Public education in Texas gets the majority of its funding from which two sources Quizlet

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Terms in this set (77)

why public finance matters

affects cost of going to college. tuition skyrocketed in 1st decade of 21st century.
higher education is expensive in tx.
tuition and fees for 4 year schools in tx rose over 300% 1990-2015

tx does not have state income tax


5 broad categories for tx budget

general revenues fund budget
general revenue dedicated funds budget
federal funds budget
other funds budget
all fund budget

general revenues fund budget

non dedicated funds: functions as state's primary operating fund

general revenue dedicated funds budget

dedicated funds for specific purpose

federal funds budget

grants, payments, and reimbursements from federal gov.

other funds budget

state highway fund, trust funds, and some other revenue

all funds budget

all spending that goes through agencies

tx state budget

huge amts. of $$$$
2016-17 budget:
77 billion for health and human services
78 for education (top of the list)
majority of funds go towards: health and human services, and education.

constitution mandates a balanced budget.

spending and revenue in tx

"low service, low tax"

trends: spends less than other states. # of state workers is smaller than in other states. ranks high when compared to other sites on the per capita federal dollars flowing into the state

defunding higher education: what are the effects on college enrollment? video

government isn't giving enough money to colleges anymore. colleges need to revoker funds lost. colleges raise tuition due to this.

he talk about the benefits of higher education.

proposes 4 things: invest more in colleges. spend more efficiently. provide other ways to help families pay for college. stop cutting the funds.

revenue in tx: taxes

taxes are important. texans pay $44.97 for every $1,000 of personal income.
tx is one of 7 states w/ no state income tax.
high property taxes.

sales tax = 8.25%
oil and gas: tax varies

regressive tax

type of tax where the burden falls more heavily on lower income people

ex: sales tax

progressive tax

type of tax where the tax burden falls more heavily on upper income individuals

ex: state income tax

few politicians support income tax in tx.

biggest source of revenue in tx?

sales tax

history w/ state income tax

unpopular w/ texans.
few politicians support it.
blue-ribbon panel created to look into new sources of revenue.

texans ratified constitutional amendment required any personal income tax to be approved by voters

other state revenue

2nd largest source of revenue for tx = federal gov.

federal funds account for 34% of total state revenue

tobaccos settlement (1998)

tobacco companies pay tx 17.3 billion over the next 25 years

tx constitution and the budget

legislature writes 2yr budget and meets every 2 yrs. = little time to analyze budget

agencies must project 2 yrs out.

constraints on the budget!!!!

pay as you go limit: state maintain balanced budget . bills that require money must be approved by comptroller.

1% of tx budget spent on welfare.

limits on Amt. of tx debt: cannot exceed 5% of state revenue

budgetary process

tx has "dual budget" system: shred by governor's office, gob, and lbb.

2 stage process: 1)development of draft budget by LBB.
2) appropriation bills make their way though committee process

what is public policy?

outputs of gov. institutions.
goals of gov. backed by incentives and sanctions.

why does policy making matter?

duty of state. gov. may contribute funds.
main policy issues: immigration and education

policy making process

1) problem identification
2)Policy formulation

1) Problem identification

identify problem. ex: problem of poverty.

2) Policy formulation

ideas becomes clarified. strategies are developed

3) implementation

policy put into effect

4) evaluation

evaluated for effectiveness

Possible 5) legitimation

policy is established and recognized as legal and constitutional


goals and the time of achieving them


maximizing outpost of gov. w/ minimum resources

factors that work against rationality

governments work incrementally.
policy maker's may have bounded rationality.

bounded rationality

idea in policy making that decision makers may seek satisfactory solutions to problems that are not necessarily optimal or efficient

even though in theory, we have a dual budget system in tx. in practice who is primarily the main player in the budget process?

the legislator

there is one position in government who is active in the budget process?



expensive and complex.
largest school district: HISD
issues: expenditure per pupil, high % of economically disadvantaged students, dropout rate

Brown v. Board of Education (1954) ruled: segregation in schools violated equal protection clause of 24th amendment

de facto segregation remains (segregation that occurs naturally by cultural clustering)

glimmer-aikin law

(1949) framework for tx education.
allowed for more equality in school facilities and curriculum.
school is funded through property tax. but this did not create equal funding for tx schools

san antonio v. rodriguez (1973)

case: constitutionality of using property taxes to fund public school.
financing public schools via property tax was unfair because the value of property was different from each school district

found: supreme court ruled that funding public schools via property tax did not violate the 14th amendment!!!!!!!!!

edgewood idd v. kirby (1989)

case: whether funding public schools through property taxes fulfilled tx state constitutions provisions

tx supreme court held that the funding system was in violation of state constitution.

U.S. supreme court ruled against
tx supreme court ruled for because in tx constitution it guarantees us education

legislature's response to funding

various funding plans.
"robin hood plan" - funds from rich ----> poor districts

tx education reform

controversy: testing accountability, school choice, assessment standards, school accountability

education policy in a new era

teacher low salary, low test scores.

advocates: vouchers, charter schools, spend more money


increase competition and choice


private companies that have contract w. government to provide education services

criticisms of vouchers

encourage middle/upper class students to leave poor students in low funded schools

criticism of charter schools

drain money from public schools

welfare policy in tx

(how tx can provide for poor)
welfare spending limit cannot exceed 1% of the budget.

poverty defined: do not have meant to meat their basic needs

2014, 17.4 percent lived below poverty line

The new deal era

FDR New Deal program: 1930's. stimulate economy & provide relief to victims of great depression.

social security act of 1935: welfare policy ------> aid to families with dependent children (AFDC)

Result of New deal programs: tx created department of public welfare 1939

welfare policy in tx: 1960's

established medicaid: financing medical services to low income people.

"War on poverty": expanded social service programs and federal control on welfare programs

tx dpt. of public welfare established (later called health and human services commission)

Bonus: Difference between medicare and medicaid?

medicare: old people
medicaid: low income

welfare policy in tx: 1970's

supplemental security income (SSI) established: 1972 welfare program provides assistance to low income elderly and disabled individuals.

participation rates exploded in this time.

welfare rolls continue to rise

welfare policy in tx: 1990's

suspected: created a class that depended on welfare.

found: quarter of welfare recipients 1993 were long term

ex: education & job training programs. medical benefits limitations 36 months w/ 5 yr ban before reapplying

1996 federal personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act (PRWORA): gave states discretion in administering these programs.

programs combined -----> temporary assistance for needy families (TANF)

welfare policy in tx: evaluating reforms

2 evaluations: 1) # of people receiving welfare 2) degree to which reforms take people off welfare

first measure: reforms success. decline of people on welfare

second measure: mixed results on reform. caseloads on TANF fallen, child poverty on the rise

medicaid and health care policy

poor people. costly program for the state.

expected total of $56.2 billion of funds will go towards medicaid programs in tx

affordable care act

aka obamacare

requires individuals to obtain health insurance or pay a penalty. expands medicaid.
states challenged ACA.

H20 policy

59% tx water comes form aquifers (groundwater) 40% surface water

water consumption increase by 82% in 2060

we use a ton of chlorine to clean our water.


rock that contains groundwater


large natural/artificial lake

able to capture and store waters. but difficult to build

water laws

law of capture: first person to capture the water by pumping it out of the ground owns the water - 1904

water policy: planning authorities

tx water development board (TWDB) is primary water planning and financing agency in tx.

TWDB duties

support development of 16 regional water plans.
develop state water plan every 5 yrs.
provide financial assistance to local governments.
administer tx water bank and tx water trust

ewdwards aquifer v. burrell day and joel mcdonald (2012) supreme court case

2 farmers applied to the edwards aquifer authority to pump water for their farm land.
argued they had right to water.
granted them some permission.
tx supreme court ruled in favor of day and mcdonald.

state water implementation fund for tx (SWIFT)

voters approved amendment creating $2 billion water fund.

money came from rainy day fund and transferred to SWIFT

emphasis on water conservation and fund more projects



constitutional facts that affect the budget

pay-as-you-go-limit: must maintain balanced budget

welfare spending limit: 1% spending for needy children.

limits on amt. of debt.

sources of revenue in tx

taxes - sales tax is the highest

low tax low service state

no income tax

high property tax

federal government is 2nd source of revenue

stages of public policy (4)

problem identification
policy information
policy evaluation.....

primary complication in tx water policy

40% is surface water 60% is aquifer (underground).

ownership of the water!!!!!

san antonio v. rodriguez 1973

equal funding in public schools in tx?

U.S. supreme court ruled that it didn't violate the equal protection clause that some schools get less funding in poorer areas.

SWIFT state water implementation fund for tx

the state put aside $2 billion water fund for water conservation projects. during droughts, rural areas etc.

tx welfare reforms

1960's - great depression. welfare expanding. administer federal funds from medicaid

1970's - supplementary security income. lots and lots of people were part of welfare programs.

1990's - some reform. people suspected a defendant class. help people to become self sufficient. clinton signed (PRWORA) personal responsibility and work opportunity reconciliation act combined into TANF (temporary assistance to needy families)

factors that work against policy making

slide: goal of rationality in policy making

bounded rationality: decision makers may seek satisfactory solutions to problems that are optimal/efficient

tx dual budget system

governor's office and state legislature work with the budget. the state legislature has the most influence

edgewood isd v. kirby (1989)

tx supreme court: equal opportunity for education. said unequal funding violates the tx state constitution

SCOPE select committee on public education

public education system reform.

primary recommendation: no pass, no play rule in sports.

140 recommendations for reform such as higher pay. incentives for teachers to become experts in their area

tx groundwater act

created water districts to manage groundwater. able to protect groundwater supply

glimmer akin laws

the need for consistency with public education in tx. curriculum was not the same or centralized authority. it created an umbrella organization that would help create equality in schools, same school terms, teacher salary, textbook. known today as teacher school board. a.k.a. TEXAS BOARD OF EDUCATION

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