Resident dj bedeutung

Britty Paula aus dem CULTeum in Karlsruhe

10 Gründe, warum Resident-DJs die besseren Headliner sind. merkt euch das!

1. Aus Liebe – nicht des Geldes wegen
Der Resident legt all sein Herzblut in all seine Gigs. Das kann man nicht über alle Headliner sagen, die Teil eines knallharten Business sind.

2. Wundertüte
Während du bei einem Set von Adam Beyer schon recht genau weißt, was dich erwartet, ist so ein Gig des Resident-DJs eine kleine Wundertüte. Und wer hat nicht schon als kleines Kind Wundertüten geliebt? Ein musikalisches Überraschungs-Ei. Spiel, Spaß und Spannung in einem DJ.

3. Heimvorteil
Für den Resident DJ ist es ein Heimspiel. Er kennt sich mit dem Club aus. Er weiß um jeden kleinen Tick des Equipments Bescheid und lässt sich von nichts überraschen oder aus der Ruhe bringen. Er spielt seinen Heimvorteil gnadenlos aus …

4. Kennen die Crowd
… und natürlich kennt der Resident-DJ die Crowd wie niemand anderes. Er weiß, was gut geht und was eher nicht.

5. Erwartungen
Eigentlich hat der Durchschnitts-Clubbesucher keine wirklichen Erwartungen an den Resident-DJ. Er ist für den Headliner da. Und der soll gefälligst ein unfassbares, mega-monstergeiles Wahnsinns-Set abliefern. Der Resident-DJ kann dann ohne jeglichen Druck nur positiv begeistern.

6. Motivation
Wenn ein Resident-DJ vor einem Dixon auflegen darf, dann ist er selbstverständlich heißer als Frittenfett! Er hat mehr Motivation als man sich nur vorstellen kann. Das überträgt sich auf die Crowd.

7. Value for Money
Partys mit Resident DJs only sind natürlich viel günstiger als mit einem fetten Headliner. Die Musik ist dennoch geil. Also sind Resident-DJs definitiv ein besserer Value for Money.

8. Wandelbar
Der Resident-DJ bespielt die Crowd vor ganz unterschiedlichen Headlinern und muss daher sehr wandelbar sein. Er ist das Chameleon der DJ-Szene. Das macht seine Musikauswahl besonders interessant.

9. Feingefühl
Ein Resident-DJ macht ja in der Regel das Warm-up für den Headliner. Dabei muss er besonderes Feingefühl zeigen. Einen vollen Club mit fetten Beats zu versorgen und bei Laune zu halten ist keine Kunst. Die wirklich schwierige Aufgabe ist es, die wenigen Leute dort hin zu führen.

10. Gute Producer müssen keine guten DJs sein
Der Headliner ist ja in der Regel berühmt geworden, weil er ein großartiger Producer ist und einige Hits gelandet hat.
(Es gibt natürlich Ausnahmen, aber heutzutage sind die wenigsten großen DJs allein DJs und nicht selber Produzenten)
Allerdings ist jemand nicht automatisch ein guter DJ, nur weil er ein guter Producer ist.
Das könnte dich auch interessieren:
10 Gründe, warum ihr im Club feiern solltet, anstatt zu Hause
10 Techno-TV-Momente, die wir nie vergessen werden

Desperados präsentiert den Rookie des Monats:
Britty Paula (CULTeum)
Mikah (Docks/Prinzenbar)
Janzon (Lehmann Club)
Mobisch (Butan Club)

In this article we will be answering the question ‘What is a resident DJ?’, and give you some information about how to become one.

According to Wikipedia, a Disc Jockey, more commonly know by the abbreviation ‘DJ’, is someone who plays recorded music to an audience.

As we have discussed in another article, there are many types of DJ, including Radio DJs, Club DJs and Mobile DJs. While any DJ could be considered a Resident DJ, it is more common for a Club DJ to be one.

What Is A Resident DJ?

A Resident DJ performs at a venue either on a regular basis or permanently. It could be as regular as a few times a week to as little as once or twice a year. Normally, a resident DJ would hold some kind of agreement or contract with the venue which would detail the terms of their residency. This would cover both the DJ and the venue management to ensure the event/s are attended as agreed. For example, a venue would contract a resident DJ to play at their club every Friday and Saturday night throughout the year, assuming they are open each week.

Why Become A Resident DJ?

One good reason to become a resident DJ is to develop your skills and advance to the next level in your career. Having a regular slot at a club or bar is a great opportunity to practise your DJing and mixing skills.

It will also encourage you to practise in-between gigs and plan for the next one, fine-tuning your playlist.

If you are the DJ that plays every weekend at a well-known venue, you will get great exposure. The audience will get to know you and the type of music you play, the venue management may start promoting you as well as their club and you may get scouted by other, bigger and better venues. It’s also a lot easier to promote yourself, on social media and other outlets, if you are a regular as you will be able to show your followers where you play week after week.

The most obvious reason to become a resident somewhere is for the regular income. Trying to get bookings as a Mobile or Wedding DJ can be hard work, and you will have to constantly promote and market your services. As a resident, however, you could cover your bills with that one contract.

How Do DJs Get A Residency?

It’s great being a resident DJ, and we have just covered many benefits – but how do you go about getting the contract in the first place?

It is not as easy as just dropping off a mixtape to club managers and promoters and having your phone ringing the next day – you have to be more creative. First, you need to find a way to get your foot in the door;

  • Promote a party
  • Get another job in the venue
  • Offer to be the warm-up DJ for the current resident
  • Get a recommendation from a DJ friend
  • Offer to play an event for free (Charity events are good for this)

These are just some ideas. You could also utilise things you can do at home to build up a following, which can all help towards getting that gig, such as;

  • Getting an online profile – one thing you must do is set up social network profiles for your DJ alias
  • Post regularly – Upload images, videos and mixtapes of you at your best, regularly. Get your followers to share your content
  • Record mixtapes – You should be practising already – always record your sets and upload the best ones to well-known platforms like Soundcloud and Mixcloud
  • Perform live sets – Set up your equipment at home and stream a live set which you can promote

You may find that a club manager/promoter asks you to ‘audition’ or play one event as a test. Don’t panic! Be yourself. Just make sure you are well prepared for it. Plan your set, have a backup plan, practice the whole set at least a couple of times. Record and listen to it to make sure you’re happy with how it sounds.

More importantly, find out what they are looking for. Is there a particular type of music you should play? Many venues would expect you to play just 1-2 minutes of each track before mixing in the next.

How Much Does A Resident DJ Make?

Based on an average-sized nightclub in a typical city in the Us or the UK, a DJ should earn around $250-$300 per night, for a 4-hour set. This can vary depending on a different play-time, larger/smaller venue and profile of the DJ.

A warm-up DJ could earn slightly less than the main resident, as might the Dj that plays the last hour into the early morning.

Another factor that could determine how much a resident DJ earns is whether they play a fixed genre – for example, a House or R&B DJ – or an open-format DJ, who can play music from a range of genres.

I would be looking for anything between $50-$100 per hour.

What Is A Resident DJ? - Final Thoughts

Hopefully, by now you have some knowledge on the question ‘What is a resident DJ’. It certainly has many pros, and a few cons, if any. But that is mainly down to your individual situation.

If you are starting out on your DJ career I would recommend planning ahead and deciding what type of DJ you want to be before you limit yourself to one specific area.

There is quite a bit of effort involved in getting established, particularly as a resident, but that is true of anything worth having.

Welche DJ Arten gibt es?

DJs spezieller Musikrichtungen..
DJs des Turntablism und Hip-Hop..

Wie wird man Resident DJ?

Das entscheidende Kriterium, um einen Resident DJ von einem Booking DJ zu unterscheiden ist die regelmäßige Tätigkeit am gleichen Veranstaltungsort. Sonst würde ja bereits ein Gastauftritt pro Jahr zum Resident DJ genügen.

Wer war der erste DJ der Welt?

Heinrich war der erste DJ der Welt - und Kampfname von Klaus Quirini. Nicht nur die Stammgäste im Scotch Klub kannten ihn, sondern auch Promis, Stars und Sternchen. Denn in der Aachener "Jockey Tanz Bar" traf sich bald die Haute Volée der Unterhaltungsbranche.

Was bedeutet DJ auf Deutsch?

DJ. Bedeutungen: [1] Discjockey, Diskjockey.


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