review reflect 

Psychologists who study how brain activity is linked to memory, perception and other thought processes are called

cognitive neuroscientists 

The first psychology laboratory was established by ______ in the year ______

Who would be most likely to agree with the statement, "Psychology is the science of mental life"?

In psychology, "behavior" is best defined as:

any action we can observe and record 

Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow are most closely associated with...

In defining psychology, the text notes that psychology is most accurately described as a...

way of asking and answering questions.

Two historical roots of psychology are the disciplines of...

The Greek philosopher who believed that intelligence was inherited was...

The way the mind encodes, processes, stores, and retrieves information is the primary concern of the ______ perspective.

Which of the following individuals is also a physician?

. Dr. Jones' research centers on the relationship between changes in our thinking over the life span and changes in moral reasoning. Dr. Jones is most likely a

developmental psychologist

Which subfield is most directly concerned with studying human behavior in the workplace?

c. industrial-organizational psychology

Dr. Ernst explains behavior in terms of different situations. Dr. Ernst is working withing the ____ perspective.

Which persective emphasizes the learning of observable reponses?

A psychologist who studies how worker productivity might be increased by changing office layout is engaged in _______ research.

(Close-Up) A major principle underlying the SQ3R study method is that

People learn and remember material best when they actively process it

The biopsychosocial approach emphasizes the importance of

different levels of analysis in exploring behavior and mental processes 

. Jawan believes that psychologists should go back to using introspection as a research tool. This technique is based on

self-examination of mental processes

Dharma's term paper on the history of American psychology notes that:

a)psychology began as the science of mental life b)from the 1920s into the 1960s, psychology was defined as the scientific study of observable behavior c) contemporary psychologists study both overt behavior and convert thoughts

Terrence wants to talk to a professional to help him cope with some academic challenges he's been facing. You recommend he contact a 

Professor Guitierrez, who believes that human emotions are best understood as being jointly determined by heredity, learning, and the individual's social and cultural contexts, is evidently a proponent of the

The philosophical views of John Locke are to those of Rene Descartes as ______ is to _______

During his presentation on the history of psychology, Sanjay notes that Darwin's theory led most directly to the development of the school of

In concluding her report on the "nature-nuture debate in contemporary psychology," Karen notes that

nurture works on what nature endows 

Dr. Waung investigates how a person's interpretation of a situation affects his or her reaction. Evidently, Dr. Waung is working from the _______ perspective

Dr. Aswad is studying people's enduring inner traits. Dr. Aswad is most likely a(n):

c. personality psychologist.

During a dinner conversation, a friend says that the cognitive and behavioral perspectives are quite similar. You disagree and point out that the cognitive emphasizes _______, whereas the behavioral perspective emphasizes _______.

a. conscious processes, observable responces

Your roommate announces that her schedule permits her to devote three hours to studying for an upcoming quiz. You advice her to:

c. space study time over several short sessions.

A fraternity brother rationalizes the fact that he spends very little time studying by saying that he "doesn't want to peak too soon and have the test material become stale." You tell him that:

a) he is probably overestimating his knowledge of the material b)is he devotes extra time to studying, his retention of the material will be improved c) the more often students review material, the better their exam scores

how the body and brain create emotions, memories and sensations

social-cultural perspective

how people differ as products of different environments 

the medical treatment of psychological disorders 

the study, assessment, and treatment of troubled people

Behavior Genetics Perspective

How much our genes and our environment influence our individual differences.

the mechanics by which observable responses are acquired and changed 

industrial-organizational psychology 

behavior in the workplace 

how we encode, process, store, and retrieve information 

adds to psychology's knowledge base

the study of practical problems

how natural selection favors traits that promote the perpetuation of one's genes

psychodynamic perspective 

the disguised effects of unfulfilled wishes and childhood traumas 

an early school of psychology that used introspection to explore the contents of the mind 

an early school of psychology that focus on the adaptive value of thoughts and behaviors 

the view that psychology should be an objective science that avoids reference to mental processes 

the brain activity linked with perception, thinking, memory and language 

the scientific attitude of skepticism is based on the belief that

ideas need to be tested against observable evidence 

psychologist's personal values

can bias scientific observation and interpretation of data 

Juwan eagerly opened an online trading account, believing that his market savvy would allow him to pick stocks that would make him a rich day trader. This belief best illustrates

. Which about ethics of experimentations with people and animals is false?

more animals used in psychological research than are killed by humane animal shelters 

Which of the following best describes the hindsight bias?

b. Events seem more predictable after they have occurred.

Which of the following is true according to the text?

No psychological theory can be considered a good one until it produces testable predictions 

Your best friend criticizes psychological research for being artificial and having no relevance to behavior in real life. In defense of psychology, through use of laboratory experiments you point out that:

d. psychologists intentionally study behavior in simplified environments in order to gain greater control over variables and to test general principles that help to explain many behaviors.

The scientific attitude in psychology refers to the fact that

psychologists study thoughts and actions with an attitude of skepticism and derive their conclusions from direct observations.

A friend majoring in anthropology is critical of psychological research because it often ignores the influence of culture on thoughts and actions.  You point out that ...

even when specific thoughts and actions vary across cultures, as they often do, the underlying processes are much the same.

The scientific attitude of humility is based on the idea that:

d. researchers must be prepared to reject their own ideas in the face of conflicting evidence.

The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it. "I knew that."

careful reasoning that examines assumptions, discerns hidden values, evaluates evidence, and assesses conclusions 

the enduring behaviors, ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next

After detailed study of a gunshot wound victim, a psychologist concludes that the brain region destroyed is likely to be important for memory functions.  Which type of research did the psychologist use to deduce this?

In an experiment to determine the effects of exercise on motivation, exercise is the...

To determine the effects of a new drug, one group of people is given a pill that contains the drug. The second group is given a sugar pill that does not contain the drug. This second group constitutes the...

Theories are defined as...

principles that help to organize observations and predict behaviors or events.

A psychologist studies the play behavior of young children by watching groups during recess at school. Which type of research is being used?

naturalistic observation.

To ensure other researchers can repeat their work, psychologists use...

NOT basic research technique used by Psychologists

Replication Techniques are: Description, experimentation, and correlation

If shoe size and IQ are negatively correlated, what is true?

People with small feet tent to have high IQs

Which of the following research strategies would be best for determining whether alcohol impairs memory?

Well-done surveys measure attitudes in a representative subset, or _______, of an entire group, or _______.

d. random sample; population

The number which appears most often in a set of numbers.

Generalizing from a sample to a population it is important that:

The sample is representative, it is large, and the scores have low variability.

When a difference between two groups is statistically significant, this means that

. A lopsided set of scores that includes a number of extreme or unusual values is said to be

Which of the following is the measure of central tendency that would be most affected by a few extreme scores?

Which of the following research methods does not belong with the others? case study, survey, naturalistic observation, experiment

To prevent the possibility that a placebo effect or researchers' expectations will influence a study's results, scientists employ

The double-blind procedure

In an experiment to determine the effects of attention on memory, memory is the:

Which of the following is not a characteristic of a normal curve? 

about 95 percent of all scores fall within one standard deviation on either side of the mean 

What is the procedure designed to ensure that the experimental and control groups do not differ in any way that might affect the experiment's result?

illusory correlation refers to

the perspective of a relationship between two variables that does not exist 

Generalizing from a sample to a population it is important that:

The sample is representative, it is large, and the scores have low variability.

The strengths of the relationship between two vivid events will most likely be

which type of research would allow you to determine whether students grades accurately predict later income?

dr. ross believes that principles of natural selection help explain why infants come to fear strangers about the same time they become mobile. Dr. Ross is most likely a(n)

evolutionary psychologist 

a pair of adopted children or identical twins reared in the same home are most likely to have similar...

If a fraternal twin develops schizophrenia, the likelihood of the other twin developing serious mental illness is much lower than with identical twins. this suggests that 

schizophrenia is influenced by genes 

Of the following, the best way to separate the effects of genes and environment in research is to study

Identical twins raised in different environments

Through natural selection, the traits that are most likely to be passed on to succeeding generations are those that contribute to 

which of the following is not true regarding gender and sexuality?

gender differences in sexuality are noticeable absent among gay men and lesbian women

Evolutionary psychologists would most likely attribute gender differences in attitudes toward casual sex to the fact that men have _____ than do women

greater reproductive potential

according to evolutionary psychology, men are drawn sexually to women who seem ________-, while women are also attracted to men who seem_______.

1. youthful and fertile 2. mature and affluent

Unlike _____ twins, who develop from a single fertilized egg, _____ twins develop from separate fertilized eggs.

Temperament refers to a person's characteristic

Emotional reactivity and intensity

the ability to survive and reproduce 

physiological tests reveal that anxious, inhibited infants

have high and variable heart beats 

the biological and social definition of male and female 

A molecular geneticist would be most interested in studying 

which genes influence extraversion 

research studies show that when infant rats and premature human babies are regularly touched or massaged, they 

they develop faster neurology 

Each cell of the human body has a total of how many chromosomes? 

genes direct our physical development by synthesizing 

the genome is best defined as 

the complete instructions for making an organism 

influenced by many genes acting together 

mutations are random errors in ______ replication 

casual, impulsive sex is most common among 

males with traditional masculine attitudes 

evolutionary explanations of gender differences in sexuality have been criticized for

being "after-the-fact" explanations, reinforcing male-female stereotypes, and underestimating cultural influences on sexuality

several studies of long separated identical twins have found that these twins...

have many similarities, in everything from medical histories to personalities

Adoption studies show that the personalities of adopted children...

bear more similarities to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents

chromosomes are composed of small segments of 

When the effect of one factor (such as environment) depends on another (such a heredity) we say there is a(n) _____between the two factors 

Women and men are most likely to be attracted to strongly gender-typical mates in cultures characterized by 

an evolutionary psychologist would be most interested in studying...

why most parents are so passionately devoted to their children

if chromosomes are the "chapters" of heredity, the "words" are the 

after comparing divorce rates among identical and fraternal twins, Dr. Alexander has concluded that genes do play a role. Dr. Alexander is most likely a(n)...

one of the best ways to distinguish how much genetic and environmental factors affect behavior is to compare children who have 

the same genes but different environments 

my sibling and I developed from a single fertilized egg. Who are we?

A psychologist working from the evolutionary perspective is likely to suggest that people are biologically predisposed to 

a)protect their offspring b)like sweets c)be attracted to fertile-appearing members of the opposite sex

of the relatively few genetic differences among humans, _____ are differences among population groups 

responding, to the argument that gender differences are often by-products of a culture's social and family structures, an evolutionary psychologist is most likely to point to:

our great human capacity for learning

A person whose twin has Alzheimer's disease has ___risk of sharing the disease if they are identical twins than if they are fraternal 

Which of the following is an example of an interaction? 

swimmers with certain personality traits swim fastest during competition while those with other personality traits swim fastest during solo time trials 

the fertilized egg will develop into a boy if, at conception 

the sperm contributes a Y chromosome 

stimulates growth of the male sex organs

of the following, parents are most likely to influence their children's

compared with westerners, people n communal societies, such as Japan and China

have a stronger sense of family, exhibit greater shyness toward strangers, exhibit greater concern for loyalty and social harmony 

the selection effect in peer influence refers to the tendency of children and youth to 

seek out friends with similar interests and attitudes 

Which of the following is NOT true regarding cultural diversity? 

Culture does not have a strong influence on how strictly social roles are defined 

Children who are raised by parents who discourage traditional gender typing

nevertheless organize themselves into "girl worlds" and "boy worlds" 

providing a child with a stimulating educational environment during early childhood is likely to...

prevent neural connections from degenerating

I am a rat whose brain is lighter and thinner than my litter mates'. What happened to me?

You were raised in a deprived environment

Chad, who grew up in the United States, is more likely to encourage ____ in his future children than Asian-born Hidiyaki, who is more likely to encourage _____ in his future children 

independence; emotional closeness 

Dr. Joan Goodman is studying how memory changes as people get older. She is most likely a(n) __________ psychologist

Newborns vigorously root for a nipple when

A child can be born a drug addict because:

drugs used by the mother will pass into the child's bloodstream.

Which psychological approach emphasizes one's freedom to choose his her own destiny?

The humanistic approach emphasizes a person's positive qualities, the capacity for positive growth and the freedom to choose one's destiny. Humanistic psychology begins with the existential assumptions that phenomenology is central ad that people have free will.

Which psychological perspective focuses on the study of mental processes?

Cognitive psychology is an area that focuses on the science of how people think. This branch of psychology explores a wide variety of mental processes, including how people think, use language, attend to information, and perceive their environments.

Which psychology perspective emphasizes the interaction of the brain and body and behavior?

Psychology 101.

Which approach emphasizes ways in which people receive store retrieve and process information?

Cognitive Approach Summary Behavior can be largely explained in terms of how the mind operates, i.e., the information processing approach. The mind works in a way similar to a computer: inputting, storing and retrieving data. Mediational processes occur between stimulus and response.


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